= picturesafe-search
== An Elasticsearch service wrapper
picturesafe-search is a Java service wrapper for the search engine Elasticsearch.
It allows the fast, flexible and easy integration of Elasticsearch functions into new or existing Java applications.
The following features are included:
- Functions for creating and maintaining Elasticsearch indices
** Create field definitions
** Create and delete Elasticsearch indices
** Add and remove documents
- Query API for creating simple and complex (nested) search queries.
** Fulltext queries
** Field queries
** Complex queries
- Filter builder API for easy implementation of customized search filters
- Aggregation builder API for easy implementation of customized aggregation builders (facets)
== Make Elasticsearch queries easy
Elasticsearch is a very powerful search engine, but has a high complexity and requires a long learning curve.
The following example compares the execution of the logical search expression fulltext contains "(test && title)" and count >= 102 sort by id
between the Elasticsearch REST API, the Elasticsearch Java High Level REST Client and the picturesafe-search Java service wrapper:
.Elasticsearch REST API
POST /picturesafe-search-sample/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [{
"bool": {
"filter": [{
"query_string": {
"query": "(test && title)",
"fields": ["fulltext^1.0"]
"filter": [{
"range": {
"count": {
"from": 102,
"to": null
"sort": [{
"id.keyword": {
"order": "desc",
"missing": "_last"
.Elasticsearch Java High Level REST Client
SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder()
.must(QueryBuilders.queryStringQuery("test && title")
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest("picturesafe-search-sample");
SearchResponse searchResponse = new RestClientSearchAction()
.action(restHighLevelClient, searchRequest);
.picturesafe-search Java service wrapper
SearchResult searchResult = elasticsearchService.search("picturesafe-search-sample",
new FulltextExpression("test title"),
new ValueExpression("count", ValueExpression.Comparison.GE, 102)),
As you can see, picturesafe-search focuses more on WHAT to search for than on HOW to search it and abstracts some complexity.
== Getting started
Only a few steps are necessary to get started with a standard configuration.
A complete code example can be found https://github.com/picturesafe/picturesafe-search-samples[here].
If you want to create a Spring Boot application, you can alternatively use the https://github.com/picturesafe/picturesafe-search-starter[picturesafe-search Starter].
For more information, please see following https://picturesafe-search.io/docs/[documentation].
=== Start Elasticsearch
picturesafe-search requires a running Elasticsearch server from version 7.x.
==== Local installation of Elasticsearch
For a new application an Elasticsearch server must be installed first:
Some features of picturesafe-search (for example sorting documents in a language-specific word order) require the https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/current/analysis-icu.html[ICU Analysis Plugin] for Elasticsearch:
- Run
bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-icu
on Linux or macOS. Run bin\elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-icu
on Windows.
==== Run Elasticsearch in a Docker container
As an alternative to installing Elasticsearch you can run it in a Docker container. To do this you can use the provided Docker Compose file.
=== Include java library
Add the current version of the picturesafe-search library to your project.
.Maven dependency
=== Configuration
==== Configuration bean
Implement a configuration class that imports the DefaultElasticConfiguration.class
This configuration can be extended later.
The following example defines three fields for the Elasticsearch index:
- Field 'id' (Elasticsearch type integer, sortable)
- Field 'fulltext' (Elasticsearch type text)
- Field 'title' (Elasticsearch type text, within fulltext, aggregatable, sortable)
.Spring configuration
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"de.picturesafe.search.elasticsearch"})
public class Config {
List<FieldConfiguration> fieldConfigurations() {
return Arrays.asList(
"title", ElasticsearchType.TEXT).copyToFulltext(true).sortable(true).build(),
"count", ElasticsearchType.INTEGER).sortable(true).build()
==== Configuration properties
Add a file elasticsearch.properties
to the classpath of your application and define the following key:
.Property file
This configuration can be extended later, see src/main/resources/elasticsearch.template.properties
==== Service implementation
Inject the SingleIndexElasticsearchService and implement an expression-based search:
- Create an Elasticsearch index with alias
- Add some documents to the index
- Create an
with two terms - Run the search query
- Delete the Elasticsearch index
If you want to implement searches for more than one index, please use ElasticsearchService
instead of SingleIndexElasticsearchService
.Spring service implementation
public class GettingStarted {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GettingStarted.class);
private SingleIndexElasticsearchService singleIndexElasticsearchService;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx
= new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(GettingStarted.class)) {
final GettingStarted gettingStarted = ctx.getBean(GettingStarted.class);
private void run() {
try {
.addToIndex(DataChangeProcessingMode.BLOCKING, Arrays.asList(
DocumentBuilder.id(1).put("title", "This is a test title")
.put("count", 101).build(),
DocumentBuilder.id(2).put("title", "This is another test title")
.put("count", 102).build(),
DocumentBuilder.id(3).put("title", "This is one more test title")
.put("count", 103).build()
final Expression expression = OperationExpression.and(
new FulltextExpression("test title"),
new ValueExpression("count", ValueExpression.Comparison.GE, 102));
final SearchResult searchResult = singleIndexElasticsearchService
.search(expression, SearchParameter.DEFAULT);
} finally {
With implementations of the picturesafe-search Expression
-Interface complex terms of different search conditions can be easily defined.
Here are some examples:
.Simple fulltext search
Expression expression = new FulltextExpression("test title");
.Simple field search
Expression expression = new ValueExpression("title", "test");
.Simple field search with comparison operator
Expression expression = new ValueExpression("count", ValueExpression.Comparison.GE, 102);
.Search with two terms
Expression expression = OperationExpression.and(
new FulltextExpression("test title"),
new ValueExpression("count", ValueExpression.Comparison.GE, 102));
In addition there are further expressions like InExpression
, MustNotExpression
, RangeValueExpression
, DayExpression
, https://picturesafe-search.io/docs/reference/expressions/[more]
== Building picturesafe-search
If you want to build picturesafe-search yourself there are two prerequisites:
=== JDK
You need to have installed a Java Development Kit. The picturesafe-search project is currently developed using Java 8, but has also been tested on Java 11.
Note when using Java 11: +
There is a JavaDoc related https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8212233[bug] which has not been fixed in Adopt or Corretto OpenJDK at the moment. If you
are using OpenJDK 11 and you are facing a build error like
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.2.0:jar (attach-javadocs) on project picturesafe-search: MavenReportException: Error while generating Javadoc:
[ERROR] Exit code: 1 - javadoc: error - The code being documented uses packages in the unnamed module, but the packages defined in https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/ are in named modules.
, please skip generating JavaDoc until the fix has become part of the OpenJDK build you are using.
.Skipping the JavaDoc generation:
mvn -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true install
Alternatively you could use the OpenJDK 11 reference build provided by https://jdk.java.net/java-se-ri/11[Oracle], which has the fix included.
Side note on java modules: +
We are not able to provide a module-info.java
at the moment, because we are using the Elasticsearch high level rest client which has the monolithic
as dependency. The elasticsearch.jar
has no module-info and it makes auto module detection impossible because of its internal structure.
Please see this https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/38299[issue] for details.
=== Apache Maven
You also need to have installed https://maven.apache.org/[Apache Maven] version 3.6.
=== Build
Change to the project directory and run the following command in your shell:
mvn install