focus on the essential experience
A lightweight JavaScript graphics library with the intuitive API, based on SVG/VML technology
Drawing graphics for Univer Sheets
Easily generate patterns for use in data graphics
Fast convertion/scaling of images using a pool of long lived graphicsmagick processes
Splits a convex polygon by a plane
Visualization Toolkit for the Web
A library optimized for concise, principled data graphics and layouts
charts lib based @visactor/VGrammar
A pure-JS implementation of the W3C's Canvas-2D Context API that can run on top of either Expo Graphics or a browser WebGL context.
Nice-looking lightweight console ASCII line charts ╭┈╯ with no dependencies
graphics framework for sveltejs
An Avatar is a graphical representation of a user or entity and an Avatar Group is a collection of Avatars.
Icon component is a graphic to represent something else
A porting of purescript-{canvas, free-canvas, drawing} featuring fp-ts
An interactive, graphical test runner for [CodeceptJS](
Fast, caching, dynamic inline SVG DOM injection library
A fast, flexible, dynamic CSG implementation on top of three-mesh-bvh
components library for dp visualization
W-CF stands for Web Configuration Framework and is a JavaScript framework for 3D product configuration. It consists of several ES6 JavaScript modules.
## Description
A graphic scale for Leaflet.js that looks sharp
PEV2: A VueJS component to show a graphical vizualization of a PostgreSQL execution plan.
[**Observable Framework**]( is a free, [open-source](./LICENSE), static site generator for data apps, dashboards, reports, and more. Framework combines JavaScript on the front-end for interactive graphics with any langu
Demographics data helpers for @esri/arcgis-rest-js
Optimizing SVG vector graphics files with Gulp
A library to display tiny bar charts using Svelte. These charts are more so meant for graphic aids, rather than scientific representations. There's no axis labels, no extensive data visualisation, just bars.
Icons and logos used throughout Education Advance’s applications and digital environments
The motion graphics toolbelt for the web
A custom HTML <graphics-element>
Inline SVGs in CSS. Supports SVG Fragments, SVG Parameters.