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Horizon Flow Jekyll Theme

LICENSE Jekyll Gem Version

This is my first ever theme or anything like this so I got a whole damn LOT of Inspiration and Ideas of the So Simple theme from mmistakes. Also i almost completly copied his readme pls forgive me <3.

This theme can offer:

  • Custom Navigation
  • Dynamically created Footer with Font Awesome Icons and Social Links
  • optional, flexible and customizable Footer-Sidebar (above the Footer)
  • include up to 5 elements in the Footer-sidebar, choosen between 4 premade ones and self created ones
  • SEO best practices via Jekyll SEO Tag
  • Javascript free besides the optional search page and the optional comments
  • supports tags and categories
  • offers an archive
  • Carefully designed posts for almost all Markup elements
  • Activateable TOC and to the TOP Buttons for each post
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Highly Customizable
  • optional server-free Comments with Github Issues (hosted on Github)

Horizon Flow Screenshots


gem "jekyll-theme-horizon-flow"
  • Add one of those lines to your Jekyll site's _config.yml file:
theme: jekyll-theme-horizon-flow
#remote_theme: papierkorp/jekyll-theme-horizon-flow #if you host on github pages
  • Then run Bundler to install the theme gem and dependencies:
bundle install


Configuration of site-wide elements (navigation, footer, footer-sidebar, title, description, url etc.) happens in your project's _config.yml.

Here is a example _config.yaml:

read_time_after: "min read"
words_per_minute: 180

url: ""

  - title: Home
    url: /index.html
  - title: Categories
    url: /categories.html
  - title: Tags
    url: /tags.html
  - title: Archive
    url: /archive.html
  - title: Search
    url: /search.html

# Footer Links
  - title: Feed
    url: /feed.xml
    icon: fa fa-rss
  - title: GitHub
    icon: fa fa-github
  - title: Email
    icon: fa fa-envelope
  - title: Twitter
    icon: fa fa-twitter
  - title: Facebook
    icon: fa fa-facebook
  - title: Instagram
    icon: fa fa-instagram
  - title: Impressum
    url: /impressum.html

  - description
  - tags
  - categories
  - extracontent2
  - recentposts
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    count: 100
    columns: 1
    enabled: true
    count: 100
    columns: 3
    enabled: true
    count: 10
    columns: 2
    enabled: true
    data: >-
      <h3>CUSTOM CONTENT</h3>
      <p>not really content though...</p>
    enabled: false

  - jekyll-feed
  - jekyll-paginate
  - jekyll-seo-tag
  - jekyll-sitemap

paginate: 5
paginate_path: "/:num/"

include: [".md"]

description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
    This is me
    Im a german guy from bavaria currently working as a devops engineer. I will try to keep the blog in english but may switch to german any time.
    Here you will find a collection of blogs, tutorials, snippets or introductions mainly on (mostly modern) tech.
    Also a few bits of gaming, fitness, finances and mabye (a big maybe) cooking.
    I may find other topics of interest as well :D

highlighter: rouge
      line_numbers: true

lang: en

      path: "_posts"
      toc: yes
      display_toc: true

permalink: /posts/:title #remove date from link

Take a look here for more Information.

As for the possible Configurations this theme offers take note of the following:

Site URL

The base hostname and protocol for your site. If you're hosting with GitHub Pages this will be something like url: "" or url: "" if you have a custom domain name.

GitHub Pages now forces https:// for new sites, so be mindful of that when setting your URL to avoid mixed-content warnings.

Note: Jekyll overrides the value of url with http://localhost:4000 when running jekyll serve locally in development. If you want to avoid this behavior set JEKYLL_ENV=production to force the environment to production.

Site Base URL

This option causes all kinds of confusion in the Jekyll community. If you're not hosting your site as a GitHub Project Page or in a subfolder (e.g., /blog), then don't mess with it.

In the case of the Horzion FLow demo site it's hosted on GitHub at To correctly set this base path I'd use url: "" and baseurl: "/".

For more information on how to properly use site.url and site.baseurl as intended by the Jekyll maintainers, check Parker Moore's post on the subject.

Note: When using baseurl remember to include it as part of your link and asset paths in your content. Values of url: and baseurl: "/blog" would make your local site visible at http://localhost:4000/blog and not http://localhost:4000. You can either prepend all your asset and internal link paths with {{ site.baseurl }} or use Jekyll's relative_url.

To use the example values above the following image path of {{ '/images/my-image.jpg' | relative_url }} would output correctly as http://localhost:4000/blog/images/my-image.jpg.

Without the relative_url filter that asset path would be missing /blog and you'd have a broken image on your page.


The Navigation is created in the _config like this:

  - title: Home
    url: /index.html
  - title: Categories
    url: /categories.html
  - title: Tags
    url: /tags.html
  - title: Archive
    url: /archive.html
  - title: Search
    url: /search.html
  - title: Custom
    url: /custom.html

You will have to create the specific .html or .md File in the target directory.

If you want to use all of the premade layouts you will have to create this files in your root Directory:


title: Home
layout: home

title: Categories
layout: categories

title: Tags
layout: tags

title: Archive
layout: archive

title: Search
layout: search


title: Custom Content
layout: post
<h1>Custom Content</h1>


title: Custom Content
layout: post

# Custom Content

markdown data...

Besides the index.html (because of the pagination) it doesnt matter if you use .html or .md Files. For custom I will see if I can add another layout to use if neccessary, but I think post will do for everything.

The Footer (Links) are created in the _config like this:

You can use all Font Awesome Icons (but you dont have to). As you can see with the Impressum you can also link to locale files.

You can add all kinds of social Media Links

  - title: Feed
    url: /feed.xml
    icon: fa fa-rss
  - title: GitHub
    icon: fa fa-github
  - title: Email
    icon: fa fa-envelope
  - title: Twitter
    icon: fa fa-twitter
  - title: Facebook
    icon: fa fa-facebook
  - title: Instagram
    icon: fa fa-instagram
  - title: Impressum
    url: /impressum.html


In here you can define the amount of columns used to display all tags/categories/years via the _config. Available values are 0-5.

    columns: 5  # default 4
    columns: 3  # default 3
    columns: 1  # default 2

The footer Sidebar is the content directly above the footer. Per default there are 6 elements available:

description: Uses the description: of _config to display all the data from there. For the best experience you should use an

on the top.
categories: Shows random categories according to the count.
tags: Shows random categories according to the count.
recentposts: Shows the last posts according to the count.
custom_content: As seen in the example below you can add custom content in two ways, the content can include html code. custom_content2: same as custom_content.

You can set the Arrangement of the given elements like in the example below.

Note, if you dont set the Arrangement nothing will be displayed! Also if you want the categories and tags links to work you need to follow the Navigation Setup

description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until
    This is me
    I just created my first theme .. hurray :D

  enabled: true
  auto: false # false = all elements will have the same width, true = each element takes what it needs
  arrangement:  # you can rearrange the positions of the elements
  - description  # will be the first one to be displayed
  - tags  # second in the row ...
  - custom_content
  - recentposts  # will be displayed last
    enabled: true  # default: true
    columns: 2  # default: 0 - if you include a list
    enabled: true  # default: false
    count: 100  # default: 100
    columns: 5  # default: 0
    enabled: true  # default: false
    count: 100  # default: 100
    columns: 5  # default: 0
    enabled: true  # default: true
    count: 10  # default: 5
    columns: 2  # default: 0
    enabled: true
    data: >-
      <p>not really content though...</p>
    columns: 2  # default: 0 - if you include a list
    enabled: false
    data: "<h3>mhm</h3>"
    columns: 2  # default: 0 - if you include a list

The default of 0 stands for automatic alignment.

Table of Contents

Take a look at the Front Matter on how to disable the TOC.

I use the Jekyll-Toc from allejo. So the TOC will be created on the build and is available in the html but will only be displayed after the TOC Hamburger Menu button is pressed.

Basically I included the _includes/toc.html file and use it in the post layout.


The default Jekyll paginator is used. So you can use all configs described on their page.

The default config of this theme uses:

paginate: 5
paginate_path: "/:num/"

Read Time

You can change the default Reading Time which is set to 180 words per min by changing words_per_minute in the _config:

words_per_minute: 180

default plugins

In the default _config this plugins are used:

  - jekyll-feed
  - jekyll-paginate
  - jekyll-seo-tag
  - jekyll-sitemap

Configurable Labels

You dont have to configure anything, but if you dislike some terms you have the option to change them like this:

Create a _data folder and in this folder a configurable_lables.yaml so in the end it looks like this: ./_data/configurable_lables.yaml

Now you can change the following Labels:

NameDescriptionExample + default valueExample
read_time_beforeIs used 2 times, first in the home layout when all posts are displayed under the title. Secondly in the post header.read_time_before: ""---
subtitle: "You're going to love this."
read_time_afterIs used 2 times, first in the home layout when all posts are displayed under the title. Secondly in the post header.read_time_after: "min read"---
display_toc: false
last_modified_atIs used in the post in the header.last_modified_at: "Last Modified at:"---
last_modified_at: 10.09.2023
search_titleThe title used in the search layout.search_title: "Search"---
search_keywords: "words i didnt use in the tags"
archive_titleThe title used in the archive layout.archive_title: "Archive"---
toTop: false
archive_foundThe text displayed in the archive layout, under all years.archive_found: "Found Posts per selected Year"---
seoDescription: "Just a little summary to be better found in Search Engines =)"
archive_nothing_foundThe text displayed in the archives layout if no archives exist.archive_nothing_found: "No archive years available."---
noheader: true
tags_titleThe title used in the tags layout.tags_title: "Tags"
tags_foundThe text displayed in the tags layout, under all years.tags_found: "Found Posts per selected Tag"
tags_nothing_foundThe text displayed in the tags layout if no tags exist.tags_nothing_found: "No tags available."
categories_titleThe title used in the categories layout.categories_title: "Categories"
categories_foundThe text displayed in the categories layout, under all years.categories_found: "Found Posts per selected Categorie"
categories_nothing_foundThe text displayed in the categories layout if no categories exist.categories_nothing_found: "No categories available."

Example: (default Values)

read_time_before: ""
read_time_after: "min read"
last_modified_at: "Last Modified at:"
search_title: "Search"
archive_title: "Archive"
archive_found: "Found Posts per selected Year"
archive_nothing_found: "No archive years available."
tags_title: "Tags"
tags_found: "Found Posts per selected Tag"
tags_nothing_found: "No tags available."
categories_title: "Categories"
categories_found: "Found Posts per selected Categorie"
categories_nothing_found: "No categories available."


This theme enables the use of Comments per Github Issues API (taken from here). To enable comments you will need the following Config:

issues_repo: YourUsername/RepoName  # e.g.: issues_repo: papierkorp/blog

In addition you will have to open up a Issue for each blog post manually and copy the ID of this Issue. Afterwards add this Front Matter to your Post:

comments_id: 1

Front Matter

Take a look here on what Front Matter is and how to use it.

This theme offers the following Front-Matter:

postsubtitleAdds a subtitle to the post (optional)---
subtitle: "You're going to love this."
postdisplay_toctrue or false, shows the toc button on the bottom right (default: true)---
display_toc: false
postdisplay_toc2true or false, shows another toc on the right side permanently (default: false)---
display_toc2: true
postlast_modified_atAdd extra meta-data when the post was last modified. It takes the date as you write it like a string.---
last_modified_at: 10.09.2023
postsearch_keywordsAdd extra data to the search.json file---
search_keywords: "words i didnt use in the tags"
posttoToptrue or false, shows the "To the Top" button on the bottom left (default: true)---
toTop: false
postseoDescriptionAdd a specific SEO Description for Search Engines, uses an automated excerpt otherwise. Can be at most 160 Characters long.---
seoDescription: "Just a little summary to be better found in Search Engines =)" ---
postnoheaderDisable the whole header and only show the Content. (default: false)---
noheader: true
postsearchableThe post wont be included in the search.---
searchable: false
postshow_supplementsThe supplements (date, readtime, tags...) wont be shown.---
show_supplements: false

postcomments_idIf you want to enable comments (hosted on Github - needs the neccessary config set)---
comments_id: 1

homenoheaderDisable the whole header and only show the Content. (default: false)---
noheader: true


This theme provides the following layouts, which you can use by setting the layout front matter on each page, like so:


layout: name

layout: default

This layout handles all of the basic page scaffolding placing the page content between the masthead and footer elements. All other layouts inherit this one and provide additional styling and features inside of the {{ content }} block.

Note: You should not use this.

layout: post

This is the basic layout for new blog posts. See Front Matter for more details on what you can use.

layout: archive

This layout displays all posts grouped by the year they were published. There is no front matter for it.

layout: home

This layout shows all of your blog posts, while the newest are in the front.

See Front Matter for more details on what you can use.

layout: categories

This layout displays all posts grouped category. There is no front matter for it.

This layout displays a search form and displays related pages based on the query. See Front Matter for more details on how you can enhance the search or disable the search for specific posts.

It uses _assets/search.json as a base. search.json will be generated with the site build and will include the following data of each post:

  • title
  • summary (first 50 words of the post)
  • url
  • category
  • tags
  • keywords
  • date

layout: tags

This layout displays all posts grouped by tag. There is no front matter for it.


  • more colors


Package last updated on 07 Aug 2024

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