Figmagic is the missing piece between DevOps and design: Generate design tokens, export graphics, and extract design token-driven React components from your Figma documents.
A PDF generation library for Node.js
Utilities for extracting and replacing GitHub Flavored Markdown code blocks. For example, you could easily find code blocks for a specific language and run the code through a linter.
Serverless 1.0 plugin to add documentation and models to the serverless generated API Gateway
Generate a JSON documentation for a Vue file
Log and publish your architecture decisions (ADR) with Log4brains
Serverless 1.0 plugin to generate OpenAPI V3 documentation from serverless configuration
A simple transformer of text in YFM (Yandex Flavored Markdown) to HTML
Parse front-matter from a string or file. Fast, reliable and easy to use. Parses YAML front matter by default, but also has support for YAML, JSON, TOML or Coffee Front-Matter, with options to set custom delimiters. Used by metalsmith, assemble, verb and
Generate a markdown TOC (table of contents) with Remarkable.
Sitemap generator plugin for vuepress
Documentation website generator
Generate table of contents for a markdown document.
To install module dependencies run ``` bower update ``` ## Documentation To generate module documentation run ``` jsdoc -c jsdoc/config.json ```
- Generate CRUD system for your Prisma GraphQL server - admin settings schema uses in our PrismaTable - admin pages for build pages with our PrismaTable - graphql (queries, mutations) documents to use in your customize code
A QML parser to generate AST documents
An Antora extension that runs the specified commands per content root and imports the specified files into the content aggregate.
Generating and updating table of contents in Markdown files which conform with prettier.
A customizable documentation generator for github projects
Serverless 1.0 plugin to generate OpenAPI V3 documentation from serverless configuration
Library with CLI capabilities to generate documentation for Salesforce Apex classes.
Generate a Markdown Documentation for a Vue file component
This module is capable of generating a prisma datamodel for a relational or document databases. Please refer to the `prisma-datamodel` doc for more information on the `ISDL` datamodel structure.
Generate NatSpec documentation automatically on compilation
RESTful web API Documentation Generator
An application to add interactive PUML diagrams to your github markdown files. If running with default arguments, run in project root directory.
Useful tooling for defining contract tests (based on Pact) that will generate contract documents.
Default template used by js-comments and helper-apidocs for generating API docs.
Parse JavaScript code comments and generate API documentation.
Utilities for automatic generation of documents.
Template helper for automatically generating API docs from code comments. Should work with any template engine.
Docusaurus plugin generating Markdown documentation from a GraphQL schema.
Escape and un-escape delimiters in templates. Tested with Lo-Dash, underscore and Handlebars syntax, but could be used with other template engines/syntaxes as well. This is similar to the process used by Yeoman on escaped templates in generators.
Wrapper based on pdfmake library to generate PDF documents in an easy and readable way.
An opinionated documentation generator for Effect projects