time range selector
***This is a simple RealTime Clock***
Use HTTP headers to see if servers have synchronized clocks or not
A Vue.js component that displays a clock
Electron based Clock Widget
package using moment and just return a propmt
This library was generated with [Angular CLI](https://github.com/angular/angular-cli) version 18.0.0.
A lunar clockface renderer for the TickedOff project
Same as setTimeout and setInterval but pinned to the clock
A Typescript library for time manipulation, or for building deceitful clocks
Websocket TimeServer and client library to calculate clock skew
Command-line tool written in JavaScript to interact with the Ethereum Alarm Clock
This is a stylish analogoue alarm-clock ⏰ web component, that can easily be integrated in your web application. It can easily be cstomized to your needs.
Stencil Component Starter
store of delta values between ntp time and local time to get an accurate sync time
Native system automation for node.js
An analog clock component
Javascript library implementing clock objects for modelling timelines. Useful in DVB CSS implementations.
Web components showing an analogue clock and a digital clock known from Svelte examples.
A clock card plugin for theme-butterfly
Screen saver.
Small, elegant, Olson educated, timezone aware date math and `strftime` date formatting in pure JavaScript with no dependendcies for Node.js and the browser. Timezone uses the Olson/IANA timezone database. Timezone is aware of every clock transition in th
react 翻页时钟计时器插件
给`hexo-theme-butterfly`添加 [侧边栏电子钟](https://anzhiy.cn/posts/fc18.html)
NodeRED nodes to get sun and moon position
React port of Clockpicker widget
A React timer library
Sync time using NTP servers
Native system automation for node.js
Port of FlipClock.js to Angular without any dependencies
A simple adjustable alarm clock for Node Red.
- Download & Install [nodejs](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) - Download & Install npm - Setup node & npm in enviroment path
Sync clock across mobile devices using NTP
Hide the menu bar clock or Dato while recording
Smart Alarm Clock - IFTTT trigger on alarm timers