Gem Sessions
Gem Sessions is a sessions package for fasthttp, it provides cookie and filesystem sessions
and infrastructure for custom session backends.
This project inspired by gorilla sessions and gorilla context,
their LICENSES can be found in LICENSE file.
- Simple API: use it as an easy way to set signed (and optionally
encrypted) cookies.
- Built-in backends to store sessions in cookies or the filesystem.
- Flash messages: session values that last until read.
- Convenient way to switch session persistency (aka "remember me") and set
other attributes.
- Mechanism to rotate authentication and encryption keys.
- Multiple sessions per request, even using different backends.
- Interfaces and infrastructure for custom session backends: sessions from
different stores can be retrieved and batch-saved using a common API.
go get
package main
import (
var (
store sessions.Store
func handler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
session, err := store.Get(ctx, "GOSESSION")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to get session: %s\n", err.Error())
defer session.Save(ctx)
if string(ctx.Path()) == "/set" {
name := string(ctx.FormValue("name"))
if len(name) > 0 {
session.Values["name"] = name
ctx.SetBodyString(fmt.Sprintf("Name has been set as: %s\n", session.Values["name"]))
} else {
ctx.SetBodyString("No name specified.")
if name, ok := session.Values["name"].(string); ok {
ctx.SetBodyString(fmt.Sprintf("Name: %s\n", name))
ctx.SetContentType("text/html charset:utf-8")
You should navigate to
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
to set specified name.
func main() {
store = sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("something-very-secret"))
fasthttp.ListenAndServe(":8080", sessions.ClearHandler(handler))
First we initialize a session store calling NewCookieStore()
and passing a
secret key used to authenticate the session. Inside the handler, we call
to retrieve an existing session or a new one. Then we set some
session values in session.Values, which is a map[interface{}]interface{}
And finally we call session.Save()
to save the session in the response.
Important Note: application must to call sessions.Clear
at the end of a request lifetime.
An easy way to do this is to wrap your handler with sessions.ClearHandler
Store Implementations
Other implementations of the sessions.Store
- Pending to add.
MIT licensed. See the LICENSE file for details.