A camera control for three.js, similar to THREE.OrbitControls yet supports smooth transitions and more features.
A React component that renders a preview for the device's either front or back camera. Camera's parameters like zoom, auto focus, white balance and flash mode are adjustable. With expo-camera, one can also take photos and record videos that are saved to t
A powerful, high-performance React Native Camera library.
The Camera API provides the ability to take a photo with the camera or choose an existing one from the photo album.
React Native Camera Roll for iOS & Android
A simple implementation of Camera API.
React Native Camera Roll for iOS & Android
View camera control by direct matrix manipulation
Orbit camera controller
Turn table camera controller
js lib HTML5 Camera Photo
Cordova Camera Plugin
React.js HTML5 Camera Photo
A high performance, fully featured, rock solid camera library for React Native applications
A React Native module that allows you to use native UI to select media from the device library or directly from the camera
Allow your website to easily control cameras on desktop and mobile devices.
Provides access to the system's UI for selecting images and videos from the phone's library or taking a photo with the camera.
Awesome Cordova Plugins - Native plugins for ionic apps
creates a picking ray for a 2D/3D camera
Select single or multiple images, with cropping option
project 3D point into 2D window space
An interface package for camera
VisionCamera Frame Processor Plugin to read barcodes using MLKit Vision Barcode Scanning
Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
Frame Processor Plugin to detect faces using MLKit Vision Face Detector for React Native Vision Camera!
Vainilla JavaScript Camera Component
TypeScript definitions for react-html5-camera-photo
A VisionCamera Frame Processor Plugin for fast and efficient Frame resizing, cropping and pixelformat conversion
Utilities to simplify homebridge camera plugin development
Super portable, fast camera capture library for node.js (server). TypeScript/JavaScript easy to use APIs. Uses puppeteer headless browser to capture webcam video (audio/desktop, recording, etc) and stream back to node.js frame by frame in plain image data
security holding package
Cordova plugin that allows camera interaction from HTML code for showing camera preview below or on top of the HTML.
Minimal browser & node.js QR Code Pattern reader and generator. Supports ascii, term, gif and svg formats
A simple to use, but extensive, camera component for Vue 3 with Typescript support to create great camera experiences.
Uppy plugin that takes photos or records videos using the device's camera.
Allows scanning variety of supported barcodes both as standalone module and as extension for expo-camera. It also allows scanning barcodes from existing images.
A Cypress plugin package to handle setting common browser permissions like notifications, geolocation, images, and more
A simple Angular webcam component. Pure & minimal, no Flash-fallback. See the Demo!
Provides API for using device camera