A Rails plugin encapsulating autocompletion of HTML text input using Solr and Sunspot
Simple cross browser detection of text changes for input and textarea elements using a jQuery custom event plugin by ZURB.
Human Query Language for full text search engines. Provides a lenient parser and associated tools for a self-contained and search-engine agnostic query language suitable for use by end users. Lenient in that is will produce a parse tree for any input, given a default operator and by generally ignoring any unparsable syntax. Suitable for use by end users in that it supports potentially several operator variants and a query language not unlike some major web search and other commercial search engines.
Make text boxes in your web apps handle human inputs like '1+2' or 'next tuesday'
BestInPlaceMongoid is a fork of BestInPlace jQuery script and a Rails 3 helper that provide the method best_in_place to display any object field easily editable for the user by just clicking on it. It supports input data, text data, boolean data and custom dropdown data. It works with RESTful controllers.
= input_chronic A simple Rack middleware that parses a dates using Chronic, and returns the result in a standardized manner. The idea is to use this to verify the input in date input fields using AJAX, to provide immediate feedback to the user. == Usage Include "input_chronic" in your middleware stack. In Rails, this is done in environment.rb config.gem 'bjornblomqvist-input_chronic', :lib => 'input_chronic', :source => 'http://gems.github.com' config.middleware.use "input_chronic" This will catch requests to /gems.github.com/bjornblomqvist/input_chronic. Use GET requests and provide a parameter 'date' or 'datetime'. The value will be parsed by Chronic and returned formatted as 2009-01-01 or 2009-01-01 12:45, depending on the parameter name. Don't forget to add the javascript found at /javascript/input_chronic.js This is also implemented by catching the request before it reaches rails. To use this on a text input add the class chronic_date or chronic_datetime <input type="text" class="chronic_datetime" /> == Copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Erik Hansson, Bjorn Blomqvist. See LICENSE for details.
A method for hindering input capabilities within a textarea or text input. Attempts to disallow text selection, cursor placement, and characters outside of the "normal" ASCII print character range.
It's a string searching gem that locates elements of a finite set of strings (the "dictionary") within an input text.
Simple algorithm to find and return list of anagrams from your text input.
Program finds n greatest numbers from the input text.
Reads text data from the input stream. Upon completion of the input, displays the largest integers.
Reading text data and outputting the n largest integers encountered in the received text data. When input is complete, prints the n largest integers.
Input a text of your own choosing, and fake data will be created that mimics that text
Suggest Keywords - Gives possible keywords/tags from a text input.
Simple algorithm to find and return list of palindromes from your text input.
# Noty A bookmarks and snippets manager, stores bookmarks as YAML files and nippets as plain text, utilizes "Ag silver searcher" fast search to search your files when you need to open or copy a snippet, that makes its searching capabilities so enourmouse as it's inherited from AG. Noty is smart, so it react depending on your input, so provide URL and it'll create a bookmark, provide some text and it will search for it in all bookmarks and snippets, if it didn't find any files it will prompt you to create a snippet. Some common usages could be, bookmarking URL, save snippet of text you liked, save some canned responses and quickly copy it when needed. ## Installation ```bash $ gem install noty ``` ## Requirements 1. ag : silver searcher https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher ### For Linux: 1. xsel : could be found on most distros official repositories 2. xdg-open : should be installed with most opendesktop compatible desktop environments ## Environment by default Noty saves your files in `~/.notes` if you want to change that path, define an Environment variable in your shell init file `.bashrc` or `.zshrc` ```bash export NOTES_PATH=/path/to/your/notes/dir ``` ## Usage Snippets and bookmarks manager. **Usage:** ```bash noty inputs ``` **Input types:** 1. **url:** e.g "http://www.example.com", add URL as a bookmark file 2. **keyword:** search bookmarks and perform action on it, a single word of multiple words or regex, it is passed to "ag silver searcher" 3. **snippet text:** any multiword text, it will search first if no files contain this text you'll be asked if you want to create a snippet for it ## Examples Add a bookmark ```bash noty https://www.youtube.com ``` Search for bookmark ```bash noty youtube ``` Add a snippet text ```bash noty this is a long text that I need to save in my stash ``` Search for a snippet (same as searching for bookmarks) ```bash noty need ``` ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/blazeeboy/noty. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
CrestInPlace is a jQuery script and a Rails 3 helper that provide the method best_in_place to display any object field easily editable for the user by just clicking on it. It supports input data, text data, boolean data and custom dropdown data. It works with RESTful controllers.
Fluentd input plugin which read text files and emit each line as it is.
Autoshrink input text to fit into the field
Allows the user to fillout a JSON database field by providing text inputs for keys and values along with Add and Remove controls. Currently requires jQuery.
Checks if a word exists in text dictionary. If it does not, this gem will attempt to correct the input by changing repeated characters and case.
Used with the h2g_ajaxchat gem to facilitate voice input to text.
Given some input text and a set of rules/words, determine if the input contains foul language.
Transpose rows of text, either from standard input or from files, into a configurable number of columns with a configurable separator character.
A simple library written in Ruby language to detect spam built around bogofilter executable. The supported input format is the same as in bogofilter - text, EML, mbox.
With this gem you will can parse text file easily, input a txt file and output a formated hash.
Uses a Wiimote to input morse code and publish the translated text to an SPS broker.
Parsing URI and tokenize URI segments. Scan input text and extract URIs to array. Based on Ragel FSM compiler.
Reads text data from the input stream; On completion of input, prints the N largest integers encountered in the received text data.Example: cat sample_data_40GB.txt | nmax 10000
BestInPlace is a jQuery script and a Rails 3 helper that provide the method best_in_place to display any object field easily editable for the user by just clicking on it. It supports input data, text data, boolean data and custom dropdown data. It works with RESTful controllers.
Reads a text file (if supplied as the first argument) and creates a pdf file with the same name but with .pdf as extension in the current directory via the program pdflatex (the only requirement besides ruby itself). If '-h' is the first argument, then the program displays the helptext and exits. The program can also read the input text from STDIN (STanDard IN) and create the pdf file in the user's home directory. When this method is used, no argument is given to the program and the text is simply piped directly into the program like this: $ echo 'Hello' | txt2pdf This would create a pdf file with only 'Hello' and the page number at the bottom of the resulting pdf page. With this, you could map a key binding in your window manager to create a pdf file from the text you selected in any program, be it the terminal, your browser or your text editor. In my wm of choice, i3, I have added the following to my i3 config: bindsym $mod+p exec xclip -o | txt2pdf This would create a pdf file from the text I have selected as I hit the 'Window Button' and 'p'.
Given a text file as input, will group similar links (or find unique links) and write them to separate files. Read the README of the gem install directory for the usage
A simple gem to encode and obfuscate text input using morse code
BestInPlace is a jQuery script and a Rails 3 helper that provide the method best_in_place to display any object field easily editable for the user by just clicking on it. It supports input data, text data, boolean data and custom dropdown data. It works with RESTful controllers.
Base32 is one of several base 32 transfer encodings. Base32 uses a 32-character set comprising the twenty-six upper-case letters A–Z, and the digits 2–7. Base32 is primarily used to encode binary data, but Base32 is also able to encode binary text like ASCII. Base32 is a notation for encoding arbitrary byte data using a restricted set of symbols that can be conveniently used by humans and processed by computers. Base32 consists of a symbol set made up of 32 different characters, as well as an algorithm for encoding arbitrary sequences of 8-bit bytes into the Base32 alphabet. Because more than one 5-bit Base32 symbol is needed to represent each 8-bit input byte, it also specifies requirements on the allowed lengths of Base32 strings (which must be multiples of 40 bits). The closely related Base64 system, in contrast, uses a set of 64 symbols.
the gem allows you to find the n largest numbers for a given input text sequence
Simple Ruby sentiment analyzer based on the AFINN word list. Returns a float value for the sentiment strength of an input text
Caseninja converts input text to chain, snake, camel and pascal case. It will freely convert any text to any case.
A toolset for manipulating and utilizing long text strings. Useful for analyzing user input or bodys of text. Can break text into compacted series of words, sentences and paragraphs.
Version 1.0.1 Update Notes: -Updated README "HOW TO RUN" -I'm not sure how to format this so it looks good on the gems website so please just see the README file. USE CASES: 1. Your friends bully you because your imaginary role playing worlds are predictable and boring. 2. You like seeing chars printed in nifty patterns. HOW TO RUN: 1. Run `super_simple_world_builder` 2. Follow the prompts EXAMPLE INPUT: Guten Tag! Welcome to Super Simple World Builder. Enter 1 to build a random world Enter 2 to build a custom world Please enter your selection (1, 2, or exit): 2 Enter the name of your world: Community-Town Enter the minimum width of the world: 15 Enter the minimum height of the world: 15 What character do you want to fill the background of your world with? (i.e. any character or single space) How many lake features do you want? 3 How many mountain features do you want? 2 How many town features do you want? 3 How many forest features do you want? 4 OUTPUT: 1. Console print out of the world map 2. A text file of the world map ACHTUNG: 1. Don't worry if the width or height entered is too small. The world will automatically enlarge to fit all features. 2. World maps look better when you enter a <space> as the character to fill the background. 3. This is a quick-and-dirty project so yolo with the specs. I added comments as a consolation prize. 4. See `feature_set.rb` to tweak the features that can be added to the world map. 5. Interestingly, menu prompts may not show up in the git bash terminal. But they do show up in Windows command prompt, so lmao. 6. Feel free to tweak the code however you like. I plan to refactor in the future to dry up some sections.
Moderate user-generated content by adding a simple validation to block bad words in any text field. Good for applications where you need to maintain a clean and respectful environment in comments, posts, or any other user input.
TokenEstimator is a Rails gem that allows you to count tokens in Excel, CSV, PDF, TXT, Markdown, and input text files using different tokenizers.
Miniparser works pretty simply. You pass the Gem some input (HTML, JS, or CSS), and it will validate it, return the validated status, then minify it, and return the minified version as either a file (path) and a text return, respective to what input it got