Transforms EPS and SVG vectors into icon webfonts. Generates compatible CSS for Toadstool framework
Map Icons for Rails Asset Pipeline
Extract metadata from iOS packages such as the app name, the app icons or the binary file. This is a diverging fork of
Rack middleware to 404 touch icon requests from iOS devices
motion-smarticons lets you overlay informational text like commit hash and version number on top of RubyMotion app icons
Upload icon, manifest.json and your app to SFTP server and notify users on updaet using a single command
A helper to easy add healthicon SVG icons to you application
Generates Apple Touch Icons or a favicon given a square image.
A gem that allows you to use the FluentUI Icons library by Microsoft in your Ruby/Ruby on Rails applications.
Add social media icons to your Rails 3 using CSS sprites or images
Builds lists of Icons and labels
Bundled Faenza Icons are copyright by their respective owners and redistributed under the terms of the GPL license.
Rails plugin for Google Material Design Icons
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
Dual monitor manager for Linux with GTK based user interface represented by system tray icon's context menu.
Batch icons as a webfont for rails
A package that distributes Wilde icons in a gem
Dynamic icons which represent different kinds of graphs.
Jekyll plugin to generate Academicons icons and include them dynamically in your site.
A icon cut iconcutter verification tool
Teardown tool for mobile app(ipa, apk and aab files), analysis metedata like version, name, icon etc.
Icons for AnyPresence products.
Fugue icon shadowless set for use with Rails 3.1 and 3.2 assets
Compass plugin for icons
motion-assets leverages the power of ImageMagick to generate all icon sizes for your app.
drg_material_icons provides Google Material icon web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engine for use with the asset pipeline.
Fixup a bug that icon can't display
Reusable components and Rails helpers on top of materialize-css and material-design-icons.
Simple helpers for common icon font sets.
Helps include the Symbolset icon font family
Google Material Icons font assets and form helpers
This gem aims to improve support for Growl notification by ZenTest's autotest. It comes with a nice colored Ruby icon set and - for now - supports Cucumber by means of a workaround.
Zocial Buttons support a lot of social icons. This gem is used for seamless integration of those icons.
A tool to extract svg icons from icon fonts and generate helpers to render the icons.
Provides basic assets for Cielo form inputs, such as credit card flag icons; a helper method that generate inputs and labels for credit card selection; and sass styles that makes flag icons behave as radio buttons.
Elusive Icons, SASS version, with assets pipeline, for Rails 3.1+
Easily fetch the list of all font awesome icons via there class or unicode
Store SVG and generate your web font icons with Iconly.
Wrapper for the link_to method to include icons.
I like weather-icons and I like rails.
Iconify is a utility program to turn a command line into a status icon.
Cosell is a minimal implementation of the 'Announcements' observer framework, originally introduced in VisualWorks Smalltalk as a replacement for 'triggerEvent' style of event notification. Instead of triggering events identified by symbols, the events are first class objects. For rationale, please see the original blog posting by Vassili Bykov (refs below). *Lineage* This implementation is loosely based on Lukas Renggli's tweak of Colin Putney's Squeak implementation of Vassili Bykov's Announcements framework for VisualWorks Smalltalk. (Specifically Announcements-lr.13.mcz was used as a reference.) Liberties where taken during the port. In particular, the Announcer class in the Smalltalk version is implemented here as a ruby module which can be mixed into any object. Also, in this implementation any object (or class) can serve as an announcement, so no Announcement class is implemented. The ability to queue announcements in the background is built into cosell. <b>The Name 'Cosell'</b> I chose the name 'Cosell' because a. Howard Cosell is an iconic event announcer b. Googling for 'Ruby Announcements', 'Ruby Event Announcements', etc., produced scads of results about ruby meetups, conferences, and the like. So I went with something a bit cryptic but hopefully a little more searchable. *See* * {Original blog posting describing Announcments by Vassili Bykov}[] * {More info on the Announcements Framework}[]
Utility for using icon sets in Sass projects
Mode Set icon font.
One codebase. Multiple Google Play Store submission APKs with different buildConfigs, package names, icons, etc.
Jekyll plugin to render your social networks icons
This gem aims to improve support for Growl notification by ZenTest's autotest. It comes with a nice colored Ruby icon set and - for now - supports Cucumber by means of a workaround.
Helper for add social share feature in your Rails app. Weibo, QQ ...
Generate an icon of overlapping circles derived from a hash.
Provides the Uriji-Icons web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engine for use with the asset pipeline.