Check details of an mp4 file, e.g. to determine if transcoding is required binding to Node.js via
Runs gzip and brotli compression on static assets during Nuxt build
Bindings for Zopfli compressing lib. Compress gzip files 5% better than gzip.
This package contains a specific version of Draco 3D geometric compression library that is used for glTF Draco mesh compression extension.
LZW compressor module from Glize library.
compressed-trie data-structure
Compression extensions (zstd version) for Momento node.js SDK
A client side JavaScript image compression library
Terser plugin for webpack
Stream-based compression bindings.
Terser plugin for webpack
imagemin CLI designed for lint-staged usage with sensible defaults
A Quill rich text editor Module which compresses images uploaded to the editor
JSON parse and stringify with compression
Get the gzipped size of a file or stdin
Razzle plugin to Compress bundle
gif2webp imagemin plugin
An Rsbuild to customize the CSS minimizer, switch to [cssnano]( or other tools for CSS compression.
Package implements string compression algorithms
Automates ImageOptim, ImageAlpha, and JPEGmini for Mac to make batch optimisation of images part of your automated build process.
Fastest lz4 compression library in Node.js, powered by napi-rs and lz4-flex.
A simple and easy-to-use JS image convert tools, which can specify size to compress the image.
Create tarball from files
Terser loader for webpack
UserTiming compression and decompression
`fastify-compress@4.1.0` has been deprecated. Please use `@fastify/compress@5.0.0` instead.
Add compression-webpack-plugin to a react-app-rewired config.
Fastest lz4 compression library in Node.js, powered by napi-rs and lz4-flex.
Image processing library
Image processing library
PostCSS plugin to use lightningcss
Prepare compressed versions of assets to serve them with Content-Encoding
An NPM package for adding post build compression to a create-react-app builds