Package cpick is an interactive color picker in the terminal using cview Package cpick is a advanced color picker that can be run from the terminal. Help screen: For everything: For hue screen (the first one) For saturation-value screen (the second one) For the search screen (when you press ?) Return values RGB, HSV, HSL, CMYK, Hex, Decimal, and Ansi all come from the colors package ( Name will only be returned if you select a value from the preset color table. Name will be "Custom color" if no preset color is selected. "Hello World" An example to start cpick in "normal" mode: cpick.Start(false, false) Command Usage: A cpick bash command can be installed by running `go install` in the cmd/cpick/ directory. Cpick manual: NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION TYPES OPTIONS Package cpick is an interactive color picker in the terminal using cview
Package cpick is an interactive color picker in the terminal using cview Package cpick is a advanced color picker that can be run from the terminal. Help screen: For everything: For hue screen (the first screen seen when cpick runs; it contains a slider at the top of the screen, and a list of colors at the bottom) For saturation-value screen (the second screen; it contains a large gradient of a single hue and the corresponding color values on the right) For the search menu (What opens when you press the question mark (?)) Return values RGB, HSV, HSL, CMYK, Hex, Decimal, and Ansi all come from the colors package ( Name will only be returned if you select a value from the preset color table. Name will be "Custom color" if no preset color is selected. A "Hello World" for cpick: An example to start cpick in "normal" mode: cpick.Start(false, false) Command Usage: A cpick bash command can be installed by running `go install` in the cmd/cpick/ directory. Cpick manual: NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION TYPES Package cpick is an interactive color picker in the terminal using cview