gulp plugin to send messages based on Vinyl Files or Errors to Mac OS X, Linux or Windows using the node-notifier module. Fallbacks to Growl or simply logging
This library was generated with [Nx](
This library was generated with [Nx](
An interface to the Apple Push Notification service for Node.js
Atom inspired notification messages for ember-cli
Genesis Foundation UI Notifications Utils
A simple Node.js wrapper around the Slack webhook API.
React bootstrap 4 notification alert
The OpenZeppelin Defender provides a security operations (SecOps) platform for Ethereum with built-in best practices. Development teams implement Defender to ship faster and minimize security risks.
Vue.js plugin for native notifications
Webcomponent ix-notifications following open-wc recommendations
React component with HTML5 Web Notification API
A Stimulus controller for showing notifications.
"Notification-toast for Warning"
Manages New MetaMask decentralized Notification system
Pushover API for node.js
Snackbar notifications for React
Open App notification settings
A slack bot for semantic-release notifying release statuses
Client library for the Openfin Notifications Center
An interface to the Apple Push Notification service for Node.js
React push notifications
Notifications portal to show toast notifications for RedHat Cloud Services project.
React Native flashbar and top notification alert utility
A package of Essential JS 2 notification components such as Toast and Badge which used to notify important information to end-users. for React
> Notifications offer users information on the system. The content may confirm that an action has been performed correctly, warn the user of an error or simply give information on certain circumstances.
🎉 Vue3-Toastify allows you to add notifications to your app with ease. No more nonsense!
React Native wrapper to bridge our iOS and Android SDK
This library provides a unique centralized notifications solution for most of VERT projects, using Vue3 [Vue plugin](
TypeScript definitions for react-notification-system-redux
A notification badge count manager for React Native
Lib for notifications
Send room notifications to the HipChat v2 API
Vuejs notifications
Lightweight library for beautifull and smooth notifications
Toastify is a lightweight, vanilla JS toast notification library.
Send test notifications to Slack
redux higher order reducer + action creator to reduce actions under a single subscriber notification
Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
Extremely simple and flexible notifications for Svelte
React Native OneSignal SDK
Awesome Cordova Plugins - Native plugins for ionic apps
A set of React components to build notification experiences powered by Knock