JSObfuscator plugin for Webpack
A tool for obfuscating CSS selectors and optionally replacing them in HTML files. Prevents class and ID conflicts.
It's a module which convert your JavaScript code into some not understandable format and still it's executable.This module can be used to protect the code base which run's on browser's client side or we can protect the nodejs code base as well.
Run JSNice on your javascripts
obfuscateContent is a helper function to replace all alphabetical characters in a string with analogs
General purpose JavaScript deobfuscator
A parody of Facebook obfuscating Sponsored as a React component
Obfuscate your project using js-confuser.
javascript-obfuscator plugin for Webpack
Encrypt strings in file with ROT-13 algorithm.
A metro plugin to use javascript-obfuscator library with react-native
Minifies and obfuscates the class names without any modern css modules.
javascript-obfuscator plugin for Webpack
Luraph API binding for Node.JS
JavaScript obfuscator
Rollup plugin for code obfuscation based on Codefend
A T-SQL formatting library in JS, transpiled from the C# library of the same name. This version includes some tweaks by me, but all credit goes to the original author, Tao Klerks
DataZar 📊👋 CLI Database & File Anonymizer
This is a [PostCSS] plugin which works to hashing (randomizing) class-name with [UUID]. And also applying to HTML class-attribute, Javascript string replacing. This plugin is very inspired a [postcss-obfuscator], and thank you so much.
Obfuscated WebRTC data channels.
Simple obfuscator for JavaScript source code
An esbuild plugin that obfuscates JavaScript using javascript-obfuscator.
Generalized version of the Speck cipher for integer obfuscation
JavaScript obfuscator
Obfuscating transformer for react-native forked by react-native-obfuscator
serve static files and obfuscate javascript files for express
The Rollup plugin post obfuscates JavaScript
JavaScript Obfuscation Tool.
Obfuscates emails in the call of a function.
Obfuscating text or phrases with random uncommon characters to avoid banning.
Scan a codebase for malware signatures
JavaScript obfuscator
hiding a connection under a tls connection
An epic javascript amogus-themed obfuscator
Obfuscate string literals in JavaScript code.
JavaScript obfuscator
Vite plugin to replace minified and obfuscated CSS classes at runtime.
An easy-to-use online commercial JavaScript obfuscation tool
A scraping package that allows retrieving emails out of obfuscated html