A tool that walks through a hash or nested object and applies code to containers and elements based on user defined rules.
ConsciousConcern is a decorator for ActiveSupport::Concern that adds several metaprogramming features.
Provides a decorator class you can wrap objects in (even classes!) to keep method_missing and respond_to_missing? in sync. Requires Ruby 1.9 or later; see README for details.
A simple Ruby presenter library, for those who enjoy a strong separation of concerns. You include a module, call some class-level macro-style methods, and suddenly you're presenting for a wrapped object. No magic. If your knowledge of pattern names comes from the Rails ecosystem, you might have used the popular Draper 'decorator' library. Think of this like that one, except the term 'presenter' is a better fit.
Implementation of the decorator design pattern.
Provides functionality to decorate Rack applications like Sinatra with loggers.
Decorate your methods.
Lightweight decorators using plain old Ruby objects.
Cukestep exposes your system's Gherkin steps through a Rails Engine. It comes coupled with a javascript scriptlet that decorates any input field with autocomplete (the gherkin steps) functionality.
A simple decorator pattern implementation for Rails
maskable attributes provides a simple way to mask the output of a method. maskable attributes works really well with the decorator / presenter pattern
Python like method decorators for Ruby
KDecor provides decorators and management for applying data decoration to data objects
== Description You can either like python-style decorators, or you can hate them. Frankly, I don't care which you choose. Me? I LIKE EM! So here ya go.
Simple decorators for Ruby on Rails.
Some times we need to test in development how long our methods execute, how much memery code consumes, how many objects it allocates. What if we don't want to touch the code a lot and just like kind of a decorator that will log profile info into the console. This gem helps to do it in one line of code.
the Decorator make a decorator like Python.
This is sales decorator which provides and stores the resultant data into day, week, month sales into database
Provides a simple way to define multiple representations of an object
A serializable decorator
Fast JSON serializer for nested PORO and ActiveRecord Objects supporting decoration, field filters, record filters and caching
CSV generator utilising the decorator pattern
Basic decorator pattern and a simple builder.
This gem provides functions to render complex information on Rails applications.
A simple decorator for Rails models.
Acts like a SimpleDelegator implementing a decorator pattern except that it hides the object's methods instead of delegating them by default. Useful for hiding the ugly beast behind the mask.
A simple, framework-agnostic implementation of the decorator pattern, inspired by Avdi Grimms exhibits in 'objects on rails'.
Yet another decorator-pattern gem.
Bring in Python's decorator pattern for Ruby methods.
Minimal decoration of Ruby objects using a "decorate" method.
Presenters and Model-View-Presenter (MVP) is the second most useful pattern after Service Objects to simplify your medium-to-large app. ActiveModelPresenter is a small gem that transforms ActiveRecord models into simple decorated objects that you can use to pass data for a JSON or a regular View rendering. It's based on Rails' **active_model_serializers** gem (AMS) so you get all it's features without creating any new type of files. It can be used as a layer for Rails between Controller and View to make data to flow in 1 direction.
A simple decorator for Rails to replace Draper.
mIRC decoration string parser
which is depending on lazy high charts with the help of pizza chart
Decorate your <body> with CSS Classes indicating platform, browser, browser version, and more.
Simple model decorators for Rails 4
Override log behavior
tap { pp self } decorated with CRAZY HANKAKU KANAs around
Decorate an existing method in Ruby cleanly, without aliasing.
This is a gem that decorate ActiveModel Compliant objects using RedCloth
A take on decorating objects based on the very valued work done by the [Draper](http://github.com/drapergem/draper) gem.
Captures MethodDecorators in YARD
Tools for better object composition and decoration
Icing is a framework to reify and work with composable decorations.
Inspire by draper. But draper is too overkill, and I want to avoid decorator abusing.
Flexible method decorator implementation for Ruby, to wrap around method calls
Just a replacement of 1.9.2 BasicObject for 1.8.7. Use it to implement delegator or decorator pattern.
can decorate method serveral times and rollback specific steps
A simple decorator based on PORO