Utility to lookup HTTP status codes
OpenTelemetry instrumentation for `fastify` http web application framework
Zero dependencies, gracefully terminates HTTP(S) server.
OpenTelemetry instrumentation for `koa` http web application framework
Unzip a HTTP response if needed
OpenTelemetry instrumentation for `connect` http middleware framework
OpenTelemetry instrumentation for `@hapi/hapi` http web application framework
Check if a number is a redirect HTTP status code
Convert a WHATWG URL to an http(s).request options object.
TypeScript definitions for passport-http-bearer
TypeScript definitions for pino-http
## What is it?
content-disposition rewrite in TypeScript
Mapper functions for http-problem-details
HTTP cookie signing and unsigning
0-legacy, tiny & fast web framework as a replacement of Express
Fork of http-proxy that works on Node v16.x
HTTP cookie parser and serializer for Node.js
Rewrite the response body from http-proxy.
OpenTelemetry Collector Exporter allows user to send collected traces to the OpenTelemetry Collector using protobuf over HTTP
proxy http requests, for Fastify
Create querystrings
Angular - the http service
`net.Server#listen()` helper that returns a Promise for async / await
Http error handler middleware for the middy framework
HTTP methods that are supported by Swagger 2.0
TypeScript definitions for passport-http
CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) middleware for the middy framework
Compose HTTP clients using JavaScript's fetch API
Stub TypeScript definitions entry for http-proxy-agent, which provides its own types definitions
OpenTelemetry instrumentation for `undici` http client and Node.js fetch()
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Adding gzip/brotli for your HTTP server