A local-first realtime NoSQL Database for JavaScript applications - https://rxdb.info/
HTTP Authentication (In-Memory) for Let's Encrypt for Node.js - ACME http-01 challenges w/ ACME.js and Greenlock.js
encrypted typeorm fields
This library aims to provide a fast & reliable solution for you data storage needs in react-native apps. It uses [MMKV](https://github.com/Tencent/MMKV) by Tencent under the hood on Android and iOS both that is used by their WeChat app(more than 1 Billion
Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to TypeScript (and ES6)
Open-source, end-to-end encrypted too
Encrypt your Redux store.
Rust bcrypt binding
This cordova ionic plugin allows you to perform AES 256 encryption and decryption on the plain text. It's a cross-platform plugin which supports both Android and iOS. The encryption and decryption are performed on the device native layer so that the perfo
Free SSL and managed or automatic HTTPS for node.js with Express, Koa, Connect, Hapi, and all other middleware systems.
Simplify AES encryption and decryption of any JavaScript objects, implementing crypto-js library.
Serialized AES-GCM 256 encryption, decryption and key management in the browser & Node.js
A Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) core module for various JavaScript runtimes
Easy (yet strong) encryption and decryption facilities for Node.js
Universal Module for AES Encryption and Decryption in JavaScript
Use ENVs securely with encryption
Free SSL certificates for Node.js and Browsers. Issued via Let's Encrypt
Javascript/Typescript encryption package
RustCrypto: Argon2 binding for Node.js
Encrypted model attributes in your favourite ORM.
RustCrypto: Argon2 binding for Node.js
Rust bcrypt binding
Encryption, decryption, and key related utility functions
NodeJS Typescript implementation of cybersource v2 encryption
## Install module ``` npm install --save encryption-utils ``` or ``` yarn install --save encryption-utils ```
Convenience methods for the crypto module
JSON Object Signing and Encryption
A Node.js module to simplify using the built-in "crypto" module for AES256 encryption with random initialization vectors
Microsoft Driver for Node.js SQL Server compatible with all versions of Node.
set encryption settings on s3 buckets in your serverless stuack
Standalone cryptographic library. A minimalist port of cryptojs javascript library to node.js, that supports AES symmetric key cryptography. node-cryptojs-aes works great on frontend data masking and unmasking.
AES-256 encryption utils and handlers
this is a utility package to help encrypting string using pidcrypt providing typescript
Adyen javascript client-side encryption library
Wrapper for encrypted localStorage and sessionStorage in browser
Documentation here: <https://docs.river.build/build/encryption>
A Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) internal-use common module for @hpke family modules.