A group of functions for working with Maps.
Array-like methods for objects
A functional query engine, that operates over streams of js objects, and can be optimized via database indexes.
standalone AsyncAF package: mapAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#mapAF)
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standalone AsyncAF package: AsyncAfWrapper (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAfWrapper)
standalone AsyncAF package: forEachAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#forEachAF)
standalone AsyncAF package: filterAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#filterAF)
standalone AsyncAF package: logAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#logAF)
An array is a collection of values, stored contiguously {web}.
standalone AsyncAF package: reduceAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#reduceAF)
standalone AsyncAF package: everyAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#everyAF)
Common typescript ready prototypes available in both CommonJS and ECMAScript
Small, chainable, set of functions like range, map, reduce, filter, zip, for iterable objects.
standalone AsyncAF package: someAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#someAF)
standalone AsyncAF package: includesAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#includesAF)
standalone AsyncAF package: lastIndexOfAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#lastIndexOfAF)
standalone AsyncAF package: findIndexAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#findIndexAF)
HashMap, LinkedHashMap and Higher Order Functions for all other Iterables, such as Map, Set and Array
standalone AsyncAF package: findAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#findAF)
standalone AsyncAF package: joinAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#joinAF)
standalone AsyncAF package: indexOfAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#indexOfAF)
standalone AsyncAF package: splitAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#splitAF)
Parse unist trees, and map over nodes that pass a predicate function
standalone AsyncAF package: concatAF (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF#concatAF)
![Async Logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/caolan/@merger203/reimagined-rotary-phone/master/logo/@merger203/reimagined-rotary-phone-logo_readme.jpg)
A scuttlebot plugin for querying data. With [map-filter-reduce](https://github.com/dominictarr/map-filter-reduce) you can write pretty flexible queries, similar to SQL, but more javascripty.
A selection of methods to transform an exisiting index using map, reduce or filter and push to a brand new index.
Set of methods allowing simplify work with promises in cycle such as: forEach, map, find, filter, reduce, while, transform. Besides there are methods for comfortable work with promises or asynchronous operations - all, retry, timeout.
Produces a new array of values by mapping each value in list through a transformation function.
The asynciest of async libs there ever was or ever will be...AsyncAF!?
Reduce an list of values to into a single value
map-reduce on leveldb
A tiny utility to create reducer maps for Redux.
Register a list of API url mappings. Returns a set of actions, types, epics, and reducers for those actions.
Shortcut for loading .env files automatically.
a little asynchronous functional programming library.