Hardhat plugin for integrating with Fireblocks
A mutation testing tool for Ethereum smart contracts
XDC3 module to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts.
Hardhat plugin to check for storage layout changes
Agnostic chain construction. Select the protocols and configuration you need to quickly and easily verify your project
An efficient Ether and token balance scanner
hardhat plugin to collect files from smart contracts
The reference smart contract implementation for the LUKSO LSP standards
Smart contracts used by the Asset ledger on the Ethereum blockchain.
Smart contract set to use the Ethereum Attestation Service in SettleMint
GoodDollar Protocol
Solidity smart contract for Respect non-transferrable token. Based on ERC1155 standard.
Hardhat plugin to manipulate time and mine blocks
∇ Manager and Routing smart contracts for Primitive RMM protocol.
∇ Primitive Replicating Market Maker protocol smart contracts.
Hardhat Plugin for Unlock Protocol
XDC3 module to interact with Ethereum smart contracts.
Smart contract implementation of the ERC-20 standard on the Ethereum blockchain.
🛠 Generate type-safe, lightweight SDK for your Ethereum smart contracts
Module with implementation of all confirmed conventions.
Watcher for cross domain messages
Implementation of basic functions of binary Merkle tree.
Hardhat plugin for managing Ganache
Cryptographic javascript-functions for ethereum and tutorials on how to use them together with web3js and solidity
Collection of smart contracts for the Realitio fact verification platform
Hardhat TypeScript plugin for scilla testing
SolidState utility library
Smart Contract Library for the Fhenix Blockchain with FHE primitives
Portable specifications for SolidState contracts
Buidler plugin for using Web3 1.x
Decode the CBOR encoded data at the end of an Ethereum contract's bytecode.
Truffle 5 Buidler compatibility plugin
Aave Protocol V2 smart contracts
EVM solidity smart contracts for Blockchain OnchainID identities.
ABIs for SolidState contracts
An API Wrapper to interact with and download ethereum smart contracts from Etherscan.
Asset certification module for 0xcert Framework.