Package captcha implements generation and verification of image and audio CAPTCHAs. A captcha solution is the sequence of digits 0-9 with the defined length. There are two captcha representations: image and audio. An image representation is a PNG-encoded image with the solution printed on it in such a way that makes it hard for computers to solve it using OCR. An audio representation is a WAVE-encoded (8 kHz unsigned 8-bit) sound with the spoken solution (currently in English, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese). To make it hard for computers to solve audio captcha, the voice that pronounces numbers has random speed and pitch, and there is a randomly generated background noise mixed into the sound. This package doesn't require external files or libraries to generate captcha representations; it is self-contained. To make captchas one-time, the package includes a memory storage that stores captcha ids, their solutions, and expiration time. Used captchas are removed from the store immediately after calling Verify or VerifyString, while unused captchas (user loaded a page with captcha, but didn't submit the form) are collected automatically after the predefined expiration time. Developers can also provide custom store (for example, which saves captcha ids and solutions in database) by implementing Store interface and registering the object with SetCustomStore. Captchas are created by calling New, which returns the captcha id. Their representations, though, are created on-the-fly by calling WriteImage or WriteAudio functions. Created representations are not stored anywhere, but subsequent calls to these functions with the same id will write the same captcha solution. Reload function will create a new different solution for the provided captcha, allowing users to "reload" captcha if they can't solve the displayed one without reloading the whole page. Verify and VerifyString are used to verify that the given solution is the right one for the given captcha id. Server provides an http.Handler which can serve image and audio representations of captchas automatically from the URL. It can also be used to reload captchas. Refer to Server function documentation for details, or take a look at the example in "capexample" subdirectory.