Perform an async action in response to a webhook
An simple async network-engine for plain text
Finally a gem to load automaticly your images asynchronously, like Medium.
Versatile async database based jobs for rails.
Asynchronous javascript, stylesheet for rails app
async http
Quiq is a distributed task queue backed by Redis to process jobs in background. It relies on asynchronous IOs to process multiple jobs simultaneously. The event loop is provided by the Async library and many other gems of the Socketry family.
A set of useful tools for async programming with Async.
Often in our Rails applications we have tasks that may take a lot of time to finish, such as external API requests. This is risky to perform inside our endpoints because it blocks our threads and is not scalable. Here we provide a solution to this problem, using sidekiq to run our heavy work in background
Live debugging for Async.
Description of Rails Async Event Store.
Pampa is a Ruby library for async & distributing computing providing the following features: - cluster-management with dynamic reconfiguration (joining and leaving nodes); - distribution of the computation jobs to the (active) nodes; - error handling, job-retry and fault tolerance; - fast (non-direct) communication to ensure realtime capabilities. The Pampa framework may be widely used for: - large scale web scraping with what we call a "bot-farm"; - payments processing for large-scale ecommerce websites; - reports generation for high demanded SaaS platforms; - heavy mathematical model computing; and any other tasks that requires a virtually infinite amount of CPU computing and memory resources. Find documentation here:
Wait for completion of the asynchronous procedure to obtain thats results.
A no-nonsense async gem for the nonsensical Zimbra API.
Utilizes the ActiveJob api to provide async callers and receivers without duplicating code.
Handle async method easily
Event-driven and async IO Ruby gem
Async PostgreSQL client API for Ruby/EventMachine
A Rack middleware that transforms async requests (using thin + async_sinatra for example) into synchronous requests. Useful for testing Async Sinatra apps with a minimum of changes in your testing environment.
Chainable async blocks for iOS
Perform Parse Server operations asynchronously. This is a plugin to the Parse Stack that allows for CRUD operations to be done in a background thread.
An async client for Kyoto Tycoon's binary protocol using EventMachine
An asynchronous experiment framework.
In process, async, concurrent pubsub
A LegionIO Extension to log to STDOUT and to files in an async fashion
Web Forms MVP is a simple Model-View-Presenter framework for ASP.NET Web Forms to aid in building testable and maintainable ASP.NET projects. Features support for normal server controls, data-binding and async pages.
Async resource pool for fibers.
Asyncronously inject CSS & JS files
Drop-in replacement for async AMQP library based on ZMQ/ZmqMachine (pre-alpha!).
ZMachine based, async HTTP Request client
Lightweight, asynchronous, and database-backed execution of singleton methods.
Gem provides synch and async calls for getting a players rank and updating a players rank
Async amazon simple queue service
Non-blocking zip reading and writing for Ruby.
Non-blocking transformation and image writing in Ruby, powered by VIPS.
observ async publishing using sidekiq.
Transparent Ruby IPC over an asynchronous message bus.
observ async publishing using Celluloid
When used with EXEL (, the async command will launch a Sidekiq worker
With EventEmitter you can build your application in Event-Driven way. It acts as global pub/sub mechanism and uses Sidekiq to reliably and asynchronously deliver messages to subscribers. Using this approach you can enforce low coupling between different components of the system.
Allows the user to update data in the background on a schedule and return the most recent data
Adds perform_sync next to perform_async
Ruby library for updating Geckoboard Custom Widgets. Uses Faraday for HTTP requests and designed to work with the async API
Async endpoints for Grape APIs
Async Scheduling System for Merb
Web Forms MVP is a simple Model-View-Presenter framework for ASP.NET Web Forms to aid in building testable and maintainable ASP.NET projects. Features support for normal server controls, data-binding and async pages. This is the Unity adapter for Web Forms MVP.
Async exporter for Active Admin using ActiveJob
gem for managing async uploading to S3 and background processing with sidekiq
Web Forms MVP is a simple Model-View-Presenter framework for ASP.NET Web Forms to aid in building testable and maintainable ASP.NET projects. Features support for normal server controls, data-binding and async pages. This is the Castle Windsor adapter for Web Forms MVP.
This is a task scheduler which implements the FiberScheduler interface