Convert DataTransfer object to a list of File objects
Custom node-sass importer for selector specific imports, node importing, module importing, globbing support and importing files only once
Essential JS 2 FileManager Component
Simple react hook to open browser file selector.
A wrapper library for more easily handling html5 drag/drop and file input file and folder selections
a file (relative to given path) selector for Inquirer.js
PostCSS plugin for adding a parent selector to all rules in a css file.
Essential JS 2 FileManager Component for React
A Vue 3 headless file selector component
Essential JS 2 FileManager Component for Vue
File selector component that supports drag-n-drop for VueJs 3
A tiny Ember component which does one thing and only: select files beautifully.
Html extractor for purgecss - get all selectors from a html file
A filesystem prompt selector for Inquirer.js
Svelte extractor for purgecss - get all selectors from a svelte file
Custom importer for node-sass to import only certain CSS selectors instead of the whole file
PostCSS plugin for splitting css into multiple css files with sourcemaps support for preventing limitation of shinny ie9
Input file selector
Whitelists CSS selectors based on your other files
A React Native List that supports the selection of beautiful Lottie Animations sourced by Lottie Files.
Parse sass file and add any prefix to scss(sass)'s class selector
PostCSS plugin for referencing selectors' rules from CSS files and defined rulesets.
File selector interface for inquirer
Split the specified css rules into another file.
Command line app for searching in HTML files for elements that match a CSS selector
Gulp Protractor QA warns you on the fly whether all element() selectors could be found or not within your AngularJS view files.
The NPM Script Selector is a CLI tool for discovering and running project scripts within package.json files.
React Native: Native File Selector
React Native: Native File Selector
``` npm install facepos-folder-selector --save ```
dreipol stylelint config file for bem selectors
a file select in web browser
Select File from the Native Filesystem
Simple react hook to open browser file selector.
PostCSS plugin to split larger CSS files into smaller chunks based on target selector count. Supports nested atrules, and processing multiple files in one stream.
Combines CSS files into as few files as possible, taking size and selector limits into account
React Native: Native File Selector
Warn if CSS file has more than equal 4096 selectors.