Few utilities include in all my projects, including a module for statistics, some to_date and to_time functions as well as intersection method for Range object.
Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machines, via SSH.
Common utility and base classes for legacy Google REST clients
HTML processing filters and utilities
Basic utility functions for Core Chef Infra development
Utility to install, configure, and extend Git hooks
Wicked PDF uses the shell utility wkhtmltopdf to serve a PDF file to a user from HTML. In other words, rather than dealing with a PDF generation DSL of some sort, you simply write an HTML view as you would normally, and let Wicked take care of the hard stuff.
Contributed Rack Middleware and Utilities
ruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing racc--which does by default use a C extension). It outputs s-expressions which can be manipulated and converted back to ruby via the ruby2ruby gem. As an example: def conditional1 arg1 return 1 if arg1 == 0 return 0 end becomes: s(:defn, :conditional1, s(:args, :arg1), s(:if, s(:call, s(:lvar, :arg1), :==, s(:lit, 0)), s(:return, s(:lit, 1)), nil), s(:return, s(:lit, 0))) Tested against 801,039 files from the latest of all rubygems (as of 2013-05): * 1.8 parser is at 99.9739% accuracy, 3.651 sigma * 1.9 parser is at 99.9940% accuracy, 4.013 sigma * 2.0 parser is at 99.9939% accuracy, 4.008 sigma * 2.6 parser is at 99.9972% accuracy, 4.191 sigma * 3.0 parser has a 100% parse rate. * Tested against 2,672,412 unique ruby files across 167k gems. * As do all the others now, basically.
Ruby/GLib2 provides base features for GLib2 based bindings and many useful utility features.
Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm. It includes utilities to create a simple HTML diff output format and a standard diff-like tool. This is release 1.4.3, providing a simple extension that allows for Diff::LCS::Change objects to be treated implicitly as arrays and fixes a number of formatting issues. Ruby versions below 2.5 are soft-deprecated, which means that older versions are no longer part of the CI test suite. If any changes have been introduced that break those versions, bug reports and patches will be accepted, but it will be up to the reporter to verify any fixes prior to release. The next major release will completely break compatibility.
Command line tool and ruby interface to optimize (lossless compress, optionally lossy) jpeg, png, gif and svg images using external utilities (advpng, gifsicle, jhead, jpeg-recompress, jpegoptim, jpegrescan, jpegtran, optipng, oxipng, pngcrush, pngout, pngquant, svgo)
Quickly perform HTML, URL, URI and Javascript escaping/unescaping
Clamp provides an object-model for command-line utilities. It handles parsing of command-line options, and generation of usage help.
debugger is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb. It is implemented by utilizing a new Ruby C API hook. The core component provides support that front-ends can build on. It provides breakpoint handling, bindings for stack frames among other things.
ruby-debug is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb. It is implemented by utilizing a new Ruby C API hook. The core component provides support that front-ends can build on. It provides breakpoint handling, bindings for stack frames among other things.
A simple, powerful, and very fast logging utility that can be a drop in replacement for Logger or ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.
Provides swappable XML backends utilizing LibXML, Nokogiri, Ox, or REXML.
Support utilities for RSpec gems
`hub` is a command line utility which adds GitHub knowledge to `git`. It can used on its own or as a `git` wrapper. Normal: $ hub clone rtomayko/tilt Expands to: $ git clone git://github.com/rtomayko/tilt.git Wrapping `git`: $ git clone rack/rack Expands to: $ git clone git://github.com/rack/rack.git
CouchRest provides a simple interface on top of CouchDB's RESTful HTTP API, as well as including some utility scripts for managing views and attachments.
A collection of data structures and utilities to make thread-safe programming in Ruby easier
debase is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb for Ruby 2.0+. It is implemented by utilizing a new Ruby TracePoint class. The core component provides support that front-ends can build on. It provides breakpoint handling, bindings for stack frames among other things.
This gem provides a mitigation against CVE-2015-9284 (Cross-Site Request Forgery on the request phrase when using OmniAuth gem with a Ruby on Rails application) by implementing a CSRF token verifier that directly utilize `ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection` code from Rails.
Provides a simple logging utility for outputting messages.
ruby-debug is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb. It is implemented by utilizing a new Ruby C API hook. The core component provides support that front-ends can build on. It provides breakpoint handling, bindings for stack frames among other things.
Ruby Next Core is a zero deps version of Ruby Next meant to be used as as dependency in your gems. It contains all the polyfills and utility files but doesn't require transpiler dependencies to be install.
Hanami utilities
Linguistics is a framework for building linguistic utilities for Ruby objects in any language. It includes a generic language-independant front end, a module for mapping language codes into language names, and a module which contains various English-language utilities.
Semantic Version utility class for parsing, storing, and comparing versions. See: http://semver.org
Docsplit is a command-line utility and Ruby library for splitting apart documents into their component parts: searchable UTF-8 plain text, page images or thumbnails in any format, PDFs, single pages, and document metadata (title, author, number of pages...)
Collection of utilities which submit events to Riemann,
Utility library to aid in interacting with gnuplot from ruby
Utilities and tools we need to develop Decidim
additional Unicode aware functions for Ruby 1.9
Several file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc.
Common utils used by active_merchant, active_fulfillment, and active_shipping
Ruby Ghostscript Engine is a document creation and conversion API, supporting PDF, PS, GIF, TIF, PNG, JPG… It uses the GhostScript framework for format conversion, utilizes EPS templates, and is optimized to work with larger documents.
Encryption Utilities for Web Push payload.
Essential utilities shared by all Ads Ruby client libraries
A simple utility to manage VMware Fusion VMs from the command line
Rodauth is Ruby's most advanced authentication framework, designed to work in all rack applications. It's built using Roda and Sequel, but it can be used as middleware in front of web applications that use other web frameworks and database libraries. Rodauth aims to provide strong security for password storage by utilizing separate database accounts if possible on PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Microsoft SQL Server. Configuration is done via a DSL that makes it easy to override any part of the authentication process. Rodauth supports typical authentication features: such as login and logout, changing logins and passwords, and creating, verifying, unlocking, and resetting passwords for accounts. Rodauth also supports many advanced authentication features: * Secure password storage using security definer database functions * Multiple primary multifactor authentication methods (WebAuthn and TOTP), as well as backup multifactor authentication methods (SMS and recovery codes). * Passwordless authentication using email links and WebAuthn authenticators. * Both standard HTML form and JSON API support for all features.
Axe API utility methods
Utility-belt to build form data request bodies. Provides support for `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` and `multipart/form-data` types.
pipe to browser utility
A utility for releasing Chef Infra cookbooks
Utility to verify Puppet metadata.json files
Guard::CtagsBundler uses ctags utility and generates 2 files: tags -- with tags generated from project's source tree and gems.tags -- with tags generated from rubygems from project's bundle.
espeak-ruby is small Ruby API for utilizing ‘espeak’ and ‘lame’ to create Text-To-Speech mp3 files
A utility which is able to recursively insert and remove copyright headers from source code files based on file extensions.