Diff the heap to find leaks & get other ObjectSpace info more easily.
cheap Jekyll theme
Resque extension to identify jobs which significantly increase VM heap size using oink
A gem to generate the location of the cheapest gas station near the user.
Rails-compatible helpers for setting the heap.js snippet
mem_inspect walks Ruby's heaps giving you the contents of each slot. mem_inspect also includes viewers that will let you visualize the contents of Ruby's heap.
An OmniAuth strategy for authenticating with the Heap API.
CheapShark aggregates sales from PC game stores.
This is a Ruby implementation of the CheapID Digital Identity Card Specification.
This tool allows to measure a fragmentation of the Ruby VM heap.
A cheaper statistics library.
Implements sorting algorithms such as merge sort, bubble sort, heap sort, etc. for Arrays.
If you host your services from home your wan I.P can change over time. This gem will help you by making sure the subdomains always point to your home wan ip.
A set of helpers for analyzing the output of ObjectSpace.dump_all
Cheap string literals for Ruby
This small gem contains several data structures that I have implemented in Ruby to learn how they work. Sometimes it is not enough to read the description of a data structure and accompanying pseudo-code. Actually implementing it is often helpful in understanding what is going on. It is also usually fun. The gem contains basic implementions of Disjoint Union, Heap, Priority Search Tree, and Segment Tree. See the homepage for more details.
Implementation of a binary heap in Ruby. See github for usage examples.
TMail is a Ruby-based mail handler. It allows you to compose stadards compliant emails in a very Ruby-way.
Scoped search makes it easy to search your ActiveRecord-based models. It will create a named scope according to a provided query string. The named_scope can be used like any other named_scope, so it can be cchained or combined with will_paginate.
Priority Queue and Binary Heap
Heapify is a gem that provides a heapify method for arrays. It also provides methods for adding and removing elements from the heap.
minimal monitor for JS Heap Size via performance.memory
A simple hello world gem
A min max heap extension for Ruby