Super customized checkboxes and radio buttons with jquery & zepto
The following custom Simple Form inputs are available : boolean, collection_check_boxes, collection_radio_buttons, color, date_time, file, image, numeric, redactor, selectize and slider
Spree Variant Options is a simple spree extension that replaces the radio-button variant selection with groups of option types and values. Please see the documentation for more details.
Works with postgres's hstore data type and Rails to let you display/store a collection of radio buttons in an hstore field
customize.css provides you the base styling for your application and gives you ability to easily customize the look of your app. The main advantage of this lib that you don't have to overwrite styles you can just set it. Another advantage is that all inputs, checkboxes, radio buttons, select boxes have the same look and behaviour in all browsers. Also you can change the look of select or checkbox by setting several `sass` maps. This is the engine that supports themes so developers are able to share themes between each other.
Provides basic assets for Cielo form inputs, such as credit card flag icons; a helper method that generate inputs and labels for credit card selection; and sass styles that makes flag icons behave as radio buttons.
Merb_helpers_monkey is a Merb plug-in to extend the followng helper methods defined in merb-helpers: * radio_button() - to take boolean value as :checked option. * field_for(), form_for(), fieldset_for() - to take new :index_by option.
This gem replaces standard checkboxes and radio buttons with Font Awesome characters making them look the same across all browsers.
Merb_helpers_monkey is a Merb plug-in to extend the followng helper methods defined in merb-helpers: * radio_button() - to take boolean value as :checked option. * field_for(), form_for(), fieldset_for() - to take new :index_by option.
Select tag using radio buttons, with provision for typing in custom "Other" value. Requires jQuery and Bootstrap 3.x