A capable Vue.js component for displaying images, videos, or, through custom sources, anything you want in a full-window overlying box.
A pure JS lightbox gallery plugin for Bootstrap 5 based on the modal and carousel plugins
Single-file PHP file gallery and file manager / https://demo.files.gallery/
A Masonry-Like Image Container for Svelte
An advanced, responsive image gallery with lightbox and carousel features.
Shows media in a gallery
React.js + Owl Carousel 2
Web component - Media-gallery
Angular image gallery plugin Based on [NgxGallery](https://github.com/lukasz-galka/ngx-gallery), Compatible with Angular 17+
Gallery vue 3 is a gallery component, which aims to simplify your content displaying. You just give the image source to prop than it handles everything.
History(Hash) module for lightgallery.
A collection of apps built on Electron
Image Tool for Editor.js
A lightweight carousel library with fluid motion and great swipe precision
A customizable, accessible gallery component for React projects.
Autoplay module for lightgallery.
Angular wrapper for Embla Carousel
Render images based on optimal layout, like facebook render images inside timeline.
Displays slides, with optional pagination dots and thumbnails. Its implementation uses a Bento Base Carousel. Both components must be properly installed for the environment (Web Component vs Preact).
Pager module for lightgallery.
Social media share module for lightgallery.
This component is now built with Vue3 and Vite, Vue2 is no longer maintained but the source code can be found in this [branch](https://github.com/ABI-Software/mapcore-gallery/tree/Vue-2).
Example Smartdown documents and associated resources that demonstrate various Smartdown features and serve as raw material for other Smartdown demos.
Picks images from gallery
Angular Image slider with lightbox. An Angular responsive image slider with lightbox popup. Also support youtube url, image base64 string and mp4 video urls and base64 string.
Provides API for using device camera
Animated slider component for react
a light-weight React full screen gallery Scroller Component.
An even more lightweight version of film.js, a film like animation, that works for image.
Visit: https://fritx.github.io/gallery.code/
A component for building file upload fields of any type.
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://silentbox.rocek.dev/images/sb3-dark.png">
react photoswipe component base on Photoswipe. Support React >= 16.
NHS.UK tabs for use with gallery component.
An es module safe image gallery with WebGL or CSS transitions