Morphine is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Ruby. It uses a simple Ruby DSL to ease the pain of wiring your dependencies together.
Needle is a Dependency Injection/Inversion of Control container for Ruby. It supports both type-2 (setter) and type-3 (constructor) injection. It takes advantage of the dynamic nature of Ruby to provide a rich and flexible approach to injecting dependencies.
Dependor is not a framework for Dependency Injection, but something thatt reduces duplication a little bit when doing manual dependency injection in settings like Rails apps.
Provides a super simple API for dependency injection
Minimalistic dependency injection framework keeps all of your object setup code in one place.
Alki (AL-kai) is a Dependency Injection framework for Ruby. Helps organize and scale your project, so you can focus on the important stuff.
Enable Guice-like dependency injection and contextual object interactions.
A fully customizable Dependency injection system for Ruby
DI principles and idioms realized in scope of Ruby.Support for method-injeciton strategy, container-based dependency resolving, static and dynamic bindings and etc.
Constructor-based dependency injection container using YAML input.
A dependency injection framework for Ruby, which allows you to register dependencies and access them anywhere in your program
A library to help you build nice service objects with dependency injection.
Unity is a Dependency Injection container for .NET
Embrace convention over configuration while still benefitting from dependency injection design principles.
StructureMap is a Dependency Injection / Inversion of Control tool for .Net that can be used to improve the architectural qualities of an object oriented system by reducing the mechanical costs of good design techniques
Encase is a library for using dependency injection within ruby applications. It provides a lightweight IOC Container that manages dependencies between your classes. It was written to assist with wiring of domain objects outside Rails applications to enable faster test suites.
Dependency injection container compatible with the SOAR Ruby framework
A lightweight dependency injection framework to help wire up objects in Ruby
Basic but powerful dependency injection for Ruby.
Simple dependency injection for Rails.
motion-objection is a wrapper around Objection which is a dependency injection framework written for Objective-C
Oktest.rb is a new-style testing library for Ruby. You can write `ok {1+1} == 2` instead of `assert_equal 2, 1+1` or `expect(1+1).to eq 2`. In addition, Oktest.rb supports **Fixture injection** feature inspired by dependency injection and **JSON Matcher** feature similar to JSON schema. See for details.
Racket Registry is an easy-to-use container lib for most of your dependency injection container needs.
Ninject is a lightweight dependency injection framework for .NET applications. It helps you split your application into a collection of loosely-coupled, highly-cohesive pieces, and then glue them back together in a flexible manner. By using Ninject to support your softwares architecture, your code will become easier to write, reuse, test, and modify.
A small dependency injection library for Ruby
Simple and stupid IOC container and dependency injection tool for ruby
A simple dependency injection framework.
S2Container is a Dependency Injection(DI) and Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP) implementation, written in Ruby
IRuby::Dependencies is a module for injecting Ruby dependencies into Jupyter Notebooks
Dependency configuration and injection for Ruby and Rails.
Minimal dependency injection container for Ruby
Dependencies injections made easy for Ruby
A set of tools which will make easier to work with objects instead of classes and injecting dependencies.
Simple Dependency Injection for Ruby. Find yourself passing dependencies in to the initalizer? Medicine makes this declarative.
Configuration-based factory for dependency injection
A simple dependency injection library for Ruby.
A simple dependency injection library for unit testing
Simple dependency injection framework for ruby applications
Plugin system for Rails built around a Dependency Injection Container
Injection is a simple dependency injection gem for rails3. It allows you to inject objects into your controllers and observers which have been described in a yaml file (config/objects.yml).
The fastest dependency injection framework
Copland is an "Inversion of Control" (IoC, also called "Dependency Injection") container for Ruby, based heavily on the HiveMind container for Java. It supports both type-2 (setter) and type-3 (constructor) injection.
A lightweight dependency injection container.
Nurse, for your dependency injection. Dependency injection container
Lightweight Ruby Dependency Injection
A simple macro for injecting dependencies
Dumpling is an unobtrusive Dependency Injection Container
A library to help you build nice service objects with dependency injection.
DIMr is a small extension to Jim Weirich's minimalistic dependency injection framework DIM. It allows easy dependency injection into ruby command classes.
A Rails wrapper for a fully customizable Dependency injection system