Package gocron : A Golang Job Scheduling Package. An in-process scheduler for periodic jobs that uses the builder pattern for configuration. Schedule lets you run Golang functions periodically at pre-determined intervals using a simple, human-friendly syntax. Inspired by the Ruby module clockwork <> and Python package schedule <> See also Copyright 2014 Jason Lyu. . All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style . license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Package gocron : A Golang Job Scheduling Package. An in-process scheduler for periodic jobs that uses the builder pattern for configuration. gocron lets you run Golang functions periodically at pre-determined intervals using a simple, human-friendly syntax.
Package dbr provides additions to Go's database/sql for super fast performance and convenience.
Package radix implements all functionality needed to work with redis and all things related to it, including redis cluster, pubsub, sentinel, scanning, lua scripting, and more. For a single node redis instance use NewPool to create a connection pool. The connection pool is thread-safe and will automatically create, reuse, and recreate connections as needed: If you're using sentinel or cluster you should use NewSentinel or NewCluster (respectively) to create your client instead. Any redis command can be performed by passing a Cmd into a Client's Do method. Each Cmd should only be used once. The return from the Cmd can be captured into any appopriate go primitive type, or a slice, map, or struct, if the command returns an array. FlatCmd can also be used if you wish to use non-string arguments like integers, slices, maps, or structs, and have them automatically be flattened into a single string slice. Cmd and FlatCmd can unmarshal results into a struct. The results must be a key/value array, such as that returned by HGETALL. Exported field names will be used as keys, unless the fields have the "redis" tag: Embedded structs will inline that struct's fields into the parent's: The same rules for field naming apply when a struct is passed into FlatCmd as an argument. Cmd and FlatCmd both implement the Action interface. Other Actions include Pipeline, WithConn, and EvalScript.Cmd. Any of these may be passed into any Client's Do method. There are two ways to perform transactions in redis. The first is with the MULTI/EXEC commands, which can be done using the WithConn Action (see its example). The second is using EVAL with lua scripting, which can be done using the EvalScript Action (again, see its example). EVAL with lua scripting is recommended in almost all cases. It only requires a single round-trip, it's infinitely more flexible than MULTI/EXEC, it's simpler to code, and for complex transactions, which would otherwise need a WATCH statement with MULTI/EXEC, it's significantly faster. All the client creation functions (e.g. NewPool) take in either a ConnFunc or a ClientFunc via their options. These can be used in order to set up timeouts on connections, perform authentication commands, or even implement custom pools. All interfaces in this package were designed such that they could have custom implementations. There is no dependency within radix that demands any interface be implemented by a particular underlying type, so feel free to create your own Pools or Conns or Actions or whatever makes your life easier. Errors returned from redis can be explicitly checked for using the the resp2.Error type. Note that the errors.As function, introduced in go 1.13, should be used. Use the package if you're using an older version of go. Implicit pipelining is an optimization implemented and enabled in the default Pool implementation (and therefore also used by Cluster and Sentinel) which involves delaying concurrent Cmds and FlatCmds a small amount of time and sending them to redis in a single batch, similar to manually using a Pipeline. By doing this radix significantly reduces the I/O and CPU overhead for concurrent requests. Note that only commands which do not block are eligible for implicit pipelining. See the documentation on Pool for more information about the current implementation of implicit pipelining and for how to configure or disable the feature. For a performance comparisons between Clients with and without implicit pipelining see the benchmark results in the
Package radix implements all functionality needed to work with redis and all things related to it, including redis cluster, pubsub, sentinel, scanning, lua scripting, and more. This package has extensive examples documenting advanced behavior not covered here. For a single redis instance use PoolConfig to create a connection pool. The connection pool implements the Client interface. It is thread-safe and will automatically create, reuse, and recreate connections as needed: If you're using sentinel or cluster you should use SentinelConfig or ClusterConfig (respectively) to create your Client instead. Any redis command can be performed by passing a Cmd into a Client's Do method. Each Cmd instance should only be used once. The return from the Cmd can be captured into any appopriate go primitive type, or a slice, map, or struct, if the command returns an array. FlatCmd can also be used if you wish to use non-string arguments like integers, slices, maps, or structs, and have them automatically be flattened into a single string slice. Cmd and FlatCmd both implement the Action interface. Other Actions include Pipeline, WithConn, and EvalScript.Cmd. Any of these may be passed into any Client's Do method. There are two ways to perform transactions in redis. The first is with the MULTI/EXEC commands, which can be done using the WithConn Action (see its example). The second is using EVAL with lua scripting, which can be done using the EvalScript Action (again, see its example). EVAL with lua scripting is recommended in almost all cases. It only requires a single round-trip, it's infinitely more flexible than MULTI/EXEC, it's simpler to code, and for complex transactions, which would otherwise need a WATCH statement with MULTI/EXEC, it's significantly faster. Dialer has fields like AuthPass and SelectDB which can be used to configure Conns at creation. PoolConfig takes a Dialer as one of its fields, so that all Conns the Pool creates will be created with those settings. Other Clients which create their own Pools, like Cluster and Sentinel, will take in a PoolConfig which can be used to configure the Pools they create. For example, to create a Cluster instance which uses a particular AUTH password on all Conns: All interfaces in this package were designed such that they could have custom implementations. There is no dependency within radix that demands any interface be implemented by a particular underlying type, so feel free to create your own Pools or Conns or Actions or whatever makes your life easier. Errors returned from redis can be explicitly checked for using the the resp3.SimpleError type. Note that the errors.As or errors.Is functions, introduced in go 1.13, should be used.
Package radix is a simple redis driver. This top-level package is a wrapper for its sub-packages and doesn't actually contain any code. You likely want to look at the redis sub-package for a straightforward redis client
Package gocrawl is a polite, slim and concurrent web crawler written in Go.
Package ecocredit is a reverse proxy. It translates gRPC into RESTful JSON APIs.
Package gocroaring is an wrapper for CRoaring in go It provides a fast compressed bitmap data structure. See for details.
Package captcha implements generation and verification of image and audio CAPTCHAs. A captcha solution is the sequence of digits 0-9 with the defined length. There are two captcha representations: image and audio. An image representation is a PNG-encoded image with the solution printed on it in such a way that makes it hard for computers to solve it using OCR. An audio representation is a WAVE-encoded (8 kHz unsigned 8-bit) sound with the spoken solution (currently in English, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese). To make it hard for computers to solve audio captcha, the voice that pronounces numbers has random speed and pitch, and there is a randomly generated background noise mixed into the sound. This package doesn't require external files or libraries to generate captcha representations; it is self-contained. To make captchas one-time, the package includes a memory storage that stores captcha ids, their solutions, and expiration time. Used captchas are removed from the store immediately after calling Verify or VerifyString, while unused captchas (user loaded a page with captcha, but didn't submit the form) are collected automatically after the predefined expiration time. Developers can also provide custom store (for example, which saves captcha ids and solutions in database) by implementing Store interface and registering the object with SetCustomStore. Captchas are created by calling New, which returns the captcha id. Their representations, though, are created on-the-fly by calling WriteImage or WriteAudio functions. Created representations are not stored anywhere, but subsequent calls to these functions with the same id will write the same captcha solution. Reload function will create a new different solution for the provided captcha, allowing users to "reload" captcha if they can't solve the displayed one without reloading the whole page. Verify and VerifyString are used to verify that the given solution is the right one for the given captcha id. Server provides an http.Handler which can serve image and audio representations of captchas automatically from the URL. It can also be used to reload captchas. Refer to Server function documentation for details, or take a look at the example in "capexample" subdirectory.