A customizable React component that displays an analog clock with various options for customization.
Simple digital clock implementation in react.
Convert roman numerals to arabic numbers (useful for books, outlines, documentation, slide decks, etc)
Time picker based on android material for jQuery
Build URLs for darkroom resources
Clock component for things-scene
A simple clock/ticker implementation to track elapsed/delta time.
Add full-text search functionality onto cf services
mongodb persistence engine for save
Basic validity style validator to ensure a required property is present in an object.
Total CSS and JS Analog Clock with Maximum Customization. Including Emojis for Clock Indicators
Fetches the current time from NTP servers and returns offset information
Validity style validator to ensure that a property is a valid email address.
ZeroMQ based event dispatcher
Validity validator which calls a subsequent validator if a value is truthy
A lite time picker based on Vue2.0
A fast and minimal implementation of Clockwork Base32 for TypeScript
``` npm install clock-vue-reese ``` ## Usage 1. main.js ```js import clock from 'clock-vue-reese'; Vue.use(clock); ``` 2. Example.vue ```vue <template> <clock /> </template> ``` ## License [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
A HyperSource server that runs a hyperclock
An easy to use caching mechanism based on the clock cache algorithm.
A simple vanilla(pure) Javascript library for adding wall clocks to your web application
A ticker that emits tick events at a clock-sychronised, self-adjusting interval.
Set of UI components for Blizzard projects
This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
Clock for
validate the current property if another property is equal to a particular value
Javascript Analog Clock. The goal is to create a simple core library that can be customized and extended. Simple jQuery integration.
Validity style validator to ensure that a property is a valid URL.
Validity style validator to ensure a property is an integer
validate the current property if another property is set
Synchronizes world state with server and local DB.
Contains key logic for the Ethereum Alarm Clock TimeNode
Simple NPM package for React to display Flip Clock
Websocket TimeServer and client library to calculate clock skew