A set of methods for processing keyboard input in character, line and multiline modes. It maintains history of entered input with an ability to recall and re-edit those inputs. It lets you register to listen for keystroke events and trigger custom key events yourself.
jQuery Hotkeys is a plug-in that lets you easily add and remove handlers for keyboard events anywhere in your code supporting almost any key combination.
Fusuma::Plugin::Sendkey emulate keyboard events with evdev
Gnome Terminal support for Consular without emulation keyboard events
This ruby library makes it easy to read events from linux event devices. These device files, residing in /dev/input/ get created for a number of different human input devices like keyboards, mice, touchscreens, joysticks and the like.
A ruck shreduler which runs in an OpenGL callback, with frame, keyboard, and mouse events.
A set of methods for processing keyboard input in character, line and multiline modes. It maintains history of entered input with an ability to recall and re-edit those inputs. It lets you register to listen for keystroke events and trigger custom key events yourself.
Tests the rpi_pinin_msgout gem by simulating the triggering of a pin high event using the keyboard's spacebar key.
A DSL for easily defining keyboard events for a Gosu::Window
This plugin empowers users to manipulate keyboard events and convert them into virtual input devices. It is designed to integrate seamlessly with other Fusuma plugins, thus enabling users to construct sophisticated input configurations and achieve distinctive functionalities. A key feature is the dynamic alteration of remapping layers within the Fusuma process, thereby enabling users to adapt their keyboard inputs to suit specific tasks or applications.
Gnome Terminal support for Consular without emulation keyboard events
Cross-platform solution for simulating keyboard events