Package radixtree implements an Adaptive Radix Tree, aka compressed trie or compact prefix tree. It is adaptive in the sense that nodes are not constant size, having as few or many children as needed to branch to all subtrees. This package implements a radix-256 tree where each key symbol (radix) is a byte, allowing up to 256 possible branches to traverse to the next node. The implementation is optimized for read performance and allocates zero bytes of heap memory for read oprations. Once the radix tree is built, it can be repeatedly searched quickly. Concurrent searches are safe since these do not modify the radixtree. Access is not synchronized (not concurrent safe with writes), allowing the caller to synchronize, if needed, in whatever manner works best for the application. The API uses string keys, since strings are immutable and therefore it is not necessary make a copy of the key provided to the radix tree.
Package godirwalk provides functions to read and traverse directory trees. In short, why do I use this library? * It's faster than `filepath.Walk`. * It's more correct on Windows than `filepath.Walk`. * It's more easy to use than `filepath.Walk`. * It's more flexible than `filepath.Walk`. This library will normalize the provided top level directory name based on the os-specific path separator by calling `filepath.Clean` on its first argument. However it always provides the pathname created by using the correct os-specific path separator when invoking the provided callback function. This library not only provides functions for traversing a file system directory tree, but also for obtaining a list of immediate descendants of a particular directory, typically much more quickly than using `os.ReadDir` or `os.ReadDirnames`.
Package iavl implements a versioned, snapshottable (immutable) AVL+ tree for persisting key-value pairs. The tree is not safe for concurrent use, and must be guarded by a Mutex or RWLock as appropriate - the exception is immutable trees returned by MutableTree.GetImmutable() which are safe for concurrent use as long as the version is not deleted via DeleteVersion(). Basic usage of MutableTree: Proof of existence: Proof of absence: Now we delete an old version: Can't create a proof of absence for a version we no longer have:
Package micro is a pluggable framework for microservices
Package micro is a pluggable framework for microservices
Package micro is a pluggable framework for microservices
Package depth provides the ability to traverse and retrieve Go source code dependencies in the form of internal and external packages. For example, the dependencies of the stdlib `strings` package can be resolved like so: For additional customization, simply set the appropriate flags on the `Tree` before resolving:
Implementation of an R-Way Trie data structure. A Trie has a root Node which is the base of the tree. Each subsequent Node has a letter and children, which are nodes that have letter values associated with them.
Package iavl implements a versioned, snapshottable (immutable) AVL+ tree for persisting key-value pairs. The tree is not safe for concurrent use, and must be guarded by a Mutex or RWLock as appropriate - the exception is immutable trees returned by MutableTree.GetImmutable() which are safe for concurrent use as long as the version is not deleted via DeleteVersion(). Basic usage of MutableTree: Proof of existence: Proof of absence: Now we delete an old version: Can't create a proof of absence for a version we no longer have:
Package leaktest provides tools to detect leaked goroutines in tests. To use it, call "defer leaktest.Check(t)()" at the beginning of each test that may use goroutines. copied out of the cockroachdb source tree with slight modifications to be more re-useable
Package gographviz provides parsing for the DOT grammar into an abstract syntax tree representing a graph, analysis of the abstract syntax tree into a more usable structure, and writing back of this structure into the DOT format.
Package hdkeychain provides an API for Decred hierarchical deterministic extended keys (based on BIP0032). The ability to implement hierarchical deterministic wallets depends on the ability to create and derive hierarchical deterministic extended keys. At a high level, this package provides support for those hierarchical deterministic extended keys by providing an ExtendedKey type and supporting functions. Each extended key can either be a private or public extended key which itself is capable of deriving a child extended key. Whether an extended key is a private or public extended key can be determined with the IsPrivate function. In order to create and sign transactions, or provide others with addresses to send funds to, the underlying key and address material must be accessible. This package provides the ECPubKey, ECPrivKey, and Address functions for this purpose. As previously mentioned, the extended keys are hierarchical meaning they are used to form a tree. The root of that tree is called the master node and this package provides the NewMaster function to create it from a cryptographically random seed. The GenerateSeed function is provided as a convenient way to create a random seed for use with the NewMaster function. Once you have created a tree root (or have deserialized an extended key as discussed later), the child extended keys can be derived by using the Child function. The Child function supports deriving both normal (non-hardened) and hardened child extended keys. In order to derive a hardened extended key, use the HardenedKeyStart constant + the hardened key number as the index to the Child function. This provides the ability to cascade the keys into a tree and hence generate the hierarchical deterministic key chains. A private extended key can be used to derive both hardened and non-hardened (normal) child private and public extended keys. A public extended key can only be used to derive non-hardened child public extended keys. As enumerated in BIP0032 "knowledge of the extended public key plus any non-hardened private key descending from it is equivalent to knowing the extended private key (and thus every private and public key descending from it). This means that extended public keys must be treated more carefully than regular public keys. It is also the reason for the existence of hardened keys, and why they are used for the account level in the tree. This way, a leak of an account-specific (or below) private key never risks compromising the master or other accounts." A private extended key can be converted to a new instance of the corresponding public extended key with the Neuter function. The original extended key is not modified. A public extended key is still capable of deriving non-hardened child public extended keys. Extended keys are serialized and deserialized with the String and NewKeyFromString functions. The serialized key is a Base58-encoded string which looks like the following: Extended keys are much like normal Decred addresses in that they have version bytes which tie them to a specific network. The SetNet and IsForNet functions are provided to set and determinine which network an extended key is associated with. This example demonstrates the audits use case in BIP0032. This example demonstrates the default hierarchical deterministic wallet layout as described in BIP0032. This example demonstrates how to generate a cryptographically random seed then use it to create a new master node (extended key).
Package merkletree provides tools for calculating the Merkle root of a dataset, for creating a proof that a piece of data is in a Merkle tree of a given root, and for verifying proofs that a piece of data is in a Merkle tree of a given root. The tree is implemented according to the specification for Merkle trees provided in RFC 6962. Package merkletree also supports building roots and proofs from cached subroots of the Merkle tree. For example, a large file could be cached by building the Merkle root for each 4MB sector and remembering the Merkle roots of each sector. Using a cached tree, the Merkle root of the whole file can be computed by passing the cached tree each of the roots of the 4MB sector. Building proofs using these cached roots is also supported. A proof must be built within the target sector using a normal Tree, requiring the whole sector to be hashed. The results of that proof can then be passed into the Prove() function of a cached tree, which will create the full proof without needing to hash the entire file. Caching also makes it inexpensive to update the Merkle root of the file after changing or deleting segments of the larger file. Examples can be found in the README for the package.
Package capnp is a Cap'n Proto library for Go. Read the Getting Started guide for a tutorial on how to use this package. capnpc-go provides the compiler backend for capnp. capnpc-go requires two annotations for all files: package and import. package is needed to know what package to place at the head of the generated file and what identifier to use when referring to the type from another package. import should be the fully qualified import path and is used to generate import statement from other packages and to detect when two types are in the same package. For example: For adding documentation comments to the generated code, there's the doc annotation. This annotation adds the comment to a struct, enum or field so that godoc will pick it up. For example: In Cap'n Proto, the unit of communication is a message. A message consists of one or more segments -- contiguous blocks of memory. This allows large messages to be split up and loaded independently or lazily. Typically you will use one segment per message. Logically, a message is organized in a tree of objects, with the root always being a struct (as opposed to a list or primitive). Messages can be read from and written to a stream. The Message and Segment types are the main types that application code will use from this package. The Message type has methods for marshaling and unmarshaling its segments to the wire format. If the application needs to read or write from a stream, it should use the Encoder and Decoder types. The type for a generic reference to a Cap'n Proto object is Ptr. A Ptr can refer to a struct, a list, or an interface. Ptr, Struct, List, and Interface (the pointer types) have value semantics and refer to data in a single segment. All of the pointer types have a notion of "valid". An invalid pointer will return the default value from any accessor and panic when any setter is called. In previous versions of this package, the Pointer interface was used instead of the Ptr struct. This interface and functions that use it are now deprecated. See for details about this API change. Data accessors and setters (i.e. struct primitive fields and list elements) do not return errors, but pointer accessors and setters do. There are a few reasons that a read or write of a pointer can fail, but the most common are bad pointers or allocation failures. For accessors, an invalid object will be returned in case of an error. Since Go doesn't have generics, wrapper types provide type safety on lists. This package provides lists of basic types, and capnpc-go generates list wrappers for named types. However, if you need to use deeper nesting of lists (e.g. List(List(UInt8))), you will need to use a PointerList and wrap the elements. For the following schema: capnpc-go will generate: For each group a typedef is created with a different method set for just the groups fields: generates the following: That way the following may be used to access a field in a group: Note that group accessors just convert the type and so have no overhead. Named unions are treated as a group with an inner unnamed union. Unnamed unions generate an enum Type_Which and a corresponding Which() function: generates the following: Which() should be checked before using the getters, and the default case must always be handled. Setters for single values will set the union discriminator as well as set the value. For voids in unions, there is a void setter that just sets the discriminator. For example: generates the following: Similarly, for groups in unions, there is a group setter that just sets the discriminator. This must be called before the group getter can be used to set values. For example: and in usage: capnpc-go generates enum values as constants. For example in the capnp file: In the generated capnp.go file: In addition an enum.String() function is generated that will convert the constants to a string for debugging or logging purposes. By default, the enum name is used as the tag value, but the tags can be customized with a $Go.tag or $Go.notag annotation. For example: In the generated go file: capnpc-go generates type-safe Client wrappers for interfaces. For parameter lists and result lists, structs are generated as described above with the names Interface_method_Params and Interface_method_Results, unless a single struct type is used. For example, for this interface: capnpc-go generates the following Go code (along with the structs Calculator_evaluate_Params and Calculator_evaluate_Results): capnpc-go also generates code to implement the interface: Since a single capability may want to implement many interfaces, you can use multiple *_Methods functions to build a single slice to send to NewServer. An example of combining the client/server code to communicate with a locally implemented Calculator: A note about message ordering: when implementing a server method, you are responsible for acknowledging delivery of a method call. Failure to do so can cause deadlocks. See the server.Ack function for more details.
Package avltree implements a height-balanced binary tree with array-like indexing capability. An AVL tree (Adel'son-Vel'skii & Landis) is a binary search tree in which the heights of the left and right subtrees of the root differ by at most one and in which the left and right subtrees are again AVL trees. With each node of an AVL tree is associated a balance factor that is Left High, Equal, or Right High according, respectively, as the left subtree has height greater than, equal to, or less than that of the right subtree. The AVL tree is, in practice, balanced quite well. It can (at the worst case) become skewed to the left or right, but never so much that it becomes inefficient. The balancing is done as items are added or deleted. This version is enhanced to allow "indexing" of values in the tree; however, the indexes are not stable as the tree could be resorted as items are added or removed. It is safe to iterate or search a tree from multiple threads provided that no threads are modifying the tree. See also: Robert L. Kruse, Data Structures and Program Design, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall
Package suture provides Erlang-like supervisor trees. This implements Erlang-esque supervisor trees, as adapted for Go. This is an industrial-strength, tested library deployed into hostile environments, not just a proof of concept or a toy. Supervisor Tree -> SuTree -> suture -> holds your code together when it's trying to fall apart. Why use Suture? Suture has 100% test coverage, and is golint clean. This doesn't prove it free of bugs, but it shows I care. A blog post describing the design decisions is available at . To idiomatically use Suture, create a Supervisor which is your top level "application" supervisor. This will often occur in your program's "main" function. Create "Service"s, which implement the Service interface. .Add() them to your Supervisor. Supervisors are also services, so you can create a tree structure here, depending on the exact combination of restarts you want to create. As a special case, when adding Supervisors to Supervisors, the "sub" supervisor will have the "super" supervisor's Log function copied. This allows you to set one log function on the "top" supervisor, and have it propagate down to all the sub-supervisors. This also allows libraries or modules to provide Supervisors without having to commit their users to a particular logging method. Finally, as what is probably the last line of your main() function, call .Serve() on your top level supervisor. This will start all the services you've defined. See the Example for an example, using a simple service that serves out incrementing integers.
Package dst declares the types used to represent decorated syntax trees for Go packages.
Package enmime implements a MIME encoding and decoding library. It's built on top of Go's included mime/multipart support where possible, but is geared towards parsing MIME encoded emails. The enmime API has two conceptual layers. The lower layer is a tree of Part structs, representing each component of a decoded MIME message. The upper layer, called an Envelope provides an intuitive way to interact with a MIME message. Calling ReadParts causes enmime to parse the body of a MIME message into a tree of Part objects, each of which is aware of its content type, filename and headers. The content of a Part is available as a slice of bytes via the Content field. If the part was encoded in quoted-printable or base64, it is decoded prior to being placed in Content. If the Part contains text in a character set other than utf-8, enmime will attempt to convert it to utf-8. To locate a particular Part, pass a custom PartMatcher function into the BreadthMatchFirst() or DepthMatchFirst() methods to search the Part tree. BreadthMatchAll() and DepthMatchAll() will collect all Parts matching your criteria. ReadEnvelope returns an Envelope struct. Behind the scenes a Part tree is constructed, and then sorted into the correct fields of the Envelope. The Envelope contains both the plain text and HTML portions of the email. If there was no plain text Part available, the HTML Part will be down-converted using the html2text library1. The root of the Part tree, as well as slices of the inline and attachment Parts are also available. Every MIME Part has its own headers, accessible via the Part.Header field. The raw headers for an Envelope are available in Root.Header. Envelope also provides helper methods to fetch headers: GetHeader(key) will return the RFC 2047 decoded value of the specified header. AddressList(key) will convert the specified address header into a slice of net/mail.Address values. enmime attempts to be tolerant of poorly encoded MIME messages. In situations where parsing is not possible, the ReadEnvelope and ReadParts functions will return a hard error. If enmime is able to continue parsing the message, it will add an entry to the Errors slice on the relevant Part. After parsing is complete, all Part errors will be appended to the Envelope Errors slice. The Error* constants can be used to identify a specific class of error. Please note that enmime parses messages into memory, so it is not likely to perform well with multi-gigabyte attachments. enmime is open source software released under the MIT License. The latest version can be found at
Package hdkeychain provides an API for Decred hierarchical deterministic extended keys (based on BIP0032). The ability to implement hierarchical deterministic wallets depends on the ability to create and derive hierarchical deterministic extended keys. At a high level, this package provides support for those hierarchical deterministic extended keys by providing an ExtendedKey type and supporting functions. Each extended key can either be a private or public extended key which itself is capable of deriving a child extended key. Whether an extended key is a private or public extended key can be determined with the IsPrivate function. In order to create and sign transactions, or provide others with addresses to send funds to, the underlying key and address material must be accessible. This package provides the SerializedPubKey and SerializedPrivKey functions for this purpose. The caller may then create the desired address types. As previously mentioned, the extended keys are hierarchical meaning they are used to form a tree. The root of that tree is called the master node and this package provides the NewMaster function to create it from a cryptographically random seed. The GenerateSeed function is provided as a convenient way to create a random seed for use with the NewMaster function. Once you have created a tree root (or have deserialized an extended key as discussed later), the child extended keys can be derived by using either the Child or ChildBIP32Std function. The difference is described in the following section. These functions support deriving both normal (non-hardened) and hardened child extended keys. In order to derive a hardened extended key, use the HardenedKeyStart constant + the hardened key number as the index to the Child function. This provides the ability to cascade the keys into a tree and hence generate the hierarchical deterministic key chains. The Child function derives extended keys with a modified scheme based on BIP0032, whereas ChildBIP32Std produces keys that strictly conform to the standard. Specifically, the Decred variation strips leading zeros of a private key, causing subsequent child keys to differ from the keys expected by standard BIP0032. The ChildBIP32Std method retains leading zeros, ensuring the child keys expected by BIP0032 are derived. The Child function must be used for Decred wallet key derivation for legacy reasons. A private extended key can be used to derive both hardened and non-hardened (normal) child private and public extended keys. A public extended key can only be used to derive non-hardened child public extended keys. As enumerated in BIP0032 "knowledge of the extended public key plus any non-hardened private key descending from it is equivalent to knowing the extended private key (and thus every private and public key descending from it). This means that extended public keys must be treated more carefully than regular public keys. It is also the reason for the existence of hardened keys, and why they are used for the account level in the tree. This way, a leak of an account-specific (or below) private key never risks compromising the master or other accounts." A private extended key can be converted to a new instance of the corresponding public extended key with the Neuter function. The original extended key is not modified. A public extended key is still capable of deriving non-hardened child public extended keys. Extended keys are serialized and deserialized with the String and NewKeyFromString functions. The serialized key is a Base58-encoded string which looks like the following: Extended keys are much like normal Decred addresses in that they have version bytes which tie them to a specific network. The network that an extended key is associated with is specified when creating and decoding the key. In the case of decoding, an error will be returned if a given encoded extended key is not for the specified network. This example demonstrates the audits use case in BIP0032. This example demonstrates the default hierarchical deterministic wallet layout as described in BIP0032. This example demonstrates how to generate a cryptographically random seed then use it to create a new master node (extended key).
Package standalone provides standalone functions useful for working with the Decred blockchain consensus rules. The primary goal of offering these functions via a separate module is to reduce the required dependencies to a minimum as compared to the blockchain module. It is ideal for applications such as lightweight clients that need to ensure basic security properties hold and calculate appropriate vote subsidies and block explorers. For example, some things an SPV wallet needs to prove are that the block headers all connect together, that they satisfy the proof of work requirements, and that a given transaction tree is valid for a given header. The provided functions fall into the following categories: Errors returned by this package are of type standalone.RuleError. This allows the caller to differentiate between errors further up the call stack through type assertions. In addition, callers can programmatically determine the specific rule violation by examining the ErrorCode field of the type asserted standalone.RuleError.
Package hdkeychain provides an API for Decred hierarchical deterministic extended keys (based on BIP0032). The ability to implement hierarchical deterministic wallets depends on the ability to create and derive hierarchical deterministic extended keys. At a high level, this package provides support for those hierarchical deterministic extended keys by providing an ExtendedKey type and supporting functions. Each extended key can either be a private or public extended key which itself is capable of deriving a child extended key. Whether an extended key is a private or public extended key can be determined with the IsPrivate function. In order to create and sign transactions, or provide others with addresses to send funds to, the underlying key and address material must be accessible. This package provides the ECPubKey and ECPrivKey functions for this purpose. The caller may then create the desired address types. As previously mentioned, the extended keys are hierarchical meaning they are used to form a tree. The root of that tree is called the master node and this package provides the NewMaster function to create it from a cryptographically random seed. The GenerateSeed function is provided as a convenient way to create a random seed for use with the NewMaster function. Once you have created a tree root (or have deserialized an extended key as discussed later), the child extended keys can be derived by using the Child function. The Child function supports deriving both normal (non-hardened) and hardened child extended keys. In order to derive a hardened extended key, use the HardenedKeyStart constant + the hardened key number as the index to the Child function. This provides the ability to cascade the keys into a tree and hence generate the hierarchical deterministic key chains. A private extended key can be used to derive both hardened and non-hardened (normal) child private and public extended keys. A public extended key can only be used to derive non-hardened child public extended keys. As enumerated in BIP0032 "knowledge of the extended public key plus any non-hardened private key descending from it is equivalent to knowing the extended private key (and thus every private and public key descending from it). This means that extended public keys must be treated more carefully than regular public keys. It is also the reason for the existence of hardened keys, and why they are used for the account level in the tree. This way, a leak of an account-specific (or below) private key never risks compromising the master or other accounts." A private extended key can be converted to a new instance of the corresponding public extended key with the Neuter function. The original extended key is not modified. A public extended key is still capable of deriving non-hardened child public extended keys. Extended keys are serialized and deserialized with the String and NewKeyFromString functions. The serialized key is a Base58-encoded string which looks like the following: Extended keys are much like normal Decred addresses in that they have version bytes which tie them to a specific network. The network that an extended key is associated with is specified when creating and decoding the key. In the case of decoding, an error will be returned if a given encoded extended key is not for the specified network. This example demonstrates the audits use case in BIP0032. This example demonstrates the default hierarchical deterministic wallet layout as described in BIP0032. This example demonstrates how to generate a cryptographically random seed then use it to create a new master node (extended key).
Package suture provides Erlang-like supervisor trees. This implements Erlang-esque supervisor trees, as adapted for Go. This is an industrial-strength, tested library deployed into hostile environments, not just a proof of concept or a toy. If you are reading this, you are reading the documentation for the v3 version, which is not the latest. If you want the latest v4, be sure to be using This rewrites the API to be in terms of contexts. Supervisor Tree -> SuTree -> suture -> holds your code together when it's trying to fall apart. Why use Suture? Suture has 100% test coverage, and is golint clean. This doesn't prove it free of bugs, but it shows I care. A blog post describing the design decisions is available at . To idiomatically use Suture, create a Supervisor which is your top level "application" supervisor. This will often occur in your program's "main" function. Create "Service"s, which implement the Service interface. .Add() them to your Supervisor. Supervisors are also services, so you can create a tree structure here, depending on the exact combination of restarts you want to create. As a special case, when adding Supervisors to Supervisors, the "sub" supervisor will have the "super" supervisor's Log function copied. This allows you to set one log function on the "top" supervisor, and have it propagate down to all the sub-supervisors. This also allows libraries or modules to provide Supervisors without having to commit their users to a particular logging method. Finally, as what is probably the last line of your main() function, call .Serve() on your top level supervisor. This will start all the services you've defined. See the Example for an example, using a simple service that serves out incrementing integers.
Package capnp is a Cap'n Proto library for Go. Read the Getting Started guide for a tutorial on how to use this package. capnpc-go provides the compiler backend for capnp. capnpc-go requires two annotations for all files: package and import. package is needed to know what package to place at the head of the generated file and what identifier to use when referring to the type from another package. import should be the fully qualified import path and is used to generate import statement from other packages and to detect when two types are in the same package. For example: For adding documentation comments to the generated code, there's the doc annotation. This annotation adds the comment to a struct, enum or field so that godoc will pick it up. For example: In Cap'n Proto, the unit of communication is a message. A message consists of one or more segments -- contiguous blocks of memory. This allows large messages to be split up and loaded independently or lazily. Typically you will use one segment per message. Logically, a message is organized in a tree of objects, with the root always being a struct (as opposed to a list or primitive). Messages can be read from and written to a stream. The Message and Segment types are the main types that application code will use from this package. The Message type has methods for marshaling and unmarshaling its segments to the wire format. If the application needs to read or write from a stream, it should use the Encoder and Decoder types. The type for a generic reference to a Cap'n Proto object is Ptr. A Ptr can refer to a struct, a list, or an interface. Ptr, Struct, List, and Interface (the pointer types) have value semantics and refer to data in a single segment. All of the pointer types have a notion of "valid". An invalid pointer will return the default value from any accessor and panic when any setter is called. In previous versions of this package, the Pointer interface was used instead of the Ptr struct. This interface and functions that use it are now deprecated. See for details about this API change. Data accessors and setters (i.e. struct primitive fields and list elements) do not return errors, but pointer accessors and setters do. There are a few reasons that a read or write of a pointer can fail, but the most common are bad pointers or allocation failures. For accessors, an invalid object will be returned in case of an error. Since Go doesn't have generics, wrapper types provide type safety on lists. This package provides lists of basic types, and capnpc-go generates list wrappers for named types. However, if you need to use deeper nesting of lists (e.g. List(List(UInt8))), you will need to use a PointerList and wrap the elements. For the following schema: capnpc-go will generate: For each group a typedef is created with a different method set for just the groups fields: generates the following: That way the following may be used to access a field in a group: Note that group accessors just convert the type and so have no overhead. Named unions are treated as a group with an inner unnamed union. Unnamed unions generate an enum Type_Which and a corresponding Which() function: generates the following: Which() should be checked before using the getters, and the default case must always be handled. Setters for single values will set the union discriminator as well as set the value. For voids in unions, there is a void setter that just sets the discriminator. For example: generates the following: Similarly, for groups in unions, there is a group setter that just sets the discriminator. This must be called before the group getter can be used to set values. For example: and in usage: capnpc-go generates enum values as constants. For example in the capnp file: In the generated capnp.go file: In addition an enum.String() function is generated that will convert the constants to a string for debugging or logging purposes. By default, the enum name is used as the tag value, but the tags can be customized with a $Go.tag or $Go.notag annotation. For example: In the generated go file: capnpc-go generates type-safe Client wrappers for interfaces. For parameter lists and result lists, structs are generated as described above with the names Interface_method_Params and Interface_method_Results, unless a single struct type is used. For example, for this interface: capnpc-go generates the following Go code (along with the structs Calculator_evaluate_Params and Calculator_evaluate_Results): capnpc-go also generates code to implement the interface: Since a single capability may want to implement many interfaces, you can use multiple *_Methods functions to build a single slice to send to NewServer. An example of combining the client/server code to communicate with a locally implemented Calculator: A note about message ordering: by default, only one method per server will be invoked at a time; when implementing a server method which blocks or takes a long time, you calling the server.Go function to unblock future calls.