h1. Google Url Shortener.
- Overview
- Installation
- Usage
- Specs
- Bugs
h2. Overview
Google URL Shortener is a library to interact with the goo.gl URL shortener API. It provides:
- A CLI to easily shorten/expand URL's
- A clean API to handle shortening/expanding URL's in an application
- An interface to view analytical data for any short URL
h2. Installation
The project is hosted on rubygems.org. Getting it is simple:
pre. gem install google_url_shortener
h2. Usage
h3. Setup
You need to provide an API key (get one "here":https://code.google.com/apis/console) to use the URL shortener service. To do this set the @api_key@:
pre. Google::UrlShortener::Base.api_key = "KEY"
You can also turn on verbose logging to inspect requests made by the library. Behind the scenes the library uses "RestClient":https://github.com/archiloque/rest-client to call the API, therefore whatever you set here will be used as the RestClient log (@RestClient.log@).
pre. Google::UrlShortener::Base.log = $stdout
h3. Shorten/Expand a URL
To shorten a URL:
pre. url = Google::UrlShortener::Url.new(:long_url => "http://blog.josh-nesbitt.net")
url.shorten! # => http://goo.gl/r5akx
Or the shorthand form:
pre. Google::UrlShortener.shorten!("http://blog.josh-nesbitt.net") # => http://goo.gl/r5akx
To expand a URL:
pre. url = Google::UrlShortener::Url.new(:short_url => "http://goo.gl/r5akx")
url.expand! # => http://blog.josh-nesbitt.net
Or the shorthand form:
pre. Google::UrlShortener.expand!("http://goo.gl/r5akx") # => http://blog.josh-nesbitt.net
h3. Getting more data from an expanded URL
More data is available from a URL once it's been expanded:
pre. url = Google::UrlShortener::Url.new(:short_url => "http://goo.gl/r5akx")
url.expand! # => http://blog.josh-nesbitt.net
url.created_at # => 2011-01-11
url.created_at.year # => 2011
url.analytics # => Google::UrlShortener::Analytics
url.analytics.all # => Google::UrlShortener::AnalyticsGroup
url.analytics.all.browsers # => { "Chrome" => 1 }
url.analytics.all.countries # => { "GB" => 1 }
url.analytics.all.platforms # => { "Macintosh" => 1 }
url.analytics.all.referrers # => { "Unknown/empty" => 1 }
url.analytics.all.long_url_clicks # => 23
url.analytics.all.short_url_clicks # => 3
Available scopes are:
pre. all
E.g: @url.analytics.month@.
h2. CLI
h3. Basic usage
There is also a CLI wrapper for Google URL Shortener. Firstly, you need to tell the CLI your API key (get one "here":https://code.google.com/apis/console):
pre. googl install AIzaSyByl4x5CMcnm2rNWafmaUz5sljmzMWIgZ0
This saves your API key in @~/.googl@.
To shorten a URL:
pre. googl shorten http://example.com
googl s http://example.com
To expand a URL:
pre. googl expand http://goo.gl/1234
googl e http://goo.gl/1234
You can also get analytical data from a short URL using the @-a@ or @--analytics@ flag:
pre. googl expand http://goo.gl/1234 -a
h3. Tips
You can use the CLI alongside something like @pbcopy@ to make shortening URL's crazy fast:
pre. googl shorten http://example.com | pbcopy
Also use a bash function to simplify it further:
pre. shorten (){
googl shorten $1 | pbcopy
echo "$1 shortened and copied to clipboard"
Which can be used as:
pre. shorten http://example.com
h2. Specs
Run the specs with the following command:
pre. bundle exec rspec --require ./spec/spec_helper.rb --format nested --color spec/lib/.rb spec/lib/**/.rb
h2. Bugs
If you have any problems with Google Url Shortener, please file an "issue":http://github.com/joshnesbitt/google_url_shortener/issues.
h2. Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a
future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.
(if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
h2. Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010 Josh Nesbitt josh@josh-nesbitt.net. See LICENSE for details.