Package clipboard gives access to the system's text clipboard.
pcopy is a temporary file host, nopaste and clipboard across machines. It can be used from the Web UI, via a CLI or without a client by using curl. Full documentation with examples and videos can be found at
Package clipboard read/write on clipboard
Package clipboard provides cross platform clipboard access and supports macOS/Linux/Windows/Android/iOS platform. Before interacting with the clipboard, one must call Init to assert if it is possible to use this package: The most common operations are `Read` and `Write`. To use them: Note that read/write regarding image format assumes that the bytes are PNG encoded since it serves the alpha blending purpose that might be used in other graphical software. In addition, `clipboard.Write` returns a channel that can receive an empty struct as a signal, which indicates the corresponding write call to the clipboard is outdated, meaning the clipboard has been overwritten by others and the previously written data is lost. For instance: You can ignore the returning channel if you don't need this type of notification. Furthermore, when you need more than just knowing whether clipboard data is changed, use the watcher API:
Package clipboard read/write on clipboard
Package clipboard read/write on clipboard
Package clipboard read/write on clipboard
Package clipboard read/write on clipboard
Package clipboard read/write on clipboard
Package clipboard read/write on clipboard
Package clipboard read/write on clipboard
Package clipboard read/write on clipboard
Package gist is an unofficial toolkit for file uploads to GitHub gist. macOS (via Homebrew): Manual: Download the latest release for your platform (Darwin/macOS, Linux, Windows): Unpack the tar, and copy the binary to a directory that is in the PATH. Here is an example on macOS (Darwin): The /usr/local/bin directory will work with most variants of UNIX. For Windows, you will have to add the parent directory to the system path. To use gist, you need to create a Github personal access token. To create a token, go to Click the "generate new token" button and enter any description. For the scope, just select "gist". Then click generate token. Once you have a token, you should set the "GIST_KEY" environment variable to the token value. If you do not want to use an environment variable, you will have to copy and paste the token each time you would like to upload content. Global usage: Upload usage (same for secret uploads): All of the commands have short and long versions: The flags also have short aliases: The interface behaves the way it looks: If single or multiple files are being provided, and there are no file name overrides, the original file names will be used. For stdin and the clipboard, if no name is provided, the file will be uploaded as gistfile1.txt. Copyright (c) 2019 Tanner Ryan. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. Ato Araki's Go clipboard library is under a BSD 3-clause license. Jeremy Saenz's Go command line library is under a MIT license. Once again, all rights reserved.
Package clipboard read/write on clipboard
Package gist is an unofficial toolkit for file uploads to GitHub gist. macOS (via Homebrew): Manual: Download the latest release for your platform (Darwin/macOS, Linux, Windows): Unpack the tar, and copy the binary to a directory that is in the PATH. Here is an example on macOS (Darwin): The /usr/local/bin directory will work with most variants of UNIX. For Windows, you will have to add the parent directory to the system path. To use gist, you need to create a Github personal access token. To create a token, go to Click the "generate new token" button and enter any description. For the scope, just select "gist". Then click generate token. Once you have a token, you should set the "GIST_KEY" environment variable to the token value. If you do not want to use an environment variable, you will have to copy and paste the token each time you would like to upload content. Global usage: Upload usage (same for secret uploads): All of the commands have short and long versions: The flags also have short aliases: The interface behaves the way it looks: If single or multiple files are being provided, and there are no file name overrides, the original file names will be used. For stdin and the clipboard, if no name is provided, the file will be uploaded as gistfile1.txt. Copyright (c) 2019 Tanner Ryan. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. Ato Araki's Go clipboard library is under a BSD 3-clause license. Jeremy Saenz's Go command line library is under a MIT license. Once again, all rights reserved.
2fa is a two-factor authentication agent. Usage: “2fa -add name” adds a new key to the 2fa keychain with the given name. It prints a prompt to standard error and reads a two-factor key from standard input. Two-factor keys are short case-insensitive strings of letters A-Z and digits 2-7. By default the new key generates time-based (TOTP) authentication codes; the -hotp flag makes the new key generate counter-based (HOTP) codes instead. By default the new key generates 6-digit codes; the -7 and -8 flags select 7- and 8-digit codes instead. “2fa -list” lists the names of all the keys in the keychain. “2fa name” prints a two-factor authentication code from the key with the given name. If “-clip” is specified, 2fa also copies the code to the system clipboard. With no arguments, 2fa prints two-factor authentication codes from all known time-based keys. The default time-based authentication codes are derived from a hash of the key and the current time, so it is important that the system clock have at least one-minute accuracy. The keychain is stored unencrypted in the text file $HOME/.2fa. During GitHub 2FA setup, at the “Scan this barcode with your app” step, click the “enter this text code instead” link. A window pops up showing “your two-factor secret,” a short string of letters and digits. Add it to 2fa under the name github, typing the secret at the prompt: Then whenever GitHub prompts for a 2FA code, run 2fa to obtain one: Or to type less:
2fa is a two-factor authentication agent. Usage: “2fa -add name” adds a new key to the 2fa keychain with the given name. It prints a prompt to standard error and reads a two-factor key from standard input. Two-factor keys are short case-insensitive strings of letters A-Z and digits 2-7. By default the new key generates time-based (TOTP) authentication codes; the -hotp flag makes the new key generate counter-based (HOTP) codes instead. By default the new key generates 6-digit codes; the -7 and -8 flags select 7- and 8-digit codes instead. “2fa -list” lists the names of all the keys in the keychain. “2fa name” prints a two-factor authentication code from the key with the given name. If “-clip” is specified, 2fa also copies the code to the system clipboard. With no arguments, 2fa prints two-factor authentication codes from all known time-based keys. The default time-based authentication codes are derived from a hash of the key and the current time, so it is important that the system clock have at least one-minute accuracy. The keychain is stored unencrypted in the text file $HOME/.2fa. During GitHub 2FA setup, at the “Scan this barcode with your app” step, click the “enter this text code instead” link. A window pops up showing “your two-factor secret,” a short string of letters and digits. Add it to 2fa under the name github, typing the secret at the prompt: Then whenever GitHub prompts for a 2FA code, run 2fa to obtain one: Or to type less:
Package glip provides structs and interfaces for reading and writing to the system clipboard. It is compatible with Windows 7 and onwards (using either PowerShell's "Get-Clipboard" and "Set-Clipboard" cmdlets, or with "clip.exe"), OS X (using "pbcopy" and "pbpaste"), and Linux systems (with "xclip" or "xsel").
2fa is a two-factor authentication agent. Usage: “2fa -add name” adds a new key to the 2fa keychain with the given name. It prints a prompt to standard error and reads a two-factor key from standard input. Two-factor keys are short case-insensitive strings of letters A-Z and digits 2-7. By default the new key generates time-based (TOTP) authentication codes; the -hotp flag makes the new key generate counter-based (HOTP) codes instead. By default the new key generates 6-digit codes; the -7 and -8 flags select 7- and 8-digit codes instead. “2fa -list” lists the names of all the keys in the keychain. “2fa name” prints a two-factor authentication code from the key with the given name. If “-clip” is specified, 2fa also copies the code to the system clipboard. With no arguments, 2fa prints two-factor authentication codes from all known time-based keys. The default time-based authentication codes are derived from a hash of the key and the current time, so it is important that the system clock have at least one-minute accuracy. The keychain is encrypted using AES-GCM and stored in the text file $HOME/.2fa. During GitHub 2FA setup, at the “Scan this barcode with your app” step, click the “enter this text code instead” link. A window pops up showing “your two-factor secret,” a short string of letters and digits. Add it to 2fa under the name github, typing the secret at the prompt: Then whenever GitHub prompts for a 2FA code, run 2fa to obtain one: Or to type less:
2fa is a two-factor authentication agent. Usage: “2fa -add name” adds a new key to the 2fa keychain with the given name. It prints a prompt to standard error and reads a two-factor key from standard input. Two-factor keys are short case-insensitive strings of letters A-Z and digits 2-7. By default the new key generates time-based (TOTP) authentication codes; the -hotp flag makes the new key generate counter-based (HOTP) codes instead. By default the new key generates 6-digit codes; the -7 and -8 flags select 7- and 8-digit codes instead. “2fa -list” lists the names of all the keys in the keychain. “2fa name” prints a two-factor authentication code from the key with the given name. If “-clip” is specified, 2fa also copies the code to the system clipboard. With no arguments, 2fa prints two-factor authentication codes from all known time-based keys. The default time-based authentication codes are derived from a hash of the key and the current time, so it is important that the system clock have at least one-minute accuracy. The keychain is stored unencrypted in the text file $HOME/.2fa. During GitHub 2FA setup, at the “Scan this barcode with your app” step, click the “enter this text code instead” link. A window pops up showing “your two-factor secret,” a short string of letters and digits. Add it to 2fa under the name github, typing the secret at the prompt: Then whenever GitHub prompts for a 2FA code, run 2fa to obtain one: Or to type less:
Grrla is a text-mode client for the Guerrilla Mail API with a mutt-like interface. Its name is a reference to a domain name famously owned by Guerrilla Mail. Grrla can do the things you'd expect it to: obtain a temporary e-mail address, receive e-mails, delete e-mails, set a custom username and domain name and extend or renew the address' lifetime. It also has some additional features, like saving messages to disk, highlighting URLs in messages, and running a custom command with the e-mail address, alias address or highlighted URL as a parameter. This can be used to copy the address to the clipboard (grrla will try to detect a clipboard command and use it as default) or launch a web browser. It currently does not take any command-line arguments. It does read the following options from a configuration file: The configuration file is called grrlarc and should be looked for in a number of plausible locations in a multiplatform manner, but currently isn't.
A DLL that can be used to snoop on clipboard text in a remote process by performing DLL process injection
piken is a CLI tool to search unicode data backed by SQLite3. The name is in homage to the creators of UTF-8: Rob Pike and Ken Thompson. Install After installation use "piken update" to get unicode data from Usage piken exposes SQLite3's full-text search (see on command line. NOTE:if you are using zsh, it's useful to disable glob expressions with noglob (using an alias for example) instead of quote searches. Default fields showed are codepoint and name, but it easy to override this: The following fields can be used: AND, OR, NOT operators Note: operators must be uppercase. * and ^ prefixes NEAR operator Specify column used to search Option "--copy" (compact form "-c") can be used to copy the glyph directly into the clipboard when search return only one row: