DKPro Core is a collection of software components for natural language processing (NLP) based on the Apache UIMA framework.
WebJar for bootstrap-treeview
Wires Trees support
Scalameta abstract syntax trees
Fortress is a standards-based Identity and Access Management SDK that implements ANSI RBAC INCITS 359.
Healenium LCS algorithm
WebJar for css-tree
Camel Braintree support
PayPal dependencies for Braintree Android.
A Timber tree that posts to Loggly
DKPro Core is a collection of software components for natural language processing (NLP) based on the Apache UIMA framework.
A tree-based XML API with Java 5 support
A Scala implementation of the versatile purely functional data structure of the same name.
This library is a façade for image manipulation, acting as a proxy to libraries such as Java2D, JAI, ImageJ. In its early years (after 2003) it was used for photo development, metadata management and even demonstrated distributed calculus on the Sun Grid. At the end of 2016 development stopped. It resumed at the end of 2022, dropping obsolete stuff (JAI). At the moment the portions related to image manipulation are not tested. Features about metadata manipulation are being actively developed. A few scripts for U*ix and Windows systems are provided to quickly run examples: + + + runViewerExample.bat + runHistogramViewerExample.bat Directory tree ============== * modules/Core sources for the core component * modules/Metadata sources for the Metadata component * modules/Processor sources for the imaging processor * modules/Renderer sources for the renderer * modules/Examples/ViewerExample example about the renderer * modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample example about histogram computation * modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample example about custom operations * modules/Examples/Miscellaneous miscellaneous examples
Scalameta abstract syntax trees
WebJar for angular-ui-tree
Core lsmtree functionality
WebJar for jquery-treegrid
flexmark-java library for recursive tree iteration with the filtering and recursion conditions provided by predicates
Apache Sling Content Parser for resource trees stored in XML files
Okapi is a compiler pipeline for Cypher queries, including a consumer API, which translates Cypher query strings into a declarative intermediate representation, into a logical execution plan, into a execution plan in relational algebra.
The Statistics project contains a CRXModule, which writes arbitrary statistical information into a tree structure.
MSTParser is a non-projective dependency parser that searches for maximum spanning trees over directed graphs. Models of dependency structure are based on large-margin discriminative training methods. Projective parsing is also supported.
A learning algorithm, which distinguishes hypothesis states using a discrimination tree.
Abstract Syntax Tree and semantic analysis for the Cypher query language
Minimum spanning tree. Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
Scalameta quasiquotes for abstract syntax trees
Scalameta traversal and transformation infrastructure for abstract syntax trees
WebJar for @form-create/component-elm-tree
WebJar for functional-red-black-tree
This library is a façade for image manipulation, acting as a proxy to libraries such as Java2D, JAI, ImageJ. In its early years (after 2003) it was used for photo development, metadata management and even demonstrated distributed calculus on the Sun Grid. At the end of 2016 development stopped. It resumed at the end of 2022, dropping obsolete stuff (JAI). At the moment the portions related to image manipulation are not tested. Features about metadata manipulation are being actively developed. A few scripts for U*ix and Windows systems are provided to quickly run examples: + + + runViewerExample.bat + runHistogramViewerExample.bat Directory tree ============== * modules/Core sources for the core component * modules/Metadata sources for the Metadata component * modules/Processor sources for the imaging processor * modules/Renderer sources for the renderer * modules/Examples/ViewerExample example about the renderer * modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample example about histogram computation * modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample example about custom operations * modules/Examples/Miscellaneous miscellaneous examples
This library is a façade for image manipulation, acting as a proxy to libraries such as Java2D, JAI, ImageJ. In its early years (after 2003) it was used for photo development, metadata management and even demonstrated distributed calculus on the Sun Grid. At the end of 2016 development stopped. It resumed at the end of 2022, dropping obsolete stuff (JAI). At the moment the portions related to image manipulation are not tested. Features about metadata manipulation are being actively developed. A few scripts for U*ix and Windows systems are provided to quickly run examples: + + + runViewerExample.bat + runHistogramViewerExample.bat Directory tree ============== * modules/Core sources for the core component * modules/Metadata sources for the Metadata component * modules/Processor sources for the imaging processor * modules/Renderer sources for the renderer * modules/Examples/ViewerExample example about the renderer * modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample example about histogram computation * modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample example about custom operations * modules/Examples/Miscellaneous miscellaneous examples
Computes the AST difference between two Spoon abstract syntax trees using the Gumtree algorithm.
ClearTK wrapper for tree kernel SVM-light
it is tire tree !
Example code for creating JTables with an embedded tree structure in Swing.
Scalameta quasiquotes for abstract syntax trees
Scalameta traversal and transformation infrastructure for abstract syntax trees
RRB-Trees for Clojure(Script) -- see Bagwell & Rompf
File system apis.
WebJar for rc-tree-select
A learning algorithm, which distinguishes hypothesis states using a discrimination tree (visibly push-down automata variant).
WebJar for react-json-tree
Multiplatform tree management
Multiplatform tree management
A bottom-up rewrite machine is a compiler construction tool that is often used in the compiler's back end to convert a tree-structured representation of a program into machine code -- or, in Java's case, bytecode. JBurg can also be used as a general-purpose dynamic programming engine. JBurg is descended from iburg-class BURGs, described in Fraser, Hanson, and Proebsting's paper, "Engineering a Simple, Efficient Code Generator Generator." JBurg brings similar O(N) minimum-cost tree rewriting capabilities to Java, and also allows the programmer to specify transitions between non-terminal states, that are significantly more powerful than iburg's transitive closures: JBurg transformation rules allow the transformation to inject additional program logic, which makes a JBurg specification more like a grammar than like a list of pattern-matching rules.
Kurento Client for Kurento Tree Server.
A visualization component for displaying tree structures from those schemes that can output trees (e.g. decision tree learners, Cobweb clusterer etc.). This component is available from the popup menu in the Explorer's classify and cluster panels. The component uses the prefuse visualization library.
Data- and utility classes for Discrimination Trees
WebJar for parse5-htmlparser2-tree-adapter