A thin wrapper around the iContact API
[ Icons ] Simple, scalable vector icon font for websites, apps.
ActsAsIcontact connects Ruby applications with the iContact e-mail marketing service using the iContact API v2.0. Building on the RestClient gem, it offers two significant feature sets: * Simple, consistent access to all resources in the iContact API; and * Automatic synchronizing between ActiveRecord models and iContact contact lists for Rails applications.
Scavenger takes a directory full of SVG files and turns them into a usable icon sprite sheet
[ Icons ] Simple, scalable vector icon font for websites, apps.
A collection of tasty CSS-animated hamburger icons. Includes a modular, customizable Sass library so you can cook up your own hamburger.
Finds favorites icons for web pages on the world wide internets by checking the HTML head or the standard favicon location. Then, do with them what you will.
Add open-iconic svg icons to your rails application with ease.
Provides the Themify Icons web fonts for use in your Rails application.
Generates icons based and apply masks to them easily.
This is a hacked-together version of the gem 'bootstrap-sass', with the generators from 'twitter-bootstrap-rails', has also replaced the Glyphicons icons with [Font Awesome](http://fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome/), since svg icons are resizable and colorable and such. There are also some custom scss helpers in a folder called 'custom_partials', which are just a byproduct of trying not to hate css. The nature of those scss helpers are very similar in look and feel to the bourbon gem by thoughtbot, which seems more complete than my own (to be honest) but when I had started accumulating helpers, I was not aware of the gem. Feel free to muck around with this as you please.
'flag-icon-sass' gem allows you to integrate sass version of https://github.com/lipis/flag-icon-css into your Ruby on Rails project.
FAMFAMFAM flag icons
IcoMoon is an icon set rendered by css font-face way. This gem integrates IcoMoon with Rails asset pipeline for easy of use.
Jekyll plugin to generate FA SVG icon and include them dynamically in your site.
Reads metadata from iPhone/iPad IPA files, such as title, version, and icon files.
High quality icons that are easy to use with rails assets pipeline.
Gives face to your text.
iOS Build Tool CLI - Increment version • Decorate icon • Build app • Run unit tests • Create ipa artefact
Use heroicons.com in your Rails projects.
Zocial CSS3 button set and vector icons with @font-face
This is the theme for Sealicon valley
Easily replace boring Rails text links with sexy icons. Provides handy icon_to helpers.
ZURB's foundation icons
IconBanner adds custom nice-looking banners over your mobile app icons
Adds a new tag called `icon`.
A tool aiming to intuitively enable designers with basic programming experience such as front-end designer/developers to create 2D vector graphics such as designs, icons and art using expressive code rather than common GUI applications for a faster workflow.
A collection of authentication provider icons for Rails 3.1/Sprockets
find favicon url
Icons used in Redcar
GLYPHICONS Halflings, extracted from Twitter Bootstrap and customized for use with Sass @extend and Rails.
Read images from Apple Icon Image format (ICNS) files.
Welcome to the Intrinio API! Through our Financial Data Marketplace, we offer a wide selection of financial data feed APIs sourced by our own proprietary processes as well as from many data vendors. For a complete API request / response reference please view the [Intrinio API documentation](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/api_v2). If you need additional help in using the API, please visit the [Intrinio website](https://intrinio.com) and click on the chat icon in the lower right corner.
Material Components for the web (MDC-Web) with Material Icons and Roboto font for Sass applications
Fugue icon set for use with Rails 3.1 and 3.2 assets
A simple helper for Font-Awesome 5 using raw SVG and SVG-with-JS
Meu Rio UI is a Rails engine that provides user interface components like buttons, fields, icons, fonts, and more patterns for Meu Rio organization
Ruby on Rails view helper method for rendering beautiful feather icons.
A helper module for using FontAwesome icons in Rails.
Pupu is a plugin system for media like mootools plugins, icon sets etc. It knows dependencies and it has CLI interface, so it's really easy to bundle such pupus into your app.
Adds version and git information overlays to your iOS app icon
Icon web font for Rails (used in pplog.net) https://taea.github.io/inuicon/demo.html
Applies changes to plists and app icons inside a compiled IPA or xcarchive
Generate repeatable random icons from any string
CapistranoMulticonfigParallel is a simple ruby implementation that allows you to run multiple tasks in parallel for single or multiple applications and uses websockets for inter-process communication and has a interactive menu
ActsAsIcontact connects Ruby applications with the iContact e-mail marketing service using the iContact API v2.0. Building on the RestClient gem, it offers two significant feature sets: * Simple, consistent access to all resources in the iContact API; and * Automatic synchronizing between ActiveRecord models and iContact contact lists for Rails applications.
RubyMotion wrapper around FontAwesomeKit
FC Webicons Set is a set of resolution-independent social icons for use on your website. They use feature-detected SVG graphics (with PNG fallbacks) to display the icons over their appropriate negatively indented anchor titles. (Icons are CC-Attrib; attrib to http://fairheadcreative.com; thanks!)
One codebase. Multiple App Store submission targets with different icons, launch images, info.plist keys, etc.
Web font for tmix