This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The OCI Go SDK defines a default retry policy that retries on the errors suitable for retries (see, for a recommended period of time (up to 7 attempts spread out over at most approximately 1.5 minutes). This default retry policy can be created using: You can set this retry policy for a single request: or for all requests made by a client: Some resources may have to be replicated across regions and are only eventually consistent. That means the request to create, update, or delete the resource succeeded, but the resource is not available everywhere immediately. Creating, updating, or deleting any resource in the Identity service is affected by eventual consistency, and doing so may cause other operations in other services to fail until the Identity resource has been replicated. For example, the request to CreateTag in the Identity service in the home region succeeds, but immediately using that created tag in another region in a request to LaunchInstance in the Compute service may fail. If you are creating, updating, or deleting resources in the Identity service, we recommend using an eventually consistent retry policy for any service you access. The default retry policy already deals with eventual consistency. Example: This retry policy will use a different strategy if an eventually consistent change was made in the recent past (called the "eventually consistent window", currently defined to be 4 minutes after the eventually consistent change). This special retry policy for eventual consistency will: 1. make up to 9 attempts (including the initial attempt); if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made 2. retry at most until (a) approximately the end of the eventually consistent window or (b) the end of the default retry period of about 1.5 minutes, whichever is farther in the future; if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made, and the OCI Go SDK will not wait any longer 3. retry on the error codes 400-RelatedResourceNotAuthorizedOrNotFound, 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound, and 409-NotAuthorizedOrResourceAlreadyExists, for which the default retry policy does not retry, in addition to the errors the default retry policy retries on (see If there were no eventually consistent actions within the recent past, then this special retry strategy is not used. If you want a retry policy that does not handle eventual consistency in a special way, for example because you retry on all error responses, you can use DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency or NewRetryPolicyWithOptions with the common.ReplaceWithValuesFromRetryPolicy(common.DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency()) option: The NewRetryPolicy function also creates a retry policy without eventual consistency. The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package jet is a framework for writing type-safe SQL queries in Go, with ability to easily convert database query result into desired arbitrary object structure. Use the bellow command to install jet Install jet generator to GOPATH bin folder. This will allow generating jet files from the command line. *Make sure GOPATH bin folder is added to the PATH environment variable. Jet requires already defined database schema(with tables, enums etc), so that jet generator can generate SQL Builder and Model files. File generation is very fast, and can be added as every pre-build step. Sample command: Then next step is to import generated SQL Builder and Model files and write SQL queries in Go: To write SQL queries for PostgreSQL import: To write SQL queries for MySQL and MariaDB import: *Dot import is used so that Go code resemble as much as native SQL. Dot import is not mandatory. Write SQL: Store result into desired destination: Detail info about all features and use cases can be found at project wiki page -
Package cloud is the root of the packages used to access Google Cloud Services. See for a full list of sub-packages. All clients in sub-packages are configurable via client options. These options are described here: All the clients in sub-packages support authentication via Google Application Default Credentials (see, or by providing a JSON key file for a Service Account. See the authentication examples in this package for details. By default, all requests in sub-packages will run indefinitely, retrying on transient errors when correctness allows. To set timeouts or arrange for cancellation, use contexts. See the examples for details. Do not attempt to control the initial connection (dialing) of a service by setting a timeout on the context passed to NewClient. Dialing is non-blocking, so timeouts would be ineffective and would only interfere with credential refreshing, which uses the same context. Connection pooling differs in clients based on their transport. Cloud clients either rely on HTTP or gRPC transports to communicate with Google Cloud. Cloud clients that use HTTP (bigquery, compute, storage, and translate) rely on the underlying HTTP transport to cache connections for later re-use. These are cached to the default http.MaxIdleConns and http.MaxIdleConnsPerHost settings in http.DefaultTransport. For gRPC clients (all others in this repo), connection pooling is configurable. Users of cloud client libraries may specify option.WithGRPCConnectionPool(n) as a client option to NewClient calls. This configures the underlying gRPC connections to be pooled and addressed in a round robin fashion. Minimal docker images like Alpine lack CA certificates. This causes RPCs to appear to hang, because gRPC retries indefinitely. See for more information. To see gRPC logs, set the environment variable GRPC_GO_LOG_SEVERITY_LEVEL. See for more information. For HTTP logging, set the GODEBUG environment variable to "http2debug=1" or "http2debug=2". Google Application Default Credentials is the recommended way to authorize and authenticate clients. For information on how to create and obtain Application Default Credentials, see To arrange for an RPC to be canceled, use context.WithCancel. You can use a file with credentials to authenticate and authorize, such as a JSON key file associated with a Google service account. Service Account keys can be created and downloaded from This example uses the Datastore client, but the same steps apply to the other client libraries underneath this package. In some cases (for instance, you don't want to store secrets on disk), you can create credentials from in-memory JSON and use the WithCredentials option. The google package in this example is at This example uses the PubSub client, but the same steps apply to the other client libraries underneath this package. To set a timeout for an RPC, use context.WithTimeout.
Package conf provides support for using environmental variables and command line arguments for configuration. It is compatible with the GNU extensions to the POSIX recommendations for command-line options. See There are no hard bindings for this package. This package takes a struct value and parses it for both the environment and flags. It supports several tags to customize the flag options. The field name and any parent struct name will be used for the long form of the command name unless the name is overridden. As an example, using this config struct: The following usage information would be output you can display. Usage: conf.test [options] [arguments] OPTIONS There is an API called Parse that can process a config struct with environment variable and command line flag overrides. There is also YAML support using the yaml package that is part of this modeule. There is a WithParse function that takes a slice of bytes containing the YAML or WithParseReader that takes any concrete value that knows how to Read. Additionally, if the config struct has a field of the slice type conf.Args then it will be populated with any remaining arguments from the command line after flags have been processed. For example a program with a config struct like this: If that program is executed from the command line like this: Then the cfg.Args field will contain the string values ["serve", "http"]. The Args type has a method Num for convenient access to these arguments such as this: You can add a version with a description by adding the Version type to your config type and set these values at run time for display.
Package egoscale is a mapping for the Exoscale API ( To build a request, construct the adequate struct. This library expects a pointer for efficiency reasons only. The response is a struct corresponding to the data at stake. E.g. DeployVirtualMachine gives a VirtualMachine, as a pointer as well to avoid big copies. Then everything within the struct is not a pointer. Find below some examples of how egoscale may be used. If anything feels odd or unclear, please let us know: This example deploys a virtual machine while controlling the job status as it goes. It enables a finer control over errors, e.g. HTTP timeout, and eventually a way to kill it of (from the client side). As this library is mostly an HTTP client, you can reuse all the existing tools around it. Nota bene: when running the tests or the egoscale library via another tool, e.g. the exo cli, the environment variable EXOSCALE_TRACE=prefix does the above configuration for you. As a developer using egoscale as a library, you'll find it more convenient to plug your favorite io.Writer as it's a Logger. All the available APIs on the server and provided by the API Discovery plugin. Security Groups provide a way to isolate traffic to VMs. Rules are added via the two Authorization commands. Security Group also implement the generic List, Get and Delete interfaces (Listable and Deletable). See: A Zone corresponds to a Data Center. You may list them. Zone implements the Listable interface, which let you perform a list in two different ways. The first exposes the underlying request while the second one hide them and you only manipulate the structs of your interest. An Elastic IP is a way to attach an IP address to many Virtual Machines. The API side of the story configures the external environment, like the routing. Some work is required within the machine to properly configure the interfaces. See:
Meeus implements algorithms from the book "Astronomical Algorithms" by Jean Meeus. It follows the second edition, copyright 1998, with corrections as of August 10, 2009. It requires Go 1.1 or later. Jean Meeus's book has long been respected as a broad-reaching source of astronomical algorithms, and many code libraries have been based on it. This library will be distinct in several respects, I hope. First of all it is in the Go language, a programming language new enough that it well postdates the book itself. Go has many advantages for a large and diverse library such as this and it is a fine language for for scientific computations. I hope that a Go implementation will prove relevant for some time in the future. Next, this library attempts fairly comprehensive coverage of the book. Each chapter of the book is addressed, and in the very few cases where there seems no code from the chapter that is applicable in Go, similar and more appropriate techniques are at least discussed in documentation. If meaningful, examples are given as well. While this library attempts fairly comprehensive coverage of the book, it does not attempt to present a complete, well rounded, and polished astronomy library. Such a production-quality astronomy library would likely include some updated routines and data, routines and data from other sources, and would fill in various holes of functionality which Meeus elects to gloss over. Such a library could certainly be derived from this one, but it is beyond the scope of what is attempted here. Thus, this library should represent a solid foundation for the development of a broad range of astronomy software. Much software should be able to use this library directly. Some software will need routines from additional sources. When the API of this library begins to present friction with that of other code, it may be time to fork or otherwise derive a new library from this one. Please feel free to do this, respecting of course the MIT license under which this software is offered. By Go convention, each package is in its own subdirectory. The "subdirectories" list of this documentation page lists all packages of of the library. Each package also corresponds to exacly one chapter of the book. The package documentation heading references the chapter number and a cross reference is given below of chapter numbers and package names. Within a chapter of the book, Meeus presents explanatory text, numbered formulas, numbered examples, and other exercises. Within a package of this library, there are library functions and other codified definitions; there are Go examples which appear in documentation and which are also evaluated and verified to produce correct output by the go test feature; and there is test code which is neither part of the API nor the documentation but which verified by the go test feature. The "API", or choice of functions to implement in Go, covers many of Meeus's numbered formulas and covers the algorithms needed to work most of the numbered examples. The correspondence is not one-to-one, but often "refactored" into functions that seem more idiomatic to Go. This is set as the limit of the API however, and thus the limit of the functionality offered by this library. Each numbered example in the book is also translated to a Go example function. This typically shows how to use the implemented API to compute the results of the example. As the go test feature validates these results, the examples also serve as baseline tests of the correctness of the API code. Relevant "exercises" from the book are also often implemented as Go examples. A few packages remain incomplete. A package is considered complete if it implements all major formulas and algorithms and if it implements all numbered examples. For incomplete packages, the package documentation will describe the ways in which it is incomplete and typically give reasons for the incompleteness. In addition to the chapter packages, there is a package called "base". This contains a few definitions that are provided by Meeus but are of such general use that they really don't belong with any one chapter. The much greater bulk of base however, are functions which Meeus does not explicitly provide, but again are of general use. The nature of these functions is as helper subroutines or IO subroutines. The functions do not offer additional astronomy algorithms beyond those provided by Meeus. To more closely follow the book's use of Greek letters and other symbols, Unicode is freely used in the source code. Recognizing that these symbols are awkard to enter in many environments however, they are avoided for exported symbols that comprise the library API. The function Coord.EclToEq for example, returns (α, δ float64) but of course you can assign these return values to whatever variables you like. The struct Coord.Equatorial on the other hand, has exported fields RA and Dec. ASCII is used in this case to simplify using these symbols in your code. Some identifiers use the prime symbol (ʹ). That's Unicode U+02B9, not the ASCII '. Go uses ASCII ' for raw strings and does not allow it in identifiers. U+02B9 on the other hand is Unicode category Lm, and is perfectly valid in Go identifiers. An earler version of this library used the Go type float64 for most parameters and return values. This allowed terse, efficient code but required careful attention to the scaling or units used. Go defined types are now used for Time, RA, HourAngle, and general Angle quantities in the interest of making units and coversions more clear. These types are defined in the external package An earlier version of this library included routines for formatting sexagesimal quantities. These have been moved to the external package and use of this package is now restricted to examples and tests. Meeus packages and the sexagesimal package both depend on the unit package. Meeus packages do not depend on sexagesimal, although the Meeus tests do. .
Package envparse is a minimal environment variable parser. It handles empty lines, comments, single quotes, double quotes, and JSON escape sequences. Non-empty or comment lines should be of the form: While extraneous characters are discouraged, an "export" prefix, preceding whitespace, and trailing whitespace are all removed:
Package config provides typesafe, cloud native configuration binding from environment variables or files to structs. Configuration can be done in as little as two lines: A field's type determines what function is called. All string conversion rules are as defined in the package. time.Duration follows the same parsing rules as *net.URL follows the same parsing rules as NOTE: `*net.URL` fields on the struct **must** be a pointer If chaining multiple data sources, data sets are merged. Later values override previous values. Unset values remain intact or as their native zero value: Nested structs/subconfigs are delimited with double underscore. Env vars map to struct fields case insensitively. NOTE: Also true when using struct tags.
Package golangsdk provides a multi-vendor interface to OpenStack-compatible clouds. The library has a three-level hierarchy: providers, services, and resources. Provider structs represent the cloud providers that offer and manage a collection of services. You will generally want to create one Provider client per OpenStack cloud. Use your OpenStack credentials to create a Provider client. The IdentityEndpoint is typically refered to as "auth_url" or "OS_AUTH_URL" in information provided by the cloud operator. Additionally, the cloud may refer to TenantID or TenantName as project_id and project_name. Credentials are specified like so: You may also use the openstack.AuthOptionsFromEnv() helper function. This function reads in standard environment variables frequently found in an OpenStack `openrc` file. Again note that Gophercloud currently uses "tenant" instead of "project". Service structs are specific to a provider and handle all of the logic and operations for a particular OpenStack service. Examples of services include: Compute, Object Storage, Block Storage. In order to define one, you need to pass in the parent provider, like so: Resource structs are the domain models that services make use of in order to work with and represent the state of API resources: Intermediate Result structs are returned for API operations, which allow generic access to the HTTP headers, response body, and any errors associated with the network transaction. To turn a result into a usable resource struct, you must call the Extract method which is chained to the response, or an Extract function from an applicable extension: All requests that enumerate a collection return a Pager struct that is used to iterate through the results one page at a time. Use the EachPage method on that Pager to handle each successive Page in a closure, then use the appropriate extraction method from that request's package to interpret that Page as a slice of results: If you want to obtain the entire collection of pages without doing any intermediary processing on each page, you can use the AllPages method: This top-level package contains utility functions and data types that are used throughout the provider and service packages. Of particular note for end users are the AuthOptions and EndpointOpts structs. An example retry backoff function, which respects the 429 HTTP response code:
Package conf package provides tools for easily loading program configurations from multiple sources such as the command line arguments, environment, or a configuration file. Most applications only need to use the Load function to get their settings loaded into an object. By default, Load will read from a configurable file defined by the -config-file command line argument, load values present in the environment, and finally load the program arguments. The object in which the configuration is loaded must be a struct, the names and types of its fields are introspected by the Load function to understand how to load the configuration. The name deduction from the struct field obeys the same rules than those implemented by the standard encoding/json package, which means the program can set the "conf" tag to override the default field names in the command line arguments and configuration file. A "help" tag may also be set on the fields of the configuration object to add documentation to the setting, which will be shown when the program is asked to print its help. When values are loaded from the environment the Load function looks for variables matching the struct fields names in snake-upper-case form.
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy(request level configuration), alternatively, global(all services) or client level RetryPolicy configration is also possible. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The Retry behavior Precedence (Highest to lowest) is defined as below:- The OCI Go SDK defines a default retry policy that retries on the errors suitable for retries (see, for a recommended period of time (up to 7 attempts spread out over at most approximately 1.5 minutes). This default retry policy can be created using: You can set this retry policy for a single request: or for all requests made by a client: or for all requests made by all clients: or setting default retry via environment varaible, which is a global switch for all services: Some services enable retry for operations by default, this can be overridden using any alternatives mentioned above. Some resources may have to be replicated across regions and are only eventually consistent. That means the request to create, update, or delete the resource succeeded, but the resource is not available everywhere immediately. Creating, updating, or deleting any resource in the Identity service is affected by eventual consistency, and doing so may cause other operations in other services to fail until the Identity resource has been replicated. For example, the request to CreateTag in the Identity service in the home region succeeds, but immediately using that created tag in another region in a request to LaunchInstance in the Compute service may fail. If you are creating, updating, or deleting resources in the Identity service, we recommend using an eventually consistent retry policy for any service you access. The default retry policy already deals with eventual consistency. Example: This retry policy will use a different strategy if an eventually consistent change was made in the recent past (called the "eventually consistent window", currently defined to be 4 minutes after the eventually consistent change). This special retry policy for eventual consistency will: 1. make up to 9 attempts (including the initial attempt); if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made 2. retry at most until (a) approximately the end of the eventually consistent window or (b) the end of the default retry period of about 1.5 minutes, whichever is farther in the future; if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made, and the OCI Go SDK will not wait any longer 3. retry on the error codes 400-RelatedResourceNotAuthorizedOrNotFound, 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound, and 409-NotAuthorizedOrResourceAlreadyExists, for which the default retry policy does not retry, in addition to the errors the default retry policy retries on (see If there were no eventually consistent actions within the recent past, then this special retry strategy is not used. If you want a retry policy that does not handle eventual consistency in a special way, for example because you retry on all error responses, you can use DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency or NewRetryPolicyWithOptions with the common.ReplaceWithValuesFromRetryPolicy(common.DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency()) option: The NewRetryPolicy function also creates a retry policy without eventual consistency. Circuit Breaker can prevent an application repeatedly trying to execute an operation that is likely to fail, allowing it to continue without waiting for the fault to be rectified or wasting CPU cycles, of course, it also enables an application to detect whether the fault has been resolved. If the problem appears to have been rectified, the application can attempt to invoke the operation. Go SDK intergrates sony/gobreaker solution, wraps in a circuit breaker object, which monitors for failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error, this also saves the service from being overwhelmed with network calls in case of an outage. Go SDK enable circuit breaker with default configuration, if you don't want to enable the solution, can disable the functionality before your application running Go SDK also supports customize Circuit Breaker with specified configuratoins. You can find the examples here: The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package env makes satisfying factor III of the 12-factor methodology easy, by allowing struct fields to be populated directly from environment variables with the use of struct tags. To use, create a struct tag called "env" and call env.Set, passing a pointer to the struct you wish to populate. You can optionally, provide a "required" tag to determine whether an error should be returned in the event of missing environment configuration. Like the encoding/* packages, env.Set will return an error if a non-pointer type is provided.
Open github, search for "git" The launcher lib comes with a lot of default switches (flags) to launch browser, this example shows how to add or delete switches. Useful when you want to customize the element query retry logic Rod provides a lot of debug options, you can use set methods to enable them or use environment variables list at "lib/defaults". Useful when rod doesn't have the function you want, you can call the cdp interface directly easily. Shows how to subscribe events. Request interception example to modify request or response. Such as you logged in your github account and you want to reuse the login session, you may want to launch the browser like this example. If a button is moving too fast, you cannot click it as a human, to perfectly simulate human inputs the click trigger by Rod are based on mouse point location, so usually you need wait a button is stable before you can click it. Some page interaction finishes after some network requests, WaitRequestIdle is designed for it.
Package sgr providers formatters to write ANSI escape sequences that can format and colorize text. The exact appearance of text, and whether or not various characteristics are even supported, will depend on the terminal capabilities. In particular, writing to a regular file will suppress all ANSI escapes sequences. Package sgr will default to no-color when there is doubt about whether or not the output stream can support ANSI sequences. There are some convenience methods to print common options, such as bold or red text. To get full control over the color and formatting of some text, first create a Style, and then use Formatter.Style. Calls to functions and methods in this package do not directly result in any io. To get the colorized text, the return values of certain methods must be printed using package fmt. For methods simply taking a string, such as Formatter.Bold, the returned value must be printed using either the verb %v or %s. All of the options for %s are supported, including width, precision, and flags. For methods that take a format string plus arguments, such as Formatter.Boldf, the returned value must still be printed using either %v or %s. However, no options are supported. To control options such as width and precision, use the format string passed to Formatter.Boldf Selection of the correct formatter depends on several environment variables. Primarily, package sgr checks the value of TERM to see if any color space attributes are present. ANSI compatibility is always assumed, but the color depth will be adjusted. However, if TERM is equal to 'dumb', then all formatting will be suppressed. Some terminals use COLORTERM to advertise 24-bit capability. If COLORTERM is equal to 'truecolor' or '24bit', then the formatter will support a 24-bit color depth. Finally, if the environment variable NO_COLOR is present, no matter its value, the color depth will be 1-bit. This does not disable all formatting, so text attributes such as bold and italic are still possible, but all colors will be suppressed.
Package etcdvar provides a runtimevar implementation with variables backed by etcd. Use OpenVariable to construct a *runtimevar.Variable. For runtimevar.OpenVariable, etcdvar registers for the scheme "etcd". The default URL opener will dial an etcd server based on the environment variable "ETCD_SERVER_URL". To customize the URL opener, or for more details on the URL format, see URLOpener. See for background information. etcdvar exposes the following types for As:
Package omise provides GO binding for Omise REST API. Full REST API documentation is available at Create a client with omise.NewClient, supply your public and secret key. Then use the client.Do method with operation objects from the operations subpackage to perform API calls. The first parameter to client.Do lets you supply a struct to unmarshal the result into. Example: For REQUESTS: Where optional parameters are concerned, empty values are considered as not sending the value except where doing so may have undesirable implications. This is to avoid the need for pointer indirections when creating the struct. For RESPONSES: Optional fields always use nillable types or types with well-defined "empty" value. For example, an optional `string` field will have `*string` type. You will need to supply a valid Omise API keys in order to run tests. Refer to the official documentation on Authentication at for more information. To specify the keys, set the environment variables before running the tests as follows: Tests are run against fixtures by default. If you want to run network test against Omise test servers you can do so by supplying valid test keys *and* setting NETWORK environment variable to 1.
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package sdk is the official AWS SDK for the Go programming language. The AWS SDK for Go provides APIs and utilities that developers can use to build Go applications that use AWS services, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The SDK removes the complexity of coding directly against a web service interface. It hides a lot of the lower-level plumbing, such as authentication, request retries, and error handling. The SDK also includes helpful utilities on top of the AWS APIs that add additional capabilities and functionality. For example, the Amazon S3 Download and Upload Manager will automatically split up large objects into multiple parts and transfer them concurrently. See the s3manager package documentation for more information. Checkout the Getting Started Guide and API Reference Docs detailed the SDK's components and details on each AWS client the SDK supports. The Getting Started Guide provides examples and detailed description of how to get setup with the SDK. The API Reference Docs include a detailed breakdown of the SDK's components such as utilities and AWS clients. Use this as a reference of the Go types included with the SDK, such as AWS clients, API operations, and API parameters. The SDK is composed of two main components, SDK core, and service clients. The SDK core packages are all available under the aws package at the root of the SDK. Each client for a supported AWS service is available within its own package under the service folder at the root of the SDK. aws - SDK core, provides common shared types such as Config, Logger, and utilities to make working with API parameters easier. awserr - Provides the error interface that the SDK will use for all errors that occur in the SDK's processing. This includes service API response errors as well. The Error type is made up of a code and message. Cast the SDK's returned error type to awserr.Error and call the Code method to compare returned error to specific error codes. See the package's documentation for additional values that can be extracted such as RequestId. credentials - Provides the types and built in credentials providers the SDK will use to retrieve AWS credentials to make API requests with. Nested under this folder are also additional credentials providers such as stscreds for assuming IAM roles, and ec2rolecreds for EC2 Instance roles. endpoints - Provides the AWS Regions and Endpoints metadata for the SDK. Use this to lookup AWS service endpoint information such as which services are in a region, and what regions a service is in. Constants are also provided for all region identifiers, e.g UsWest2RegionID for "us-west-2". session - Provides initial default configuration, and load configuration from external sources such as environment and shared credentials file. request - Provides the API request sending, and retry logic for the SDK. This package also includes utilities for defining your own request retryer, and configuring how the SDK processes the request. service - Clients for AWS services. All services supported by the SDK are available under this folder. The SDK includes the Go types and utilities you can use to make requests to AWS service APIs. Within the service folder at the root of the SDK you'll find a package for each AWS service the SDK supports. All service clients follows a common pattern of creation and usage. When creating a client for an AWS service you'll first need to have a Session value constructed. The Session provides shared configuration that can be shared between your service clients. When service clients are created you can pass in additional configuration via the aws.Config type to override configuration provided by in the Session to create service client instances with custom configuration. Once the service's client is created you can use it to make API requests the AWS service. These clients are safe to use concurrently. In the AWS SDK for Go, you can configure settings for service clients, such as the log level and maximum number of retries. Most settings are optional; however, for each service client, you must specify a region and your credentials. The SDK uses these values to send requests to the correct AWS region and sign requests with the correct credentials. You can specify these values as part of a session or as environment variables. See the SDK's configuration guide for more information. See the session package documentation for more information on how to use Session with the SDK. See the Config type in the aws package for more information on configuration options. When using the SDK you'll generally need your AWS credentials to authenticate with AWS services. The SDK supports multiple methods of supporting these credentials. By default the SDK will source credentials automatically from its default credential chain. See the session package for more information on this chain, and how to configure it. The common items in the credential chain are the following: Environment Credentials - Set of environment variables that are useful when sub processes are created for specific roles. Shared Credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) - This file stores your credentials based on a profile name and is useful for local development. Credentials can be configured in code as well by setting the Config's Credentials value to a custom provider or using one of the providers included with the SDK to bypass the default credential chain and use a custom one. This is helpful when you want to instruct the SDK to only use a specific set of credentials or providers. This example creates a credential provider for assuming an IAM role, "myRoleARN" and configures the S3 service client to use that role for API requests. The SDK has support for the shared configuration file (~/.aws/config). This support can be enabled by setting the environment variable, "AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=1", or enabling the feature in code when creating a Session via the Option's SharedConfigState parameter. In addition to the credentials you'll need to specify the region the SDK will use to make AWS API requests to. In the SDK you can specify the region either with an environment variable, or directly in code when a Session or service client is created. The last value specified in code wins if the region is specified multiple ways. To set the region via the environment variable set the "AWS_REGION" to the region you want to the SDK to use. Using this method to set the region will allow you to run your application in multiple regions without needing additional code in the application to select the region. The endpoints package includes constants for all regions the SDK knows. The values are all suffixed with RegionID. These values are helpful, because they reduce the need to type the region string manually. To set the region on a Session use the aws package's Config struct parameter Region to the AWS region you want the service clients created from the session to use. This is helpful when you want to create multiple service clients, and all of the clients make API requests to the same region. In addition to setting the region when creating a Session you can also set the region on a per service client bases. This overrides the region of a Session. This is helpful when you want to create service clients in specific regions different from the Session's region. See the Config type in the aws package for more information and additional options such as setting the Endpoint, and other service client configuration options. Once the client is created you can make an API request to the service. Each API method takes a input parameter, and returns the service response and an error. The SDK provides methods for making the API call in multiple ways. In this list we'll use the S3 ListObjects API as an example for the different ways of making API requests. ListObjects - Base API operation that will make the API request to the service. ListObjectsRequest - API methods suffixed with Request will construct the API request, but not send it. This is also helpful when you want to get a presigned URL for a request, and share the presigned URL instead of your application making the request directly. ListObjectsPages - Same as the base API operation, but uses a callback to automatically handle pagination of the API's response. ListObjectsWithContext - Same as base API operation, but adds support for the Context pattern. This is helpful for controlling the canceling of in flight requests. See the Go standard library context package for more information. This method also takes request package's Option functional options as the variadic argument for modifying how the request will be made, or extracting information from the raw HTTP response. ListObjectsPagesWithContext - same as ListObjectsPages, but adds support for the Context pattern. Similar to ListObjectsWithContext this method also takes the request package's Option function option types as the variadic argument. In addition to the API operations the SDK also includes several higher level methods that abstract checking for and waiting for an AWS resource to be in a desired state. In this list we'll use WaitUntilBucketExists to demonstrate the different forms of waiters. WaitUntilBucketExists. - Method to make API request to query an AWS service for a resource's state. Will return successfully when that state is accomplished. WaitUntilBucketExistsWithContext - Same as WaitUntilBucketExists, but adds support for the Context pattern. In addition these methods take request package's WaiterOptions to configure the waiter, and how underlying request will be made by the SDK. The API method will document which error codes the service might return for the operation. These errors will also be available as const strings prefixed with "ErrCode" in the service client's package. If there are no errors listed in the API's SDK documentation you'll need to consult the AWS service's API documentation for the errors that could be returned. Pagination helper methods are suffixed with "Pages", and provide the functionality needed to round trip API page requests. Pagination methods take a callback function that will be called for each page of the API's response. Waiter helper methods provide the functionality to wait for an AWS resource state. These methods abstract the logic needed to to check the state of an AWS resource, and wait until that resource is in a desired state. The waiter will block until the resource is in the state that is desired, an error occurs, or the waiter times out. If a resource times out the error code returned will be request.WaiterResourceNotReadyErrorCode. This example shows a complete working Go file which will upload a file to S3 and use the Context pattern to implement timeout logic that will cancel the request if it takes too long. This example highlights how to use sessions, create a service client, make a request, handle the error, and process the response.
Package gohan provides an Entity Component System framework for Ebitengine. An example game is available at /examples/twinstick, which may be built by executing the following command (in /examples/twinstick): A general-purpose object, which consists of a unique ID, starting with 1. The raw data for one aspect of an object, and how it interacts with the world. Each component is assigned a unique ID, starting with 1. Each system runs continuously, performing actions on every Entity that fits each systems' set of required matching components. Components are located in a separate package, typically named component. They should be public (start with an uppercase letter) and may be of any type. Using only struct types (with zero or more public fields) and accessing the structs via pointer is recommended. Components should not have any logic (i.e. game code) within them, as all logic should be implemented within a system. Systems are located in a separate package, typically named system. They should be private (start with a lowercase letter) and offer an instantiation function named as follows: NewSystemNameHere(). Data should be stored within components attached to one or more entities, rather than within the systems themselves. References to components must not be maintained outside each Update and Draw call, or else the application will encounter race conditions. Running an application with the environment variable GOHAN_DEBUG set to 1 will enable printing verbose system update and draw information.
Package sqlite is a sql/database driver using a CGo-free port of the C SQLite3 library. SQLite is an in-process implementation of a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. This project is sponsored by Schleibinger Geräte Teubert u. Greim GmbH by allowing one of the maintainers to work on it also in office hours. These combinations of GOOS and GOARCH are currently supported Builder results available at: Numbers for the pure Go version were produced by Numbers for the pure C version were produced by The results are from Go version 1.20.4 and GCC version 10.2.1 on a Linux/amd64 machine, CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor × 24, 128GB RAM. Shown are the best of 3 runs. This particular test executes 16.1% faster in the C version. 2023-08-03 v1.25.0: enable SQLITE_ENABLE_DBSTAT_VTAB. 2023-07-11 v1.24.0: Add (*conn).{Serialize,Deserialize,NewBackup,NewRestore} methods, add Backup type. 2023-06-01 v1.23.0: Allow registering aggregate functions. 2023-04-22 v1.22.0: Support linux/s390x. 2023-02-23 v1.21.0: Upgrade to SQLite 3.41.0, release notes at 2022-11-28 v1.20.0 Support linux/ppc64le. 2022-09-16 v1.19.0: Support frebsd/arm64. 2022-07-26 v1.18.0: Adds support for Go fs.FS based SQLite virtual filesystems, see function New in and/or TestVFS in all_test.go 2022-04-24 v1.17.0: Support windows/arm64. 2022-04-04 v1.16.0: Support scalar application defined functions written in Go. 2022-03-13 v1.15.0: Support linux/riscv64. 2021-11-13 v1.14.0: Support windows/amd64. This target had previously only experimental status because of a now resolved memory leak. 2021-09-07 v1.13.0: Support freebsd/amd64. 2021-06-23 v1.11.0: Upgrade to use sqlite 3.36.0, release notes at 2021-05-06 v1.10.6: Fixes a memory corruption issue ( Versions since v1.8.6 were affected and should be updated to v1.10.6. 2021-03-14 v1.10.0: Update to use sqlite 3.35.0, release notes at 2021-03-11 v1.9.0: Support darwin/arm64. 2021-01-08 v1.8.0: Support darwin/amd64. 2020-09-13 v1.7.0: Support linux/arm and linux/arm64. 2020-09-08 v1.6.0: Support linux/386. 2020-09-03 v1.5.0: This project is now completely CGo-free, including the Tcl tests. 2020-08-26 v1.4.0: First stable release for linux/amd64. The database/sql driver and its tests are CGo free. Tests of the translated sqlite3.c library still require CGo. 2020-07-26 v1.4.0-beta1: The project has reached beta status while supporting linux/amd64 only at the moment. The 'extraquick' Tcl testsuite reports and some memory leaks 2019-12-28 v1.2.0-alpha.3: Third alpha fixes issue #19. It also bumps the minor version as the repository was wrongly already tagged with v1.1.0 before. Even though the tag was deleted there are proxies that cached that tag. Thanks /u/garaktailor for detecting the problem and suggesting this solution. 2019-12-26 v1.1.0-alpha.2: Second alpha release adds support for accessing a database concurrently by multiple goroutines and/or processes. v1.1.0 is now considered feature-complete. Next planed release should be a beta with a proper test suite. 2019-12-18 v1.1.0-alpha.1: First alpha release using the new cc/v3, gocc, qbe toolchain. Some primitive tests pass on linux_{amd64,386}. Not yet safe for concurrent access by multiple goroutines. Next alpha release is planed to arrive before the end of this year. 2017-06-10 Windows/Intel no more uses the VM (thanks Steffen Butzer). 2017-06-05 Linux/Intel no more uses the VM (cznic/virtual). To access a Sqlite database do something like A comma separated list of options can be passed to `go generate` via the environment variable GO_GENERATE. Some useful options include for example: To create a debug/development version, issue for example: Note: To run `go generate` you need to have installed. This is an example of how to use the debug logs in when hunting a bug. The /tmp/libc.log file is created as requested. No useful messages there because none are enabled in libc. Let's try to enable Xwrite as an example. We need to tell the Go build system to use our local, patched/debug libc: And run the test again: See
Package rootcerts provides an embedded copy of the "Mozilla Included CA Certificate List" (, more specifically the "PEM of Root Certificates in Mozilla's Root Store with the Websites (TLS/SSL) Trust Bit Enabled" ( The "Mozilla Included CA Certificate List" is maintained as part of the Common CA Database effort ( If this package is imported anywhere in the program, then if the crypto/x509 package cannot find the system certificate pool, it will use this embedded information. Additionally, the usage of this embedded information can be forced by setting the the environment variable `GO_ROOTCERTS_ENABLE=1` while running a program, which includes this package. Importing this package will increase the size of a program by about 250 KB. This package should normally be imported by a program's main package, not by a library. Libraries normally shouldn't decide whether to include the "Mozilla Included CA Certificate List" in a program.
Package goaction enables writing Github Actions in Go. The idea is: write a standard Go script, one that works with `go run`, and use it as Github action. The script's inputs - flags and environment variables, are set though the Github action API. This project will generate all the required files for the script (This generation can be done automattically with Github action integration). The library also exposes neat API to get workflow information. - [x] Write a Go script. - [x] Add `goaction` configuration in `.github/workflows/goaction.yml`. - [x] Push the project to Github. See simplest example for a Goaction script: (posener/goaction-example), or an example that demonstrait using Github APIs: (posener/goaction-issues-example) Write Github Action by writing Go code! Just start a Go module with a main package, and execute it as a Github action using Goaction, or from the command line using `go run`. A go executable can get inputs from the command line flag and from environment variables. Github actions should have a `action.yml` file that defines this API. Goaction bridges the gap by parsing the Go code and creating this file automatically for you. The main package inputs should be defined with the standard `flag` package for command line arguments, or by `os.Getenv` for environment variables. These inputs define the API of the program and `goaction` automatically detect them and creates the `action.yml` file from them. Additionally, goaction also provides a library that exposes all Github action environment in an easy-to-use API. See the documentation for more information. Code segments which should run only in Github action (called "CI mode"), and not when the main package runs as a command line tool, should be protected by a `if goaction.CI { ... }` block. In order to convert the repository to a Github action, goaction command line should run on the **"main file"** (described above). This command can run manually (by ./cmd/goaction) but luckily `goaction` also comes as a Github action :-) Goaction Github action keeps the Github action file updated according to the main Go file automatically. When a PR is made, goaction will post a review explaining what changes to expect. When a new commit is pushed, Goaction makes sure that the Github action files are updated if needed. Add the following content to `.github/workflows/goaction.yml` ./action.yml: A "metadata" file for Github actions. If this file exists, the repository is considered as Github action, and the file contains information that instructs how to invoke this action. See (metadata syntax) for more info. ./Dockerfile: A file that contains instructions how to build a container, that is used for Github actions. Github action uses this file in order to create a container image to the action. The container can also be built and tested manually: Goaction parses Go script file and looks for annotations that extends the information that exists in the function calls. Goaction annotations are a comments that start with `//goaction:` (no space after slashes). They can only be set on a `var` definition. The following annotations are available: * `//goaction:required` - sets an input definition to be "required". * `//goaction:skip` - skips an input out output definition. * `//goaction:description <description>` - add description for `os.Getenv`. * `//goaction:default <value>` - add default value for `os.Getenv`. A list of projects which are using Goaction (please send a PR if your project uses goaction and does not appear her). * (posener/goreadme)
Package testscript provides support for defining filesystem-based tests by creating scripts in a directory. To invoke the tests, call testscript.Run. For example: A testscript directory holds test scripts with extension txtar or txt run during 'go test'. Each script defines a subtest; the exact set of allowable commands in a script are defined by the parameters passed to the Run function. To run a specific script foo.txtar or foo.txt, run where TestName is the name of the test that Run is called from. To define an executable command (or several) that can be run as part of the script, call RunMain with the functions that implement the command's functionality. The command functions will be called in a separate process, so are free to mutate global variables without polluting the top level test binary. In general script files should have short names: a few words, not whole sentences. The first word should be the general category of behavior being tested, often the name of a subcommand to be tested or a concept (vendor, pattern). Each script is a text archive (go doc The script begins with an actual command script to run followed by the content of zero or more supporting files to create in the script's temporary file system before it starts executing. As an example: Each script runs in a fresh temporary work directory tree, available to scripts as $WORK. Scripts also have access to these other environment variables: The environment variable $exe (lowercase) is an empty string on most systems, ".exe" on Windows. The script's supporting files are unpacked relative to $WORK and then the script begins execution in that directory as well. Thus the example above runs in $WORK with $WORK/hello.txtar containing the listed contents. The lines at the top of the script are a sequence of commands to be executed by a small script engine in the testscript package (not the system shell). The script stops and the overall test fails if any particular command fails. Each line is parsed into a sequence of space-separated command words, with environment variable expansion and # marking an end-of-line comment. Adding single quotes around text keeps spaces in that text from being treated as word separators and also disables environment variable expansion. Inside a single-quoted block of text, a repeated single quote indicates a literal single quote, as in: A line beginning with # is a comment and conventionally explains what is being done or tested at the start of a new phase in the script. A special form of environment variable syntax can be used to quote regexp metacharacters inside environment variables. The "@R" suffix is special, and indicates that the variable should be quoted. The command prefix ! indicates that the command on the rest of the line (typically go or a matching predicate) must fail, not succeed. Only certain commands support this prefix. They are indicated below by [!] in the synopsis. The command prefix [cond] indicates that the command on the rest of the line should only run when the condition is satisfied. The predefined conditions are: Any known values of GOOS and GOARCH can also be used as conditions. They will be satisfied if the target OS or architecture match the specified value. For example, the condition [darwin] is true if GOOS=darwin, and [amd64] is true if GOARCH=amd64. A condition can be negated: [!short] means to run the rest of the line when testing.Short() is false. Additional conditions can be added by passing a function to Params.Condition. The predefined commands are: cd dir Change to the given directory for future commands. chmod perm path... Change the permissions of the files or directories named by the path arguments to the given octal mode (000 to 777). [!] cmp file1 file2 Check that the named files have (or do not have) the same content. By convention, file1 is the actual data and file2 the expected data. File1 can be "stdout" or "stderr" to use the standard output or standard error from the most recent exec or wait command. (If the files have differing content and the command is not negated, the failure prints a diff.) [!] cmpenv file1 file2 Like cmp, but environment variables in file2 are substituted before the comparison. For example, $GOOS is replaced by the target GOOS. cp src... dst Copy the listed files to the target file or existing directory. src can include "stdout" or "stderr" to use the standard output or standard error from the most recent exec or go command. env [key=value...] With no arguments, print the environment (useful for debugging). Otherwise add the listed key=value pairs to the environment. [!] exec program [args...] [&] Run the given executable program with the arguments. It must (or must not) succeed. Note that 'exec' does not terminate the script (unlike in Unix shells). If the last token is '&', the program executes in the background. The standard output and standard error of the previous command is cleared, but the output of the background process is buffered — and checking of its exit status is delayed — until the next call to 'wait', 'skip', or 'stop' or the end of the test. At the end of the test, any remaining background processes are terminated using os.Interrupt (if supported) or os.Kill. If the last token is '&word&` (where "word" is alphanumeric), the command runs in the background but has a name, and can be waited for specifically by passing the word to 'wait'. Standard input can be provided using the stdin command; this will be cleared after exec has been called. [!] exists [-readonly] file... Each of the listed files or directories must (or must not) exist. If -readonly is given, the files or directories must be unwritable. [!] grep [-count=N] pattern file The file's content must (or must not) match the regular expression pattern. For positive matches, -count=N specifies an exact number of matches to require. mkdir path... Create the listed directories, if they do not already exists. mv path1 path2 Rename path1 to path2. OS-specific restrictions may apply when path1 and path2 are in different directories. rm file... Remove the listed files or directories. skip [message] Mark the test skipped, including the message if given. [!] stderr [-count=N] pattern Apply the grep command (see above) to the standard error from the most recent exec or wait command. stdin file Set the standard input for the next exec command to the contents of the given file. File can be "stdout" or "stderr" to use the standard output or standard error from the most recent exec or wait command. [!] stdout [-count=N] pattern Apply the grep command (see above) to the standard output from the most recent exec or wait command. stop [message] Stop the test early (marking it as passing), including the message if given. symlink file -> target Create file as a symlink to target. The -> (like in ls -l output) is required. wait [command] Wait for all 'exec' and 'go' commands started in the background (with the '&' token) to exit, and display success or failure status for them. After a call to wait, the 'stderr' and 'stdout' commands will apply to the concatenation of the corresponding streams of the background commands, in the order in which those commands were started. If an argument is specified, it waits for just that command. When TestScript runs a script and the script fails, by default TestScript shows the execution of the most recent phase of the script (since the last # comment) and only shows the # comments for earlier phases. For example, here is a multi-phase script with a bug in it (TODO: make this example less go-command specific): The bug is that the final phase installs p11 instead of p1. The test failure looks like: Note that the commands in earlier phases have been hidden, so that the relevant commands are more easily found, and the elapsed time for a completed phase is shown next to the phase heading. To see the entire execution, use "go test -v", which also adds an initial environment dump to the beginning of the log. Note also that in reported output, the actual name of the per-script temporary directory has been consistently replaced with the literal string $WORK. If Params.TestWork is true, it causes each test to log the name of its $WORK directory and other environment variable settings and also to leave that directory behind when it exits, for manual debugging of failing tests:
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The OCI Go SDK defines a default retry policy that retries on the errors suitable for retries (see, for a recommended period of time (up to 7 attempts spread out over at most approximately 1.5 minutes). This default retry policy can be created using: You can set this retry policy for a single request: or for all requests made by a client: Some resources may have to be replicated across regions and are only eventually consistent. That means the request to create, update, or delete the resource succeeded, but the resource is not available everywhere immediately. Creating, updating, or deleting any resource in the Identity service is affected by eventual consistency, and doing so may cause other operations in other services to fail until the Identity resource has been replicated. For example, the request to CreateTag in the Identity service in the home region succeeds, but immediately using that created tag in another region in a request to LaunchInstance in the Compute service may fail. If you are creating, updating, or deleting resources in the Identity service, we recommend using an eventually consistent retry policy for any service you access. The default retry policy already deals with eventual consistency. Example: This retry policy will use a different strategy if an eventually consistent change was made in the recent past (called the "eventually consistent window", currently defined to be 4 minutes after the eventually consistent change). This special retry policy for eventual consistency will: 1. make up to 9 attempts (including the initial attempt); if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made 2. retry at most until (a) approximately the end of the eventually consistent window or (b) the end of the default retry period of about 1.5 minutes, whichever is farther in the future; if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made, and the OCI Go SDK will not wait any longer 3. retry on the error codes 400-RelatedResourceNotAuthorizedOrNotFound, 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound, and 409-NotAuthorizedOrResourceAlreadyExists, for which the default retry policy does not retry, in addition to the errors the default retry policy retries on (see If there were no eventually consistent actions within the recent past, then this special retry strategy is not used. If you want a retry policy that does not handle eventual consistency in a special way, for example because you retry on all error responses, you can use DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency or NewRetryPolicyWithOptions with the common.ReplaceWithValuesFromRetryPolicy(common.DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency()) option: The NewRetryPolicy function also creates a retry policy without eventual consistency. The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy. You can find the examples here: The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package rlog provides a partial reimplementation of the log package in the standard library. This package provides simple logging with loglevels and an interface quite similar to the standard library. The following environment variables are supported: GO_RLOG_LEVEL GO_RLOG_JOURNAL In addition to the SetLogLevel() methods, the loglevel can be set globally via an environment variable. The recognized values are: CRIT, ERR, WARN, NOTICE, INFO, and DEBUG. These constants are defined in RFC5435, Section 6.2.1. For your convenience, there is a package level logger available, which can be accessed using the relevant methods. The package level logger is there for programs that do not need several loggers. It aims to simplify this particular usecase. If you need several loggers, please instantiate them as needed and do not use the package level logger. Timestamps are not supported by design, since this is almost always not needed. On the terminal, you can pipe the output through ts(1) from moreutils. Using a logging service, the timestamps are already handled perfectly. This avoids the annoying problem of doubled timestamps in the log database, such as: Aug 10 07:24:37 host service[pid]: TIMESTAMP MESSAGE.
Copyright 2015 Gravitational, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Copyright 2015 Gravitational, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Copyright 2015 Gravitational, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Package configure generates configuration tools based on a struct definition with tags. It can read a configuration for a struct from YAML, environment variables and command line. Given the struct definition: You can start initializing the struct from YAML, command line or environment: Copyright 2015 Gravitational, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Copyright 2015 Gravitational, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Copyright 2015 Gravitational, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Package cloud is the root of the packages used to access Google Cloud Services. See for a full list of sub-packages. All clients in sub-packages are configurable via client options. These options are described here: All the clients in sub-packages support authentication via Google Application Default Credentials (see, or by providing a JSON key file for a Service Account. See the authentication examples in this package for details. By default, all requests in sub-packages will run indefinitely, retrying on transient errors when correctness allows. To set timeouts or arrange for cancellation, use contexts. See the examples for details. Do not attempt to control the initial connection (dialing) of a service by setting a timeout on the context passed to NewClient. Dialing is non-blocking, so timeouts would be ineffective and would only interfere with credential refreshing, which uses the same context. Connection pooling differs in clients based on their transport. Cloud clients either rely on HTTP or gRPC transports to communicate with Google Cloud. Cloud clients that use HTTP (bigquery, compute, storage, and translate) rely on the underlying HTTP transport to cache connections for later re-use. These are cached to the default http.MaxIdleConns and http.MaxIdleConnsPerHost settings in http.DefaultTransport. For gRPC clients (all others in this repo), connection pooling is configurable. Users of cloud client libraries may specify option.WithGRPCConnectionPool(n) as a client option to NewClient calls. This configures the underlying gRPC connections to be pooled and addressed in a round robin fashion. Minimal docker images like Alpine lack CA certificates. This causes RPCs to appear to hang, because gRPC retries indefinitely. See for more information. To see gRPC logs, set the environment variable GRPC_GO_LOG_SEVERITY_LEVEL. See for more information. For HTTP logging, set the GODEBUG environment variable to "http2debug=1" or "http2debug=2". Google Application Default Credentials is the recommended way to authorize and authenticate clients. For information on how to create and obtain Application Default Credentials, see To arrange for an RPC to be canceled, use context.WithCancel. You can use a file with credentials to authenticate and authorize, such as a JSON key file associated with a Google service account. Service Account keys can be created and downloaded from This example uses the Datastore client, but the same steps apply to the other client libraries underneath this package. In some cases (for instance, you don't want to store secrets on disk), you can create credentials from in-memory JSON and use the WithCredentials option. The google package in this example is at This example uses the PubSub client, but the same steps apply to the other client libraries underneath this package. To set a timeout for an RPC, use context.WithTimeout.
Package datastore provides a client for Google Cloud Datastore. See for authentication, timeouts, connection pooling and similar aspects of this package. Entities are the unit of storage and are associated with a key. A key consists of an optional parent key, a string application ID, a string kind (also known as an entity type), and either a StringID or an IntID. A StringID is also known as an entity name or key name. It is valid to create a key with a zero StringID and a zero IntID; this is called an incomplete key, and does not refer to any saved entity. Putting an entity into the datastore under an incomplete key will cause a unique key to be generated for that entity, with a non-zero IntID. An entity's contents are a mapping from case-sensitive field names to values. Valid value types are: Slices of structs are valid, as are structs that contain slices. The Get and Put functions load and save an entity's contents. An entity's contents are typically represented by a struct pointer. Example code: GetMulti, PutMulti and DeleteMulti are batch versions of the Get, Put and Delete functions. They take a []*Key instead of a *Key, and may return a datastore.MultiError when encountering partial failure. Mutate generalizes PutMulti and DeleteMulti to a sequence of any Datastore mutations. It takes a series of mutations created with NewInsert, NewUpdate, NewUpsert and NewDelete and applies them atomically. An entity's contents can be represented by a variety of types. These are typically struct pointers, but can also be any type that implements the PropertyLoadSaver interface. If using a struct pointer, you do not have to explicitly implement the PropertyLoadSaver interface; the datastore will automatically convert via reflection. If a struct pointer does implement PropertyLoadSaver then those methods will be used in preference to the default behavior for struct pointers. Struct pointers are more strongly typed and are easier to use; PropertyLoadSavers are more flexible. The actual types passed do not have to match between Get and Put calls or even across different calls to datastore. It is valid to put a *PropertyList and get that same entity as a *myStruct, or put a *myStruct0 and get a *myStruct1. Conceptually, any entity is saved as a sequence of properties, and is loaded into the destination value on a property-by-property basis. When loading into a struct pointer, an entity that cannot be completely represented (such as a missing field) will result in an ErrFieldMismatch error but it is up to the caller whether this error is fatal, recoverable or ignorable. By default, for struct pointers, all properties are potentially indexed, and the property name is the same as the field name (and hence must start with an upper case letter). Fields may have a `datastore:"name,options"` tag. The tag name is the property name, which must be one or more valid Go identifiers joined by ".", but may start with a lower case letter. An empty tag name means to just use the field name. A "-" tag name means that the datastore will ignore that field. The only valid options are "omitempty", "noindex" and "flatten". If the options include "omitempty" and the value of the field is a zero value, then the field will be omitted on Save. Zero values are best defined in the golang spec ( Struct field values will never be empty, except for nil pointers. If options include "noindex" then the field will not be indexed. All fields are indexed by default. Strings or byte slices longer than 1500 bytes cannot be indexed; fields used to store long strings and byte slices must be tagged with "noindex" or they will cause Put operations to fail. For a nested struct field, the options may also include "flatten". This indicates that the immediate fields and any nested substruct fields of the nested struct should be flattened. See below for examples. To use multiple options together, separate them by a comma. The order does not matter. If the options is "" then the comma may be omitted. Example code: A field of slice type corresponds to a Datastore array property, except for []byte, which corresponds to a Datastore blob. Zero-length slice fields are not saved. Slice fields of length 1 or greater are saved as Datastore arrays. When a zero-length Datastore array is loaded into a slice field, the slice field remains unchanged. If a non-array value is loaded into a slice field, the result will be a slice with one element, containing the value. Loading a Datastore Null into a basic type (int, float, etc.) results in a zero value. Loading a Null into a slice of basic type results in a slice of size 1 containing the zero value. Loading a Null into a pointer field results in nil. Loading a Null into a field of struct type is an error. A struct field can be a pointer to a signed integer, floating-point number, string or bool. Putting a non-nil pointer will store its dereferenced value. Putting a nil pointer will store a Datastore Null property, unless the field is marked omitempty, in which case no property will be stored. Loading a Null into a pointer field sets the pointer to nil. Loading any other value allocates new storage with the value, and sets the field to point to it. If the struct contains a *datastore.Key field tagged with the name "__key__", its value will be ignored on Put. When reading the Entity back into the Go struct, the field will be populated with the *datastore.Key value used to query for the Entity. Example code: If the struct pointed to contains other structs, then the nested or embedded structs are themselves saved as Entity values. For example, given these definitions: then an Outer would have one property, Inner, encoded as an Entity value. If an outer struct is tagged "noindex" then all of its implicit flattened fields are effectively "noindex". If the Inner struct contains a *Key field with the name "__key__", like so: then the value of K will be used as the Key for Inner, represented as an Entity value in datastore. If any nested struct fields should be flattened, instead of encoded as Entity values, the nested struct field should be tagged with the "flatten" option. For example, given the following: an Outer's properties would be equivalent to those of: Note that the "flatten" option cannot be used for Entity value fields. The server will reject any dotted field names for an Entity value. An entity's contents can also be represented by any type that implements the PropertyLoadSaver interface. This type may be a struct pointer, but it does not have to be. The datastore package will call Load when getting the entity's contents, and Save when putting the entity's contents. Possible uses include deriving non-stored fields, verifying fields, or indexing a field only if its value is positive. Example code: The *PropertyList type implements PropertyLoadSaver, and can therefore hold an arbitrary entity's contents. If a type implements the PropertyLoadSaver interface, it may also want to implement the KeyLoader interface. The KeyLoader interface exists to allow implementations of PropertyLoadSaver to also load an Entity's Key into the Go type. This type may be a struct pointer, but it does not have to be. The datastore package will call LoadKey when getting the entity's contents, after calling Load. Example code: To load a Key into a struct which does not implement the PropertyLoadSaver interface, see the "Key Field" section above. Queries retrieve entities based on their properties or key's ancestry. Running a query yields an iterator of results: either keys or (key, entity) pairs. Queries are re-usable and it is safe to call Query.Run from concurrent goroutines. Iterators are not safe for concurrent use. Queries are immutable, and are either created by calling NewQuery, or derived from an existing query by calling a method like Filter or Order that returns a new query value. A query is typically constructed by calling NewQuery followed by a chain of zero or more such methods. These methods are: Example code: Client.RunInTransaction runs a function in a transaction. Example code: Pass the ReadOnly option to RunInTransaction if your transaction is used only for Get, GetMulti or queries. Read-only transactions are more efficient. This package supports the Cloud Datastore emulator, which is useful for testing and development. Environment variables are used to indicate that datastore traffic should be directed to the emulator instead of the production Datastore service. To install and set up the emulator and its environment variables, see the documentation at
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy(request level configuration), alternatively, global(all services) or client level RetryPolicy configration is also possible. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The Retry behavior Precedence (Highest to lowest) is defined as below:- The OCI Go SDK defines a default retry policy that retries on the errors suitable for retries (see, for a recommended period of time (up to 7 attempts spread out over at most approximately 1.5 minutes). The default retry policy is defined by : Default Retry-able Errors Below is the list of default retry-able errors for which retry attempts should be made. The following errors should be retried (with backoff). HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above errors, retries should also be attempted in the following Client Side errors : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) The above errors can be avoided through retrying and hence, are classified as the default retry-able errors. Additionally, retries should also be made for Circuit Breaker exceptions (Exceptions raised by Circuit Breaker in an open state) Default Termination Strategy The termination strategy defines when SDKs should stop attempting to retry. In other words, it's the deadline for retries. The OCI SDKs should stop retrying the operation after 7 retry attempts. This means the SDKs will have retried for ~98 seconds or ~1.5 minutes have elapsed due to total delays. SDKs will make a total of 8 attempts. (1 initial request + 7 retries) Default Delay Strategy Default Delay Strategy - The delay strategy defines the amount of time to wait between each of the retry attempts. The default delay strategy chosen for the SDK – Exponential backoff with jitter, using: 1. The base time to use in retry calculations will be 1 second 2. An exponent of 2. When calculating the next retry time, the SDK will raise this to the power of the number of attempts 3. A maximum wait time between calls of 30 seconds (Capped) 4. Added jitter value between 0-1000 milliseconds to spread out the requests Configure and use default retry policy You can set this retry policy for a single request: or for all requests made by a client: or for all requests made by all clients: or setting default retry via environment varaible, which is a global switch for all services: Some services enable retry for operations by default, this can be overridden using any alternatives mentioned above. To know which service operations have retries enabled by default, look at the operation's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has retries enabled by default Some resources may have to be replicated across regions and are only eventually consistent. That means the request to create, update, or delete the resource succeeded, but the resource is not available everywhere immediately. Creating, updating, or deleting any resource in the Identity service is affected by eventual consistency, and doing so may cause other operations in other services to fail until the Identity resource has been replicated. For example, the request to CreateTag in the Identity service in the home region succeeds, but immediately using that created tag in another region in a request to LaunchInstance in the Compute service may fail. If you are creating, updating, or deleting resources in the Identity service, we recommend using an eventually consistent retry policy for any service you access. The default retry policy already deals with eventual consistency. Example: This retry policy will use a different strategy if an eventually consistent change was made in the recent past (called the "eventually consistent window", currently defined to be 4 minutes after the eventually consistent change). This special retry policy for eventual consistency will: 1. make up to 9 attempts (including the initial attempt); if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made 2. retry at most until (a) approximately the end of the eventually consistent window or (b) the end of the default retry period of about 1.5 minutes, whichever is farther in the future; if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made, and the OCI Go SDK will not wait any longer 3. retry on the error codes 400-RelatedResourceNotAuthorizedOrNotFound, 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound, and 409-NotAuthorizedOrResourceAlreadyExists, for which the default retry policy does not retry, in addition to the errors the default retry policy retries on (see If there were no eventually consistent actions within the recent past, then this special retry strategy is not used. If you want a retry policy that does not handle eventual consistency in a special way, for example because you retry on all error responses, you can use DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency or NewRetryPolicyWithOptions with the common.ReplaceWithValuesFromRetryPolicy(common.DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency()) option: The NewRetryPolicy function also creates a retry policy without eventual consistency. Circuit Breaker can prevent an application repeatedly trying to execute an operation that is likely to fail, allowing it to continue without waiting for the fault to be rectified or wasting CPU cycles, of course, it also enables an application to detect whether the fault has been resolved. If the problem appears to have been rectified, the application can attempt to invoke the operation. Go SDK intergrates sony/gobreaker solution, wraps in a circuit breaker object, which monitors for failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error, this also saves the service from being overwhelmed with network calls in case of an outage. Circuit Breaker Configuration Definitions 1. Failure Rate Threshold - The state of the CircuitBreaker changes from CLOSED to OPEN when the failure rate is equal or greater than a configurable threshold. For example when more than 50% of the recorded calls have failed. 2. Reset Timeout - The timeout after which an open circuit breaker will attempt a request if a request is made 3. Failure Exceptions - The list of Exceptions that will be regarded as failures for the circuit. 4. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. 1. Failure Rate Threshold - 80% - This means when 80% of the requests calculated for a time window of 120 seconds have failed then the circuit will transition from closed to open. 2. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - A value of 10, for the above defined time window of 120 seconds. 3. Reset Timeout - 30 seconds to wait before setting the breaker to halfOpen state, and trying the action again. 4. Failure Exceptions - The failures for the circuit will only be recorded for the retryable/transient exceptions. This means only the following exceptions will be regarded as failure for the circuit. HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above, the following client side exceptions will also be treated as a failure for the circuit : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) Go SDK enable circuit breaker with default configuration for most of the service clients, if you don't want to enable the solution, can disable the functionality before your application running Go SDK also supports customize Circuit Breaker with specified configurations. You can find the examples here: To know which service clients have circuit breakers enabled, look at the service client's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has circuit breakers enabled by default The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy(request level configuration), alternatively, global(all services) or client level RetryPolicy configration is also possible. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The Retry behavior Precedence (Highest to lowest) is defined as below:- The OCI Go SDK defines a default retry policy that retries on the errors suitable for retries (see, for a recommended period of time (up to 7 attempts spread out over at most approximately 1.5 minutes). The default retry policy is defined by : Default Retry-able Errors Below is the list of default retry-able errors for which retry attempts should be made. The following errors should be retried (with backoff). HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above errors, retries should also be attempted in the following Client Side errors : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) The above errors can be avoided through retrying and hence, are classified as the default retry-able errors. Additionally, retries should also be made for Circuit Breaker exceptions (Exceptions raised by Circuit Breaker in an open state) Default Termination Strategy The termination strategy defines when SDKs should stop attempting to retry. In other words, it's the deadline for retries. The OCI SDKs should stop retrying the operation after 7 retry attempts. This means the SDKs will have retried for ~98 seconds or ~1.5 minutes have elapsed due to total delays. SDKs will make a total of 8 attempts. (1 initial request + 7 retries) Default Delay Strategy Default Delay Strategy - The delay strategy defines the amount of time to wait between each of the retry attempts. The default delay strategy chosen for the SDK – Exponential backoff with jitter, using: 1. The base time to use in retry calculations will be 1 second 2. An exponent of 2. When calculating the next retry time, the SDK will raise this to the power of the number of attempts 3. A maximum wait time between calls of 30 seconds (Capped) 4. Added jitter value between 0-1000 milliseconds to spread out the requests Configure and use default retry policy You can set this retry policy for a single request: or for all requests made by a client: or for all requests made by all clients: or setting default retry via environment varaible, which is a global switch for all services: Some services enable retry for operations by default, this can be overridden using any alternatives mentioned above. To know which service operations have retries enabled by default, look at the operation's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has retries enabled by default Some resources may have to be replicated across regions and are only eventually consistent. That means the request to create, update, or delete the resource succeeded, but the resource is not available everywhere immediately. Creating, updating, or deleting any resource in the Identity service is affected by eventual consistency, and doing so may cause other operations in other services to fail until the Identity resource has been replicated. For example, the request to CreateTag in the Identity service in the home region succeeds, but immediately using that created tag in another region in a request to LaunchInstance in the Compute service may fail. If you are creating, updating, or deleting resources in the Identity service, we recommend using an eventually consistent retry policy for any service you access. The default retry policy already deals with eventual consistency. Example: This retry policy will use a different strategy if an eventually consistent change was made in the recent past (called the "eventually consistent window", currently defined to be 4 minutes after the eventually consistent change). This special retry policy for eventual consistency will: 1. make up to 9 attempts (including the initial attempt); if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made 2. retry at most until (a) approximately the end of the eventually consistent window or (b) the end of the default retry period of about 1.5 minutes, whichever is farther in the future; if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made, and the OCI Go SDK will not wait any longer 3. retry on the error codes 400-RelatedResourceNotAuthorizedOrNotFound, 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound, and 409-NotAuthorizedOrResourceAlreadyExists, for which the default retry policy does not retry, in addition to the errors the default retry policy retries on (see If there were no eventually consistent actions within the recent past, then this special retry strategy is not used. If you want a retry policy that does not handle eventual consistency in a special way, for example because you retry on all error responses, you can use DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency or NewRetryPolicyWithOptions with the common.ReplaceWithValuesFromRetryPolicy(common.DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency()) option: The NewRetryPolicy function also creates a retry policy without eventual consistency. Circuit Breaker can prevent an application repeatedly trying to execute an operation that is likely to fail, allowing it to continue without waiting for the fault to be rectified or wasting CPU cycles, of course, it also enables an application to detect whether the fault has been resolved. If the problem appears to have been rectified, the application can attempt to invoke the operation. Go SDK intergrates sony/gobreaker solution, wraps in a circuit breaker object, which monitors for failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error, this also saves the service from being overwhelmed with network calls in case of an outage. Circuit Breaker Configuration Definitions 1. Failure Rate Threshold - The state of the CircuitBreaker changes from CLOSED to OPEN when the failure rate is equal or greater than a configurable threshold. For example when more than 50% of the recorded calls have failed. 2. Reset Timeout - The timeout after which an open circuit breaker will attempt a request if a request is made 3. Failure Exceptions - The list of Exceptions that will be regarded as failures for the circuit. 4. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. 1. Failure Rate Threshold - 80% - This means when 80% of the requests calculated for a time window of 120 seconds have failed then the circuit will transition from closed to open. 2. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - A value of 10, for the above defined time window of 120 seconds. 3. Reset Timeout - 30 seconds to wait before setting the breaker to halfOpen state, and trying the action again. 4. Failure Exceptions - The failures for the circuit will only be recorded for the retryable/transient exceptions. This means only the following exceptions will be regarded as failure for the circuit. HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above, the following client side exceptions will also be treated as a failure for the circuit : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) Go SDK enable circuit breaker with default configuration for most of the service clients, if you don't want to enable the solution, can disable the functionality before your application running Go SDK also supports customize Circuit Breaker with specified configurations. You can find the examples here: To know which service clients have circuit breakers enabled, look at the service client's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has circuit breakers enabled by default The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package xdg implements access to environment variables defined by the XDG Base Directory Specification.
Package edgedb is the official Go driver for EdgeDB. Additionally, is a code generator that generates go functions from edgeql files. Typical client usage looks like this: We recommend using environment variables for connection parameters. See the client connection docs for more information. You may also connect to a database using a DSN: Or you can use Option fields. edgedb never returns underlying errors directly. If you are checking for things like context expiration use errors.Is() or errors.As(). Most errors returned by the edgedb package will satisfy the edgedb.Error interface which has methods for introspecting. The following list shows the marshal/unmarshal mapping between EdgeDB types and go types: Note that EdgeDB's std::duration type is represented in int64 microseconds while go's time.Duration type is int64 nanoseconds. It is incorrect to cast one directly to the other. Shape fields that are not required must use optional types for receiving query results. The edgedb.Optional struct can be embedded to make structs optional. Not all types listed above are valid query parameters. To pass a slice of scalar values use array in your query. EdgeDB doesn't currently support using sets as parameters. Nested structures are also not directly allowed but you can use json instead. By default EdgeDB will ignore embedded structs when marshaling/unmarshaling. To treat an embedded struct's fields as part of the parent struct's fields, tag the embedded struct with `edgedb:"$inline"`. Interfaces for user defined marshaler/unmarshalers are documented in the internal/marshal package. Link properties are treated as fields in the linked to struct, and the @ is omitted from the field's tag.
Package mafsa implements Minimal Acyclic Finite State Automata (MA-FSA) in a space-optimized way as described by Dacuik, Mihov, Watson, and Watson in their paper, "Incremental Construction of Minimal Acyclic Finite-State Automata" (2000). It also implements Minimal Perfect Hashing (MPH) as described by Lucceshi and Kowaltowski in their paper, "Applications of Finite Automata Representing Large Vocabularies" (1992). Unscientifically speaking, this package lets you store large amounts of strings (with Unicode) in memory so that membership queries, prefix lookups, and fuzzy searches are fast. And because minimal perfect hashing is included, you can associate each entry in the tree with more data used by your application. See the README or the end of this documentation for a brief tutorial. MA-FSA structures are a specific type of Deterministic Acyclic Finite State Automaton (DAFSA) which fold equivalent state transitions into each other starting from the suffix of each entry. Typical construction algorithms involve building out the entire tree first, then minimizing the completed tree. However, the method described in the paper above allows the tree to be minimized after every word insertion, provided the insertions are performed in lexicographical order, which drastically reduces memory usage compared to regular prefix trees ("tries"). The goal of this package is to provide a simple, useful, and correct implementation of MA-FSA. Though more complex algorithms exist for removal of items and unordered insertion, these features may be outside the scope of this package. Membership queries are on the order of O(n), where n is the length of the input string, so basically O(1). It is advisable to keep n small since long entries without much in common, especially in the beginning or end of the string, will quickly overrun the optimizations that are available. In those cases, n-gram implementations might be preferable, though these will use more CPU. This package provides two kinds of MA-FSA implementations. One, the BuildTree, facilitates the construction of an optimized tree and allows ordered insertions. The other, MinTree, is effectively read-only but uses significantly less memory and is ideal for production environments where only reads will be occurring. Usually your build process will be separate from your production application, which will make heavy use of reading the structure. To use this package, create a BuildTree and insert your items in lexicographical order: The tree is now compressed to a minimum number of nodes and is ready to be saved. In your production application, then, you can read the file into a MinTree directly: The mt variable is a *MinTree which has the same data as the original BuildTree, but without all the extra "scaffolding" that was required for adding new elements. The package provides some basic read mechanisms.
A plugin is defined by plugin.Plugin. Create the file <plugin-name>/plugin.go, then implement a plugin.PluginFunc that creates a plugin.Plugin and returns a pointer to it. Note: The Go files for your plugin (except main.go) should reside in the <plugin-name> folder. Examples: Create main.go in your plugin's root directory. Add a main function which is the entry point for your plugin. This function must call plugin.Serve to instantiate your plugin's gRPC server, and pass the plugin.PluginFunc that you just wrote. Examples: By convention, each table lives in a separate file named table_<table name>.go. Each table has a single table definition function that returns a pointer to a plugin.Table. The table definition includes the name and description of the table, a set of column definitions, and the functions to call in order to list the data for all the rows, or to get data for a single row. Every table MUST define a List and/or Get function. Examples: This is a plugin.HydrateFunc that calls an API and returns data for all rows for the table. To define it, set the property plugin.Plugin.ListConfig. This is a plugin.HydrateFunc that calls an API and returns data for one row of the table. If the API can return a single item keyed by id, you should implement Get so that queries can filter the data as cheaply as possible. To define it, set the property plugin.Plugin.GetConfig. Use plugin.Column to define columns. A column may be populated by a List or Get call. If a column requires data not provide by List or Get, it may define a plugin.HydrateFunc that makes an additional API call for each row. Add a hydrate function for a column by setting plugin.Column.Hydrate. Use transform functions to extract and/or reformat data returned by a hydrate function. A plugin.Logger is passed to the plugin via its context.Context. Messages are written to ~/.steampipe/logs, e.g. ~/.steampipe/logs/plugin-2022-01-01.log. Steampipe uses go-hclog which supports standard log levels: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR. The default is WARN. Use the STEAMPIPE_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to set the level. Steampipe parallelizes hydrate functions as much as possible. Sometimes, however, one hydrate function requires the output from another. Use plugin.HydrateConfig to define the dependency. Use dynamic_tables when you cannot know a table's schema in advance, e.g. the CSV plugin. A user runs a query. Postgres parses the query and sends the parsed request to the Steampipe foreign data wrapper (FDW). The FDW determines which tables and columns are required. The FDW calls one or more [HydrateFunc] to fetch API data. Each table defines special hydrate functions: List and optionally Get. These will always be called before any other hydrate function in the table, as the other functions typically depend on the List or Get. One or more transform functions are called for each column. These extract and/or reformat data returned by the hydrate functions. The plugin returns the transformed data to the FDW. Steampipe FDW returns the results to the database.
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package nrb3 supports adding B3 headers to outgoing requests. When using the New Relic Go Agent, use this package if you want to add B3 headers ("X-B3-TraceId", etc., see to outgoing requests. Distributed tracing must be enabled ( for B3 headers to be added properly. This example demonstrates how to create a Zipkin reporter using the standard Zipkin http reporter ( to send Span data to New Relic. Follow this example when your application uses Zipkin for tracing (instead of the New Relic Go Agent) and you wish to send span data to the New Relic backend. The example assumes you have the environment variable NEW_RELIC_API_KEY set to your New Relic Insights Insert Key.
Package flagsfiller makes Go's flag package pleasant to use by mapping the fields of a given struct into flags in a FlagSet. A FlagSetFiller is created with the New constructor, passing it any desired FillerOptions. With that, call Fill, passing it a flag.FlatSet, such as flag.CommandLine, and your struct to be mapped. Even a simple struct with no special changes can be used, such as: After calling Parse on the flag.FlagSet, the corresponding fields of the mapped struct will be populated with values passed from the command-line. For an even quicker start, flagsfiller provides a convenience Parse function that does the same as the snippet above in one call: By default, the flags are named by taking the field name and performing a word-wise conversion to kebab-case. For example the field named "MyMultiWordField" becomes the flag named "my-multi-word-field". The naming strategy can be changed by passing a custom Renamer using the WithFieldRenamer option in the constructor. Additional aliases, such as short names, can be declared with the `aliases` tag as a comma-separated list: FlagSetFiller supports nested structs and computes the flag names by prefixing the field name of the struct to the names of the fields it contains. For example, the following maps to the flags named remote-host, remote-auth-username, and remote-auth-password: To declare a flag's usage add a `usage:""` tag to the field, such as: Since flag.UnquoteUsage normally uses back quotes to locate the argument placeholder name but struct tags also use back quotes, flagsfiller will instead use [square brackets] to define the placeholder name, such as: results in the rendered output: To declare the default value of a flag, you can either set a field's value before passing the struct to process, such as: or add a `default:""` tag to the field. Be sure to provide a valid string that can be converted into the field's type. For example, FlagSetFiller also includes support for []string fields. Repetition of the argument appends to the slice and/or an argument value can contain a comma or newline separated list of values. For example: results in a three element slice. The default tag's value is provided as a comma-separated list, such as FlagSetFiller also includes support for map[string]string fields. Each argument entry is a key=value and/or repetition of the arguments adds to the map or multiple entries can be comma or newline separated in a single argument value. For example: results in a map with three entries. The default tag's value is provided a comma-separate list of key=value entries, such as FlagSetFiller also supports following field types: - net.IP: format used by net.ParseIP() - net.IPNet: format used by net.ParseCIDR() - net.HardwareAddr (MAC addr): format used by net.ParseMAC() - time.Time: format is the layout string used by time.Parse(), default layout is time.DateTime, could be overriden by field tag "layout" - slog.Level: parsed as specified by, such as "info" To activate the setting of flag values from environment variables, pass the WithEnv option to flagsfiller.New or flagsfiller.Parse. That option takes a prefix that will be prepended to the resolved field name and then the whole thing is converted to SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE. The environment variable name will be automatically included in the flag usage along with the standard inclusion of the default value. For example, using the option WithEnv("App") along with the following field declaration would render the following usage: To override the naming of a flag, the field can be declared with the tag `flag:"name"` where the given name will be used exactly as the flag name. An empty string for the name indicates the field should be ignored and no flag is declared. For example, Environment variable naming and processing can be overridden with the `env:"name"` tag, where the given name will be used exactly as the mapped environment variable name. If the WithEnv or WithEnvRenamer options were enabled, a field can be excluded from environment variable mapping by giving an empty string. Conversely, environment variable mapping can be enabled per field with `env:"name"` even when the flagsfiller-wide option was not included. For example, This file implements support for all types that support interface encoding.TextUnmarshaler
Package datastore provides a client for Google Cloud Datastore. See for authentication, timeouts, connection pooling and similar aspects of this package. Entities are the unit of storage and are associated with a key. A key consists of an optional parent key, a string application ID, a string kind (also known as an entity type), and either a StringID or an IntID. A StringID is also known as an entity name or key name. It is valid to create a key with a zero StringID and a zero IntID; this is called an incomplete key, and does not refer to any saved entity. Putting an entity into the datastore under an incomplete key will cause a unique key to be generated for that entity, with a non-zero IntID. An entity's contents are a mapping from case-sensitive field names to values. Valid value types are: Slices of structs are valid, as are structs that contain slices. The Get and Put functions load and save an entity's contents. An entity's contents are typically represented by a struct pointer. Example code: GetMulti, PutMulti and DeleteMulti are batch versions of the Get, Put and Delete functions. They take a []*Key instead of a *Key, and may return a datastore.MultiError when encountering partial failure. Mutate generalizes PutMulti and DeleteMulti to a sequence of any Datastore mutations. It takes a series of mutations created with NewInsert, NewUpdate, NewUpsert and NewDelete and applies them atomically. An entity's contents can be represented by a variety of types. These are typically struct pointers, but can also be any type that implements the PropertyLoadSaver interface. If using a struct pointer, you do not have to explicitly implement the PropertyLoadSaver interface; the datastore will automatically convert via reflection. If a struct pointer does implement PropertyLoadSaver then those methods will be used in preference to the default behavior for struct pointers. Struct pointers are more strongly typed and are easier to use; PropertyLoadSavers are more flexible. The actual types passed do not have to match between Get and Put calls or even across different calls to datastore. It is valid to put a *PropertyList and get that same entity as a *myStruct, or put a *myStruct0 and get a *myStruct1. Conceptually, any entity is saved as a sequence of properties, and is loaded into the destination value on a property-by-property basis. When loading into a struct pointer, an entity that cannot be completely represented (such as a missing field) will result in an ErrFieldMismatch error but it is up to the caller whether this error is fatal, recoverable or ignorable. By default, for struct pointers, all properties are potentially indexed, and the property name is the same as the field name (and hence must start with an upper case letter). Fields may have a `datastore:"name,options"` tag. The tag name is the property name, which must be one or more valid Go identifiers joined by ".", but may start with a lower case letter. An empty tag name means to just use the field name. A "-" tag name means that the datastore will ignore that field. The only valid options are "omitempty", "noindex" and "flatten". If the options include "omitempty" and the value of the field is a zero value, then the field will be omitted on Save. Zero values are best defined in the golang spec ( Struct field values will never be empty, except for nil pointers. If options include "noindex" then the field will not be indexed. All fields are indexed by default. Strings or byte slices longer than 1500 bytes cannot be indexed; fields used to store long strings and byte slices must be tagged with "noindex" or they will cause Put operations to fail. For a nested struct field, the options may also include "flatten". This indicates that the immediate fields and any nested substruct fields of the nested struct should be flattened. See below for examples. To use multiple options together, separate them by a comma. The order does not matter. If the options is "" then the comma may be omitted. Example code: A field of slice type corresponds to a Datastore array property, except for []byte, which corresponds to a Datastore blob. Zero-length slice fields are not saved. Slice fields of length 1 or greater are saved as Datastore arrays. When a zero-length Datastore array is loaded into a slice field, the slice field remains unchanged. If a non-array value is loaded into a slice field, the result will be a slice with one element, containing the value. Loading a Datastore Null into a basic type (int, float, etc.) results in a zero value. Loading a Null into a slice of basic type results in a slice of size 1 containing the zero value. Loading a Null into a pointer field results in nil. Loading a Null into a field of struct type is an error. A struct field can be a pointer to a signed integer, floating-point number, string or bool. Putting a non-nil pointer will store its dereferenced value. Putting a nil pointer will store a Datastore Null property, unless the field is marked omitempty, in which case no property will be stored. Loading a Null into a pointer field sets the pointer to nil. Loading any other value allocates new storage with the value, and sets the field to point to it. If the struct contains a *datastore.Key field tagged with the name "__key__", its value will be ignored on Put. When reading the Entity back into the Go struct, the field will be populated with the *datastore.Key value used to query for the Entity. Example code: If the struct pointed to contains other structs, then the nested or embedded structs are themselves saved as Entity values. For example, given these definitions: then an Outer would have one property, Inner, encoded as an Entity value. If an outer struct is tagged "noindex" then all of its implicit flattened fields are effectively "noindex". If the Inner struct contains a *Key field with the name "__key__", like so: then the value of K will be used as the Key for Inner, represented as an Entity value in datastore. If any nested struct fields should be flattened, instead of encoded as Entity values, the nested struct field should be tagged with the "flatten" option. For example, given the following: an Outer's properties would be equivalent to those of: Note that the "flatten" option cannot be used for Entity value fields. The server will reject any dotted field names for an Entity value. An entity's contents can also be represented by any type that implements the PropertyLoadSaver interface. This type may be a struct pointer, but it does not have to be. The datastore package will call Load when getting the entity's contents, and Save when putting the entity's contents. Possible uses include deriving non-stored fields, verifying fields, or indexing a field only if its value is positive. Example code: The *PropertyList type implements PropertyLoadSaver, and can therefore hold an arbitrary entity's contents. If a type implements the PropertyLoadSaver interface, it may also want to implement the KeyLoader interface. The KeyLoader interface exists to allow implementations of PropertyLoadSaver to also load an Entity's Key into the Go type. This type may be a struct pointer, but it does not have to be. The datastore package will call LoadKey when getting the entity's contents, after calling Load. Example code: To load a Key into a struct which does not implement the PropertyLoadSaver interface, see the "Key Field" section above. Queries retrieve entities based on their properties or key's ancestry. Running a query yields an iterator of results: either keys or (key, entity) pairs. Queries are re-usable and it is safe to call Query.Run from concurrent goroutines. Iterators are not safe for concurrent use. Queries are immutable, and are either created by calling NewQuery, or derived from an existing query by calling a method like Filter or Order that returns a new query value. A query is typically constructed by calling NewQuery followed by a chain of zero or more such methods. These methods are: Example code: Client.RunInTransaction runs a function in a transaction. Example code: Pass the ReadOnly option to RunInTransaction if your transaction is used only for Get, GetMulti or queries. Read-only transactions are more efficient. This package supports the Cloud Datastore emulator, which is useful for testing and development. Environment variables are used to indicate that datastore traffic should be directed to the emulator instead of the production Datastore service. To install and set up the emulator and its environment variables, see the documentation at
zebrapack is a code generation tool for creating methods to serialize and de-serialize Go data structures to and from ZebraPack (a schema-based serialization format that is derived from MessagePack2). This package is targeted at the `go generate` tool. To use it, include the following directive in a go source file with types requiring source generation: The go generate tool should set the proper environment variables for the generator to execute without any command-line flags. However, the following options are supported, if you need them (See zebrapack -h): For more information, please read, and the wiki at
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy(request level configuration), alternatively, global(all services) or client level RetryPolicy configration is also possible. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The Retry behavior Precedence (Highest to lowest) is defined as below:- The OCI Go SDK defines a default retry policy that retries on the errors suitable for retries (see, for a recommended period of time (up to 7 attempts spread out over at most approximately 1.5 minutes). The default retry policy is defined by : Default Retry-able Errors Below is the list of default retry-able errors for which retry attempts should be made. The following errors should be retried (with backoff). HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above errors, retries should also be attempted in the following Client Side errors : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) The above errors can be avoided through retrying and hence, are classified as the default retry-able errors. Additionally, retries should also be made for Circuit Breaker exceptions (Exceptions raised by Circuit Breaker in an open state) Default Termination Strategy The termination strategy defines when SDKs should stop attempting to retry. In other words, it's the deadline for retries. The OCI SDKs should stop retrying the operation after 7 retry attempts. This means the SDKs will have retried for ~98 seconds or ~1.5 minutes have elapsed due to total delays. SDKs will make a total of 8 attempts. (1 initial request + 7 retries) Default Delay Strategy Default Delay Strategy - The delay strategy defines the amount of time to wait between each of the retry attempts. The default delay strategy chosen for the SDK – Exponential backoff with jitter, using: 1. The base time to use in retry calculations will be 1 second 2. An exponent of 2. When calculating the next retry time, the SDK will raise this to the power of the number of attempts 3. A maximum wait time between calls of 30 seconds (Capped) 4. Added jitter value between 0-1000 milliseconds to spread out the requests Configure and use default retry policy You can set this retry policy for a single request: or for all requests made by a client: or for all requests made by all clients: or setting default retry via environment varaible, which is a global switch for all services: Some services enable retry for operations by default, this can be overridden using any alternatives mentioned above. To know which service operations have retries enabled by default, look at the operation's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has retries enabled by default Some resources may have to be replicated across regions and are only eventually consistent. That means the request to create, update, or delete the resource succeeded, but the resource is not available everywhere immediately. Creating, updating, or deleting any resource in the Identity service is affected by eventual consistency, and doing so may cause other operations in other services to fail until the Identity resource has been replicated. For example, the request to CreateTag in the Identity service in the home region succeeds, but immediately using that created tag in another region in a request to LaunchInstance in the Compute service may fail. If you are creating, updating, or deleting resources in the Identity service, we recommend using an eventually consistent retry policy for any service you access. The default retry policy already deals with eventual consistency. Example: This retry policy will use a different strategy if an eventually consistent change was made in the recent past (called the "eventually consistent window", currently defined to be 4 minutes after the eventually consistent change). This special retry policy for eventual consistency will: 1. make up to 9 attempts (including the initial attempt); if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made 2. retry at most until (a) approximately the end of the eventually consistent window or (b) the end of the default retry period of about 1.5 minutes, whichever is farther in the future; if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made, and the OCI Go SDK will not wait any longer 3. retry on the error codes 400-RelatedResourceNotAuthorizedOrNotFound, 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound, and 409-NotAuthorizedOrResourceAlreadyExists, for which the default retry policy does not retry, in addition to the errors the default retry policy retries on (see If there were no eventually consistent actions within the recent past, then this special retry strategy is not used. If you want a retry policy that does not handle eventual consistency in a special way, for example because you retry on all error responses, you can use DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency or NewRetryPolicyWithOptions with the common.ReplaceWithValuesFromRetryPolicy(common.DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency()) option: The NewRetryPolicy function also creates a retry policy without eventual consistency. Circuit Breaker can prevent an application repeatedly trying to execute an operation that is likely to fail, allowing it to continue without waiting for the fault to be rectified or wasting CPU cycles, of course, it also enables an application to detect whether the fault has been resolved. If the problem appears to have been rectified, the application can attempt to invoke the operation. Go SDK intergrates sony/gobreaker solution, wraps in a circuit breaker object, which monitors for failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error, this also saves the service from being overwhelmed with network calls in case of an outage. Circuit Breaker Configuration Definitions 1. Failure Rate Threshold - The state of the CircuitBreaker changes from CLOSED to OPEN when the failure rate is equal or greater than a configurable threshold. For example when more than 50% of the recorded calls have failed. 2. Reset Timeout - The timeout after which an open circuit breaker will attempt a request if a request is made 3. Failure Exceptions - The list of Exceptions that will be regarded as failures for the circuit. 4. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. 1. Failure Rate Threshold - 80% - This means when 80% of the requests calculated for a time window of 120 seconds have failed then the circuit will transition from closed to open. 2. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - A value of 10, for the above defined time window of 120 seconds. 3. Reset Timeout - 30 seconds to wait before setting the breaker to halfOpen state, and trying the action again. 4. Failure Exceptions - The failures for the circuit will only be recorded for the retryable/transient exceptions. This means only the following exceptions will be regarded as failure for the circuit. HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above, the following client side exceptions will also be treated as a failure for the circuit : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) Go SDK enable circuit breaker with default configuration for most of the service clients, if you don't want to enable the solution, can disable the functionality before your application running Go SDK also supports customize Circuit Breaker with specified configurations. You can find the examples here: To know which service clients have circuit breakers enabled, look at the service client's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has circuit breakers enabled by default The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy(request level configuration), alternatively, global(all services) or client level RetryPolicy configration is also possible. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The Retry behavior Precedence (Highest to lowest) is defined as below:- The OCI Go SDK defines a default retry policy that retries on the errors suitable for retries (see, for a recommended period of time (up to 7 attempts spread out over at most approximately 1.5 minutes). The default retry policy is defined by : Default Retry-able Errors Below is the list of default retry-able errors for which retry attempts should be made. The following errors should be retried (with backoff). HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above errors, retries should also be attempted in the following Client Side errors : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) The above errors can be avoided through retrying and hence, are classified as the default retry-able errors. Additionally, retries should also be made for Circuit Breaker exceptions (Exceptions raised by Circuit Breaker in an open state) Default Termination Strategy The termination strategy defines when SDKs should stop attempting to retry. In other words, it's the deadline for retries. The OCI SDKs should stop retrying the operation after 7 retry attempts. This means the SDKs will have retried for ~98 seconds or ~1.5 minutes have elapsed due to total delays. SDKs will make a total of 8 attempts. (1 initial request + 7 retries) Default Delay Strategy Default Delay Strategy - The delay strategy defines the amount of time to wait between each of the retry attempts. The default delay strategy chosen for the SDK – Exponential backoff with jitter, using: 1. The base time to use in retry calculations will be 1 second 2. An exponent of 2. When calculating the next retry time, the SDK will raise this to the power of the number of attempts 3. A maximum wait time between calls of 30 seconds (Capped) 4. Added jitter value between 0-1000 milliseconds to spread out the requests Configure and use default retry policy You can set this retry policy for a single request: or for all requests made by a client: or for all requests made by all clients: or setting default retry via environment varaible, which is a global switch for all services: Some services enable retry for operations by default, this can be overridden using any alternatives mentioned above. To know which service operations have retries enabled by default, look at the operation's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has retries enabled by default Some resources may have to be replicated across regions and are only eventually consistent. That means the request to create, update, or delete the resource succeeded, but the resource is not available everywhere immediately. Creating, updating, or deleting any resource in the Identity service is affected by eventual consistency, and doing so may cause other operations in other services to fail until the Identity resource has been replicated. For example, the request to CreateTag in the Identity service in the home region succeeds, but immediately using that created tag in another region in a request to LaunchInstance in the Compute service may fail. If you are creating, updating, or deleting resources in the Identity service, we recommend using an eventually consistent retry policy for any service you access. The default retry policy already deals with eventual consistency. Example: This retry policy will use a different strategy if an eventually consistent change was made in the recent past (called the "eventually consistent window", currently defined to be 4 minutes after the eventually consistent change). This special retry policy for eventual consistency will: 1. make up to 9 attempts (including the initial attempt); if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made 2. retry at most until (a) approximately the end of the eventually consistent window or (b) the end of the default retry period of about 1.5 minutes, whichever is farther in the future; if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made, and the OCI Go SDK will not wait any longer 3. retry on the error codes 400-RelatedResourceNotAuthorizedOrNotFound, 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound, and 409-NotAuthorizedOrResourceAlreadyExists, for which the default retry policy does not retry, in addition to the errors the default retry policy retries on (see If there were no eventually consistent actions within the recent past, then this special retry strategy is not used. If you want a retry policy that does not handle eventual consistency in a special way, for example because you retry on all error responses, you can use DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency or NewRetryPolicyWithOptions with the common.ReplaceWithValuesFromRetryPolicy(common.DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency()) option: The NewRetryPolicy function also creates a retry policy without eventual consistency. Circuit Breaker can prevent an application repeatedly trying to execute an operation that is likely to fail, allowing it to continue without waiting for the fault to be rectified or wasting CPU cycles, of course, it also enables an application to detect whether the fault has been resolved. If the problem appears to have been rectified, the application can attempt to invoke the operation. Go SDK intergrates sony/gobreaker solution, wraps in a circuit breaker object, which monitors for failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error, this also saves the service from being overwhelmed with network calls in case of an outage. Circuit Breaker Configuration Definitions 1. Failure Rate Threshold - The state of the CircuitBreaker changes from CLOSED to OPEN when the failure rate is equal or greater than a configurable threshold. For example when more than 50% of the recorded calls have failed. 2. Reset Timeout - The timeout after which an open circuit breaker will attempt a request if a request is made 3. Failure Exceptions - The list of Exceptions that will be regarded as failures for the circuit. 4. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. 1. Failure Rate Threshold - 80% - This means when 80% of the requests calculated for a time window of 120 seconds have failed then the circuit will transition from closed to open. 2. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - A value of 10, for the above defined time window of 120 seconds. 3. Reset Timeout - 30 seconds to wait before setting the breaker to halfOpen state, and trying the action again. 4. Failure Exceptions - The failures for the circuit will only be recorded for the retryable/transient exceptions. This means only the following exceptions will be regarded as failure for the circuit. HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above, the following client side exceptions will also be treated as a failure for the circuit : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) Go SDK enable circuit breaker with default configuration for most of the service clients, if you don't want to enable the solution, can disable the functionality before your application running Go SDK also supports customize Circuit Breaker with specified configurations. You can find the examples here: To know which service clients have circuit breakers enabled, look at the service client's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has circuit breakers enabled by default The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package ora implements an Oracle database driver. An Oracle database may be accessed through the database/sql package or through the ora package directly. database/sql offers connection pooling, thread safety, a consistent API to multiple database technologies and a common set of Go types. The ora package offers additional features including pointers, slices, nullable types, numerics of various sizes, Oracle-specific types, Go return type configuration, and Oracle abstractions such as environment, server and session. The ora package is written with the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) C-language libraries provided by Oracle. The OCI libraries are a standard for client application communication and driver communication with Oracle databases. The ora package has been verified to work with: Minimum requirements are Go 1.3 with CGO enabled, a GCC C compiler, and Oracle 11g ( or Oracle Instant Client ( Install Oracle or Oracle Instant Client. Copy the [oci8.pc](contrib/oci8.pc) from the `contrib` folder (or the one for your system, maybe tailored to your specific locations) to a folder in `$PKG_CONFIG_PATH` or a system folder, such as The ora package has no external Go dependencies and is available on GitHub and The ora package supports all built-in Oracle data types. The supported Oracle built-in data types are NUMBER, BINARY_DOUBLE, BINARY_FLOAT, FLOAT, DATE, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE, INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH, INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND, CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, LONG, CLOB, NCLOB, BLOB, LONG RAW, RAW, ROWID and BFILE. SYS_REFCURSOR is also supported. Oracle does not provide a built-in boolean type. Oracle provides a single-byte character type. A common practice is to define two single-byte characters which represent true and false. The ora package adopts this approach. The oracle package associates a Go bool value to a Go rune and sends and receives the rune to a CHAR(1 BYTE) column or CHAR(1 CHAR) column. The default false rune is zero '0'. The default true rune is one '1'. The bool rune association may be configured or disabled when directly using the ora package but not with the database/sql package. Within a SQL string a placeholder may be specified to indicate where a Go variable is placed. The SQL placeholder is an Oracle identifier, from 1 to 30 characters, prefixed with a colon (:). For example: Placeholders within a SQL statement are bound by position. The actual name is not used by the ora package driver e.g., placeholder names :c1, :1, or :xyz are treated equally. You may access an Oracle database through the database/sql package. The database/sql package offers a consistent API across different databases, connection pooling, thread safety and a set of common Go types. database/sql makes working with Oracle straight-forward. The ora package implements interfaces in the database/sql/driver package enabling database/sql to communicate with an Oracle database. Using database/sql ensures you never have to call the ora package directly. When using database/sql, the mapping between Go types and Oracle types may be changed slightly. The database/sql package has strict expectations on Go return types. The Go-to-Oracle type mapping for database/sql is: The "ora" driver is automatically registered for use with sql.Open, but you can call ora.SetDrvCfg to set the used configuration options including statement configuration and Rset configuration. When configuring the driver for use with database/sql, keep in mind that database/sql has strict Go type-to-Oracle type mapping expectations. The ora package allows programming with pointers, slices, nullable types, numerics of various sizes, Oracle-specific types, Go return type configuration, and Oracle abstractions such as environment, server and session. When working with the ora package directly, the API is slightly different than database/sql. When using the ora package directly, the mapping between Go types and Oracle types may be changed. The Go-to-Oracle type mapping for the ora package is: An example of using the ora package directly: Pointers may be used to capture out-bound values from a SQL statement such as an insert or stored procedure call. For example, a numeric pointer captures an identity value: A string pointer captures an out parameter from a stored procedure: Slices may be used to insert multiple records with a single insert statement: The ora package provides nullable Go types to support DML operations such as insert and select. The nullable Go types provided by the ora package are Int64, Int32, Int16, Int8, Uint64, Uint32, Uint16, Uint8, Float64, Float32, Time, IntervalYM, IntervalDS, String, Bool, Binary and Bfile. For example, you may insert nullable Strings and select nullable Strings: The Stmt.Prep method is variadic accepting zero or more GoColumnType which define a Go return type for a select-list column. For example, a Prep call can be configured to return an int64 and a nullable Int64 from the same column: Go numerics of various sizes are supported in DML operations. The ora package supports int64, int32, int16, int8, uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8, float64 and float32. For example, you may insert a uint16 and select numerics of various sizes: If a non-nullable type is defined for a nullable column returning null, the Go type's zero value is returned. GoColumnTypes defined by the ora package are: When Stmt.Prep doesn't receive a GoColumnType, or receives an incorrect GoColumnType, the default value defined in RsetCfg is used. EnvCfg, SrvCfg, SesCfg, StmtCfg and RsetCfg are the main configuration structs. EnvCfg configures aspects of an Env. SrvCfg configures aspects of a Srv. SesCfg configures aspects of a Ses. StmtCfg configures aspects of a Stmt. RsetCfg configures aspects of Rset. StmtCfg and RsetCfg have the most options to configure. RsetCfg defines the default mapping between an Oracle select-list column and a Go type. StmtCfg may be set in an EnvCfg, SrvCfg, SesCfg and StmtCfg. RsetCfg may be set in a Stmt. EnvCfg.StmtCfg, SrvCfg.StmtCfg, SesCfg.StmtCfg may optionally be specified to configure a statement. If StmtCfg isn't specified default values are applied. EnvCfg.StmtCfg, SrvCfg.StmtCfg, SesCfg.StmtCfg cascade to new descendent structs. When ora.OpenEnv() is called a specified EnvCfg is used or a default EnvCfg is created. Creating a Srv with env.OpenSrv() will use SrvCfg.StmtCfg if it is specified; otherwise, EnvCfg.StmtCfg is copied by value to SrvCfg.StmtCfg. Creating a Ses with srv.OpenSes() will use SesCfg.StmtCfg if it is specified; otherwise, SrvCfg.StmtCfg is copied by value to SesCfg.StmtCfg. Creating a Stmt with ses.Prep() will use SesCfg.StmtCfg if it is specified; otherwise, a new StmtCfg with default values is set on the Stmt. Call Stmt.Cfg() to change a Stmt's configuration. An Env may contain multiple Srv. A Srv may contain multiple Ses. A Ses may contain multiple Stmt. A Stmt may contain multiple Rset. Setting a RsetCfg on a StmtCfg does not cascade through descendent structs. Configuration of Stmt.Cfg takes effect prior to calls to Stmt.Exe and Stmt.Qry; consequently, any updates to Stmt.Cfg after a call to Stmt.Exe or Stmt.Qry are not observed. One configuration scenario may be to set a server's select statements to return nullable Go types by default: Another scenario may be to configure the runes mapped to bool values: Oracle-specific types offered by the ora package are ora.Rset, ora.IntervalYM, ora.IntervalDS, ora.Raw, ora.Lob and ora.Bfile. ora.Rset represents an Oracle SYS_REFCURSOR. ora.IntervalYM represents an Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH. ora.IntervalDS represents an Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND. ora.Raw represents an Oracle RAW or LONG RAW. ora.Lob may represent an Oracle BLOB or Oracle CLOB. And ora.Bfile represents an Oracle BFILE. ROWID columns are returned as strings and don't have a unique Go type. Rset is used to obtain Go values from a SQL select statement. Methods Rset.Next, Rset.NextRow, and Rset.Len are available. Fields Rset.Row, Rset.Err, Rset.Index, and Rset.ColumnNames are also available. The Next method attempts to load data from an Oracle buffer into Row, returning true when successful. When no data is available, or if an error occurs, Next returns false setting Row to nil. Any error in Next is assigned to Err. Calling Next increments Index and method Len returns the total number of rows processed. The NextRow method is convenient for returning a single row. NextRow calls Next and returns Row. ColumnNames returns the names of columns defined by the SQL select statement. Rset has two usages. Rset may be returned from Stmt.Qry when prepared with a SQL select statement: Or, *Rset may be passed to Stmt.Exe when prepared with a stored procedure accepting an OUT SYS_REFCURSOR parameter: Stored procedures with multiple OUT SYS_REFCURSOR parameters enable a single Exe call to obtain multiple Rsets: The types of values assigned to Row may be configured in StmtCfg.Rset. For configuration to take effect, assign StmtCfg.Rset prior to calling Stmt.Qry or Stmt.Exe. Rset prefetching may be controlled by StmtCfg.PrefetchRowCount and StmtCfg.PrefetchMemorySize. PrefetchRowCount works in coordination with PrefetchMemorySize. When PrefetchRowCount is set to zero only PrefetchMemorySize is used; otherwise, the minimum of PrefetchRowCount and PrefetchMemorySize is used. The default uses a PrefetchMemorySize of 134MB. Opening and closing Rsets is managed internally. Rset does not have an Open method or Close method. IntervalYM may be be inserted and selected: IntervalDS may be be inserted and selected: Transactions on an Oracle server are supported. DML statements auto-commit unless a transaction has started: Ses.PrepAndExe, Ses.PrepAndQry, Ses.Ins, Ses.Upd, and Ses.Sel are convenient one-line methods. Ses.PrepAndExe offers a convenient one-line call to Ses.Prep and Stmt.Exe. Ses.PrepAndQry offers a convenient one-line call to Ses.Prep and Stmt.Qry. Ses.Ins composes, prepares and executes a sql INSERT statement. Ses.Ins is useful when you have to create and maintain a simple INSERT statement with a long list of columns. As table columns are added and dropped over the lifetime of a table Ses.Ins is easy to read and revise. Ses.Upd composes, prepares and executes a sql UPDATE statement. Ses.Upd is useful when you have to create and maintain a simple UPDATE statement with a long list of columns. As table columns are added and dropped over the lifetime of a table Ses.Upd is easy to read and revise. Ses.Sel composes, prepares and queries a sql SELECT statement. Ses.Sel is useful when you have to create and maintain a simple SELECT statement with a long list of columns that have non-default GoColumnTypes. As table columns are added and dropped over the lifetime of a table Ses.Sel is easy to read and revise. The Ses.Ping method checks whether the client's connection to an Oracle server is valid. A call to Ping requires an open Ses. Ping will return a nil error when the connection is fine: The Srv.Version method is available to obtain the Oracle server version. A call to Version requires an open Ses: Further code examples are available in the example file, test files and samples folder. The ora package provides a simple ora.Logger interface for logging. Logging is disabled by default. Specify one of three optional built-in logging packages to enable logging; or, use your own logging package. ora.Cfg().Log offers various options to enable or disable logging of specific ora driver methods. For example: To use the standard Go log package: which produces a sample log of: Messages are prefixed with 'ORA I' for information or 'ORA E' for an error. The log package is configured to write to os.Stderr by default. Use the ora/lg.Std type to configure an alternative io.Writer. To use the glog package: which produces a sample log of: To use the log15 package: which produces a sample log of: See for sample code which uses the log15 package. Tests are available and require some setup. Setup varies depending on whether the Oracle server is configured as a container database or non-container database. It's simpler to setup a non-container database. An example for each setup is explained. Non-container test database setup steps: Container test database setup steps: Some helpful SQL maintenance statements: Run the tests. database/sql method Stmt.QueryRow is not supported. Copyright 2015 Rana Ian. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by The MIT License found in the accompanying LICENSE file.
greenpack is a code generation tool for creating methods to serialize and de-serialize Go data structures to and from Greenpack (a schema-based serialization format that is derived from MessagePack2). This package is targeted at the `go generate` tool. To use it, include the following directive in a go source file with types requiring source generation: The go generate tool should set the proper environment variables for the generator to execute without any command-line flags. However, the following options are supported, if you need them (See greenpack -h): For more information, please read, and the wiki at
Package lctime provides a way to format dates and times using strftime directives. More importantly, it does so in a locale-aware fashion. This allows developers to format time based on a user's locale. An initial locale is loaded at import time. It's determined by the first, non-empty locale identifier from these environment variables. If all of the previous variables are empty, then POSIX will be the initial locale used. All locales use UTF-8 character encoding. The formats used are loosely based on glibc locale files. These are the supported strftime directives. They're loosely based on The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7,
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy. You can find the examples here: The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package ovirtclient provides a human-friendly Go client for the oVirt Engine. It provides an abstraction layer for the oVirt API, as well as a mocking facility for testing purposes. This documentation contains two parts. This introduction explains setting up the client with the credentials. The API doc contains the individual API calls. When reading the API doc, start with the Client interface: it contains all components of the API. The individual API's, their documentation and examples are located in subinterfaces, such as DiskClient. There are several ways to create a client instance. The most basic way is to use the New() function as follows: The mock client simulates the oVirt engine behavior in-memory without needing an actual running engine. This is a good way to provide a testing facility. It can be created using the NewMock method: That's it! However, to make it really useful, you will need the test helper which can set up test fixtures. The test helper can work in two ways: Either it sets up test fixtures in the mock client, or it sets up a live connection and identifies a usable storage domain, cluster, etc. for testing purposes. The ovirtclient.NewMockTestHelper() function can be used to create a test helper with a mock client in the backend: The easiest way to set up the test helper for a live connection is by using environment variables. To do that, you can use the ovirtclient.NewLiveTestHelperFromEnv() function: This function will inspect environment variables to determine if a connection to a live oVirt engine can be established. The following environment variables are supported: URL of the oVirt engine API. Mandatory. The username for the oVirt engine. Mandatory. The password for the oVirt engine. Mandatory. A file containing the CA certificate in PEM format. Provide the CA certificate in PEM format directly. Disable certificate verification if set. Not recommended. The cluster to use for testing. Will be automatically chosen if not provided. ID of the blank template. Will be automatically chosen if not provided. Storage domain to use for testing. Will be automatically chosen if not provided. VNIC profile to use for testing. Will be automatically chosen if not provided. You can also create the test helper manually: This library provides extensive logging. Each API interaction is logged on the debug level, and other messages are added on other levels. In order to provide logging this library uses the go-ovirt-client-log ( interface definition. As long as your logger implements this interface, you will be able to receive log messages. The logging library also provides a few built-in loggers. For example, you can log via the default Go log interface: Or, you can also log in tests: You can also disable logging: Finally, we also provide an adapter library for klog here: Modern-day oVirt engines run secured with TLS. This means that the client needs a way to verify the certificate the server is presenting. This is controlled by the tls parameter of the New() function. You can implement your own source by implementing the TLSProvider interface, but the package also includes a ready-to-use provider. Create the provider using the TLS() function: This provider has several functions. The easiest to set up is using the system trust root for certificates. However, this won't work own Windows: Now you need to add your oVirt engine certificate to your system trust root. If you don't want to, or can't add the certificate to the system trust root, you can also directly provide it to the client. Finally, you can also disable certificate verification. Do we need to say that this is a very, very bad idea? The configured tls variable can then be passed to the New() function to create an oVirt client. This library attempts to retry API calls that can be retried if possible. Each function has a sensible retry policy. However, you may want to customize the retries by passing one or more retry flags. The following retry flags are supported: This strategy will stop retries when the context parameter is canceled. This strategy adds a wait time after each time, which is increased by the given factor on each try. The default is a backoff with a factor of 2. This strategy will cancel retries if the error in question is a permanent error. This is enabled by default. This strategy will abort retries if a maximum number of tries is reached. On complex calls the retries are counted per underlying API call. This strategy will abort retries if a certain time has been elapsed for the higher level call. This strategy will abort retries if a certain underlying API call takes longer than the specified duration.
Package babyenv collects environment variables and places them in corresponding struct fields. It aims to reduce the boilerplate in reading data from the environment. The struct should contain `env` tags indicating the names of corresponding environment variables. The values of those environment variables will be then collected and placed into the struct. If nothing is found, struct fields will be given their default values (for example, `bool`s will be `false`). Default values can also be provided in the `default` tag. A 'required' flag can also be set in the following format: If a required flag is set the 'default' tag will be ignored. Only a few types are supported: string, bool, int, []byte, *string, *bool, *int, *[]byte. An error will be returned if other types are attempted to be processed. Example: