Package olric provides a distributed cache and in-memory key/value data store. It can be used both as an embedded Go library and as a language-independent service. With Olric, you can instantly create a fast, scalable, shared pool of RAM across a cluster of computers. Olric is designed to be a distributed cache. But it also provides Publish/Subscribe, data replication, failure detection and simple anti-entropy services. So it can be used as an ordinary key/value data store to scale your cloud application.
Package reflections provides high level abstractions over the Go standard reflect library. In practice, the `reflect` library's API proves somewhat low-level and un-intuitive. Using it can turn out pretty complex, daunting, and scary, when doing simple things like accessing a structure field value, a field tag, etc. The `reflections` package aims to make developers' life easier when it comes to introspect struct values at runtime. Its API takes inspiration in the python language's `getattr,` `setattr,` and `hasattr` set of methods and provides simplified access to structure fields and tags.
Package directoryservice provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for AWS Directory Service. Directory Service is a web service that makes it easy for you to setup and run directories in the Amazon Web Services cloud, or connect your Amazon Web Services resources with an existing self-managed Microsoft Active Directory. This guide provides detailed information about Directory Service operations, data types, parameters, and errors. For information about Directory Services features, see Directory Serviceand the Directory Service Administration Guide. Amazon Web Services provides SDKs that consist of libraries and sample code for various programming languages and platforms (Java, Ruby, .Net, iOS, Android, etc.). The SDKs provide a convenient way to create programmatic access to Directory Service and other Amazon Web Services services. For more information about the Amazon Web Services SDKs, including how to download and install them, see Tools for Amazon Web Services.
Package whatlanggo detects natural languages and scripts ( writing systems ). Languages are represented by a determined list of constants while scripts are represented by *unicode.RangeTable.
Package env provides an `env` struct field tag to marshal and unmarshal environment variables. Copyright 2018 Netflix, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Copyright 2013 bee authors Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Package codeartifact provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for CodeArtifact. language-native package managers and build tools such as npm, Apache Maven, pip, and dotnet. You can use CodeArtifact to share packages with development teams and pull packages. Packages can be pulled from both public and CodeArtifact repositories. You can also create an upstream relationship between a CodeArtifact repository and another repository, which effectively merges their contents from the point of view of a package manager client. CodeArtifact concepts Repository: A CodeArtifact repository contains a set of package versions, each of which maps to a set of assets, or files. Repositories are polyglot, so a single repository can contain packages of any supported type. Each repository exposes endpoints for fetching and publishing packages using tools such as the npm CLI or the Maven CLI ( mvn ). For a list of supported package managers, see the CodeArtifact User Guide. Domain: Repositories are aggregated into a higher-level entity known as a domain. All package assets and metadata are stored in the domain, but are consumed through repositories. A given package asset, such as a Maven JAR file, is stored once per domain, no matter how many repositories it's present in. All of the assets and metadata in a domain are encrypted with the same customer master key (CMK) stored in Key Management Service (KMS). Each repository is a member of a single domain and can't be moved to a The domain allows organizational policy to be applied across multiple Although an organization can have multiple domains, we recommend a single In CodeArtifact, a package consists of: A name (for example, webpack is the name of a popular npm package) An optional namespace (for example, @types in @types/node ) A set of versions (for example, 1.0.0 , 1.0.1 , 1.0.2 , etc.) Package-level metadata (for example, npm tags) Package group: A group of packages that match a specified definition. Package groups can be used to apply configuration to multiple packages that match a defined pattern using package format, package namespace, and package name. You can use package groups to more conveniently configure package origin controls for multiple packages. Package origin controls are used to block or allow ingestion or publishing of new package versions, which protects users from malicious actions known as dependency substitution attacks. Package version: A version of a package, such as @types/node 12.6.9 . The version number format and semantics vary for different package formats. For example, npm package versions must conform to the Semantic Versioning specification. In CodeArtifact, a package version consists of the version identifier, metadata at the package version level, and a set of assets. Upstream repository: One repository is upstream of another when the package versions in it can be accessed from the repository endpoint of the downstream repository, effectively merging the contents of the two repositories from the point of view of a client. CodeArtifact allows creating an upstream relationship between two repositories. Asset: An individual file stored in CodeArtifact associated with a package version, such as an npm .tgz file or Maven POM and JAR files. CodeArtifact supported API operations AssociateExternalConnection : Adds an existing external connection to a repository. CopyPackageVersions : Copies package versions from one repository to another repository in the same domain. CreateDomain : Creates a domain. CreatePackageGroup : Creates a package group. CreateRepository : Creates a CodeArtifact repository in a domain. DeleteDomain : Deletes a domain. You cannot delete a domain that contains repositories. DeleteDomainPermissionsPolicy : Deletes the resource policy that is set on a domain. DeletePackage : Deletes a package and all associated package versions. DeletePackageGroup : Deletes a package group. Does not delete packages or package versions that are associated with a package group. DeletePackageVersions : Deletes versions of a package. After a package has been deleted, it can be republished, but its assets and metadata cannot be restored because they have been permanently removed from storage. DeleteRepository : Deletes a repository. DeleteRepositoryPermissionsPolicy : Deletes the resource policy that is set on a repository. DescribeDomain : Returns a DomainDescription object that contains information about the requested domain. DescribePackage : Returns a PackageDescriptionobject that contains details about a package. DescribePackageGroup : Returns a PackageGroupobject that contains details about a package group. DescribePackageVersion : Returns a PackageVersionDescriptionobject that contains details about a package version. DescribeRepository : Returns a RepositoryDescription object that contains detailed information about the requested repository. DisposePackageVersions : Disposes versions of a package. A package version with the status Disposed cannot be restored because they have been permanently removed from storage. DisassociateExternalConnection : Removes an existing external connection from a repository. GetAssociatedPackageGroup : Returns the most closely associated package group to the specified package. GetAuthorizationToken : Generates a temporary authorization token for accessing repositories in the domain. The token expires the authorization period has passed. The default authorization period is 12 hours and can be customized to any length with a maximum of 12 hours. GetDomainPermissionsPolicy : Returns the policy of a resource that is attached to the specified domain. GetPackageVersionAsset : Returns the contents of an asset that is in a package version. GetPackageVersionReadme : Gets the readme file or descriptive text for a package version. GetRepositoryEndpoint : Returns the endpoint of a repository for a specific package format. A repository has one endpoint for each package format: cargo generic maven npm nuget pypi ruby swift GetRepositoryPermissionsPolicy : Returns the resource policy that is set on a repository. ListAllowedRepositoriesForGroup : Lists the allowed repositories for a package group that has origin configuration set to ALLOW_SPECIFIC_REPOSITORIES . ListAssociatedPackages : Returns a list of packages associated with the requested package group. ListDomains : Returns a list of DomainSummary objects. Each returned DomainSummary object contains information about a domain. ListPackages : Lists the packages in a repository. ListPackageGroups : Returns a list of package groups in the requested domain. ListPackageVersionAssets : Lists the assets for a given package version. ListPackageVersionDependencies : Returns a list of the direct dependencies for a package version. ListPackageVersions : Returns a list of package versions for a specified package in a repository. ListRepositories : Returns a list of repositories owned by the Amazon Web Services account that called this method. ListRepositoriesInDomain : Returns a list of the repositories in a domain. ListSubPackageGroups : Returns a list of direct children of the specified package group. PublishPackageVersion : Creates a new package version containing one or more assets. PutDomainPermissionsPolicy : Attaches a resource policy to a domain. PutPackageOriginConfiguration : Sets the package origin configuration for a package, which determine how new versions of the package can be added to a specific repository. PutRepositoryPermissionsPolicy : Sets the resource policy on a repository that specifies permissions to access it. UpdatePackageGroup : Updates a package group. This API cannot be used to update a package group's origin configuration or pattern. UpdatePackageGroupOriginConfiguration : Updates the package origin configuration for a package group. UpdatePackageVersionsStatus : Updates the status of one or more versions of a package. UpdateRepository : Updates the properties of a repository.
Package enry identifies programming languages. Identification is based on file name and content using a series of strategies to narrow down possible options. Each strategy is available as a separate API call, as well as though the main enty point: It is a port of the from Ruby. Upstream Linguist YAML files are used to generate datastructures for data package.
Package goworker is a Resque-compatible, Go-based background worker. It allows you to push jobs into a queue using an expressive language like Ruby while harnessing the efficiency and concurrency of Go to minimize job latency and cost. goworker workers can run alongside Ruby Resque clients so that you can keep all but your most resource-intensive jobs in Ruby. To create a worker, write a function matching the signature and register it using Here is a simple worker that prints its arguments: To create workers that share a database pool or other resources, use a closure to share variables. goworker worker functions receive the queue they are serving and a slice of interfaces. To use them as parameters to other functions, use Go type assertions to convert them into usable types. For testing, it is helpful to use the redis-cli program to insert jobs onto the Redis queue: will insert 100 jobs for the MyClass worker onto the myqueue queue. It is equivalent to: After building your workers, you will have an executable that you can run which will automatically poll a Redis server and call your workers as jobs arrive. There are several flags which control the operation of the goworker client. -queues="comma,delimited,queues" — This is the only required flag. The recommended practice is to separate your Resque workers from your goworkers with different queues. Otherwise, Resque worker classes that have no goworker analog will cause the goworker process to fail the jobs. Because of this, there is no default queue, nor is there a way to select all queues (à la Resque's * queue). Queues are processed in the order they are specififed. If you have multiple queues you can assign them weights. A queue with a weight of 2 will be checked twice as often as a queue with a weight of 1: -queues='high=2,low=1'. -interval=5.0 — Specifies the wait period between polling if no job was in the queue the last time one was requested. -concurrency=25 — Specifies the number of concurrently executing workers. This number can be as low as 1 or rather comfortably as high as 100,000, and should be tuned to your workflow and the availability of outside resources. -connections=2 — Specifies the maximum number of Redis connections that goworker will consume between the poller and all workers. There is not much performance gain over two and a slight penalty when using only one. This is configurable in case you need to keep connection counts low for cloud Redis providers who limit plans on maxclients. -uri=redis://localhost:6379/ — Specifies the URI of the Redis database from which goworker polls for jobs. Accepts URIs of the format redis://user:pass@host:port/db or unix:///path/to/redis.sock. The flag may also be set by the environment variable $($REDIS_PROVIDER) or $REDIS_URL. E.g. set $REDIS_PROVIDER to REDISTOGO_URL on Heroku to let the Redis To Go add-on configure the Redis database. -namespace=resque: — Specifies the namespace from which goworker retrieves jobs and stores stats on workers. -exit-on-complete=false — Exits goworker when there are no jobs left in the queue. This is helpful in conjunction with the time command to benchmark different configurations. -use-number=false — Uses json.Number when decoding numbers in the job payloads. This will avoid issues that occur when goworker and the json package decode large numbers as floats, which then get encoded in scientific notation, losing pecision. This will default to true soon. You can also configure your own flags for use within your workers. Be sure to set them before calling goworker.Main(). It is okay to call flags.Parse() before calling goworker.Main() if you need to do additional processing on your flags. To stop goworker, send a QUIT, TERM, or INT signal to the process. This will immediately stop job polling. There can be up to $CONCURRENCY jobs currently running, which will continue to run until they are finished. Like Resque, goworker makes no guarantees about the safety of jobs in the event of process shutdown. Workers must be both idempotent and tolerant to loss of the job in the event of failure. If the process is killed with a KILL or by a system failure, there may be one job that is currently in the poller's buffer that will be lost without any representation in either the queue or the worker variable. If you are running Goworker on a system like Heroku, which sends a TERM to signal a process that it needs to stop, ten seconds later sends a KILL to force the process to stop, your jobs must finish within 10 seconds or they may be lost. Jobs will be recoverable from the Redis database under as a JSON object with keys queue, run_at, and payload, but the process is manual. Additionally, there is no guarantee that the job in Redis under the worker key has not finished, if the process is killed before goworker can flush the update to Redis.
gopy generates (and compiles) language bindings that make it possible to call Go code and pass objects from Python. gopy takes a Go package and generates bindings for all of the exported symbols. The exported symbols define the cross-language interface. The gopy tool generates both an API stub in Python, and binding code in Go. Start with a Go package:
Jason is designed to be convenient for reading arbitrary JSON while still honoring the strictness of the language. Inspired by other libraries and improved to work well for common use cases. It currently focuses on reading JSON data rather than creating it. JSON is a commonly used data transfer format, so usually the data you want to read comes either as bytes or as an io.Reader. Create an object from bytes: .. or from a net/http response body: Reading values is done with Get<Type>(keys ...) or the generic Get(keys ...). If the key path is invalid or the type doesn't match, it will return an error and the default value. Getting an array is done by Get<Type>Array() or the generic GetValueArray(). It returns an error if the value at that keypath is null (or something else than the type). Looping through an object is done by first getting it with `GetObject()` and then range on the Map(). The GetObject() method returns an error if the value at that keypath is null (or something else than an object).
Package sentences is a golang package that will convert a blob of text into a list of sentences. This package attempts to support a multitude of languages: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish. An unsupervised multilingual sentence boundary detection library for golang. The goal of this library is to be able to break up any text into a list of sentences in multiple languages. The way the punkt system accomplishes this goal is through training the tokenizer with text in that given language. Once the likelihoods of abbreviations, collocations, and sentence starters are determined, finding sentence boundaries becomes easier. There are many problems that arise when tokenizing text into sentences, the primary issue being abbreviations. The punkt system attempts to determine whether a word is an abbreviation, an end to a sentence, or even both through training the system with text in the given language. The punkt system incorporates both token- and type-based analysis on the text through two different phases of annotation. Original research article:;jsessionid=BAE5C34E5C3B9DC60DFC4D93B85D8BB1?doi=
Package transpiler contains an implementation of a Whistle Tree Visitor that produces a Whistler Program.
Package txscript implements the Decred transaction script language. This package provides data structures and functions to parse and execute decred transaction scripts. Decred transaction scripts are written in a stack-base, FORTH-like language. The Decred script language consists of a number of opcodes which fall into several categories such pushing and popping data to and from the stack, performing basic and bitwise arithmetic, conditional branching, comparing hashes, and checking cryptographic signatures. Scripts are processed from left to right and intentionally do not provide loops. The vast majority of Decred scripts at the time of this writing are of several standard forms which consist of a spender providing a public key and a signature which proves the spender owns the associated private key. This information is used to prove the spender is authorized to perform the transaction. One benefit of using a scripting language is added flexibility in specifying what conditions must be met in order to spend decred. The errors returned by this package are of type txscript.ErrorKind wrapped by txscript.Error which has full support for the standard library errors.Is and errors.As functions. This allows the caller to programmatically determine the specific error while still providing rich error messages with contextual information. See the constants defined with ErrorKind in the package documentation for a full list.
Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Package firecracker provides a library to interact with the Firecracker API. Firecracker is an open-source virtualization technology that is purpose-built for creating and managing secure, multi-tenant containers and functions-based services. See for more details. This library requires Go 1.11 and can be used with Go modules. BUG(aws): There are some Firecracker features that are not yet supported by the SDK. These are tracked as GitHub issues with the firecracker-feature label: This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
This is a GSSAPI provider for Go, which expects to be initialized with the name of a dynamically loadable module which can be dlopen'd to get at a C language binding GSSAPI library. The GSSAPI concepts are explained in RFC 2743, "Generic Security Service Application Program Interface Version 2, Update 1". The API calls for C, together with a number of values for constants, come from RFC 2744, "Generic Security Service API Version 2 : C-bindings". Note that the basic GSSAPI bindings for C use the Latin-1 character set. UTF-8 interfaces are specified in RFC 5178, "Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API) Internationalization and Domain-Based Service Names and Name Type", in 2008. Looking in 2013, this API does not appear to be provided by either MIT or Heimdal. This API applies solely to hostnames though, which can also be supplied in ACE encoding, bypassing the issue. For now, we assume that hostnames and usercodes are all ASCII-ish and pass UTF-8 into the library. Patches for more comprehensive support welcome.
Package monkit is a flexible code instrumenting and data collection library. I'm going to try and sell you as fast as I can on this library. Example usage We've got tools that capture distribution information (including quantiles) about int64, float64, and bool types. We have tools that capture data about events (we've got meters for deltas, rates, etc). We have rich tools for capturing information about tasks and functions, and literally anything that can generate a name and a number. Almost just as importantly, the amount of boilerplate and code you have to write to get these features is very minimal. Data that's hard to measure probably won't get measured. This data can be collected and sent to Graphite ( or any other time-series database. Here's a selection of live stats from one of our storage nodes: This library generates call graphs of your live process for you. These call graphs aren't created through sampling. They're full pictures of all of the interesting functions you've annotated, along with quantile information about their successes, failures, how often they panic, return an error (if so instrumented), how many are currently running, etc. The data can be returned in dot format, in json, in text, and can be about just the functions that are currently executing, or all the functions the monitoring system has ever seen. Here's another example of one of our production nodes: This library generates trace graphs of your live process for you directly, without requiring standing up some tracing system such as Zipkin (though you can do that too). Inspired by Google's Dapper ( and Twitter's Zipkin (, we have process-internal trace graphs, triggerable by a number of different methods. You get this trace information for free whenever you use Go contexts ( and function monitoring. The output formats are svg and json. Additionally, the library supports trace observation plugins, and we've written a plugin that sends this data to Zipkin ( Before our crazy Go rewrite of everything ( (and before we had even seen Google's Dapper paper), we were a Python shop, and all of our "interesting" functions were decorated with a helper that collected timing information and sent it to Graphite. When we transliterated to Go, we wanted to preserve that functionality, so the first version of our monitoring package was born. Over time it started to get janky, especially as we found Zipkin and started adding tracing functionality to it. We rewrote all of our Go code to use Google contexts, and then realized we could get call graph information. We decided a refactor and then an all-out rethinking of our monitoring package was best, and so now we have this library. Sometimes you really want callstack contextual information without having to pass arguments through everything on the call stack. In other languages, many people implement this with thread-local storage. Example: let's say you have written a big system that responds to user requests. All of your libraries log using your log library. During initial development everything is easy to debug, since there's low user load, but now you've scaled and there's OVER TEN USERS and it's kind of hard to tell what log lines were caused by what. Wouldn't it be nice to add request ids to all of the log lines kicked off by that request? Then you could grep for all log lines caused by a specific request id. Geez, it would suck to have to pass all contextual debugging information through all of your callsites. Google solved this problem by always passing a context.Context interface through from call to call. A Context is basically just a mapping of arbitrary keys to arbitrary values that users can add new values for. This way if you decide to add a request context, you can add it to your Context and then all callsites that decend from that place will have the new data in their contexts. It is admittedly very verbose to add contexts to every function call. Painfully so. I hope to write more about it in the future, but Google also wrote up their thoughts about it (, which you can go read. For now, just swallow your disgust and let's keep moving. Let's make a super simple Varnish ( clone. Open up gedit! (Okay just kidding, open whatever text editor you want.) For this motivating program, we won't even add the caching, though there's comments for where to add it if you'd like. For now, let's just make a barebones system that will proxy HTTP requests. We'll call it VLite, but maybe we should call it VReallyLite. Run and build this and open localhost:8080 in your browser. If you use the default proxy target, it should inform you that the world hasn't been destroyed yet. The first thing you'll want to do is add the small amount of boilerplate to make the instrumentation we're going to add to your process observable later. Import the basic monkit packages: and then register environmental statistics and kick off a goroutine in your main method to serve debug requests: Rebuild, and then check out localhost:9000/stats (or localhost:9000/stats/json, if you prefer) in your browser! Remember what I said about Google's contexts ( It might seem a bit overkill for such a small project, but it's time to add them. To help out here, I've created a library that constructs contexts for you for incoming HTTP requests. Nothing that's about to happen requires my webhelp library (, but here is the code now refactored to receive and pass contexts through our two per-request calls. You can create a new context for a request however you want. One reason to use something like webhelp is that the cancelation feature of Contexts is hooked up to the HTTP request getting canceled. Let's start to get statistics about how many requests we receive! First, this package (main) will need to get a monitoring Scope. Add this global definition right after all your imports, much like you'd create a logger with many logging libraries: Now, make the error return value of HandleHTTP named (so, (err error)), and add this defer line as the very first instruction of HandleHTTP: Let's also add the same line (albeit modified for the lack of error) to Proxy, replacing &err with nil: You should now have something like: We'll unpack what's going on here, but for now: For this new funcs dataset, if you want a graph, you can download a dot graph at localhost:9000/funcs/dot and json information from localhost:9000/funcs/json. You should see something like: with a similar report for the Proxy method, or a graph like: This data reports the overall callgraph of execution for known traces, along with how many of each function are currently running, the most running concurrently (the highwater), how many were successful along with quantile timing information, how many errors there were (with quantile timing information if applicable), and how many panics there were. Since the Proxy method isn't capturing a returned err value, and since HandleHTTP always returns nil, this example won't ever have failures. If you're wondering about the success count being higher than you expected, keep in mind your browser probably requested a favicon.ico. Cool, eh? How it works is an interesting line of code - there's three function calls. If you look at the Go spec, all of the function calls will run at the time the function starts except for the very last one. The first function call, mon.Task(), creates or looks up a wrapper around a Func. You could get this yourself by requesting mon.Func() inside of the appropriate function or mon.FuncNamed(). Both mon.Task() and mon.Func() are inspecting runtime.Caller to determine the name of the function. Because this is a heavy operation, you can actually store the result of mon.Task() and reuse it somehow else if you prefer, so instead of you could instead use which is more performant every time after the first time. runtime.Caller only gets called once. Careful! Don't use the same myFuncMon in different functions unless you want to screw up your statistics! The second function call starts all the various stop watches and bookkeeping to keep track of the function. It also mutates the context pointer it's given to extend the context with information about what current span (in Zipkin parlance) is active. Notably, you *can* pass nil for the context if you really don't want a context. You just lose callgraph information. The last function call stops all the stop watches ad makes a note of any observed errors or panics (it repanics after observing them). Turns out, we don't even need to change our program anymore to get rich tracing information! Open your browser and go to localhost:9000/trace/svg?regex=HandleHTTP. It won't load, and in fact, it's waiting for you to open another tab and refresh localhost:8080 again. Once you retrigger the actual application behavior, the trace regex will capture a trace starting on the first function that matches the supplied regex, and return an svg. Go back to your first tab, and you should see a relatively uninteresting but super promising svg. Let's make the trace more interesting. Add a to your HandleHTTP method, rebuild, and restart. Load localhost:8080, then start a new request to your trace URL, then reload localhost:8080 again. Flip back to your trace, and you should see that the Proxy method only takes a portion of the time of HandleHTTP! There's multiple ways to select a trace. You can select by regex using the preselect method (default), which first evaluates the regex on all known functions for sanity checking. Sometimes, however, the function you want to trace may not yet be known to monkit, in which case you'll want to turn preselection off. You may have a bad regex, or you may be in this case if you get the error "Bad Request: regex preselect matches 0 functions." Another way to select a trace is by providing a trace id, which we'll get to next! Make sure to check out what the addition of the time.Sleep call did to the other reports. It's easy to write plugins for monkit! Check out our first one that exports data to Zipkin ('s Scribe API: We plan to have more (for HTrace, OpenTracing, etc, etc), soon!
CBSD 3-Clause License Copyright (c) 2017-2022, Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos ( All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /* Package golog provides an easy to use foundation for your logging operations. Source code and other details for the project are available at GitHub: 0.1.12 The only requirement is the Go Programming Language Example code: Golog has a default, package-level initialized instance for you, however you can choose to create and use a logger instance for a specific part of your application. Example Code: Golog sets colors to levels when its `Printer.Output` is actual a compatible terminal which can renders colors, otherwise it will downgrade itself to a white foreground. Golog has functions to print a formatted log too. Example Code: Golog takes a simple `io.Writer` as its underline Printer's Output. Example Code: You can even override the default line braker, "\n", by using the `golog#NewLine` function at startup. Example Code: Golog is a leveled logger, therefore you can set a level and print whenever the print level is valid with the set-ed one. Available built'n levels are: Below you'll learn a way to add a custom level or modify an existing level. The default colorful text(or raw text for unsupported outputs) for levels can be overridden by using the `golog#ErrorText, golog#WarnText, golog#InfoText and golog#DebugText` functions. Example Code: Golog gives you the power to add or modify existing levels is via Level Metadata. Example Code: The logger's level can be changed via passing one of the level constants to the `Level` field or by passing its string representation to the `SetLevel` function. Example Code: Transaction with your favorite, but deprecated logger is easy. Golog offers two basic interfaces, the `ExternalLogger` and the `StdLogger` that can be directly used as arguments to the `Install` function in order to adapt an external logger. Outline: Example Code: Example Code: But you should have a basic idea of the golog package by now, we just scratched the surface. If you enjoy what you just saw and want to learn more, please follow the below links: Examples:
Package influxql implements a parser for the InfluxDB query language. InfluxQL is a DML and DDL language for the InfluxDB time series database. It provides the ability to query for aggregate statistics as well as create and configure the InfluxDB server. See for a reference on using InfluxQL.
Command pigeon generates parsers in Go from a PEG grammar. From Wikipedia [0]: Its features and syntax are inspired by the PEG.js project [1], while the implementation is loosely based on [2]. Formal presentation of the PEG theory by Bryan Ford is also an important reference [3]. An introductory blog post can be found at [4]. The pigeon tool must be called with PEG input as defined by the accepted PEG syntax below. The grammar may be provided by a file or read from stdin. The generated parser is written to stdout by default. The following options can be specified: If the code blocks in the grammar (see below, section "Code block") are golint- and go vet-compliant, then the resulting generated code will also be golint- and go vet-compliant. The generated code doesn't use any third-party dependency unless code blocks in the grammar require such a dependency. The accepted syntax for the grammar is formally defined in the grammar/pigeon.peg file, using the PEG syntax. What follows is an informal description of this syntax. Identifiers, whitespace, comments and literals follow the same notation as the Go language, as defined in the language specification ( The grammar must be Unicode text encoded in UTF-8. New lines are identified by the \n character (U+000A). Space (U+0020), horizontal tabs (U+0009) and carriage returns (U+000D) are considered whitespace and are ignored except to separate tokens. A PEG grammar consists of a set of rules. A rule is an identifier followed by a rule definition operator and an expression. An optional display name - a string literal used in error messages instead of the rule identifier - can be specified after the rule identifier. E.g.: The rule definition operator can be any one of those: A rule is defined by an expression. The following sections describe the various expression types. Expressions can be grouped by using parentheses, and a rule can be referenced by its identifier in place of an expression. The choice expression is a list of expressions that will be tested in the order they are defined. The first one that matches will be used. Expressions are separated by the forward slash character "/". E.g.: Because the first match is used, it is important to think about the order of expressions. For example, in this rule, "<=" would never be used because the "<" expression comes first: The sequence expression is a list of expressions that must all match in that same order for the sequence expression to be considered a match. Expressions are separated by whitespace. E.g.: A labeled expression consists of an identifier followed by a colon ":" and an expression. A labeled expression introduces a variable named with the label that can be referenced in the code blocks in the same scope. The variable will have the value of the expression that follows the colon. E.g.: The variable is typed as an empty interface, and the underlying type depends on the following: For terminals (character and string literals, character classes and the any matcher), the value is []byte. E.g.: For predicates (& and !), the value is always nil. E.g.: For a sequence, the value is a slice of empty interfaces, one for each expression value in the sequence. The underlying types of each value in the slice follow the same rules described here, recursively. E.g.: For a repetition (+ and *), the value is a slice of empty interfaces, one for each repetition. The underlying types of each value in the slice follow the same rules described here, recursively. E.g.: For a choice expression, the value is that of the matching choice. E.g.: For the optional expression (?), the value is nil or the value of the expression. E.g.: Of course, the type of the value can be anything once an action code block is used. E.g.: An expression prefixed with the ampersand "&" is the "and" predicate expression: it is considered a match if the following expression is a match, but it does not consume any input. An expression prefixed with the exclamation point "!" is the "not" predicate expression: it is considered a match if the following expression is not a match, but it does not consume any input. E.g.: The expression following the & and ! operators can be a code block. In that case, the code block must return a bool and an error. The operator's semantic is the same, & is a match if the code block returns true, ! is a match if the code block returns false. The code block has access to any labeled value defined in its scope. E.g.: An expression followed by "*", "?" or "+" is a match if the expression occurs zero or more times ("*"), zero or one time "?" or one or more times ("+") respectively. The match is greedy, it will match as many times as possible. E.g. A literal matcher tries to match the input against a single character or a string literal. The literal may be a single-quoted single character, a double-quoted string or a backtick-quoted raw string. The same rules as in Go apply regarding the allowed characters and escapes. The literal may be followed by a lowercase "i" (outside the ending quote) to indicate that the match is case-insensitive. E.g.: A character class matcher tries to match the input against a class of characters inside square brackets "[...]". Inside the brackets, characters represent themselves and the same escapes as in string literals are available, except that the single- and double-quote escape is not valid, instead the closing square bracket "]" must be escaped to be used. Character ranges can be specified using the "[a-z]" notation. Unicode classes can be specified using the "[\pL]" notation, where L is a single-letter Unicode class of characters, or using the "[\p{Class}]" notation where Class is a valid Unicode class (e.g. "Latin"). As for string literals, a lowercase "i" may follow the matcher (outside the ending square bracket) to indicate that the match is case-insensitive. A "^" as first character inside the square brackets indicates that the match is inverted (it is a match if the input does not match the character class matcher). E.g.: The any matcher is represented by the dot ".". It matches any character except the end of file, thus the "!." expression is used to indicate "match the end of file". E.g.: Code blocks can be added to generate custom Go code. There are three kinds of code blocks: the initializer, the action and the predicate. All code blocks appear inside curly braces "{...}". The initializer must appear first in the grammar, before any rule. It is copied as-is (minus the wrapping curly braces) at the top of the generated parser. It may contain function declarations, types, variables, etc. just like any Go file. Every symbol declared here will be available to all other code blocks. Although the initializer is optional in a valid grammar, it is usually required to generate a valid Go source code file (for the package clause). E.g.: Action code blocks are code blocks declared after an expression in a rule. Those code blocks are turned into a method on the "*current" type in the generated source code. The method receives any labeled expression's value as argument (as any) and must return two values, the first being the value of the expression (an any), and the second an error. If a non-nil error is returned, it is added to the list of errors that the parser will return. E.g.: Predicate code blocks are code blocks declared immediately after the and "&" or the not "!" operators. Like action code blocks, predicate code blocks are turned into a method on the "*current" type in the generated source code. The method receives any labeled expression's value as argument (as any) and must return two opt, the first being a bool and the second an error. If a non-nil error is returned, it is added to the list of errors that the parser will return. E.g.: State change code blocks are code blocks starting with "#". In contrast to action and predicate code blocks, state change code blocks are allowed to modify values in the global "state" store (see below). State change code blocks are turned into a method on the "*current" type in the generated source code. The method is passed any labeled expression's value as an argument (of type any) and must return a value of type error. If a non-nil error is returned, it is added to the list of errors that the parser will return, note that the parser does NOT backtrack if a non-nil error is returned. E.g: The "*current" type is a struct that provides four useful fields that can be accessed in action, state change, and predicate code blocks: "pos", "text", "state" and "globalStore". The "pos" field indicates the current position of the parser in the source input. It is itself a struct with three fields: "line", "col" and "offset". Line is a 1-based line number, col is a 1-based column number that counts runes from the start of the line, and offset is a 0-based byte offset. The "text" field is the slice of bytes of the current match. It is empty in a predicate code block. The "state" field is a global store, with backtrack support, of type "map[string]any". The values in the store are tied to the parser's backtracking, in particular if a rule fails to match then all updates to the state that occurred in the process of matching the rule are rolled back. For a key-value store that is not tied to the parser's backtracking, see the "globalStore". The values in the "state" store are available for read access in action and predicate code blocks, any changes made to the "state" store will be reverted once the action or predicate code block is finished running. To update values in the "state" use state change code blocks ("#{}"). IMPORTANT: The "globalStore" field is a global store of type "map[string]any", which allows to store arbitrary values, which are available in action and predicate code blocks for read as well as write access. It is important to notice, that the global store is completely independent from the backtrack mechanism of PEG and is therefore not set back to its old state during backtrack. The initialization of the global store may be achieved by using the GlobalStore function ( Be aware, that all keys starting with "_pigeon" are reserved for internal use of pigeon and should not be used nor modified. Those keys are treated as internal implementation details and therefore there are no guarantees given in regards of API stability. With options -support-left-recursion pigeon supports left recursion. E.g.: Supports indirect recursion: The implementation is based on the [Left-recursive PEG Grammars][9] article that links to [Left Recursion in Parsing Expression Grammars][10] and [Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion][11] papers. References: pigeon supports an extension of the classical PEG syntax called failure labels, proposed by Maidl et al. in their paper "Error Reporting in Parsing Expression Grammars" [7]. The used syntax for the introduced expressions is borrowed from their lpeglabel [8] implementation. This extension allows to signal different kinds of errors and to specify, which recovery pattern should handle a given label. With labeled failures it is possible to distinguish between an ordinary failure and an error. Usually, an ordinary failure is produced when the matching of a character fails, and this failure is caught by ordered choice. An error (a non-ordinary failure), by its turn, is produced by the throw operator and may be caught by the recovery operator. In pigeon, the recovery expression consists of the regular expression, the recovery expression and a set of labels to be matched. First, the regular expression is tried. If this fails with one of the provided labels, the recovery expression is tried. If this fails as well, the error is propagated. E.g.: To signal a failure condition, the throw expression is used. E.g.: For concrete examples, how to use throw and recover, have a look at the examples "labeled_failures" and "thrownrecover" in the "test" folder. The implementation of the throw and recover operators work as follows: The failure recover expression adds the recover expression for every failure label to the recovery stack and runs the regular expression. The throw expression checks the recovery stack in reversed order for the provided failure label. If the label is found, the respective recovery expression is run. If this expression is successful, the parser continues the processing of the input. If the recovery expression is not successful, the parsing fails and the parser starts to backtrack. If throw and recover expressions are used together with global state, it is the responsibility of the author of the grammar to reset the global state to a valid state during the recovery operation. The parser generated by pigeon exports a few symbols so that it can be used as a package with public functions to parse input text. The exported API is: See the godoc page of the generated parser for the test/predicates grammar for an example documentation page of the exported API: Like the grammar used to generate the parser, the input text must be UTF-8-encoded Unicode. The start rule of the parser is the first rule in the PEG grammar used to generate the parser. A call to any of the Parse* functions returns the value generated by executing the grammar on the provided input text, and an optional error. Typically, the grammar should generate some kind of abstract syntax tree (AST), but for simple grammars it may evaluate the result immediately, such as in the examples/calculator example. There are no constraints imposed on the author of the grammar, it can return whatever is needed. When the parser returns a non-nil error, the error is always of type errList, which is defined as a slice of errors ([]error). Each error in the list is of type *parserError. This is a struct that has an "Inner" field that can be used to access the original error. So if a code block returns some well-known error like: The original error can be accessed this way: By default the parser will continue after an error is returned and will cumulate all errors found during parsing. If the grammar reaches a point where it shouldn't continue, a panic statement can be used to terminate parsing. The panic will be caught at the top-level of the Parse* call and will be converted into a *parserError like any error, and an errList will still be returned to the caller. The divide by zero error in the examples/calculator grammar leverages this feature (no special code is needed to handle division by zero, if it happens, the runtime panics and it is recovered and returned as a parsing error). Providing good error reporting in a parser is not a trivial task. Part of it is provided by the pigeon tool, by offering features such as filename, position, expected literals and rule name in the error message, but an important part of good error reporting needs to be done by the grammar author. For example, many programming languages use double-quotes for string literals. Usually, if the opening quote is found, the closing quote is expected, and if none is found, there won't be any other rule that will match, there's no need to backtrack and try other choices, an error should be added to the list and the match should be consumed. In order to do this, the grammar can look something like this: This is just one example, but it illustrates the idea that error reporting needs to be thought out when designing the grammar. Because the above mentioned error types (errList and parserError) are not exported, additional steps have to be taken, ff the generated parser is used as library package in other packages (e.g. if the same parser is used in multiple command line tools). One possible implementation for exported errors (based on interfaces) and customized error reporting (caret style formatting of the position, where the parsing failed) is available in the json example and its command line tool: Generated parsers have user-provided code mixed with pigeon code in the same package, so there is no package boundary in the resulting code to prevent access to unexported symbols. What is meant to be implementation details in pigeon is also available to user code - which doesn't mean it should be used. For this reason, it is important to precisely define what is intended to be the supported API of pigeon, the parts that will be stable in future versions. The "stability" of the version 1.0 API attempts to make a similar guarantee as the Go 1 compatibility [5]. The following lists what part of the current pigeon code falls under that guarantee (features may be added in the future): The pigeon command-line flags and arguments: those will not be removed and will maintain the same semantics. The explicitly exported API generated by pigeon. See [6] for the documentation of this API on a generated parser. The PEG syntax, as documented above. The code blocks (except the initializer) will always be generated as methods on the *current type, and this type is guaranteed to have the fields pos (type position) and text (type []byte). There are no guarantees on other fields and methods of this type. The position type will always have the fields line, col and offset, all defined as int. There are no guarantees on other fields and methods of this type. The type of the error value returned by the Parse* functions, when not nil, will always be errList defined as a []error. There are no guarantees on methods of this type, other than the fact it implements the error interface. Individual errors in the errList will always be of type *parserError, and this type is guaranteed to have an Inner field that contains the original error value. There are no guarantees on other fields and methods of this type. The above guarantee is given to the version 1.0 ( of pigeon, which has entered maintenance mode (bug fixes only). The current master branch includes the development toward a future version 2.0, which intends to further improve pigeon. While the given API stability should be maintained as far as it makes sense, breaking changes may be necessary to be able to improve pigeon. The new version 2.0 API has not yet stabilized and therefore changes to the API may occur at any time. References:
Package gofpdf implements a PDF document generator with high level support for text, drawing and images. - UTF-8 support - Choice of measurement unit, page format and margins - Page header and footer management - Automatic page breaks, line breaks, and text justification - Inclusion of JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF and basic path-only SVG images - Colors, gradients and alpha channel transparency - Outline bookmarks - Internal and external links - TrueType, Type1 and encoding support - Page compression - Lines, Bézier curves, arcs, and ellipses - Rotation, scaling, skewing, translation, and mirroring - Clipping - Document protection - Layers - Templates - Barcodes - Charting facility - Import PDFs as templates gofpdf has no dependencies other than the Go standard library. All tests pass on Linux, Mac and Windows platforms. gofpdf supports UTF-8 TrueType fonts and “right-to-left” languages. Note that Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters may not be included in many general purpose fonts. For these languages, a specialized font (for example, NotoSansSC for simplified Chinese) can be used. Also, support is provided to automatically translate UTF-8 runes to code page encodings for languages that have fewer than 256 glyphs. This repository will not be maintained, at least for some unknown duration. But it is hoped that gofpdf has a bright future in the open source world. Due to Go’s promise of compatibility, gofpdf should continue to function without modification for a longer time than would be the case with many other languages. Forks should be based on the last viable commit. Tools such as active-forks can be used to select a fork that looks promising for your needs. If a particular fork looks like it has taken the lead in attracting followers, this README will be updated to point people in that direction. The efforts of all contributors to this project have been deeply appreciated. Best wishes to all of you. If you currently use the $GOPATH scheme, install the package with the following command. To test the installation, run The following Go code generates a simple PDF file. See the functions in the fpdf_test.go file (shown as examples in this documentation) for more advanced PDF examples. If an error occurs in an Fpdf method, an internal error field is set. After this occurs, Fpdf method calls typically return without performing any operations and the error state is retained. This error management scheme facilitates PDF generation since individual method calls do not need to be examined for failure; it is generally sufficient to wait until after Output() is called. For the same reason, if an error occurs in the calling application during PDF generation, it may be desirable for the application to transfer the error to the Fpdf instance by calling the SetError() method or the SetErrorf() method. At any time during the life cycle of the Fpdf instance, the error state can be determined with a call to Ok() or Err(). The error itself can be retrieved with a call to Error(). This package is a relatively straightforward translation from the original FPDF library written in PHP (despite the caveat in the introduction to Effective Go). The API names have been retained even though the Go idiom would suggest otherwise (for example, pdf.GetX() is used rather than simply pdf.X()). The similarity of the two libraries makes the original FPDF website a good source of information. It includes a forum and FAQ. However, some internal changes have been made. Page content is built up using buffers (of type bytes.Buffer) rather than repeated string concatenation. Errors are handled as explained above rather than panicking. Output is generated through an interface of type io.Writer or io.WriteCloser. A number of the original PHP methods behave differently based on the type of the arguments that are passed to them; in these cases additional methods have been exported to provide similar functionality. Font definition files are produced in JSON rather than PHP. A side effect of running go test ./... is the production of a number of example PDFs. These can be found in the gofpdf/pdf directory after the tests complete. Please note that these examples run in the context of a test. In order run an example as a standalone application, you’ll need to examine fpdf_test.go for some helper routines, for example exampleFilename() and summary(). Example PDFs can be compared with reference copies in order to verify that they have been generated as expected. This comparison will be performed if a PDF with the same name as the example PDF is placed in the gofpdf/pdf/reference directory and if the third argument to ComparePDFFiles() in internal/example/example.go is true. (By default it is false.) The routine that summarizes an example will look for this file and, if found, will call ComparePDFFiles() to check the example PDF for equality with its reference PDF. If differences exist between the two files they will be printed to standard output and the test will fail. If the reference file is missing, the comparison is considered to succeed. In order to successfully compare two PDFs, the placement of internal resources must be consistent and the internal creation timestamps must be the same. To do this, the methods SetCatalogSort() and SetCreationDate() need to be called for both files. This is done automatically for all examples. Nothing special is required to use the standard PDF fonts (courier, helvetica, times, zapfdingbats) in your documents other than calling SetFont(). You should use AddUTF8Font() or AddUTF8FontFromBytes() to add a TrueType UTF-8 encoded font. Use RTL() and LTR() methods switch between “right-to-left” and “left-to-right” mode. In order to use a different non-UTF-8 TrueType or Type1 font, you will need to generate a font definition file and, if the font will be embedded into PDFs, a compressed version of the font file. This is done by calling the MakeFont function or using the included makefont command line utility. To create the utility, cd into the makefont subdirectory and run “go build”. This will produce a standalone executable named makefont. Select the appropriate encoding file from the font subdirectory and run the command as in the following example. In your PDF generation code, call AddFont() to load the font and, as with the standard fonts, SetFont() to begin using it. Most examples, including the package example, demonstrate this method. Good sources of free, open-source fonts include Google Fonts and DejaVu Fonts. The draw2d package is a two dimensional vector graphics library that can generate output in different forms. It uses gofpdf for its document production mode. gofpdf is a global community effort and you are invited to make it even better. If you have implemented a new feature or corrected a problem, please consider contributing your change to the project. A contribution that does not directly pertain to the core functionality of gofpdf should be placed in its own directory directly beneath the contrib directory. Here are guidelines for making submissions. Your change should - be compatible with the MIT License - be properly documented - be formatted with go fmt - include an example in fpdf_test.go if appropriate - conform to the standards of golint and go vet, that is, golint . and go vet . should not generate any warnings - not diminish test coverage Pull requests are the preferred means of accepting your changes. gofpdf is released under the MIT License. It is copyrighted by Kurt Jung and the contributors acknowledged below. This package’s code and documentation are closely derived from the FPDF library created by Olivier Plathey, and a number of font and image resources are copied directly from it. Bruno Michel has provided valuable assistance with the code. Drawing support is adapted from the FPDF geometric figures script by David Hernández Sanz. Transparency support is adapted from the FPDF transparency script by Martin Hall-May. Support for gradients and clipping is adapted from FPDF scripts by Andreas Würmser. Support for outline bookmarks is adapted from Olivier Plathey by Manuel Cornes. Layer support is adapted from Olivier Plathey. Support for transformations is adapted from the FPDF transformation script by Moritz Wagner and Andreas Würmser. PDF protection is adapted from the work of Klemen Vodopivec for the FPDF product. Lawrence Kesteloot provided code to allow an image’s extent to be determined prior to placement. Support for vertical alignment within a cell was provided by Stefan Schroeder. Ivan Daniluk generalized the font and image loading code to use the Reader interface while maintaining backward compatibility. Anthony Starks provided code for the Polygon function. Robert Lillack provided the Beziergon function and corrected some naming issues with the internal curve function. Claudio Felber provided implementations for dashed line drawing and generalized font loading. Stani Michiels provided support for multi-segment path drawing with smooth line joins, line join styles, enhanced fill modes, and has helped greatly with package presentation and tests. Templating is adapted by Marcus Downing from the FPDF_Tpl library created by Jan Slabon and Setasign. Jelmer Snoeck contributed packages that generate a variety of barcodes and help with registering images on the web. Jelmer Snoek and Guillermo Pascual augmented the basic HTML functionality with aligned text. Kent Quirk implemented backwards-compatible support for reading DPI from images that support it, and for setting DPI manually and then having it properly taken into account when calculating image size. Paulo Coutinho provided support for static embedded fonts. Dan Meyers added support for embedded JavaScript. David Fish added a generic alias-replacement function to enable, among other things, table of contents functionality. Andy Bakun identified and corrected a problem in which the internal catalogs were not sorted stably. Paul Montag added encoding and decoding functionality for templates, including images that are embedded in templates; this allows templates to be stored independently of gofpdf. Paul also added support for page boxes used in printing PDF documents. Wojciech Matusiak added supported for word spacing. Artem Korotkiy added support of UTF-8 fonts. Dave Barnes added support for imported objects and templates. Brigham Thompson added support for rounded rectangles. Joe Westcott added underline functionality and optimized image storage. Benoit KUGLER contributed support for rectangles with corners of unequal radius, modification times, and for file attachments and annotations. - Remove all legacy code page font support; use UTF-8 exclusively - Improve test coverage as reported by the coverage tool. Example demonstrates the generation of a simple PDF document. Note that since only core fonts are used (in this case Arial, a synonym for Helvetica), an empty string can be specified for the font directory in the call to New(). Note also that the example.Filename() and example.Summary() functions belong to a separate, internal package and are not part of the gofpdf library. If an error occurs at some point during the construction of the document, subsequent method calls exit immediately and the error is finally retrieved with the output call where it can be handled by the application.
Package hprose is a High Performance Remote Object Service Engine. It is a modern, lightweight, cross-language, cross-platform, object-oriented, high performance, remote dynamic communication middleware. It is not only easy to use, but powerful. You just need a little time to learn, then you can use it to easily construct cross language cross platform distributed application system. Hprose supports many programming languages, for example: Through Hprose, You can conveniently and efficiently intercommunicate between those programming languages. This project is the implementation of Hprose for Golang.
Package gamelift provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon GameLift. Amazon GameLift provides solutions for hosting session-based multiplayer game servers in the cloud, including tools for deploying, operating, and scaling game servers. Built on Amazon Web Services global computing infrastructure, GameLift helps you deliver high-performance, high-reliability, low-cost game servers while dynamically scaling your resource usage to meet player demand. Get more information on these Amazon GameLift solutions in the Amazon GameLift Developer Guide. Amazon GameLift managed hosting -- Amazon GameLift offers a fully managed service to set up and maintain computing machines for hosting, manage game session and player session life cycle, and handle security, storage, and performance tracking. You can use automatic scaling tools to balance player demand and hosting costs, configure your game session management to minimize player latency, and add FlexMatch for matchmaking. Managed hosting with Realtime Servers -- With Amazon GameLift Realtime Servers, you can quickly configure and set up ready-to-go game servers for your game. Realtime Servers provides a game server framework with core Amazon GameLift infrastructure already built in. Then use the full range of Amazon GameLift managed hosting features, including FlexMatch, for your game. Amazon GameLift FleetIQ -- Use Amazon GameLift FleetIQ as a standalone service while hosting your games using EC2 instances and Auto Scaling groups. Amazon GameLift FleetIQ provides optimizations for game hosting, including boosting the viability of low-cost Spot Instances gaming. For a complete solution, pair the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ and FlexMatch standalone services. Amazon GameLift FlexMatch -- Add matchmaking to your game hosting solution. FlexMatch is a customizable matchmaking service for multiplayer games. Use FlexMatch as integrated with Amazon GameLift managed hosting or incorporate FlexMatch as a standalone service into your own hosting solution. This reference guide describes the low-level service API for Amazon GameLift. With each topic in this guide, you can find links to language-specific SDK guides and the Amazon Web Services CLI reference. Useful links: Amazon GameLift API operations listed by tasks Amazon GameLift tools and resources
This is library for the Go language to enable use of Direct IO under all supported OSes of Go. Direct IO does IO to and from disk without buffering data in the OS. It is useful when you are reading or writing lots of data you don't want to fill the OS cache up with. Instead of using os.OpenFile use directio.OpenFile And when reading or writing blocks, make sure you do them in chunks of directio.BlockSize using memory allocated by directio.AlignedBlock
Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Copyright 2014 mqant Author. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Package azopenai Azure OpenAI Service provides access to OpenAI's powerful language models including the GPT-4, GPT-35-Turbo, and Embeddings model series, as well as image generation using DALL-E. The Client in this package can be used with Azure OpenAI or OpenAI. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
Package polly provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon Polly. Amazon Polly is a web service that makes it easy to synthesize speech from text. The Amazon Polly service provides API operations for synthesizing high-quality speech from plain text and Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML), along with managing pronunciations lexicons that enable you to get the best results for your application domain.
Package lexmachine is a full lexical analysis framework for the Go programming language. It supports a restricted but usable set of regular expressions appropriate for writing lexers for complex programming languages. The framework also supports sub-lexers and non-regular lexing through an "escape hatch" which allows the users to consume any number of further bytes after a match. So if you want to support nested C-style comments or other paired structures you can do so at the lexical analysis stage. For a tutorial see Example of defining a lexer Example of using a lexer
Package langchaingo implements the Go language version of the langchain project.
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Package saltpack is an implementation of the saltpack message format. Saltpack is a light wrapper around Dan Berstein's famous NaCl library. It adds support for longer messages, streaming input and output of data, multiple recipients for encrypted messages, and a reasonable armoring format. We intend Saltpack as a replacement for the PGP messaging format, as it can be used in many of the same circumstances. However, it is designed to be: (1) simpler; (2) easier to implement; (3) judicious (perhaps judgmental) in its crypto usage; (4) fully modern (no CFB mode here); (5) high performance; (6) less bug- prone; (7) generally unwilling to output unauthenticated data; and (8) easier to compose with other software in any manner of languages or platforms. Saltpack makes no attempt to manage keys. We assume the wrapping application has a story for key management. Saltpack supports three modes of operation: encrypted messages, attached signatures, and detached signatures. Encrypted messages use NaCl's authenticated public-key encryption; we add repudiable authentication. An attached signature contains a message and a signature that authenticates it. A detached signature contains just the signature, and assumes an independent delievery mechanism for the file (this might come up when distributing an ISO and separate signature of the file). Saltpack has two encoding modes: binary and armored. In armored mode, saltpack outputs in Base62-encoding, suitable for publication into any manner of Web settings without fear of markup-caused mangling. This saltpack library implementation supports two API patterns: streaming and all-at-once. The former is useful for large files that can't fit into memory; the latter is more convenient. Both produce the same output. See
Package gortsplib is a RTSP 1.0 library for the Go programming language, written for rtsp-simple-server. Examples are available at
Package sentences is a golang package that will convert a blob of text into a list of sentences. This package attempts to support a multitude of languages: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish. An unsupervised multilingual sentence boundary detection library for golang. The goal of this library is to be able to break up any text into a list of sentences in multiple languages. The way the punkt system accomplishes this goal is through training the tokenizer with text in that given language. Once the likelihoods of abbreviations, collocations, and sentence starters are determined, finding sentence boundaries becomes easier. There are many problems that arise when tokenizing text into sentences, the primary issue being abbreviations. The punkt system attempts to determine whether a word is an abbreviation, an end to a sentence, or even both through training the system with text in the given language. The punkt system incorporates both token- and type-based analysis on the text through two different phases of annotation. Original research article:;jsessionid=BAE5C34E5C3B9DC60DFC4D93B85D8BB1?doi=
Package reflections provides high level abstractions above the reflect library. Reflect library is very low-level and as can be quite complex when it comes to do simple things like accessing a structure field value, a field tag... The purpose of reflections package is to make developers life easier when it comes to introspect structures at runtime. It's API is freely inspired from python language (getattr, setattr, hasattr...) and provides a simplified access to structure fields and tags.
Package pointer implements Andersen's analysis, an inclusion-based pointer analysis algorithm first described in (Andersen, 1994). A pointer analysis relates every pointer expression in a whole program to the set of memory locations to which it might point. This information can be used to construct a call graph of the program that precisely represents the destinations of dynamic function and method calls. It can also be used to determine, for example, which pairs of channel operations operate on the same channel. The package allows the client to request a set of expressions of interest for which the points-to information will be returned once the analysis is complete. In addition, the client may request that a callgraph is constructed. The example program in example_test.go demonstrates both of these features. Clients should not request more information than they need since it may increase the cost of the analysis significantly. Our algorithm is INCLUSION-BASED: the points-to sets for x and y will be related by pts(y) ⊇ pts(x) if the program contains the statement y = x. It is FLOW-INSENSITIVE: it ignores all control flow constructs and the order of statements in a program. It is therefore a "MAY ALIAS" analysis: its facts are of the form "P may/may not point to L", not "P must point to L". It is FIELD-SENSITIVE: it builds separate points-to sets for distinct fields, such as x and y in struct { x, y *int }. It is mostly CONTEXT-INSENSITIVE: most functions are analyzed once, so values can flow in at one call to the function and return out at another. Only some smaller functions are analyzed with consideration of their calling context. It has a CONTEXT-SENSITIVE HEAP: objects are named by both allocation site and context, so the objects returned by two distinct calls to f: are distinguished up to the limits of the calling context. It is a WHOLE PROGRAM analysis: it requires SSA-form IR for the complete Go program and summaries for native code. See the (Hind, PASTE'01) survey paper for an explanation of these terms. The analysis is fully sound when invoked on pure Go programs that do not use reflection or unsafe.Pointer conversions. In other words, if there is any possible execution of the program in which pointer P may point to object O, the analysis will report that fact. By default, the "reflect" library is ignored by the analysis, as if all its functions were no-ops, but if the client enables the Reflection flag, the analysis will make a reasonable attempt to model the effects of calls into this library. However, this comes at a significant performance cost, and not all features of that library are yet implemented. In addition, some simplifying approximations must be made to ensure that the analysis terminates; for example, reflection can be used to construct an infinite set of types and values of those types, but the analysis arbitrarily bounds the depth of such types. Most but not all reflection operations are supported. In particular, addressable reflect.Values are not yet implemented, so operations such as (reflect.Value).Set have no analytic effect. The pointer analysis makes no attempt to understand aliasing between the operand x and result y of an unsafe.Pointer conversion: It is as if the conversion allocated an entirely new object: The analysis cannot model the aliasing effects of functions written in languages other than Go, such as runtime intrinsics in C or assembly, or code accessed via cgo. The result is as if such functions are no-ops. However, various important intrinsics are understood by the analysis, along with built-ins such as append. The analysis currently provides no way for users to specify the aliasing effects of native code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The remaining documentation is intended for package maintainers and pointer analysis specialists. Maintainers should have a solid understanding of the referenced papers (especially those by H&L and PKH) before making making significant changes. The implementation is similar to that described in (Pearce et al, PASTE'04). Unlike many algorithms which interleave constraint generation and solving, constructing the callgraph as they go, this implementation for the most part observes a phase ordering (generation before solving), with only simple (copy) constraints being generated during solving. (The exception is reflection, which creates various constraints during solving as new types flow to reflect.Value operations.) This improves the traction of presolver optimisations, but imposes certain restrictions, e.g. potential context sensitivity is limited since all variants must be created a priori. A type is said to be "pointer-like" if it is a reference to an object. Pointer-like types include pointers and also interfaces, maps, channels, functions and slices. We occasionally use C's x->f notation to distinguish the case where x is a struct pointer from x.f where is a struct value. Pointer analysis literature (and our comments) often uses the notation dst=*src+offset to mean something different than what it means in Go. It means: for each node index p in pts(src), the node index p+offset is in pts(dst). Similarly *dst+offset=src is used for store constraints and dst=src+offset for offset-address constraints. Nodes are the key datastructure of the analysis, and have a dual role: they represent both constraint variables (equivalence classes of pointers) and members of points-to sets (things that can be pointed at, i.e. "labels"). Nodes are naturally numbered. The numbering enables compact representations of sets of nodes such as bitvectors (or BDDs); and the ordering enables a very cheap way to group related nodes together. For example, passing n parameters consists of generating n parallel constraints from caller+i to callee+i for 0<=i<n. The zero nodeid means "not a pointer". For simplicity, we generate flow constraints even for non-pointer types such as int. The pointer equivalence (PE) presolver optimization detects which variables cannot point to anything; this includes not only all variables of non-pointer types (such as int) but also variables of pointer-like types if they are always nil, or are parameters to a function that is never called. Each node represents a scalar part of a value or object. Aggregate types (structs, tuples, arrays) are recursively flattened out into a sequential list of scalar component types, and all the elements of an array are represented by a single node. (The flattening of a basic type is a list containing a single node.) Nodes are connected into a graph with various kinds of labelled edges: simple edges (or copy constraints) represent value flow. Complex edges (load, store, etc) trigger the creation of new simple edges during the solving phase. Conceptually, an "object" is a contiguous sequence of nodes denoting an addressable location: something that a pointer can point to. The first node of an object has a non-nil obj field containing information about the allocation: its size, context, and ssa.Value. Objects include: Many objects have no Go types. For example, the func, map and chan type kinds in Go are all varieties of pointers, but their respective objects are actual functions (executable code), maps (hash tables), and channels (synchronized queues). Given the way we model interfaces, they too are pointers to "tagged" objects with no Go type. And an *ssa.Global denotes the address of a global variable, but the object for a Global is the actual data. So, the types of an ssa.Value that creates an object is "off by one indirection": a pointer to the object. The individual nodes of an object are sometimes referred to as "labels". For uniformity, all objects have a non-zero number of fields, even those of the empty type struct{}. (All arrays are treated as if of length 1, so there are no empty arrays. The empty tuple is never address-taken, so is never an object.) An tagged object has the following layout: The T node's typ field is the dynamic type of the "payload": the value v which follows, flattened out. The T node's obj has the otTagged flag. Tagged objects are needed when generalizing across types: interfaces, reflect.Values, reflect.Types. Each of these three types is modelled as a pointer that exclusively points to tagged objects. Tagged objects may be indirect (obj.flags ⊇ {otIndirect}) meaning that the value v is not of type T but *T; this is used only for reflect.Values that represent lvalues. (These are not implemented yet.) Variables of the following "scalar" types may be represented by a single node: basic types, pointers, channels, maps, slices, 'func' pointers, interfaces. Pointers: Nothing to say here, oddly. Basic types (bool, string, numbers, unsafe.Pointer): Currently all fields in the flattening of a type, including non-pointer basic types such as int, are represented in objects and values. Though non-pointer nodes within values are uninteresting, non-pointer nodes in objects may be useful (if address-taken) because they permit the analysis to deduce, in this example, that p points to s.x. If we ignored such object fields, we could only say that p points somewhere within s. All other basic types are ignored. Expressions of these types have zero nodeid, and fields of these types within aggregate other types are omitted. unsafe.Pointers are not modelled as pointers, so a conversion of an unsafe.Pointer to *T is (unsoundly) treated equivalent to new(T). Channels: An expression of type 'chan T' is a kind of pointer that points exclusively to channel objects, i.e. objects created by MakeChan (or reflection). 'chan T' is treated like *T. *ssa.MakeChan is treated as equivalent to new(T). *ssa.Send and receive (*ssa.UnOp(ARROW)) and are equivalent to store Maps: An expression of type 'map[K]V' is a kind of pointer that points exclusively to map objects, i.e. objects created by MakeMap (or reflection). map K[V] is treated like *M where M = struct{k K; v V}. *ssa.MakeMap is equivalent to new(M). *ssa.MapUpdate is equivalent to *y=x where *y and x have type M. *ssa.Lookup is equivalent to y=x.v where x has type *M. Slices: A slice []T, which dynamically resembles a struct{array *T, len, cap int}, is treated as if it were just a *T pointer; the len and cap fields are ignored. *ssa.MakeSlice is treated like new([1]T): an allocation of a *ssa.Index on a slice is equivalent to a load. *ssa.IndexAddr on a slice returns the address of the sole element of the slice, i.e. the same address. *ssa.Slice is treated as a simple copy. Functions: An expression of type 'func...' is a kind of pointer that points exclusively to function objects. A function object has the following layout: There may be multiple function objects for the same *ssa.Function due to context-sensitive treatment of some functions. The first node is the function's identity node. Associated with every callsite is a special "targets" variable, whose pts() contains the identity node of each function to which the call may dispatch. Identity words are not otherwise used during the analysis, but we construct the call graph from the pts() solution for such nodes. The following block of contiguous nodes represents the flattened-out types of the parameters ("P-block") and results ("R-block") of the function object. The treatment of free variables of closures (*ssa.FreeVar) is like that of global variables; it is not context-sensitive. *ssa.MakeClosure instructions create copy edges to Captures. A Go value of type 'func' (i.e. a pointer to one or more functions) is a pointer whose pts() contains function objects. The valueNode() for an *ssa.Function returns a singleton for that function. Interfaces: An expression of type 'interface{...}' is a kind of pointer that points exclusively to tagged objects. All tagged objects pointed to by an interface are direct (the otIndirect flag is clear) and concrete (the tag type T is not itself an interface type). The associated ssa.Value for an interface's tagged objects may be an *ssa.MakeInterface instruction, or nil if the tagged object was created by an instrinsic (e.g. reflection). Constructing an interface value causes generation of constraints for all of the concrete type's methods; we can't tell a priori which ones may be called. TypeAssert y = x.(T) is implemented by a dynamic constraint triggered by each tagged object O added to pts(x): a typeFilter constraint if T is an interface type, or an untag constraint if T is a concrete type. A typeFilter tests whether O.typ implements T; if so, O is added to pts(y). An untagFilter tests whether O.typ is assignable to T,and if so, a copy edge O.v -> y is added. ChangeInterface is a simple copy because the representation of tagged objects is independent of the interface type (in contrast to the "method tables" approach used by the gc runtime). y := Invoke x.m(...) is implemented by allocating contiguous P/R blocks for the callsite and adding a dynamic rule triggered by each tagged object added to pts(x). The rule adds param/results copy edges to/from each discovered concrete method. (Q. Why do we model an interface as a pointer to a pair of type and value, rather than as a pair of a pointer to type and a pointer to value? A. Control-flow joins would merge interfaces ({T1}, {V1}) and ({T2}, {V2}) to make ({T1,T2}, {V1,V2}), leading to the infeasible and type-unsafe combination (T1,V2). Treating the value and its concrete type as inseparable makes the analysis type-safe.) Type parameters: Type parameters are not directly supported by the analysis. Calls to generic functions will be left as if they had empty bodies. Users of the package are expected to use the ssa.InstantiateGenerics builder mode when building code that uses or depends on code containing generics. reflect.Value: A reflect.Value is modelled very similar to an interface{}, i.e. as a pointer exclusively to tagged objects, but with two generalizations. 1. a reflect.Value that represents an lvalue points to an indirect (obj.flags ⊇ {otIndirect}) tagged object, which has a similar layout to an tagged object except that the value is a pointer to the dynamic type. Indirect tagged objects preserve the correct aliasing so that mutations made by (reflect.Value).Set can be observed. Indirect objects only arise when an lvalue is derived from an rvalue by indirection, e.g. the following code: Whether indirect or not, the concrete type of the tagged object corresponds to the user-visible dynamic type, and the existence of a pointer is an implementation detail. (NB: indirect tagged objects are not yet implemented) 2. The dynamic type tag of a tagged object pointed to by a reflect.Value may be an interface type; it need not be concrete. This arises in code such as this: pts(eface) is a singleton containing an interface{}-tagged object. That tagged object's payload is an interface{} value, i.e. the pts of the payload contains only concrete-tagged objects, although in this example it's the zero interface{} value, so its pts is empty. reflect.Type: Just as in the real "reflect" library, we represent a reflect.Type as an interface whose sole implementation is the concrete type, *reflect.rtype. (This choice is forced on us by go/types: clients cannot fabricate types with arbitrary method sets.) rtype instances are canonical: there is at most one per dynamic type. (rtypes are in fact large structs but since identity is all that matters, we represent them by a single node.) The payload of each *rtype-tagged object is an *rtype pointer that points to exactly one such canonical rtype object. We exploit this by setting the node.typ of the payload to the dynamic type, not '*rtype'. This saves us an indirection in each resolution rule. As an optimisation, *rtype-tagged objects are canonicalized too. Aggregate types: Aggregate types are treated as if all directly contained aggregates are recursively flattened out. Structs: *ssa.Field y = x.f creates a simple edge to y from x's node at f's offset. *ssa.FieldAddr y = &x->f requires a dynamic closure rule to create The nodes of a struct consist of a special 'identity' node (whose type is that of the struct itself), followed by the nodes for all the struct's fields, recursively flattened out. A pointer to the struct is a pointer to its identity node. That node allows us to distinguish a pointer to a struct from a pointer to its first field. Field offsets are logical field offsets (plus one for the identity node), so the sizes of the fields can be ignored by the analysis. (The identity node is non-traditional but enables the distinction described above, which is valuable for code comprehension tools. Typical pointer analyses for C, whose purpose is compiler optimization, must soundly model unsafe.Pointer (void*) conversions, and this requires fidelity to the actual memory layout using physical field offsets.) *ssa.Field y = x.f creates a simple edge to y from x's node at f's offset. *ssa.FieldAddr y = &x->f requires a dynamic closure rule to create Arrays: We model an array by an identity node (whose type is that of the array itself) followed by a node representing all the elements of the array; the analysis does not distinguish elements with different indices. Effectively, an array is treated like struct{elem T}, a load y=x[i] like y=x.elem, and a store x[i]=y like x.elem=y; the index i is ignored. A pointer to an array is pointer to its identity node. (A slice is also a pointer to an array's identity node.) The identity node allows us to distinguish a pointer to an array from a pointer to one of its elements, but it is rather costly because it introduces more offset constraints into the system. Furthermore, sound treatment of unsafe.Pointer would require us to dispense with this node. Arrays may be allocated by Alloc, by make([]T), by calls to append, and via reflection. Tuples (T, ...): Tuples are treated like structs with naturally numbered fields. *ssa.Extract is analogous to *ssa.Field. However, tuples have no identity field since by construction, they cannot be address-taken. There are three kinds of function call: Cases 1 and 2 apply equally to methods and standalone functions. Static calls: A static call consists three steps: A static function call is little more than two struct value copies between the P/R blocks of caller and callee: Context sensitivity: Static calls (alone) may be treated context sensitively, i.e. each callsite may cause a distinct re-analysis of the callee, improving precision. Our current context-sensitivity policy treats all intrinsics and getter/setter methods in this manner since such functions are small and seem like an obvious source of spurious confluences, though this has not yet been evaluated. Dynamic function calls: Dynamic calls work in a similar manner except that the creation of copy edges occurs dynamically, in a similar fashion to a pair of struct copies in which the callee is indirect: (Recall that the function object's P- and R-blocks are contiguous.) Interface method invocation: For invoke-mode calls, we create a params/results block for the callsite and attach a dynamic closure rule to the interface. For each new tagged object that flows to the interface, we look up the concrete method, find its function object, and connect its P/R blocks to the callsite's P/R blocks, adding copy edges to the graph during solving. Recording call targets: The analysis notifies its clients of each callsite it encounters, passing a CallSite interface. Among other things, the CallSite contains a synthetic constraint variable ("targets") whose points-to solution includes the set of all function objects to which the call may dispatch. It is via this mechanism that the callgraph is made available. Clients may also elect to be notified of callgraph edges directly; internally this just iterates all "targets" variables' pts(·)s. We implement Hash-Value Numbering (HVN), a pre-solver constraint optimization described in Hardekopf & Lin, SAS'07. This is documented in more detail in hvn.go. We intend to add its cousins HR and HU in future. The solver is currently a naive Andersen-style implementation; it does not perform online cycle detection, though we plan to add solver optimisations such as Hybrid- and Lazy- Cycle Detection from (Hardekopf & Lin, PLDI'07). It uses difference propagation (Pearce et al, SQC'04) to avoid redundant re-triggering of closure rules for values already seen. Points-to sets are represented using sparse bit vectors (similar to those used in LLVM and gcc), which are more space- and time-efficient than sets based on Go's built-in map type or dense bit vectors. Nodes are permuted prior to solving so that object nodes (which may appear in points-to sets) are lower numbered than non-object (var) nodes. This improves the density of the set over which the PTSs range, and thus the efficiency of the representation. Partly thanks to avoiding map iteration, the execution of the solver is 100% deterministic, a great help during debugging. Andersen, L. O. 1994. Program analysis and specialization for the C programming language. Ph.D. dissertation. DIKU, University of Copenhagen. David J. Pearce, Paul H. J. Kelly, and Chris Hankin. 2004. Efficient field-sensitive pointer analysis for C. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT workshop on Program analysis for software tools and engineering (PASTE '04). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 37-42. David J. Pearce, Paul H. J. Kelly, and Chris Hankin. 2004. Online Cycle Detection and Difference Propagation: Applications to Pointer Analysis. Software Quality Control 12, 4 (December 2004), 311-337. David Grove and Craig Chambers. 2001. A framework for call graph construction algorithms. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 23, 6 (November 2001), 685-746. Ben Hardekopf and Calvin Lin. 2007. The ant and the grasshopper: fast and accurate pointer analysis for millions of lines of code. In Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming language design and implementation (PLDI '07). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 290-299. Ben Hardekopf and Calvin Lin. 2007. Exploiting pointer and location equivalence to optimize pointer analysis. In Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Static Analysis (SAS'07), Hanne Riis Nielson and Gilberto Filé (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 265-280. Atanas Rountev and Satish Chandra. 2000. Off-line variable substitution for scaling points-to analysis. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2000 conference on Programming language design and implementation (PLDI '00). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 47-56. DOI=10.1145/349299.349310 This program demonstrates how to use the pointer analysis to obtain a conservative call-graph of a Go program. It also shows how to compute the points-to set of a variable, in this case, (C).f's ch parameter.
Package enry implements multiple strategies for programming language identification. Identification is made based on file name and file content using a seriece of strategies to narrow down possible option. Each strategy is available as a separate API call, as well as a main enty point It is a port of the from Ruby. Upstream Linguist YAML files are used to generate datastructures for data package.
Package cadence and its subdirectories contain the Cadence client side framework. The Cadence service is a task orchestrator for your application’s tasks. Applications using Cadence can execute a logical flow of tasks, especially long-running business logic, asynchronously or synchronously. They can also scale at runtime on distributed systems. A quick example illustrates its use case. Consider Uber Eats where Cadence manages the entire business flow from placing an order, accepting it, handling shopping cart processes (adding, updating, and calculating cart items), entering the order in a pipeline (for preparing food and coordinating delivery), to scheduling delivery as well as handling payments. Cadence consists of a programming framework (or client library) and a managed service (or backend). The framework enables developers to author and coordinate tasks in Go code. The root cadence package contains common data structures. The subpackages are: The Cadence hosted service brokers and persists events generated during workflow execution. Worker nodes owned and operated by customers execute the coordination and task logic. To facilitate the implementation of worker nodes Cadence provides a client-side library for the Go language. In Cadence, you can code the logical flow of events separately as a workflow and code business logic as activities. The workflow identifies the activities and sequences them, while an activity executes the logic. Dynamic workflow execution graphs - Determine the workflow execution graphs at runtime based on the data you are processing. Cadence does not pre-compute the execution graphs at compile time or at workflow start time. Therefore, you have the ability to write workflows that can dynamically adjust to the amount of data they are processing. If you need to trigger 10 instances of an activity to efficiently process all the data in one run, but only 3 for a subsequent run, you can do that. Child Workflows - Orchestrate the execution of a workflow from within another workflow. Cadence will return the results of the child workflow execution to the parent workflow upon completion of the child workflow. No polling is required in the parent workflow to monitor status of the child workflow, making the process efficient and fault tolerant. Durable Timers - Implement delayed execution of tasks in your workflows that are robust to worker failures. Cadence provides two easy to use APIs, **workflow.Sleep** and **workflow.Timer**, for implementing time based events in your workflows. Cadence ensures that the timer settings are persisted and the events are generated even if workers executing the workflow crash. Signals - Modify/influence the execution path of a running workflow by pushing additional data directly to the workflow using a signal. Via the Signal facility, Cadence provides a mechanism to consume external events directly in workflow code. Task routing - Efficiently process large amounts of data using a Cadence workflow, by caching the data locally on a worker and executing all activities meant to process that data on that same worker. Cadence enables you to choose the worker you want to execute a certain activity by scheduling that activity execution in the worker's specific task-list. Unique workflow ID enforcement - Use business entity IDs for your workflows and let Cadence ensure that only one workflow is running for a particular entity at a time. Cadence implements an atomic "uniqueness check" and ensures that no race conditions are possible that would result in multiple workflow executions for the same workflow ID. Therefore, you can implement your code to attempt to start a workflow without checking if the ID is already in use, even in the cases where only one active execution per workflow ID is desired. Perpetual/ContinueAsNew workflows - Run periodic tasks as a single perpetually running workflow. With the "ContinueAsNew" facility, Cadence allows you to leverage the "unique workflow ID enforcement" feature for periodic workflows. Cadence will complete the current execution and start the new execution atomically, ensuring you get to keep your workflow ID. By starting a new execution Cadence also ensures that workflow execution history does not grow indefinitely for perpetual workflows. At-most once activity execution - Execute non-idempotent activities as part of your workflows. Cadence will not automatically retry activities on failure. For every activity execution Cadence will return a success result, a failure result, or a timeout to the workflow code and let the workflow code determine how each one of those result types should be handled. Asynch Activity Completion - Incorporate human input or thrid-party service asynchronous callbacks into your workflows. Cadence allows a workflow to pause execution on an activity and wait for an external actor to resume it with a callback. During this pause the activity does not have any actively executing code, such as a polling loop, and is merely an entry in the Cadence datastore. Therefore, the workflow is unaffected by any worker failures happening over the duration of the pause. Activity Heartbeating - Detect unexpected failures/crashes and track progress in long running activities early. By configuring your activity to report progress periodically to the Cadence server, you can detect a crash that occurs 10 minutes into an hour-long activity execution much sooner, instead of waiting for the 60-minute execution timeout. The recorded progress before the crash gives you sufficient information to determine whether to restart the activity from the beginning or resume it from the point of failure. Timeouts for activities and workflow executions - Protect against stuck and unresponsive activities and workflows with appropriate timeout values. Cadence requires that timeout values are provided for every activity or workflow invocation. There is no upper bound on the timeout values, so you can set timeouts that span days, weeks, or even months. Visibility - Get a list of all your active and/or completed workflow. Explore the execution history of a particular workflow execution. Cadence provides a set of visibility APIs that allow you, the workflow owner, to monitor past and current workflow executions. Debuggability - Replay any workflow execution history locally under a debugger. The Cadence client library provides an API to allow you to capture a stack trace from any failed workflow execution history.
Package meilisearch is the official Meilisearch SDK for the Go programming language. The meilisearch-go SDK for Go provides APIs and utilities that developers can use to build Go applications that use meilisearch service. See the meilisearch package documentation for more information.
Package gortsplib is a RTSP 1.0 library for the Go programming language, written for rtsp-simple-server. Examples are available at
Package aw is a "plug-and-play" workflow development library/framework for Alfred 3 & 4 ( It requires Go 1.13 or later. It provides everything you need to create a polished and blazing-fast Alfred frontend for your project. As of AwGo 0.26, all applicable features of Alfred 4.1 are supported. The main features are: AwGo is an opinionated framework that expects to be used in a certain way in order to eliminate boilerplate. It *will* panic if not run in a valid, minimally Alfred-like environment. At a minimum the following environment variables should be set to meaningful values: NOTE: AwGo is currently in development. The API *will* change and should not be considered stable until v1.0. Until then, be sure to pin a version using go modules or similar. Be sure to also check out the _examples/ subdirectory, which contains some simple, but complete, workflows that demonstrate the features of AwGo and useful workflow idioms. Typically, you'd call your program's main entry point via Workflow.Run(). This way, the library will rescue any panic, log the stack trace and show an error message to the user in Alfred. In the Script box (Language = "/bin/bash"): To generate results for Alfred to show in a Script Filter, use the feedback API of Workflow: You can set workflow variables (via feedback) with Workflow.Var, Item.Var and Modifier.Var. See Workflow.SendFeedback for more documentation. Alfred requires a different JSON format if you wish to set workflow variables. Use the ArgVars (named for its equivalent element in Alfred) struct to generate output from Run Script actions. Be sure to set TextErrors to true to prevent Workflow from generating Alfred JSON if it catches a panic: See ArgVars for more information. New() creates a *Workflow using the default values and workflow settings read from environment variables set by Alfred. You can change defaults by passing one or more Options to New(). If you do not want to use Alfred's environment variables, or they aren't set (i.e. you're not running the code in Alfred), use NewFromEnv() with a custom Env implementation. A Workflow can be re-configured later using its Configure() method. See the documentation for Option for more information on configuring a Workflow. AwGo can check for and install new versions of your workflow. Subpackage update provides an implementation of the Updater interface and sources to load updates from GitHub or Gitea releases, or from the URL of an Alfred `metadata.json` file. See subpackage update and _examples/update. AwGo can filter Script Filter feedback using a Sublime Text-like fuzzy matching algorithm. Workflow.Filter() sorts feedback Items against the provided query, removing those that do not match. See _examples/fuzzy for a basic demonstration, and _examples/bookmarks for a demonstration of implementing fuzzy.Sortable on your own structs and customising the fuzzy sort settings. Fuzzy matching is done by package AwGo automatically configures the default log package to write to STDERR (Alfred's debugger) and a log file in the workflow's cache directory. The log file is necessary because background processes aren't connected to Alfred, so their output is only visible in the log. It is rotated when it exceeds 1 MiB in size. One previous log is kept. AwGo detects when Alfred's debugger is open (Workflow.Debug() returns true) and in this case prepends filename:linenumber: to log messages. The Config struct (which is included in Workflow as Workflow.Config) provides an interface to the workflow's settings from the Workflow Environment Variables panel (see Alfred exports these settings as environment variables, and you can read them ad-hoc with the Config.Get*() methods, and save values back to Alfred/info.plist with Config.Set(). Using Config.To() and Config.From(), you can "bind" your own structs to the settings in Alfred: See the documentation for Config.To and Config.From for more information, and _examples/settings for a demo workflow based on the API. The Alfred struct provides methods for the rest of Alfred's AppleScript API. Amongst other things, you can use it to tell Alfred to open, to search for a query, to browse/action files & directories, or to run External Triggers. See documentation of the Alfred struct for more information. AwGo provides a basic, but useful, API for loading and saving data. In addition to reading/writing bytes and marshalling/unmarshalling to/from JSON, the API can auto-refresh expired cache data. See Cache and Session for the API documentation. Workflow has three caches tied to different directories: These all share (almost) the same API. The difference is in when the data go away. Data saved with Session are deleted after the user closes Alfred or starts using a different workflow. The Cache directory is in a system cache directory, so may be deleted by the system or "system maintenance" tools. The Data directory lives with Alfred's application data and would not normally be deleted. Subpackage util provides several functions for running script files and snippets of AppleScript/JavaScript code. See util for documentation and examples. AwGo offers a simple API to start/stop background processes via Workflow's RunInBackground(), IsRunning() and Kill() methods. This is useful for running checks for updates and other jobs that hit the network or take a significant amount of time to complete, allowing you to keep your Script Filters extremely responsive. See _examples/update and _examples/workflows for demonstrations of this API.