This repository contains several libraries used by the main Ontopia repository, that are not available in the Maven Central repository,
or have been patched during Ontopia development. We re-release these artifacts within the net.ontopia groupId to avoid naming conflicts.
List of artifacts
The TMAPI project provides a cross-engine Topic Maps API. Ontopia uses a copy the 2.0.2 version of this API.
There were no modifications made to this code.
To be removed when TMAPI is added to maven central
The TMAPI project provides cross-engine Topic Maps API test cases in order to the the cross engine API. Ontopia
uses a copy the 2.0.2 version of these test cases. There were no modifications made to this code.
To be removed when TMAPI is added to maven central
CXTM Tests
The CXTM project provides a suite of tests for Topic Maps implementations, based around the various
Topic Maps syntaxes. Automated download of the test data was replaced with maven artifact, and reproduced into this project for release
to maven central. There were no modifications made to the actual test cases.