Package checkbox provides primitives to interact with the openapi HTTP API. Code generated by version v1.12.4 DO NOT EDIT.
Package pug.go is an elegant templating engine for Go Programming Language. It is a port of Pug template engine, previously known as Jade. Pug.go compiles .pug templates to standard go templates ( and returns a `*template.Template` instance. While there is no JavaScript environment present, Pug.go provides basic expression support over go template syntax. Such as `a(href="/user/" + UserId)` would concatenate two strings. You can use arithmetic, logical and comparison operators as well as ternery if operator. Please check *Pug Language Reference* for details: Differences between Pug and Pug.go (items with checkboxes are planned, just not present yet) - [ ] Multiline attributes are not supported - [ ] `&attributes` syntax is not supported - [ ] `case` statement is not supported - [ ] Filters are not supported - [ ] Mixin rest arguments are not supported. - Mixin blocks are not supported. Go templates do not allow variable template includes so this is tricky. - `while` loops are not supported as Go templates do not provide it. We could use recursive templates or channel range loops etc but that would be unnecessary complexity. - Unbuffered code blocks are not possible as we don't have a JS environment. However it is possible to define variables using `- var x = "foo"` syntax as an exception. Apart from these missing features, everything in the language reference should be supported.
Package bind converts between form encoding and Go values. It comes with binders for all values, time.Time, arbitrary structs, and slices. In particular, binding functions are provided for the following types: Callers may also hook into the process and provide a custom binding function. This example binds data from embedded URL arguments, the query string, and a posted form. Booleans are converted to Go by comparing against the following strings: The "on" / "" syntax is supported as the default behavior for HTML checkboxes. The SQL standard time formats [“2006-01-02”, “2006-01-02 15:04”] are recognized by the default datetime binder. More may be added by the application to the TimeFormats variable, like this: File uploads may be bound to any of the following types: This is a wrapper around the upload handling provided by Go’s multipart package. The bytes stay in memory unless they exceed a threshold (10MB by default), in which case they are written to a temp file. Note: Binding a file upload to os.File requires it to be written to a temp file (if it wasn’t already), making it less efficient than the other types. Both indexed and unindexed slices are supported. These two forms are bound as unordered slices: This is bound as an ordered slice: The two forms may be combined, with unindexed elements filling any gaps between indexed elements. Note that if the slice element is a struct, it must use the indexed notation. Structs are bound using a dot notation. For example: Struct fields must be exported to be bound. Additionally, all params may be bound as members of a struct, rather than extracting a single field.
Goplay is a web interface for experimenting with Go code. It is similar to the Go Playground: To use goplay: and load http://localhost:3999/ in a web browser. You should see a Hello World program, which you can compile and run by pressing shift-enter. There is also a "compile-on-keypress" feature that can be enabled by checking a checkbox. WARNING! CUIDADO! ACHTUNG! ATTENZIONE! A note on security: anyone with access to the goplay web interface can run arbitrary code on your computer. Goplay is not a sandbox, and has no other security mechanisms. Do not deploy it in untrusted environments. By default, goplay listens only on localhost. This can be overridden with the -http parameter. Do so at your own risk.
Package pug.go is an elegant templating engine for Go Programming Language. It is a port of Pug template engine, previously known as Jade. Pug.go compiles .pug templates to standard go templates ( and returns a `*template.Template` instance. While there is no JavaScript environment present, Pug.go provides basic expression support over go template syntax. Such as `a(href="/user/" + UserId)` would concatenate two strings. You can use arithmetic, logical and comparison operators as well as ternery if operator. Please check *Pug Language Reference* for details: Differences between Pug and Pug.go (items with checkboxes are planned, just not present yet) - [ ] Multiline attributes are not supported - [ ] `&attributes` syntax is not supported - [ ] `case` statement is not supported - [ ] Filters are not supported - [ ] Mixin rest arguments are not supported. - Mixin blocks are not supported. Go templates do not allow variable template includes so this is tricky. - `while` loops are not supported as Go templates do not provide it. We could use recursive templates or channel range loops etc but that would be unnecessary complexity. - Unbuffered code blocks are not possible as we don't have a JS environment. However it is possible to define variables using `- var x = "foo"` syntax as an exception. Apart from these missing features, everything in the language reference should be supported.
Issue is a client for reading and updating issues in a GitHub project issue tracker. Issue runs the query against the given project's issue tracker and prints a table of matching issues, sorted by issue summary. The default owner/repo is golang/go. If multiple arguments are given as the query, issue joins them by spaces to form a single issue search. These two commands are equivalent: Searches are always limited to open issues. If the query is a single number, issue prints that issue in detail, including all comments. Issue expects to find a GitHub "personal access token" in $HOME/.github-issue-token and will use that token to authenticate to GitHub when reading or writing issue data. A token can be created by visiting The token only needs the 'repo' scope checkbox, and optionally 'private_repo' if you want to work with issue trackers for private repositories. It does not need any other permissions. The -token flag specifies an alternate file from which to read the token. If the -a flag is specified, issue runs as a collection of acme windows instead of a command-line tool. In this mode, the query is optional. If no query is given, issue uses "state:open". There are three kinds of acme windows: issue, issue creation, issue list, search result, and milestone list. The following text forms can be looked for (right clicked on) and open a window (or navigate to an existing one). Executing "New" opens an issue creation window. Executing "Search <query>" opens a new window showing the results of that search. An issue window, opened by loading an issue number, displays full detail about an issue, a header followed by each comment. For example: Executing "Get" reloads the issue data. Executing "Put" updates an issue. It saves any changes to the issue header and, if any text has been entered between the header and the "Reported by" line, posts that text as a new comment. If both succeed, Put then reloads the issue data. The "Closed" and "URL" headers cannot be changed. An issue creation window, opened by executing "New", is like an issue window but displays only an empty issue template: Once the template has been completed (only the title is required), executing "Put" creates the issue and converts the window into a issue window for the new issue. An issue list window displays a list of all open issue numbers and titles. If the project has any open milestones, they are listed in a header line. For example: As in any window, right clicking on an issue number opens a window for that issue. A search result window, opened by executing "Search <query>", displays a list of issues matching a search query. It shows the query in a header line. For example: Executing "Sort" in a search result window toggles between sorting by title and sorting by decreasing issue number. Executing "Bulk" in an issue list or search result window opens a new bulk edit window applying to the displayed issues. If there is a non-empty text selection in the issue list or search result list, the bulk edit window is restricted to issues in the selection. The bulk edit window consists of a metadata header followed by a list of issues, like: The metadata header shows only metadata shared by all the issues. In the above example, all four issues are open and have milestone Go1.4.3, but they have no common labels nor a common assignee. The bulk edit applies to the issues listed in the window text; adding or removing issue lines changes the set of issues affected by Get or Put operations. Executing "Get" refreshes the metadata header and issue summaries. Executing "Put" updates all the listed issues. It applies any changes made to the metadata header and, if any text has been entered between the header and the first issue line, posts that text as a comment. If all operations succeed, Put then refreshes the window as Get does. The milestone list window, opened by loading any of the names "milestone", "Milestone", or "Milestones", displays the open project milestones, sorted by due date, along with the number of open issues in each. For example: Loading one of the listed milestone names opens a search for issues in that milestone. The -e flag enables basic editing of issues with editors other than acme. The editor invoked is $VISUAL if set, $EDITOR if set, or else ed. Issue prepares a textual representation of issue data in a temporary file, opens that file in the editor, waits for the editor to exit, and then applies any changes from the file to the actual issues. When <query> is a single number, issue -e edits a single issue. See the “Issue Window” section above. If the <query> is the text "new", issue -e creates a new issue. See the “Issue Creation Window” section above. Otherwise, for general queries, issue -e edits multiple issues in bulk. See the “Bulk Edit Window” section above. The -json flag causes issue to print the results in JSON format using these data structures: If asked for a specific issue, the output is an Issue with Comments. Otherwise, the result is an array of Issues without Comments.
Gist is a client for creating GitHub Gists. Gist uploads local file[s] to and prints information about the created Gist. Default user is the authenticated user. Gist expects to find a GitHub "personal access token" in $HOME/.github-gist-token and will that token to authenticate to Github when writing Gist data. A token can be created by visiting The token only needs the 'gist' scope checkbox. It does not need any other permissions. The -token flag specifies an alternate file from which to read the token.
Package ui provides a user interface toolkit for Go. The UI toolkit targets SDL2 applications on desktop (Linux, Mac and Windows) or an HTML Canvas render engine for web browsers. It provides various widgets such as Frame, Label, Button, Checkbox, Radiobox and Tooltip and an event supervisor to monitor the state of the widgets.
Package fpf provides form value population and error message insertion. Value population populates HTML form elements with provided values. This is useful when a user is sent back to a form they have previously filled out, especially in regards to one they submitted but had validation errors. Value population is achieved by parsing the HTML node tree to discover form elements. If a value is provided for any discovered form element, then the form element is populated with the value. The way the value is populated depends upon the element: textarea: the text content is populated. select: the option matching the value is given the attribute "selected". input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox]: the input is given the "checked" attribute. input: the input's "value" attribute is set. Error message insertion is achieved by providing a list of "incidents". A single incident can have one or many error messages and also be associated with one or many form elements. If a discovered form element has an associated incident, the IncidentInsertion strategy provided is invoked to insert error messages into the HTML node tree in relation to the form element and its labels.
Package pug.go is an elegant templating engine for Go Programming Language. It is a port of Pug template engine, previously known as Jade. Pug.go compiles .pug templates to standard go templates ( and returns a `*template.Template` instance. While there is no JavaScript environment present, Pug.go provides basic expression support over go template syntax. Such as `a(href="/user/" + UserId)` would concatenate two strings. You can use arithmetic, logical and comparison operators as well as ternery if operator. Please check *Pug Language Reference* for details: Differences between Pug and Pug.go (items with checkboxes are planned, just not present yet) - [ ] Multiline attributes are not supported - [ ] `&attributes` syntax is not supported - [ ] `case` statement is not supported - [ ] Filters are not supported - [ ] Mixin rest arguments are not supported. - Mixin blocks are not supported. Go templates do not allow variable template includes so this is tricky. - `while` loops are not supported as Go templates do not provide it. We could use recursive templates or channel range loops etc but that would be unnecessary complexity. - Unbuffered code blocks are not possible as we don't have a JS environment. However it is possible to define variables using `- var x = "foo"` syntax as an exception. Apart from these missing features, everything in the language reference should be supported.
Gist is a client for creating GitHub Gists. Gist uploads local file[s] to and prints information about the created Gist. Default user is the authenticated user. Gist expects to find a GitHub "personal access token" in $HOME/.github-gist-token and will that token to authenticate to Github when writing Gist data. A token can be created by visiting The token only needs the 'gist' scope checkbox. It does not need any other permissions. The -token flag specifies an alternate file from which to read the token.
Gist is a client for creating GitHub Gists. Gist uploads local file[s] to and prints information about the created Gist. Default user is the authenticated user. Gist expects to find a GitHub "personal access token" in $HOME/.github-gist-token and will that token to authenticate to Github when writing Gist data. A token can be created by visiting The token only needs the 'gist' scope checkbox. It does not need any other permissions. The -token flag specifies an alternate file from which to read the token.
Issue is a client for reading and updating issues in a GitHub project issue tracker. Issue runs the query against the given project's issue tracker and prints a table of matching issues, sorted by issue summary. The default owner/repo is golang/go. If multiple arguments are given as the query, issue joins them by spaces to form a single issue search. These two commands are equivalent: Searches are always limited to open issues. If the query is a single number, issue prints that issue in detail, including all comments. Issue expects to find a GitHub "personal access token" in $HOME/.github-issue-token and will use that token to authenticate to GitHub when reading or writing issue data. A token can be created by visiting The token only needs the 'repo' scope checkbox, and optionally 'private_repo' if you want to work with issue trackers for private repositories. It does not need any other permissions. The -token flag specifies an alternate file from which to read the token. If the -a flag is specified, issue runs as a collection of acme windows instead of a command-line tool. In this mode, the query is optional. If no query is given, issue uses "state:open". There are three kinds of acme windows: issue, issue creation, issue list, search result, and milestone list. The following text forms can be looked for (right clicked on) and open a window (or navigate to an existing one). Executing "New" opens an issue creation window. Executing "Search <query>" opens a new window showing the results of that search. An issue window, opened by loading an issue number, displays full detail about an issue, a header followed by each comment. For example: Executing "Get" reloads the issue data. Executing "Put" updates an issue. It saves any changes to the issue header and, if any text has been entered between the header and the "Reported by" line, posts that text as a new comment. If both succeed, Put then reloads the issue data. The "Closed" and "URL" headers cannot be changed. An issue creation window, opened by executing "New", is like an issue window but displays only an empty issue template: Once the template has been completed (only the title is required), executing "Put" creates the issue and converts the window into a issue window for the new issue. An issue list window displays a list of all open issue numbers and titles. If the project has any open milestones, they are listed in a header line. For example: As in any window, right clicking on an issue number opens a window for that issue. A search result window, opened by executing "Search <query>", displays a list of issues matching a search query. It shows the query in a header line. For example: Executing "Sort" in a search result window toggles between sorting by title and sorting by decreasing issue number. Executing "Bulk" in an issue list or search result window opens a new bulk edit window applying to the displayed issues. If there is a non-empty text selection in the issue list or search result list, the bulk edit window is restricted to issues in the selection. The bulk edit window consists of a metadata header followed by a list of issues, like: The metadata header shows only metadata shared by all the issues. In the above example, all four issues are open and have milestone Go1.4.3, but they have no common labels nor a common assignee. The bulk edit applies to the issues listed in the window text; adding or removing issue lines changes the set of issues affected by Get or Put operations. Executing "Get" refreshes the metadata header and issue summaries. Executing "Put" updates all the listed issues. It applies any changes made to the metadata header and, if any text has been entered between the header and the first issue line, posts that text as a comment. If all operations succeed, Put then refreshes the window as Get does. The milestone list window, opened by loading any of the names "milestone", "Milestone", or "Milestones", displays the open project milestones, sorted by due date, along with the number of open issues in each. For example: Loading one of the listed milestone names opens a search for issues in that milestone. The -e flag enables basic editing of issues with editors other than acme. The editor invoked is $VISUAL if set, $EDITOR if set, or else ed. Issue prepares a textual representation of issue data in a temporary file, opens that file in the editor, waits for the editor to exit, and then applies any changes from the file to the actual issues. When <query> is a single number, issue -e edits a single issue. See the “Issue Window” section above. If the <query> is the text "new", issue -e creates a new issue. See the “Issue Creation Window” section above. Otherwise, for general queries, issue -e edits multiple issues in bulk. See the “Bulk Edit Window” section above. The -json flag causes issue to print the results in JSON format using these data structures: If asked for a specific issue, the output is an Issue with Comments. Otherwise, the result is an array of Issues without Comments.