Country Info Helper A JavaScript / TypeScript base library for handling and manipulating country information easily.
Fast Image Manipulation Library for JavaScript
image manipulation experiment using delaunay triangles
Comprehensive, fast, and simple image processing and manipulation
An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript (i.e. zero external or native dependencies).
React OpenCV Manipulation and Image Narration & Editing
Image manipulation and utils library
A simple package to help in your discord.js needs!
Small library to apply a grayscale transformation to a image
An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript (i.e. zero external or native dependencies).
Image manipulation service using GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick. Plugin for nails-framework
Default skin (bundle of css, js, and images) for websites made with the parentNode tools: Templator, Manipulator, Janitor, and Detector.
Parse Server Cloud module for image manipulation using sharp
Metalsmith plugin for manipulating images via the fast sharp library.
Javascript (Ca)nvas (Man)ipulation for Wechat mini programs based on CamanJS
> To be continued...
An API to modify and edit images
Gatsby plugin to expose graphql types to manipulate images using Sharp
Simple & easy to use image manipulation module for beginners.
A JS implementation of Kim Asendorf's pixel sort glitch technique using ndarrays
n8n community node to alter images using Mallabe Images
Multer Storage Engine for Firebase Storage along with integration with npm sharp library for image manipulation before upload
Instagram-like photo manipulation library for Node.js and Javascript on browser
Favico.js is a library to manipulate the favicon, adding alert badges, render images or videos.
JavaScript-based PNG image encoder, decoder, and manipulator
Javascript helpers for the Laravel image manipulation package
Favico.js is a library to manipulate the favicon, adding alert badges, render images or videos.
Image processing and manipulation in JavaScript
Comprehensive, fast, and simple image processing and manipulation
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use graphicsmagic to overlay a second copy at a random offset using the Add comosition. It looks trippy.
A NativeScript module for creating and manipulating bitmap images.
image manipulation on Mac OSX with sips. Change image format, size, crop, rotate, flip
An API to modify images stored in app scope.
Comprehensive, fast, and simple image processing and manipulation
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Simple & easy to use image manipulation module. Forged by Fizx.
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simple image manipulation with a microservice
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Limit image colors, pick colors you want