Package envconfig populates struct fields based on environment variable values (or anything that responds to "Lookup"). Structs declare their environment dependencies using the "env" tag with the key being the name of the environment variable, case sensitive. All built-in types are supported except Func and Chan. If you need to define a custom decoder, implement Decoder: In the environment, slices are specified as comma-separated values: In the environment, maps are specified as comma-separated key:value pairs: For more configuration options and examples, see the documentation.
Package pgconn is a low-level PostgreSQL database driver. pgconn provides lower level access to a PostgreSQL connection than a database/sql or pgx connection. It operates at nearly the same level is the C library libpq. Use Connect to establish a connection. It accepts a connection string in URL or DSN and will read the environment for libpq style environment variables. ExecParams and ExecPrepared execute a single query. They return readers that iterate over each row. The Read method reads all rows into memory. Exec and ExecBatch can execute multiple queries in a single round trip. They return readers that iterate over each query result. The ReadAll method reads all query results into memory. All potentially blocking operations take a context.Context. If a context is canceled while the method is in progress the method immediately returns. In most circumstances, this will close the underlying connection. The CancelRequest method may be used to request the PostgreSQL server cancel an in-progress query without forcing the client to abort.
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy. You can find the examples here: The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package env provides an `env` struct field tag to marshal and unmarshal environment variables. Copyright 2018 Netflix, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Package goworker is a Resque-compatible, Go-based background worker. It allows you to push jobs into a queue using an expressive language like Ruby while harnessing the efficiency and concurrency of Go to minimize job latency and cost. goworker workers can run alongside Ruby Resque clients so that you can keep all but your most resource-intensive jobs in Ruby. To create a worker, write a function matching the signature and register it using Here is a simple worker that prints its arguments: To create workers that share a database pool or other resources, use a closure to share variables. goworker worker functions receive the queue they are serving and a slice of interfaces. To use them as parameters to other functions, use Go type assertions to convert them into usable types. For testing, it is helpful to use the redis-cli program to insert jobs onto the Redis queue: will insert 100 jobs for the MyClass worker onto the myqueue queue. It is equivalent to: After building your workers, you will have an executable that you can run which will automatically poll a Redis server and call your workers as jobs arrive. There are several flags which control the operation of the goworker client. -queues="comma,delimited,queues" — This is the only required flag. The recommended practice is to separate your Resque workers from your goworkers with different queues. Otherwise, Resque worker classes that have no goworker analog will cause the goworker process to fail the jobs. Because of this, there is no default queue, nor is there a way to select all queues (à la Resque's * queue). Queues are processed in the order they are specififed. If you have multiple queues you can assign them weights. A queue with a weight of 2 will be checked twice as often as a queue with a weight of 1: -queues='high=2,low=1'. -interval=5.0 — Specifies the wait period between polling if no job was in the queue the last time one was requested. -concurrency=25 — Specifies the number of concurrently executing workers. This number can be as low as 1 or rather comfortably as high as 100,000, and should be tuned to your workflow and the availability of outside resources. -connections=2 — Specifies the maximum number of Redis connections that goworker will consume between the poller and all workers. There is not much performance gain over two and a slight penalty when using only one. This is configurable in case you need to keep connection counts low for cloud Redis providers who limit plans on maxclients. -uri=redis://localhost:6379/ — Specifies the URI of the Redis database from which goworker polls for jobs. Accepts URIs of the format redis://user:pass@host:port/db or unix:///path/to/redis.sock. The flag may also be set by the environment variable $($REDIS_PROVIDER) or $REDIS_URL. E.g. set $REDIS_PROVIDER to REDISTOGO_URL on Heroku to let the Redis To Go add-on configure the Redis database. -namespace=resque: — Specifies the namespace from which goworker retrieves jobs and stores stats on workers. -exit-on-complete=false — Exits goworker when there are no jobs left in the queue. This is helpful in conjunction with the time command to benchmark different configurations. -use-number=false — Uses json.Number when decoding numbers in the job payloads. This will avoid issues that occur when goworker and the json package decode large numbers as floats, which then get encoded in scientific notation, losing pecision. This will default to true soon. You can also configure your own flags for use within your workers. Be sure to set them before calling goworker.Main(). It is okay to call flags.Parse() before calling goworker.Main() if you need to do additional processing on your flags. To stop goworker, send a QUIT, TERM, or INT signal to the process. This will immediately stop job polling. There can be up to $CONCURRENCY jobs currently running, which will continue to run until they are finished. Like Resque, goworker makes no guarantees about the safety of jobs in the event of process shutdown. Workers must be both idempotent and tolerant to loss of the job in the event of failure. If the process is killed with a KILL or by a system failure, there may be one job that is currently in the poller's buffer that will be lost without any representation in either the queue or the worker variable. If you are running Goworker on a system like Heroku, which sends a TERM to signal a process that it needs to stop, ten seconds later sends a KILL to force the process to stop, your jobs must finish within 10 seconds or they may be lost. Jobs will be recoverable from the Redis database under as a JSON object with keys queue, run_at, and payload, but the process is manual. Additionally, there is no guarantee that the job in Redis under the worker key has not finished, if the process is killed before goworker can flush the update to Redis.
Package autoexport provides OpenTelemetry exporter factory functions with defaults and environment variable support as defined by the OpenTelemetry specification.
Package multiconfig provides a way to load and read configurations from multiple sources. You can read from TOML file, JSON file, YAML file, Environment Variables and flags. You can set the order of reader with MultiLoader. Package is extensible, you can add your custom Loader by implementing the Load interface.
Package gotenv provides functionality to dynamically load the environment variables
Package engineapi provides libraries to implement client and server components compatible with the Docker engine. The client package in implements all necessary requests to implement the official Docker engine cli. Create a new client, then use it to send and receive messages to the Docker engine API: Other programs, like Docker Machine, can set the default Docker engine environment for you. There is a shortcut to use its variables to configure the client: All request arguments are defined as typed structures in the types package. For instance, this is how to get all containers running in the host:
Package config is an encoding-agnostic configuration abstraction. It supports merging multiple configuration files, expanding environment variables, and a variety of other small niceties. It currently supports YAML, but may be extended in the future to support more restrictive encodings like JSON or TOML. It's often convenient to separate configuration into multiple files; for example, an application may want to first load some universally-applicable configuration and then merge in some environment-specific overrides. This package supports this pattern in a variety of ways, all of which use the same merge logic. Simple types (numbers, strings, dates, and anything else YAML would consider a scalar) are merged by replacing lower-priority values with higher-priority overrides. For example, consider this merge of base.yaml and override.yaml: Slices, arrays, and anything else YAML would consider a sequence are also replaced. Again merging base.yaml and override.yaml: Maps are recursively deep-merged, handling scalars and sequences as described above. Consider a merge between a more complex set of YAML files: In all cases, explicit nils (represented in YAML with a tilde) override any pre-existing configuration. For example, By default, the NewYAML constructor enables's strict unmarshalling mode. This prevents a variety of common programmer errors, especially when deep-merging loosely-typed YAML files. In strict mode, providers throw errors if keys are duplicated in the same configuration source, all keys aren't used when populating a struct, or a merge encounters incompatible data types. This behavior can be disabled with the Permissive option. To maintain backward compatibility, all other constructors default to permissive unmarshalling. YAML allows strings to appear quoted or unquoted, so these two lines are identical: However, the YAML specification special-cases some unquoted strings. Most obviously, true and false are interpreted as Booleans (unless quoted). Less obviously, yes, no, on, off, and many variants of these words are also treated as Booleans (see for the complete specification). Correctly deep-merging sources requires this package to unmarshal and then remarshal all YAML, which implicitly converts these special-cased unquoted strings to their canonical representation. For example, Quoting special-cased strings prevents this surprising behavior. Unfortunately, this package was released with a variety of bugs and an overly large API. The internals of the configuration provider have been completely reworked and all known bugs have been addressed, but many duplicative exported functions were retained to preserve backward compatibility. New users should rely on the NewYAML constructor. In particular, avoid NewValue - it's unnecessary, complex, and may panic. Deprecated functions are documented in the format expected by the staticcheck linter, available at
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy(request level configuration), alternatively, global(all services) or client level RetryPolicy configration is also possible. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The Retry behavior Precedence (Highest to lowest) is defined as below:- The OCI Go SDK defines a default retry policy that retries on the errors suitable for retries (see, for a recommended period of time (up to 7 attempts spread out over at most approximately 1.5 minutes). The default retry policy is defined by : Default Retry-able Errors Below is the list of default retry-able errors for which retry attempts should be made. The following errors should be retried (with backoff). HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above errors, retries should also be attempted in the following Client Side errors : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) The above errors can be avoided through retrying and hence, are classified as the default retry-able errors. Additionally, retries should also be made for Circuit Breaker exceptions (Exceptions raised by Circuit Breaker in an open state) Default Termination Strategy The termination strategy defines when SDKs should stop attempting to retry. In other words, it's the deadline for retries. The OCI SDKs should stop retrying the operation after 7 retry attempts. This means the SDKs will have retried for ~98 seconds or ~1.5 minutes have elapsed due to total delays. SDKs will make a total of 8 attempts. (1 initial request + 7 retries) Default Delay Strategy Default Delay Strategy - The delay strategy defines the amount of time to wait between each of the retry attempts. The default delay strategy chosen for the SDK – Exponential backoff with jitter, using: 1. The base time to use in retry calculations will be 1 second 2. An exponent of 2. When calculating the next retry time, the SDK will raise this to the power of the number of attempts 3. A maximum wait time between calls of 30 seconds (Capped) 4. Added jitter value between 0-1000 milliseconds to spread out the requests Configure and use default retry policy You can set this retry policy for a single request: or for all requests made by a client: or for all requests made by all clients: or setting default retry via environment varaible, which is a global switch for all services: Some services enable retry for operations by default, this can be overridden using any alternatives mentioned above. To know which service operations have retries enabled by default, look at the operation's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has retries enabled by default Some resources may have to be replicated across regions and are only eventually consistent. That means the request to create, update, or delete the resource succeeded, but the resource is not available everywhere immediately. Creating, updating, or deleting any resource in the Identity service is affected by eventual consistency, and doing so may cause other operations in other services to fail until the Identity resource has been replicated. For example, the request to CreateTag in the Identity service in the home region succeeds, but immediately using that created tag in another region in a request to LaunchInstance in the Compute service may fail. If you are creating, updating, or deleting resources in the Identity service, we recommend using an eventually consistent retry policy for any service you access. The default retry policy already deals with eventual consistency. Example: This retry policy will use a different strategy if an eventually consistent change was made in the recent past (called the "eventually consistent window", currently defined to be 4 minutes after the eventually consistent change). This special retry policy for eventual consistency will: 1. make up to 9 attempts (including the initial attempt); if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made 2. retry at most until (a) approximately the end of the eventually consistent window or (b) the end of the default retry period of about 1.5 minutes, whichever is farther in the future; if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made, and the OCI Go SDK will not wait any longer 3. retry on the error codes 400-RelatedResourceNotAuthorizedOrNotFound, 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound, and 409-NotAuthorizedOrResourceAlreadyExists, for which the default retry policy does not retry, in addition to the errors the default retry policy retries on (see If there were no eventually consistent actions within the recent past, then this special retry strategy is not used. If you want a retry policy that does not handle eventual consistency in a special way, for example because you retry on all error responses, you can use DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency or NewRetryPolicyWithOptions with the common.ReplaceWithValuesFromRetryPolicy(common.DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency()) option: The NewRetryPolicy function also creates a retry policy without eventual consistency. Circuit Breaker can prevent an application repeatedly trying to execute an operation that is likely to fail, allowing it to continue without waiting for the fault to be rectified or wasting CPU cycles, of course, it also enables an application to detect whether the fault has been resolved. If the problem appears to have been rectified, the application can attempt to invoke the operation. Go SDK intergrates sony/gobreaker solution, wraps in a circuit breaker object, which monitors for failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error, this also saves the service from being overwhelmed with network calls in case of an outage. Circuit Breaker Configuration Definitions 1. Failure Rate Threshold - The state of the CircuitBreaker changes from CLOSED to OPEN when the failure rate is equal or greater than a configurable threshold. For example when more than 50% of the recorded calls have failed. 2. Reset Timeout - The timeout after which an open circuit breaker will attempt a request if a request is made 3. Failure Exceptions - The list of Exceptions that will be regarded as failures for the circuit. 4. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. 1. Failure Rate Threshold - 80% - This means when 80% of the requests calculated for a time window of 120 seconds have failed then the circuit will transition from closed to open. 2. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - A value of 10, for the above defined time window of 120 seconds. 3. Reset Timeout - 30 seconds to wait before setting the breaker to halfOpen state, and trying the action again. 4. Failure Exceptions - The failures for the circuit will only be recorded for the retryable/transient exceptions. This means only the following exceptions will be regarded as failure for the circuit. HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above, the following client side exceptions will also be treated as a failure for the circuit : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) Go SDK enable circuit breaker with default configuration for most of the service clients, if you don't want to enable the solution, can disable the functionality before your application running Go SDK also supports customize Circuit Breaker with specified configurations. You can find the examples here: To know which service clients have circuit breakers enabled, look at the service client's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has circuit breakers enabled by default The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: Dedicated endpoints are the endpoint templates defined by the service for a specific realm at client level. OCI Go SDK allows you to enable the use of these realm-specific endpoint templates feature at application level and at client level. The value set at client level takes precedence over the value set at the application level. This feature is disabled by default. For reference, please refer The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. You can also enable logs by code. For example This way you enable debug logs by code. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy(request level configuration), alternatively, global(all services) or client level RetryPolicy configration is also possible. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The Retry behavior Precedence (Highest to lowest) is defined as below:- The OCI Go SDK defines a default retry policy that retries on the errors suitable for retries (see, for a recommended period of time (up to 7 attempts spread out over at most approximately 1.5 minutes). The default retry policy is defined by : Default Retry-able Errors Below is the list of default retry-able errors for which retry attempts should be made. The following errors should be retried (with backoff). HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above errors, retries should also be attempted in the following Client Side errors : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) The above errors can be avoided through retrying and hence, are classified as the default retry-able errors. Additionally, retries should also be made for Circuit Breaker exceptions (Exceptions raised by Circuit Breaker in an open state) Default Termination Strategy The termination strategy defines when SDKs should stop attempting to retry. In other words, it's the deadline for retries. The OCI SDKs should stop retrying the operation after 7 retry attempts. This means the SDKs will have retried for ~98 seconds or ~1.5 minutes have elapsed due to total delays. SDKs will make a total of 8 attempts. (1 initial request + 7 retries) Default Delay Strategy Default Delay Strategy - The delay strategy defines the amount of time to wait between each of the retry attempts. The default delay strategy chosen for the SDK – Exponential backoff with jitter, using: 1. The base time to use in retry calculations will be 1 second 2. An exponent of 2. When calculating the next retry time, the SDK will raise this to the power of the number of attempts 3. A maximum wait time between calls of 30 seconds (Capped) 4. Added jitter value between 0-1000 milliseconds to spread out the requests Configure and use default retry policy You can set this retry policy for a single request: or for all requests made by a client: or for all requests made by all clients: or setting default retry via environment variable, which is a global switch for all services: Some services enable retry for operations by default, this can be overridden using any alternatives mentioned above. To know which service operations have retries enabled by default, look at the operation's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has retries enabled by default Some resources may have to be replicated across regions and are only eventually consistent. That means the request to create, update, or delete the resource succeeded, but the resource is not available everywhere immediately. Creating, updating, or deleting any resource in the Identity service is affected by eventual consistency, and doing so may cause other operations in other services to fail until the Identity resource has been replicated. For example, the request to CreateTag in the Identity service in the home region succeeds, but immediately using that created tag in another region in a request to LaunchInstance in the Compute service may fail. If you are creating, updating, or deleting resources in the Identity service, we recommend using an eventually consistent retry policy for any service you access. The default retry policy already deals with eventual consistency. Example: This retry policy will use a different strategy if an eventually consistent change was made in the recent past (called the "eventually consistent window", currently defined to be 4 minutes after the eventually consistent change). This special retry policy for eventual consistency will: 1. make up to 9 attempts (including the initial attempt); if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made 2. retry at most until (a) approximately the end of the eventually consistent window or (b) the end of the default retry period of about 1.5 minutes, whichever is farther in the future; if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made, and the OCI Go SDK will not wait any longer 3. retry on the error codes 400-RelatedResourceNotAuthorizedOrNotFound, 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound, and 409-NotAuthorizedOrResourceAlreadyExists, for which the default retry policy does not retry, in addition to the errors the default retry policy retries on (see If there were no eventually consistent actions within the recent past, then this special retry strategy is not used. If you want a retry policy that does not handle eventual consistency in a special way, for example because you retry on all error responses, you can use DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency or NewRetryPolicyWithOptions with the common.ReplaceWithValuesFromRetryPolicy(common.DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency()) option: The NewRetryPolicy function also creates a retry policy without eventual consistency. Circuit Breaker can prevent an application repeatedly trying to execute an operation that is likely to fail, allowing it to continue without waiting for the fault to be rectified or wasting CPU cycles, of course, it also enables an application to detect whether the fault has been resolved. If the problem appears to have been rectified, the application can attempt to invoke the operation. Go SDK intergrates sony/gobreaker solution, wraps in a circuit breaker object, which monitors for failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error, this also saves the service from being overwhelmed with network calls in case of an outage. Circuit Breaker Configuration Definitions 1. Failure Rate Threshold - The state of the CircuitBreaker changes from CLOSED to OPEN when the failure rate is equal or greater than a configurable threshold. For example when more than 50% of the recorded calls have failed. 2. Reset Timeout - The timeout after which an open circuit breaker will attempt a request if a request is made 3. Failure Exceptions - The list of Exceptions that will be regarded as failures for the circuit. 4. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. 1. Failure Rate Threshold - 80% - This means when 80% of the requests calculated for a time window of 120 seconds have failed then the circuit will transition from closed to open. 2. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - A value of 10, for the above defined time window of 120 seconds. 3. Reset Timeout - 30 seconds to wait before setting the breaker to halfOpen state, and trying the action again. 4. Failure Exceptions - The failures for the circuit will only be recorded for the retryable/transient exceptions. This means only the following exceptions will be regarded as failure for the circuit. HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above, the following client side exceptions will also be treated as a failure for the circuit : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) Go SDK enable circuit breaker with default configuration for most of the service clients, if you don't want to enable the solution, can disable the functionality before your application running Go SDK also supports customize Circuit Breaker with specified configurations. You can find the examples here: To know which service clients have circuit breakers enabled, look at the service client's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has circuit breakers enabled by default As a result of the SDK treating responses with a non-2xx HTTP status code as an error, the SDK will produce an error on 3xx responses. This can impact operations which support conditional GETs, such as GetObject() and HeadObject() methods as these can return responses with an HTTP status code of 304 if passed an 'IfNoneMatch' that corresponds to the current etag of the object / bucket. In order to account for this, you should check for status code 304 when an error is produced. For example: The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: In order to use a custom CA bundle, you can set the environment variable OCI_DEFAULT_CERTS_PATH to point to the path of custom CA Bundle you want the OCI GO SDK to use while making API calls to the OCI services If you additionally want to set custom leaf/client certs, then you can use the the environment variables OCI_DEFAULT_CLIENT_CERTS_PATH and OCI_DEFAULT_CLIENT_CERTS_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH to set the path of the custom client/leaf cert and the private key respectively. The default refresh interval for custom CA bundle or client certs is 30 minutes. If you want to modify this, then you can configure the refresh interval in minutes by using either the Global property OciGlobalRefreshIntervalForCustomCerts defined in the common package or set the environment variable OCI_DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL_FOR_CUSTOM_CERTS to set it instead. Please note, that the property OciGlobalRefreshIntervalForCustomCerts has a higher precedence than the environment variable OCI_DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL_FOR_CUSTOM_CERTS. If this value is negative, then it would be assumed that it is unset. If it is set to 0, then the SDK would disable the custom ca bundle and client cert refresh Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy(request level configuration), alternatively, global(all services) or client level RetryPolicy configration is also possible. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The Retry behavior Precedence (Highest to lowest) is defined as below:- The OCI Go SDK defines a default retry policy that retries on the errors suitable for retries (see, for a recommended period of time (up to 7 attempts spread out over at most approximately 1.5 minutes). The default retry policy is defined by : Default Retry-able Errors Below is the list of default retry-able errors for which retry attempts should be made. The following errors should be retried (with backoff). HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above errors, retries should also be attempted in the following Client Side errors : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) The above errors can be avoided through retrying and hence, are classified as the default retry-able errors. Additionally, retries should also be made for Circuit Breaker exceptions (Exceptions raised by Circuit Breaker in an open state) Default Termination Strategy The termination strategy defines when SDKs should stop attempting to retry. In other words, it's the deadline for retries. The OCI SDKs should stop retrying the operation after 7 retry attempts. This means the SDKs will have retried for ~98 seconds or ~1.5 minutes have elapsed due to total delays. SDKs will make a total of 8 attempts. (1 initial request + 7 retries) Default Delay Strategy Default Delay Strategy - The delay strategy defines the amount of time to wait between each of the retry attempts. The default delay strategy chosen for the SDK – Exponential backoff with jitter, using: 1. The base time to use in retry calculations will be 1 second 2. An exponent of 2. When calculating the next retry time, the SDK will raise this to the power of the number of attempts 3. A maximum wait time between calls of 30 seconds (Capped) 4. Added jitter value between 0-1000 milliseconds to spread out the requests Configure and use default retry policy You can set this retry policy for a single request: or for all requests made by a client: or for all requests made by all clients: or setting default retry via environment varaible, which is a global switch for all services: Some services enable retry for operations by default, this can be overridden using any alternatives mentioned above. To know which service operations have retries enabled by default, look at the operation's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has retries enabled by default Some resources may have to be replicated across regions and are only eventually consistent. That means the request to create, update, or delete the resource succeeded, but the resource is not available everywhere immediately. Creating, updating, or deleting any resource in the Identity service is affected by eventual consistency, and doing so may cause other operations in other services to fail until the Identity resource has been replicated. For example, the request to CreateTag in the Identity service in the home region succeeds, but immediately using that created tag in another region in a request to LaunchInstance in the Compute service may fail. If you are creating, updating, or deleting resources in the Identity service, we recommend using an eventually consistent retry policy for any service you access. The default retry policy already deals with eventual consistency. Example: This retry policy will use a different strategy if an eventually consistent change was made in the recent past (called the "eventually consistent window", currently defined to be 4 minutes after the eventually consistent change). This special retry policy for eventual consistency will: 1. make up to 9 attempts (including the initial attempt); if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made 2. retry at most until (a) approximately the end of the eventually consistent window or (b) the end of the default retry period of about 1.5 minutes, whichever is farther in the future; if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made, and the OCI Go SDK will not wait any longer 3. retry on the error codes 400-RelatedResourceNotAuthorizedOrNotFound, 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound, and 409-NotAuthorizedOrResourceAlreadyExists, for which the default retry policy does not retry, in addition to the errors the default retry policy retries on (see If there were no eventually consistent actions within the recent past, then this special retry strategy is not used. If you want a retry policy that does not handle eventual consistency in a special way, for example because you retry on all error responses, you can use DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency or NewRetryPolicyWithOptions with the common.ReplaceWithValuesFromRetryPolicy(common.DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency()) option: The NewRetryPolicy function also creates a retry policy without eventual consistency. Circuit Breaker can prevent an application repeatedly trying to execute an operation that is likely to fail, allowing it to continue without waiting for the fault to be rectified or wasting CPU cycles, of course, it also enables an application to detect whether the fault has been resolved. If the problem appears to have been rectified, the application can attempt to invoke the operation. Go SDK intergrates sony/gobreaker solution, wraps in a circuit breaker object, which monitors for failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error, this also saves the service from being overwhelmed with network calls in case of an outage. Circuit Breaker Configuration Definitions 1. Failure Rate Threshold - The state of the CircuitBreaker changes from CLOSED to OPEN when the failure rate is equal or greater than a configurable threshold. For example when more than 50% of the recorded calls have failed. 2. Reset Timeout - The timeout after which an open circuit breaker will attempt a request if a request is made 3. Failure Exceptions - The list of Exceptions that will be regarded as failures for the circuit. 4. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. 1. Failure Rate Threshold - 80% - This means when 80% of the requests calculated for a time window of 120 seconds have failed then the circuit will transition from closed to open. 2. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - A value of 10, for the above defined time window of 120 seconds. 3. Reset Timeout - 30 seconds to wait before setting the breaker to halfOpen state, and trying the action again. 4. Failure Exceptions - The failures for the circuit will only be recorded for the retryable/transient exceptions. This means only the following exceptions will be regarded as failure for the circuit. HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above, the following client side exceptions will also be treated as a failure for the circuit : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) Go SDK enable circuit breaker with default configuration for most of the service clients, if you don't want to enable the solution, can disable the functionality before your application running Go SDK also supports customize Circuit Breaker with specified configurations. You can find the examples here: To know which service clients have circuit breakers enabled, look at the service client's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has circuit breakers enabled by default The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package env implements a koanf.Provider that reads environment variables as conf maps.
Package envconfig implements decoding of environment variables based on a user defined specification. A typical use is using environment variables for configuration settings.
Package vault provides a secrets implementation using the Transit Secrets Engine of Vault by Hashicorp. Use OpenKeeper to construct a *secrets.Keeper. For secrets.OpenKeeper, vault registers for the scheme "vault". The default URL opener will dial a Vault server using the environment variables "VAULT_SERVER_URL" and "VAULT_SERVER_TOKEN". To customize the URL opener, or for more details on the URL format, see URLOpener. See for background information. vault does not support any types for As.
Package grocksdb provides the ability to create and access RocksDB databases. grocksdb.OpenDb opens and creates databases. The DB struct returned by OpenDb provides DB.Get, DB.Put, DB.Merge and DB.Delete to modify and query the database. For bulk reads, use an Iterator. If you want to avoid disturbing your live traffic while doing the bulk read, be sure to call SetFillCache(false) on the ReadOptions you use when creating the Iterator. Batched, atomic writes can be performed with a WriteBatch and DB.Write. If your working dataset does not fit in memory, you'll want to add a bloom filter to your database. NewBloomFilter and BlockBasedTableOptions.SetFilterPolicy is what you want. NewBloomFilter is amount of bits in the filter to use per key in your database. If you're using a custom comparator in your code, be aware you may have to make your own filter policy object. This documentation is not a complete discussion of RocksDB. Please read the RocksDB documentation <> for information on its operation. You'll find lots of goodies there. The default link options, to customize it, you can try build tag `grocksdb_clean_link` for a cleaner set of flags, or `grocksdb_no_link` where you have full control through `CGO_LDFLAGS` environment variable.
Package cupaloy provides a simple api for snapshot testing in golang: test that your changes don't unexpectedly alter the results of your code. cupaloy takes a snapshot of a given value and compares it to a snapshot committed alongside your tests. If the values don't match then you'll be forced to update the snapshot file before the test passes. Snapshot files are handled automagically: just use the cupaloy.Snapshot(value) function in your tests and cupaloy will automatically find the relevant snapshot file and compare it with the given value. Installation Usage To update the snapshots simply set the UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS environment variable and run your tests e.g. Your snapshot files will now have been updated to reflect the current output of your code.
Package envconfig implements a configuration reader which reads each value from an environment variable. The basic idea is that you define a configuration struct, like this: Once you have that, you need to initialize the configuration: Then it's just a matter of setting the environment variables when calling your binary: Your conf struct must follow the following rules: By default, envconfig generates all possible keys based on the field chain according to a flexible naming scheme. The field chain is how you access your field in the configuration struct. For example: With that struct, you access the name field via the chain *Shard.Name* The default naming scheme takes that and transforms it into the following: It can handles more complicated cases, with multiple words in one field name. It needs to be in the correct case though, for example: With that struct, you access the name field via the chain *Cassandra.SSLCert* or *Cassandra.SslKey* The default naming scheme takes that and transforms it into the following: And, if that is not good enough for you, you always have the option to use a custom key: Now envconfig will only ever checks the environment variable _cassandraMyName_. There are three types of content for a single variable: Example of a valid slice value: The format for a struct is as follow: Example of a valid struct value: Example of a valid slice of struct values: For bytes slices, you generally don't want to type out a comma-separated list of byte values. For this use case, we support base64 encoded values. Here's an example: This will decode DATA to FOOBAR and put that into conf.Data. Sometimes you don't absolutely need a value. Here's how we tell envconfig a value is optional: Sometimes you want a field to be skipped entirely. Often times you have configuration keys which almost never changes, but you still want to be able to change them. In such cases, you might want to provide a default value. Here's to do this with envconfig: You can of course combine multiple options. The syntax is simple enough, separate each option with a comma. For example: This would give you the default timeout of 1 minute, and lookup the myTimeout environment variable. envconfig supports the following list of types: Notably, we don't (yet) support complex types simply because I had no use for it yet. When the standard types are not enough, you will want to use a custom unmarshaler for your types. You do this by implementing Unmarshaler on your type. Here's an example:
Package opensearch provides a Go client for OpenSearch. Create the client with the NewDefaultClient function: The OPENSEARCH_URL/ELASTICSEARCH_URL environment variable is used instead of the default URL, when set. Use a comma to separate multiple URLs. It is an error to set both environment variable. To configure the client, pass a Config object to the NewClient function: See the opensearch_integration_test.go file for more information. Call the OpenSearch APIs by invoking the corresponding methods on the client: See the package for more information about using the API. See the package for more information about configuring the transport.
Package pq is a pure Go Postgres driver for the database/sql package. In most cases clients will use the database/sql package instead of using this package directly. For example: You can also connect to a database using a URL. For example: Similarly to libpq, when establishing a connection using pq you are expected to supply a connection string containing zero or more parameters. A subset of the connection parameters supported by libpq are also supported by pq. Additionally, pq also lets you specify run-time parameters (such as search_path or work_mem) directly in the connection string. This is different from libpq, which does not allow run-time parameters in the connection string, instead requiring you to supply them in the options parameter. For compatibility with libpq, the following special connection parameters are supported: Valid values for sslmode are: See for more information about connection string parameters. Use single quotes for values that contain whitespace: A backslash will escape the next character in values: Note that the connection parameter client_encoding (which sets the text encoding for the connection) may be set but must be "UTF8", matching with the same rules as Postgres. It is an error to provide any other value. In addition to the parameters listed above, any run-time parameter that can be set at backend start time can be set in the connection string. For more information, see Most environment variables as specified at supported by libpq are also supported by pq. If any of the environment variables not supported by pq are set, pq will panic during connection establishment. Environment variables have a lower precedence than explicitly provided connection parameters. The pgpass mechanism as described in is supported, but on Windows PGPASSFILE must be specified explicitly. database/sql does not dictate any specific format for parameter markers in query strings, and pq uses the Postgres-native ordinal markers, as shown above. The same marker can be reused for the same parameter: pq does not support the LastInsertId() method of the Result type in database/sql. To return the identifier of an INSERT (or UPDATE or DELETE), use the Postgres RETURNING clause with a standard Query or QueryRow call: For more details on RETURNING, see the Postgres documentation: For additional instructions on querying see the documentation for the database/sql package. Parameters pass through driver.DefaultParameterConverter before they are handled by this package. When the binary_parameters connection option is enabled, []byte values are sent directly to the backend as data in binary format. This package returns the following types for values from the PostgreSQL backend: All other types are returned directly from the backend as []byte values in text format. pq may return errors of type *pq.Error which can be interrogated for error details: See the pq.Error type for details. You can perform bulk imports by preparing a statement returned by pq.CopyIn (or pq.CopyInSchema) in an explicit transaction (sql.Tx). The returned statement handle can then be repeatedly "executed" to copy data into the target table. After all data has been processed you should call Exec() once with no arguments to flush all buffered data. Any call to Exec() might return an error which should be handled appropriately, but because of the internal buffering an error returned by Exec() might not be related to the data passed in the call that failed. CopyIn uses COPY FROM internally. It is not possible to COPY outside of an explicit transaction in pq. Usage example: PostgreSQL supports a simple publish/subscribe model over database connections. See for more information about the general mechanism. To start listening for notifications, you first have to open a new connection to the database by calling NewListener. This connection can not be used for anything other than LISTEN / NOTIFY. Calling Listen will open a "notification channel"; once a notification channel is open, a notification generated on that channel will effect a send on the Listener.Notify channel. A notification channel will remain open until Unlisten is called, though connection loss might result in some notifications being lost. To solve this problem, Listener sends a nil pointer over the Notify channel any time the connection is re-established following a connection loss. The application can get information about the state of the underlying connection by setting an event callback in the call to NewListener. A single Listener can safely be used from concurrent goroutines, which means that there is often no need to create more than one Listener in your application. However, a Listener is always connected to a single database, so you will need to create a new Listener instance for every database you want to receive notifications in. The channel name in both Listen and Unlisten is case sensitive, and can contain any characters legal in an identifier (see for more information). Note that the channel name will be truncated to 63 bytes by the PostgreSQL server. You can find a complete, working example of Listener usage at If you need support for Kerberos authentication, add the following to your main package: This package is in a separate module so that users who don't need Kerberos don't have to download unnecessary dependencies. When imported, additional connection string parameters are supported:
Package aw is a "plug-and-play" workflow development library/framework for Alfred 3 & 4 ( It requires Go 1.13 or later. It provides everything you need to create a polished and blazing-fast Alfred frontend for your project. As of AwGo 0.26, all applicable features of Alfred 4.1 are supported. The main features are: AwGo is an opinionated framework that expects to be used in a certain way in order to eliminate boilerplate. It *will* panic if not run in a valid, minimally Alfred-like environment. At a minimum the following environment variables should be set to meaningful values: NOTE: AwGo is currently in development. The API *will* change and should not be considered stable until v1.0. Until then, be sure to pin a version using go modules or similar. Be sure to also check out the _examples/ subdirectory, which contains some simple, but complete, workflows that demonstrate the features of AwGo and useful workflow idioms. Typically, you'd call your program's main entry point via Workflow.Run(). This way, the library will rescue any panic, log the stack trace and show an error message to the user in Alfred. In the Script box (Language = "/bin/bash"): To generate results for Alfred to show in a Script Filter, use the feedback API of Workflow: You can set workflow variables (via feedback) with Workflow.Var, Item.Var and Modifier.Var. See Workflow.SendFeedback for more documentation. Alfred requires a different JSON format if you wish to set workflow variables. Use the ArgVars (named for its equivalent element in Alfred) struct to generate output from Run Script actions. Be sure to set TextErrors to true to prevent Workflow from generating Alfred JSON if it catches a panic: See ArgVars for more information. New() creates a *Workflow using the default values and workflow settings read from environment variables set by Alfred. You can change defaults by passing one or more Options to New(). If you do not want to use Alfred's environment variables, or they aren't set (i.e. you're not running the code in Alfred), use NewFromEnv() with a custom Env implementation. A Workflow can be re-configured later using its Configure() method. See the documentation for Option for more information on configuring a Workflow. AwGo can check for and install new versions of your workflow. Subpackage update provides an implementation of the Updater interface and sources to load updates from GitHub or Gitea releases, or from the URL of an Alfred `metadata.json` file. See subpackage update and _examples/update. AwGo can filter Script Filter feedback using a Sublime Text-like fuzzy matching algorithm. Workflow.Filter() sorts feedback Items against the provided query, removing those that do not match. See _examples/fuzzy for a basic demonstration, and _examples/bookmarks for a demonstration of implementing fuzzy.Sortable on your own structs and customising the fuzzy sort settings. Fuzzy matching is done by package AwGo automatically configures the default log package to write to STDERR (Alfred's debugger) and a log file in the workflow's cache directory. The log file is necessary because background processes aren't connected to Alfred, so their output is only visible in the log. It is rotated when it exceeds 1 MiB in size. One previous log is kept. AwGo detects when Alfred's debugger is open (Workflow.Debug() returns true) and in this case prepends filename:linenumber: to log messages. The Config struct (which is included in Workflow as Workflow.Config) provides an interface to the workflow's settings from the Workflow Environment Variables panel (see Alfred exports these settings as environment variables, and you can read them ad-hoc with the Config.Get*() methods, and save values back to Alfred/info.plist with Config.Set(). Using Config.To() and Config.From(), you can "bind" your own structs to the settings in Alfred: See the documentation for Config.To and Config.From for more information, and _examples/settings for a demo workflow based on the API. The Alfred struct provides methods for the rest of Alfred's AppleScript API. Amongst other things, you can use it to tell Alfred to open, to search for a query, to browse/action files & directories, or to run External Triggers. See documentation of the Alfred struct for more information. AwGo provides a basic, but useful, API for loading and saving data. In addition to reading/writing bytes and marshalling/unmarshalling to/from JSON, the API can auto-refresh expired cache data. See Cache and Session for the API documentation. Workflow has three caches tied to different directories: These all share (almost) the same API. The difference is in when the data go away. Data saved with Session are deleted after the user closes Alfred or starts using a different workflow. The Cache directory is in a system cache directory, so may be deleted by the system or "system maintenance" tools. The Data directory lives with Alfred's application data and would not normally be deleted. Subpackage util provides several functions for running script files and snippets of AppleScript/JavaScript code. See util for documentation and examples. AwGo offers a simple API to start/stop background processes via Workflow's RunInBackground(), IsRunning() and Kill() methods. This is useful for running checks for updates and other jobs that hit the network or take a significant amount of time to complete, allowing you to keep your Script Filters extremely responsive. See _examples/update and _examples/workflows for demonstrations of this API.
Package opensearch provides a Go client for OpenSearch. Create the client with the NewDefaultClient function: The OPENSEARCH_URL/ELASTICSEARCH_URL environment variable is used instead of the default URL, when set. Use a comma to separate multiple URLs. It is an error to set both environment variable. To configure the client, pass a Config object to the NewClient function: See the opensearch_integration_test.go file for more information. Call the OpenSearch APIs by invoking the corresponding methods on the client: See the package for more information about using the API. See the package for more information about configuring the transport.
Package config provides convenient access methods to configuration stored as JSON or YAML. Let's start with a simple YAML file config.yml: We can parse it using ParseYaml(), which will return a *Config instance on success: An equivalent JSON configuration could be built using ParseJson(): From now, we can retrieve configuration values using a path in dotted notation: Besides String(), other types can be fetched directly: Bool(), Float64(), Int(), Map() and List(). All these methods will return an error if the path doesn't exist, or the value doesn't match or can't be converted to the requested type. A nested configuration can be fetched using Get(). Here we get a new *Config instance with a subset of the configuration: Then the inner values are fetched relatively to the subset: For lists, the dotted path must use an index to refer to a specific value. To retrieve the information from a user stored in the configuration above: JSON or YAML strings can be created calling the appropriate Render*() functions. Here's how we render a configuration like the one used in these examples: This results in a configuration string to be stored in a file or database. For more more convenience it can parse OS environment variables and command line arguments. We can also specify the order of parsing: In case of OS environment all existing at the moment of parsing keys will be scanned in OS environment, but in uppercase and the separator will be `_` instead of a `.`. If EnvPrefix() is used the given prefix will be used to lookup the environment variable, e.g PREFIX_FOO_BAR will set In case of flags separator will be `-`. In case of command line arguments possible to use regular dot notation syntax for all keys. For see existing keys we can run application with `-h`. We can use unsafe method to get value: There is unsafe methods, like regular, but wuth prefix `U`.
Package envdecode is a package for populating structs from environment variables, using struct tags.
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy. You can find the examples here: The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package jet is a complete solution for efficient and high performance database access, consisting of type-safe SQL builder with code generation and automatic query result data mapping. Jet currently supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB and SQLite. Future releases will add support for additional databases. Use the command bellow to add jet as a dependency into go.mod project: Jet generator can be installed in one of the following ways: (Go1.16+) Install jet generator using go install: go install Install jet generator to GOPATH/bin folder: cd $GOPATH/src/ && GO111MODULE=off go get -u Install jet generator into specific folder: git clone cd jet && go build -o dir_path ./cmd/jet Make sure that the destination folder is added to the PATH environment variable. Jet requires already defined database schema(with tables, enums etc), so that jet generator can generate SQL Builder and Model files. File generation is very fast, and can be added as every pre-build step. Sample command: Before we can write SQL queries in Go, we need to import generated SQL builder and model types: To write postgres SQL queries we import: Then we can write the SQL query: Now we can run the statement and store the result into desired destination: We can print a statement to see SQL query and arguments sent to postgres server: Output: If we print destination as json, we'll get: Detail info about all statements, features and use cases can be found at project wiki page -
Package conf provides support for using environmental variables and command line arguments for configuration. It is compatible with the GNU extensions to the POSIX recommendations for command-line options. See There are no hard bindings for this package. This package takes a struct value and parses it for both the environment and flags. It supports several tags to customize the flag options. The field name and any parent struct name will be used for the long form of the command name unless the name is overridden. As an example, this config struct: Would produce the following usage output: Usage: conf.test [options] [arguments] OPTIONS The API is a single call to Parse Additionally, if the config struct has a field of the slice type conf.Args then it will be populated with any remaining arguments from the command line after flags have been processed. For example a program with a config struct like this: If that program is executed from the command line like this: Then the cfg.Args field will contain the string values ["serve", "http"]. The Args type has a method Num for convenient access to these arguments such as this: You can add a version with a description by adding the Version type to your config type Then you can set these values at run time for display.
Package ucfg provides a common representation for hierarchical configurations. The common representation provided by the Config type can be used with different configuration file formats like XML, JSON, HSJSON, YAML, or TOML. Config provides a low level and a high level interface for reading settings with additional features like custom unpackers, validation and capturing sub-configurations for deferred interpretation, lazy intra-configuration variable expansion, and OS environment variable expansion.
Package aconfig provides simple but still powerful config loader. It can read configuration from different sources, like defaults, files, environment variables, console flag parameters. Defaults are defined in structure tags (`default` tag). For files JSON, YAML, TOML and .Env are supported. Environment variables and flag parameters can have an optional prefix to separate them from other entries. Also, aconfig is dependency-free, file decoders are used as separate modules (submodules to be exact) and are added to your go.mod only when used. Loader configuration (`Config` type) has different ways to configure loader, to skip some sources, define prefixes, fail on unknown params. Just load defaults from struct definition. Load defaults from struct definition and overwrite with a file. And then overwrite with environment variables. Load defaults from struct defunition and overwrite with a file. Load defaults from struct definition and overwrite with a file. And then overwrite with environment variables. Finally read command line flags.
Package stack provides utilities to capture and pass around stack traces. This is useful for building errors that know where they originated from, to track where a certain log event occured and so on. The package provides stack.Multi which represents a sequence of stack traces. Since in Go we return errors they don't necessarily end up with a single useful stack trace. For example an error may be going thru a channel across goroutines, in which case we may want to capture a stack trace in both (or many) goroutines. stack.Multi in turn is made up of stack.Stack, which is a set of stack.Frames. Each stack.Frame contains the File/Line/Name (function name). All these types implement a pretty human readable String() function. The GOPATH is stripped from the File location. Look at the StripGOPATH function on instructions for how to embed to GOPATH into the binary for when deploying to production and the GOPATH environment variable may not be set. The package name is stripped from the Name of the function since it included in the File location.
Package ora implements an Oracle database driver. ### Golang Oracle Database Driver ### #### TL;DR; just use it #### Call stored procedure with OUT parameters: An Oracle database may be accessed through the database/sql( package or through the ora package directly. database/sql offers connection pooling, thread safety, a consistent API to multiple database technologies and a common set of Go types. The ora package offers additional features including pointers, slices, nullable types, numerics of various sizes, Oracle-specific types, Go return type configuration, and Oracle abstractions such as environment, server and session. The ora package is written with the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) C-language libraries provided by Oracle. The OCI libraries are a standard for client application communication and driver communication with Oracle databases. The ora package has been verified to work with: * Oracle Standard 11g (, Linux x86_64 (RHEL6) * Oracle Enterprise 12c (, Windows 8.1 and AMD64. --- * [Installation]( * [Data Types]( * [SQL Placeholder Syntax]( * [Working With The Sql Package]( * [Working With The Oracle Package Directly]( * [Logging]( * [Test Database Setup]( * [Limitations]( * [License]( * [API Reference]( * [Examples](./examples) --- Minimum requirements are Go 1.3 with CGO enabled, a GCC C compiler, and Oracle 11g ( or Oracle Instant Client ( Install Oracle or Oracle Instant Client. Copy the [oci8.pc](contrib/oci8.pc) from the `contrib` folder (or the one for your system, maybe tailored to your specific locations) to a folder in `$PKG_CONFIG_PATH` or a system folder, such as The ora package has no external Go dependencies and is available on GitHub and *WARNING*: If you have Oracle Instant Client 11.2, you'll need to add "=lnnz11" to the list of linked libs! Otherwise, you may encounter "undefined reference to `nzosSCSP_SetCertSelectionParams' " errors. Oracle Instant Client 12.1 does not need this. The ora package supports all built-in Oracle data types. The supported Oracle built-in data types are NUMBER, BINARY_DOUBLE, BINARY_FLOAT, FLOAT, DATE, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE, INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH, INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND, CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, LONG, CLOB, NCLOB, BLOB, LONG RAW, RAW, ROWID and BFILE. SYS_REFCURSOR is also supported. Oracle does not provide a built-in boolean type. Oracle provides a single-byte character type. A common practice is to define two single-byte characters which represent true and false. The ora package adopts this approach. The oracle package associates a Go bool value to a Go rune and sends and receives the rune to a CHAR(1 BYTE) column or CHAR(1 CHAR) column. The default false rune is zero '0'. The default true rune is one '1'. The bool rune association may be configured or disabled when directly using the ora package but not with the database/sql package. Within a SQL string a placeholder may be specified to indicate where a Go variable is placed. The SQL placeholder is an Oracle identifier, from 1 to 30 characters, prefixed with a colon (:). For example: Placeholders within a SQL statement are bound by position. The actual name is not used by the ora package driver e.g., placeholder names :c1, :1, or :xyz are treated equally. The `database/sql` package provides a LastInsertId method to return the last inserted row's id. Oracle does not provide such functionality, but if you append `... RETURNING col /*LastInsertId*/` to your SQL, then it will be presented as LastInsertId. Note that you have to mark with a `/*LastInsertId*/` (case insensitive) your `RETURNING` part, to allow ora to return the last column as `LastInsertId()`. That column must fit in `int64`, though! You may access an Oracle database through the database/sql package. The database/sql package offers a consistent API across different databases, connection pooling, thread safety and a set of common Go types. database/sql makes working with Oracle straight-forward. The ora package implements interfaces in the database/sql/driver package enabling database/sql to communicate with an Oracle database. Using database/sql ensures you never have to call the ora package directly. When using database/sql, the mapping between Go types and Oracle types may be changed slightly. The database/sql package has strict expectations on Go return types. The Go-to-Oracle type mapping for database/sql is: The "ora" driver is automatically registered for use with sql.Open, but you can call ora.SetCfg to set the used configuration options including statement configuration and Rset configuration. When configuring the driver for use with database/sql, keep in mind that database/sql has strict Go type-to-Oracle type mapping expectations. The ora package allows programming with pointers, slices, nullable types, numerics of various sizes, Oracle-specific types, Go return type configuration, and Oracle abstractions such as environment, server and session. When working with the ora package directly, the API is slightly different than database/sql. When using the ora package directly, the mapping between Go types and Oracle types may be changed. The Go-to-Oracle type mapping for the ora package is: An example of using the ora package directly: Pointers may be used to capture out-bound values from a SQL statement such as an insert or stored procedure call. For example, a numeric pointer captures an identity value: A string pointer captures an out parameter from a stored procedure: Slices may be used to insert multiple records with a single insert statement: The ora package provides nullable Go types to support DML operations such as insert and select. The nullable Go types provided by the ora package are Int64, Int32, Int16, Int8, Uint64, Uint32, Uint16, Uint8, Float64, Float32, Time, IntervalYM, IntervalDS, String, Bool, Binary and Bfile. For example, you may insert nullable Strings and select nullable Strings: The `Stmt.Prep` method is variadic accepting zero or more `GoColumnType` which define a Go return type for a select-list column. For example, a Prep call can be configured to return an int64 and a nullable Int64 from the same column: Go numerics of various sizes are supported in DML operations. The ora package supports int64, int32, int16, int8, uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8, float64 and float32. For example, you may insert a uint16 and select numerics of various sizes: If a non-nullable type is defined for a nullable column returning null, the Go type's zero value is returned. GoColumnTypes defined by the ora package are: When Stmt.Prep doesn't receive a GoColumnType, or receives an incorrect GoColumnType, the default value defined in RsetCfg is used. EnvCfg, SrvCfg, SesCfg, StmtCfg and RsetCfg are the main configuration structs. EnvCfg configures aspects of an Env. SrvCfg configures aspects of a Srv. SesCfg configures aspects of a Ses. StmtCfg configures aspects of a Stmt. RsetCfg configures aspects of Rset. StmtCfg and RsetCfg have the most options to configure. RsetCfg defines the default mapping between an Oracle select-list column and a Go type. StmtCfg may be set in an EnvCfg, SrvCfg, SesCfg and StmtCfg. RsetCfg may be set in a Stmt. EnvCfg.StmtCfg, SrvCfg.StmtCfg, SesCfg.StmtCfg may optionally be specified to configure a statement. If StmtCfg isn't specified default values are applied. EnvCfg.StmtCfg, SrvCfg.StmtCfg, SesCfg.StmtCfg cascade to new descendent structs. When ora.OpenEnv() is called a specified EnvCfg is used or a default EnvCfg is created. Creating a Srv with env.OpenSrv() will use SrvCfg.StmtCfg if it is specified; otherwise, EnvCfg.StmtCfg is copied by value to SrvCfg.StmtCfg. Creating a Ses with srv.OpenSes() will use SesCfg.StmtCfg if it is specified; otherwise, SrvCfg.StmtCfg is copied by value to SesCfg.StmtCfg. Creating a Stmt with ses.Prep() will use SesCfg.StmtCfg if it is specified; otherwise, a new StmtCfg with default values is set on the Stmt. Call Stmt.Cfg() to change a Stmt's configuration. An Env may contain multiple Srv. A Srv may contain multiple Ses. A Ses may contain multiple Stmt. A Stmt may contain multiple Rset. Setting a RsetCfg on a StmtCfg does not cascade through descendent structs. Configuration of Stmt.Cfg takes effect prior to calls to Stmt.Exe and Stmt.Qry; consequently, any updates to Stmt.Cfg after a call to Stmt.Exe or Stmt.Qry are not observed. One configuration scenario may be to set a server's select statements to return nullable Go types by default: Another scenario may be to configure the runes mapped to bool values: Oracle-specific types offered by the ora package are ora.Rset, ora.IntervalYM, ora.IntervalDS, ora.Raw, ora.Lob and ora.Bfile. ora.Rset represents an Oracle SYS_REFCURSOR. ora.IntervalYM represents an Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH. ora.IntervalDS represents an Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND. ora.Raw represents an Oracle RAW or LONG RAW. ora.Lob may represent an Oracle BLOB or Oracle CLOB. And ora.Bfile represents an Oracle BFILE. ROWID columns are returned as strings and don't have a unique Go type. #### LOBs The default for SELECTing [BC]LOB columns is a safe Bin or S, which means all the contents of the LOB is slurped into memory and returned as a []byte or string. The DefaultLOBFetchLen says LOBs are prefetched only a minimal way, to minimize extra memory usage - you can override this using `stmt.SetCfg(stmt.Cfg().SetLOBFetchLen(100))`. If you want more control, you can use ora.L in Prep, Qry or `ses.SetCfg(ses.Cfg().SetBlob(ora.L))`. But keep in mind that Oracle restricts the use of LOBs: it is forbidden to do ANYTHING while reading the LOB! No another query, no exec, no close of the Rset - even *advance* to the next record in the result set is forbidden! Failing to adhere these rules results in "Invalid handle" and ORA-03127 errors. You cannot start reading another LOB till you haven't finished reading the previous LOB, not even in the same row! Failing this results in ORA-24804! For examples, see [z_lob_test.go](z_lob_test.go). #### Rset Rset is used to obtain Go values from a SQL select statement. Methods Rset.Next, Rset.NextRow, and Rset.Len are available. Fields Rset.Row, Rset.Err, Rset.Index, and Rset.ColumnNames are also available. The Next method attempts to load data from an Oracle buffer into Row, returning true when successful. When no data is available, or if an error occurs, Next returns false setting Row to nil. Any error in Next is assigned to Err. Calling Next increments Index and method Len returns the total number of rows processed. The NextRow method is convenient for returning a single row. NextRow calls Next and returns Row. ColumnNames returns the names of columns defined by the SQL select statement. Rset has two usages. Rset may be returned from Stmt.Qry when prepared with a SQL select statement: Or, *Rset may be passed to Stmt.Exe when prepared with a stored procedure accepting an OUT SYS_REFCURSOR parameter: Stored procedures with multiple OUT SYS_REFCURSOR parameters enable a single Exe call to obtain multiple Rsets: The types of values assigned to Row may be configured in StmtCfg.Rset. For configuration to take effect, assign StmtCfg.Rset prior to calling Stmt.Qry or Stmt.Exe. Rset prefetching may be controlled by StmtCfg.PrefetchRowCount and StmtCfg.PrefetchMemorySize. PrefetchRowCount works in coordination with PrefetchMemorySize. When PrefetchRowCount is set to zero only PrefetchMemorySize is used; otherwise, the minimum of PrefetchRowCount and PrefetchMemorySize is used. The default uses a PrefetchMemorySize of 134MB. Opening and closing Rsets is managed internally. Rset does not have an Open method or Close method. IntervalYM may be be inserted and selected: IntervalDS may be be inserted and selected: Transactions on an Oracle server are supported. DML statements auto-commit unless a transaction has started: Ses.PrepAndExe, Ses.PrepAndQry, Ses.Ins, Ses.Upd, and Ses.Sel are convenient one-line methods. Ses.PrepAndExe offers a convenient one-line call to Ses.Prep and Stmt.Exe. Ses.PrepAndQry offers a convenient one-line call to Ses.Prep and Stmt.Qry. Ses.Ins composes, prepares and executes a sql INSERT statement. Ses.Ins is useful when you have to create and maintain a simple INSERT statement with a long list of columns. As table columns are added and dropped over the lifetime of a table Ses.Ins is easy to read and revise. Ses.Upd composes, prepares and executes a sql UPDATE statement. Ses.Upd is useful when you have to create and maintain a simple UPDATE statement with a long list of columns. As table columns are added and dropped over the lifetime of a table Ses.Upd is easy to read and revise. Ses.Sel composes, prepares and queries a sql SELECT statement. Ses.Sel is useful when you have to create and maintain a simple SELECT statement with a long list of columns that have non-default GoColumnTypes. As table columns are added and dropped over the lifetime of a table Ses.Sel is easy to read and revise. The Ses.Ping method checks whether the client's connection to an Oracle server is valid. A call to Ping requires an open Ses. Ping will return a nil error when the connection is fine: The Srv.Version method is available to obtain the Oracle server version. A call to Version requires an open Ses: Further code examples are available in the [example file](, test files and [samples folder]( The ora package provides a simple ora.Logger interface for logging. Logging is disabled by default. Specify one of three optional built-in logging packages to enable logging; or, use your own logging package. ora.Cfg().Log offers various options to enable or disable logging of specific ora driver methods. For example: To use the standard Go log package: which produces a sample log of: Messages are prefixed with 'ORA I' for information or 'ORA E' for an error. The log package is configured to write to os.Stderr by default. Use the ora/lg.Std type to configure an alternative io.Writer. To use the glog package: which produces a sample log of: To use the log15 package: which produces a sample log of: See for sample code which uses the log15 package. Tests are available and require some setup. Setup varies depending on whether the Oracle server is configured as a container database or non-container database. It's simpler to setup a non-container database. An example for each setup is explained. Non-container test database setup steps: Container test database setup steps: Some helpful SQL maintenance statements: Run the tests. database/sql method Stmt.QueryRow is not supported. Go 1.6 introduced stricter cgo (call C from Go) rules, and introduced runtime checks. This is good, as the possibility of C code corrupting Go code is almost completely eliminated, but it also means a severe call overhead grow. [Sometimes](!topic/golang-nuts/ccMkPG6Bi5k) this can be 22x the go 1.5.3 call time! So if you need performance more than correctness, start your programs with "GODEBUG=cgocheck=0" environment setting. Copyright 2017 Rana Ian, Tamás Gulácsi. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by The MIT License found in the accompanying LICENSE file.
Package fig loads configuration files and/or environment variables into Go structs with extra juice for validating fields and setting defaults. Config files may be defined in yaml, json or toml format. When you call `Load()`, fig takes the following steps: Define your configuration file in the root of your project: Define your struct and load it: Pass options as additional parameters to `Load()` to configure fig's behaviour. Do not look for any configuration file with `IgnoreFile()`. If IgnoreFile is given then any other configuration file related options like `File` and `Dirs` are simply ignored. File & Dirs By default fig searches for a file named `config.yaml` in the directory it is run from. Change the file and directories fig searches in with `File()` and `Dirs()`. Fig searches for the file in dirs sequentially and uses the first matching file. The decoder (yaml/json/toml) used is picked based on the file's extension. The struct tag key tag fig looks for to find the field's alt name can be changed using `Tag()`. By default fig uses the tag key `fig`. Fig can be configured to additionally set fields using the environment. This behaviour can be enabled using the option `UseEnv(prefix)`. If loading from file is also enabled then first the struct is loaded from a config file and thus any values found in the environment will overwrite existing values in the struct. Prefix is a string that will be prepended to the keys that are searched in the environment. Although discouraged, prefix may be left empty. Fig searches for keys in the form PREFIX_FIELD_PATH, or if prefix is left empty then FIELD_PATH. A field's path is formed by prepending its name with the names of all the surrounding structs up to the root struct, upper-cased and separated by an underscore. If a field has an alt name defined in its struct tag then that name is preferred over its struct name. With the struct above and `UseEnv("myapp")` fig would search for the following environment variables: Fields contained in struct slices whose elements already exists can be also be set via the environment in the form PARENT_IDX_FIELD, where idx is the index of the field in the slice. With the config above individual servers may be configured with the following environment variable: Note: the Server slice must already have members inside it (i.e. from loading of the configuration file) for the containing fields to be altered via the environment. Fig will not instantiate and insert elements into the slice. Maps and map values cannot be populated from the environment. Change the layout fig uses to parse times using `TimeLayout()`. By default fig parses time using the `RFC.3339` layout (`2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00`). By default fig ignores any fields in the config file that are not present in the struct. This behaviour can be changed using `UseStrict()` to achieve strict parsing. When strict parsing is enabled, extra fields in the config file will cause an error. A validate key with a required value in the field's struct tag makes fig check if the field has been set after it's been loaded. Required fields that are not set are returned as an error. Fig uses the following properties to check if a field is set: See example below to help understand: A default key in the field tag makes fig fill the field with the value specified when the field is not otherwise set. Fig attempts to parse the value based on the field's type. If parsing fails then an error is returned. A default value can be set for the following types: Successive elements of slice defaults should be separated by a comma. The entire slice can optionally be enclosed in square brackets: Boolean values: Fig cannot distinguish between false and an unset value for boolean types. As a result, default values for booleans are not currently supported. Maps: Maps are not supported because providing a map in a string form would be complex and error-prone. Users are encouraged to use structs instead for more reliable and structured data handling. Map values: Values retrieved from a map through reflection are not addressable. Therefore, setting default values for map values is not currently supported. The required validation and the default field tags are mutually exclusive as they are contradictory. This is not allowed: A wrapped error `ErrFileNotFound` is returned when fig is not able to find a config file to load. This can be useful for instance to fallback to a different configuration loading mechanism.
Package redpanda is the SDK for Redpanda's inline Data Transforms, based on WebAssembly. This library provides a framework for transforming records written within Redpanda from an input to an output topic. This example shows the basic usage of the package: This is a "transform" that does nothing but copies the same data to an new topic. This example shows a filter that uses a regexp to filter records from one topic into another. The filter can be determined when the transform is deployed by using environment variables to specify the pattern. This example shows a transform that converts CSV into JSON.
Package cupaloy provides a simple api for snapshot testing in golang: test that your changes don't unexpectedly alter the results of your code. cupaloy takes a snapshot of a given value and compares it to a snapshot committed alongside your tests. If the values don't match then you'll be forced to update the snapshot file before the test passes. Snapshot files are handled automagically: just use the cupaloy.Snapshot(value) function in your tests and cupaloy will automatically find the relevant snapshot file and compare it with the given value. Installation Usage To update the snapshots simply set the UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS environment variable and run your tests e.g. Your snapshot files will now have been updated to reflect the current output of your code.
Package conf provides support for using environmental variables and command line arguments for configuration. It is compatible with the GNU extensions to the POSIX recommendations for command-line options. See There are no hard bindings for this package. This package takes a struct value and parses it for both the environment and flags. It supports several tags to customize the flag options. The field name and any parent struct name will be used for the long form of the command name unless the name is overridden. As an example, using this config struct: The following usage information would be output you can display. Usage: conf.test [options] [arguments] OPTIONS There is an API called Parse that can process a config struct with environment variable and command line flag overrides. There is also YAML support using the yaml package that is part of this module. There is a WithParse function that takes a slice of bytes containing the YAML or WithParseReader that takes any concrete value that knows how to Read. Additionally, if the config struct has a field of the slice type conf.Args then it will be populated with any remaining arguments from the command line after flags have been processed. For example a program with a config struct like this: If that program is executed from the command line like this: Then the cfg.Args field will contain the string values ["serve", "http"]. The Args type has a method Num for convenient access to these arguments such as this: You can add a version with a description by adding the Version type to your config type and set these values at run time for display.
Package yacspin provides Yet Another CLi Spinner for Go, taking inspiration (and some utility code) from the project. Specifically this project borrows the default character sets, and color mappings to colors, from that project. This spinner should support all major operating systems, and is tested against Linux, MacOS, and Windows. This spinner also supports an alternate mode of operation when the TERM environment variable is set to "dumb". This is discovered automatically when constructing the spinner. Within the yacspin package there are some default spinners stored in the yacspin.CharSets variable, and you can also provide your own. There is also a list of known colors in the yacspin.ValidColors variable, if you'd like to see what's supported. If you've used before, they should look familiar. Check out the Config struct to see all of the possible configuration options supported by the Spinner.
Package gostub is used for stubbing variables in tests, and resetting the original value once the test has been run. This can be used to stub static variables as well as static functions. To stub a static variable, use the Stub function: gostub can also stub static functions in a test by using a variable to reference the static function, and using that local variable to call the static function: You can test this by using gostub to stub the timeNow variable: If you are stubbing a function to return a constant value like in the above test, you can use StubFunc instead: StubFunc can also be used to stub functions that return multiple values: StubEnv can be used to setup environment variables for tests, and the environment values are reset to their original values upon Reset: The Reset method should be deferred to run at the end of the test to reset all stubbed variables back to their original values. You can set up multiple stubs by calling Stub again: For simple cases where you are only setting up simple stubs, you can condense the setup and cleanup into a single line: This sets up the stubs and then defers the Reset call. You should keep the return argument from the Stub call if you need to change stubs or add more stubs during test execution: The Stub call must be passed a pointer to the variable that should be stubbed, and a value which can be assigned to the variable. Test code Test code
Package watchdog runs a singleton memory watchdog in the process, which watches memory utilization and forces Go GC in accordance with a user-defined policy. There three kinds of watchdogs: The watchdog's behaviour is controlled by the policy, a pluggable function that determines when to trigger GC based on the current utilization. This library ships with two policies: You can easily write a custom policy tailored to the allocation patterns of your program. The recommended way to set up the watchdog is as follows, in descending order of precedence. This logic assumes that the library supports setting a heap limit through an environment variable (e.g. MYAPP_HEAP_MAX) or config key.
<h1 align="center">IrisAdmin</h1> [![Build Status](]( [![LICENSE](]( [![go doc](]( [![go report](]( [![Build Status](]( [简体中文](./ | English #### Project url [GITHUB]( | [GITEE]( **** > This project just for learning golang, welcome to give your suggestions! #### Documentation - [IRIS-ADMIN-DOC]( - [IRIS V12 document for chinese]( - [godoc]( [![Gitter](]( [![Join the chat at](]( #### BLOG - [REST API with iris-go web framework]( - [How to user iris-go with casbin]( --- #### Getting started - Get master package , Notice must use `master` version. ```sh ``` #### Program introduction ##### The project consists of multiple plugins, each with different functions - [viper_server] ```go package cache import ( ) var CONFIG Redis // getViperConfig get initialize config db: ` + db + ` addr: "` + CONFIG.Addr + `" password: "` + CONFIG.Password + `" pool-size: ` + poolSize), ``` - [zap_server] ```go ``` - [database] ```go ``` - [casbin] ```go ``` - [cache] ```go ``` - [operation] - [cron_server] ```go ``` - [web] - ```go // WebFunc web framework // - GetTestClient test client // - GetTestLogin test for login // - AddWebStatic add web static path // - AddUploadStatic add upload static path // - Run start ``` - [mongodb] #### Initialize database ##### Simple - Use gorm's `AutoMigrate()` function to auto migrate database. ```go package main import ( ) ``` ##### Custom migrate tools - Use `gormigrate` third party package. Tt's helpful for database migrate and program development. - Detail is see [iris-admin-cmd]( --- - Add main.go file. ```go package main import ( ) ``` #### Run project - When you first run this cmd `go run main.go` , you can see some config files in the `config` directory, - and `rbac_model.conf` will be created in your project root directory. ```sh go run main.go ``` #### Module - You can use [iris-admin-rbac]( package to add rbac function for your project quickly. - Your can use AddModule() to add other modules . ```go package main import ( ) ``` #### Default static file path - A static file access path has been built in by default - Static files will upload to `/static/upload` directory. - You can set this config key `static-path` to change the default directory. ```yaml system: ``` #### Use with front-end framework , e.g. vue - Default,you must build vue to the `dist` directory. - Naturally you can set this config key `web-path` to change the default directory. ```go package main import ( ) ``` #### Example - [iris]( - [gin]( #### RBAC - [iris-admin-rbac]( #### Unit test and documentation - Before start unit tests, you need to set two system environment variables `mysqlPwd` and `mysqlAddr`,that will be used when running the test instance。 - helper/tests( package the unit test used, it's simple package base on httpexpect/v2( - [example for unit test]( - [example for unit test]( Before create a http api unit test , you need create a base test file named `main_test.go` , this file have some unit test step : ***Suggest use docker mysql, otherwise if the test fails, there will be a lot of test data left behind*** - 1.create database before test start and delete database when test finish. - 2.create tables and seed test data at once time. - 3.`PartyFunc` and `SeedFunc` use to custom someting for your test model. 内容如下所示: ***main_test.go*** ```go package test import ( ) var TestServer *web_gin.WebServer var TestClient *httptest.Client ``` ***index_test.go*** ```go package test import ( ) var ( ) ``` ## 🔋 JetBrains OS licenses <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="230" align="middle"/></a> ## ☕️ Buy me a coffee > Please be sure to leave your name, GitHub account or other social media accounts when you donate by the following means so that I can add it to the list of donors as a token of my appreciation. - [为爱发电]( - [donating](
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy(request level configuration), alternatively, global(all services) or client level RetryPolicy configration is also possible. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The Retry behavior Precedence (Highest to lowest) is defined as below:- The OCI Go SDK defines a default retry policy that retries on the errors suitable for retries (see, for a recommended period of time (up to 7 attempts spread out over at most approximately 1.5 minutes). The default retry policy is defined by : Default Retry-able Errors Below is the list of default retry-able errors for which retry attempts should be made. The following errors should be retried (with backoff). HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above errors, retries should also be attempted in the following Client Side errors : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) The above errors can be avoided through retrying and hence, are classified as the default retry-able errors. Additionally, retries should also be made for Circuit Breaker exceptions (Exceptions raised by Circuit Breaker in an open state) Default Termination Strategy The termination strategy defines when SDKs should stop attempting to retry. In other words, it's the deadline for retries. The OCI SDKs should stop retrying the operation after 7 retry attempts. This means the SDKs will have retried for ~98 seconds or ~1.5 minutes have elapsed due to total delays. SDKs will make a total of 8 attempts. (1 initial request + 7 retries) Default Delay Strategy Default Delay Strategy - The delay strategy defines the amount of time to wait between each of the retry attempts. The default delay strategy chosen for the SDK – Exponential backoff with jitter, using: 1. The base time to use in retry calculations will be 1 second 2. An exponent of 2. When calculating the next retry time, the SDK will raise this to the power of the number of attempts 3. A maximum wait time between calls of 30 seconds (Capped) 4. Added jitter value between 0-1000 milliseconds to spread out the requests Configure and use default retry policy You can set this retry policy for a single request: or for all requests made by a client: or for all requests made by all clients: or setting default retry via environment varaible, which is a global switch for all services: Some services enable retry for operations by default, this can be overridden using any alternatives mentioned above. To know which service operations have retries enabled by default, look at the operation's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has retries enabled by default Some resources may have to be replicated across regions and are only eventually consistent. That means the request to create, update, or delete the resource succeeded, but the resource is not available everywhere immediately. Creating, updating, or deleting any resource in the Identity service is affected by eventual consistency, and doing so may cause other operations in other services to fail until the Identity resource has been replicated. For example, the request to CreateTag in the Identity service in the home region succeeds, but immediately using that created tag in another region in a request to LaunchInstance in the Compute service may fail. If you are creating, updating, or deleting resources in the Identity service, we recommend using an eventually consistent retry policy for any service you access. The default retry policy already deals with eventual consistency. Example: This retry policy will use a different strategy if an eventually consistent change was made in the recent past (called the "eventually consistent window", currently defined to be 4 minutes after the eventually consistent change). This special retry policy for eventual consistency will: 1. make up to 9 attempts (including the initial attempt); if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made 2. retry at most until (a) approximately the end of the eventually consistent window or (b) the end of the default retry period of about 1.5 minutes, whichever is farther in the future; if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made, and the OCI Go SDK will not wait any longer 3. retry on the error codes 400-RelatedResourceNotAuthorizedOrNotFound, 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound, and 409-NotAuthorizedOrResourceAlreadyExists, for which the default retry policy does not retry, in addition to the errors the default retry policy retries on (see If there were no eventually consistent actions within the recent past, then this special retry strategy is not used. If you want a retry policy that does not handle eventual consistency in a special way, for example because you retry on all error responses, you can use DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency or NewRetryPolicyWithOptions with the common.ReplaceWithValuesFromRetryPolicy(common.DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency()) option: The NewRetryPolicy function also creates a retry policy without eventual consistency. Circuit Breaker can prevent an application repeatedly trying to execute an operation that is likely to fail, allowing it to continue without waiting for the fault to be rectified or wasting CPU cycles, of course, it also enables an application to detect whether the fault has been resolved. If the problem appears to have been rectified, the application can attempt to invoke the operation. Go SDK intergrates sony/gobreaker solution, wraps in a circuit breaker object, which monitors for failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error, this also saves the service from being overwhelmed with network calls in case of an outage. Circuit Breaker Configuration Definitions 1. Failure Rate Threshold - The state of the CircuitBreaker changes from CLOSED to OPEN when the failure rate is equal or greater than a configurable threshold. For example when more than 50% of the recorded calls have failed. 2. Reset Timeout - The timeout after which an open circuit breaker will attempt a request if a request is made 3. Failure Exceptions - The list of Exceptions that will be regarded as failures for the circuit. 4. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. 1. Failure Rate Threshold - 80% - This means when 80% of the requests calculated for a time window of 120 seconds have failed then the circuit will transition from closed to open. 2. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - A value of 10, for the above defined time window of 120 seconds. 3. Reset Timeout - 30 seconds to wait before setting the breaker to halfOpen state, and trying the action again. 4. Failure Exceptions - The failures for the circuit will only be recorded for the retryable/transient exceptions. This means only the following exceptions will be regarded as failure for the circuit. HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above, the following client side exceptions will also be treated as a failure for the circuit : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) Go SDK enable circuit breaker with default configuration for most of the service clients, if you don't want to enable the solution, can disable the functionality before your application running Go SDK also supports customize Circuit Breaker with specified configurations. You can find the examples here: To know which service clients have circuit breakers enabled, look at the service client's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has circuit breakers enabled by default The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package prompt implements a cross platform line-editing prompt. It also provides routines to use ANSI escape sequences across platforms for terminal connected io.Readers/io.Writers. If os.Stdin isn't connected to a terminal or (on Unix)if the terminal doesn't support the ANSI escape sequences needed a fallback prompt is provided that doesn't do line-editing. Unix terminals that are not supported will have the TERM environment variable set to either "dumb" or "cons25". The keyboard shortcuts are similar to those found in the Readline library:
Package flagenv provides the ability to populate flags from environment variables.
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy(request level configuration), alternatively, global(all services) or client level RetryPolicy configration is also possible. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The Retry behavior Precedence (Highest to lowest) is defined as below:- The OCI Go SDK defines a default retry policy that retries on the errors suitable for retries (see, for a recommended period of time (up to 7 attempts spread out over at most approximately 1.5 minutes). This default retry policy can be created using: You can set this retry policy for a single request: or for all requests made by a client: or for all requests made by all clients: or setting default retry via environment varaible, which is a global switch for all services: Some services enable retry for operations by default, this can be overridden using any alternatives mentioned above. Some resources may have to be replicated across regions and are only eventually consistent. That means the request to create, update, or delete the resource succeeded, but the resource is not available everywhere immediately. Creating, updating, or deleting any resource in the Identity service is affected by eventual consistency, and doing so may cause other operations in other services to fail until the Identity resource has been replicated. For example, the request to CreateTag in the Identity service in the home region succeeds, but immediately using that created tag in another region in a request to LaunchInstance in the Compute service may fail. If you are creating, updating, or deleting resources in the Identity service, we recommend using an eventually consistent retry policy for any service you access. The default retry policy already deals with eventual consistency. Example: This retry policy will use a different strategy if an eventually consistent change was made in the recent past (called the "eventually consistent window", currently defined to be 4 minutes after the eventually consistent change). This special retry policy for eventual consistency will: 1. make up to 9 attempts (including the initial attempt); if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made 2. retry at most until (a) approximately the end of the eventually consistent window or (b) the end of the default retry period of about 1.5 minutes, whichever is farther in the future; if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made, and the OCI Go SDK will not wait any longer 3. retry on the error codes 400-RelatedResourceNotAuthorizedOrNotFound, 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound, and 409-NotAuthorizedOrResourceAlreadyExists, for which the default retry policy does not retry, in addition to the errors the default retry policy retries on (see If there were no eventually consistent actions within the recent past, then this special retry strategy is not used. If you want a retry policy that does not handle eventual consistency in a special way, for example because you retry on all error responses, you can use DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency or NewRetryPolicyWithOptions with the common.ReplaceWithValuesFromRetryPolicy(common.DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency()) option: The NewRetryPolicy function also creates a retry policy without eventual consistency. Circuit Breaker can prevent an application repeatedly trying to execute an operation that is likely to fail, allowing it to continue without waiting for the fault to be rectified or wasting CPU cycles, of course, it also enables an application to detect whether the fault has been resolved. If the problem appears to have been rectified, the application can attempt to invoke the operation. Go SDK intergrates sony/gobreaker solution, wraps in a circuit breaker object, which monitors for failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error, this also saves the service from being overwhelmed with network calls in case of an outage. Go SDK enable circuit breaker with default configuration, if you don't want to enable the solution, can disable the functionality before your application running Go SDK also supports customize Circuit Breaker with specified configuratoins. You can find the examples here: The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy. You can find the examples here: The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package btclog defines an interface and default implementation for subsystem logging. Log level verbosity may be modified at runtime for each individual subsystem logger. The default implementation in this package must be created by the Backend type. Backends can write to any io.Writer, including multi-writers created by io.MultiWriter. Multi-writers allow log output to be written to many writers, including standard output and log files. Optional logging behavior can be specified by using the LOGFLAGS environment variable and overridden per-Backend by using the WithFlags call option. Multiple LOGFLAGS options can be specified, separated by commas. The following options are recognized:
Package envy automatically exposes environment variables for all of your flags.
Package ff provides a flags-first approach to runtime configuration. The central function is Parse, which populates a flag set from commandline arguments, environment variables, and/or config files. Parse takes either an implementation of the Flags interface, or (for compatibility reasons) a concrete flag.FlagSet. Option values can be used to control parsing behavior. FlagSet is provided as a standard implementation of the Flags interface, inspired by getopts(3). It supports single (-f) and long (--foo) flag names. Command is provided as a tool for building CLI applications, like docker or kubectl, in a simple and declarative style. It's intended to be easier to understand and maintain than common alternatives.
Package goconfig uses a struct as input and populates the fields of this struct with parameters fom command line, environment variables and configuration file.