Yapstone::AuthenticationApi | authenticate_partner | POST /v1/oauth2/client_credential/accesstoken | Authenticate Partner |
Yapstone::DisbursementsApi | disburse_payment_by_id | PUT /v2/disbursements/payment/{paymentId} | Change payment from "Hold payout" state to be ready for disbursement |
Yapstone::DisbursementsApi | disburse_transaction_by_id | PUT /v2/disbursements/transaction/{transactionId} | Change transaction from "Hold payout" state to be ready for disbursement (payout) |
Yapstone::PaymentsApi | cancel_payment | DELETE /v2/payments/payment/{paymentId} | Cancel Payment by payment Id |
Yapstone::PaymentsApi | cancel_transaction | DELETE /v2/payments/transaction/{transactionId} | Cancel Transaction by TransactionId |
Yapstone::PaymentsApi | capture_payment | PATCH /v2/payments/payment/{paymentId} | Capture a prior authorized payment |
Yapstone::PaymentsApi | create_payment | POST /v2/payments/payment | Process Payment |
Yapstone::PaymentsApi | get_payment | GET /v2/payments/payment/{paymentId} | Get with Payment Id |
Yapstone::PaymentsApi | get_transaction | GET /v2/payments/transaction/{transactionId} | Get Transaction by Transaction Id |
Yapstone::PaymentsApi | verify_payment_instrument | POST /v2/payments/instrument/verify | Verify payment instrument |
Yapstone::RefundsApi | cancel_refund | DELETE /v2/refunds/refund/{refundId} | Cancel Payment by payment Id |
Yapstone::RefundsApi | create_payment_refund | POST /v2/refunds/payment | Create a refund |
Yapstone::RefundsApi | create_transaction_refund | POST /v2/refunds/transaction | Create a refund |
Yapstone::RefundsApi | get_by_originaltransaction_id | GET /v2/refunds/transaction/{transactionId} | Get master Transaction details including all refund details by transaction Id |
Yapstone::RefundsApi | get_refund | GET /v2/refunds/refund/{refundId} | Get master payment details including all refund detail by refund ID. |
Yapstone::RefundsApi | get_refund_by_payment_id | GET /v2/refunds/payment/{paymentId} | Get master payment details including all refund details by Payment Id. |
Yapstone::SearchApi | search_by_payment_id | GET /v2/search/payment/{paymentId} | Search with Payment Id |
Yapstone::SearchApi | search_by_transaction_id | GET /v2/search/transaction/{transactionId} | Search with transaction id |
Yapstone::TokenApi | create_token | POST /v2/token | Create a Token |
Yapstone::TokenApi | lookup_token | POST /v2/token/lookup | Lookup a Token |