A libcsv-based CSV parser for Ruby
Xsv is a fast, lightweight parser for Office Open XML spreadsheet files (commonly known as Excel or .xlsx files). It strives to be minimal in the sense that it provides nothing a CSV reader wouldn't, meaning it only deals with minimal formatting and cannot create or modify documents.
Ruby CSV parser gem, written in pure C.
Fastest standard CSV parser for MRI Ruby and JRuby
A fast Ragel-based CSV parser, compatible with Ruby's CSV
JapaneseAddressParser is a Ruby gem that parses Japanese address. To detect the address, it uses geolonia/japanese-addresses (https://github.com/geolonia/japanese-addresses) CSV data.
redshift_csv_file is a Redshift-specific CSV file parser. Amazon Redshift generates non-standard CSV format, special handling is required.
Yet another CSV parser with CSV header validation, based on CCSV (http://github.com/fauna/ccsv/).
CSV Sniffer is a set of functions that allow a user detect the delimiter character in use, whether the values in the CSV file are quote enclosed, whether the file contains a header, and more. The library is intended to detect information to be used as configuration inputs for CSV parsers.
An enumerating, streaming CSV parser that has ORM-like features.
A parser for CREMUL payment transaction files. It parses the CREMUL file and creates a Ruby object structure corresponding to the elements in the file. Also supports converting a CREMUL fil to a CSV file format.
CSV parser supporting both RFC 4180 double double-quote and unix-style backslash escaping
This fast CSV parser
A pure-C CSV parser for HOPSA. Based on Ccsv project. Works fast and efficient. Based on ccsv by Evan Weaver
Parses Guessable Csv files read by other file input plugins.
Provides an easy way to manage a huge amount of domain specific string2value conversions. Mostly useful to convert legacy CSV-Fields from strings with domain specific rules
Organize notes into directories based on the note's tag. Merge notes into a csv file.
Parses and unparses between Tolq and csv to be used with the Tolq api
Ruby CSV parser gem, written in pure C.
A simple CSV(and TSV) parser to convert line into the Hash using header info.
CSV parser with header plugin for Fluent
Verification-purpose Embulk CSV guess plugin to compare the old Ruby-based one and the new Java-based one (not for your production use; note that 'decoders' and 'parser' sections in your configuration can be logged even if they contain confidential information)
Estonian SEB and Swedbank CSV statement parser
Thin wrapper around Ruby's stdlib CSV parser that adds typed csv support.
Gem intended to analize and deduct data from CSV, XLS, XLSX, files
csv, one of the standard libraries, in Ruby 2.6 has many improvements: * Default gemified * Faster CSV parsing * Faster CSV writing * Clean new CSV parser implementation for further improvements * Reconstructed test suites for further improvements * Benchmark suites for further performance improvements These improvements are done without breaking backward compatibility. This talk describes details of these improvements by a new csv maintainer.
Parser and accessor for order CSV file in ColorMe.
comic market catalog rom data csv and circle cut parser
High-level CSV parser
CSV parser with advanced error reporting
Gem for parsing monthly statements from the Fio Bank CZ. Supports CSV, GPC and email format.
This Embulk plugin extends CSV parser to define columns based on database meta data.
# EventReporter EventReporter is a CSV parser and sorter. you can load a CSV and then search it. ## Installation $ gem install the_only_event_reporter_ever $ gem list event_reporter -d ## Usage After installation run: $ event_reporter Then Type 'load <filename>' to load records from a CSV $ Load event_attendees.csv Try these commands $ Find first_name sarah $Queue Print $Queue Save to <filename> ### Saving the queue accepts extensions JSON, XML, TXT, CSV. ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request
Parse csv from http://www.data.jma.go.jp/gmd/risk/obsdl/index.php
Parses csv files with schema file read by other file input plugins.
Parse 'bullet' log files and converts them into CSV format for simplified analysis and storage.
Hadoop CSV format parser.
Parses Csv With Default Value files read by other file input plugins.
Parses Header Based Csv files read by other file input plugins.
CLI-driven tool that parses DNS Zone files in two ways; Reusable Ruby objects, and outputs a CSV file.
Ruby CSV parser gem, written in pure C.
OSV is a high-performance CSV parser for Ruby, implemented in Rust. It wraps BurntSushi's csv-rs crate to provide fast CSV parsing with support for both hash-based and array-based row formats. Features include: Flexible input sources (file paths, gzipped files, IO objects, strings), configurable parsing options (headers, separators, quote chars), support for both hash and array output formats, whitespace trimming options, strict or flexible parsing modes, and is significantly faster than Ruby's standard CSV library.