
The best crypto you've never heard of, brought to you by [Phil Rogaway]
JavaScript-compatible TypeScript implementation of Miscreant:
Advanced symmetric encryption library which provides the AES-SIV (RFC 5297),
AES-PMAC-SIV, and STREAM constructions. These algorithms are easy-to-use
(or rather, hard-to-misuse) and support encryption of individual messages or
message streams.
AES-SIV provides nonce-reuse misuse-resistance (NRMR): accidentally
reusing a nonce with this construction is not a security catastrophe,
unlike it is with more popular AES encryption modes like AES-GCM.
With AES-SIV, the worst outcome of reusing a nonce is an attacker
can see you've sent the same plaintext twice, as opposed to almost all other
AES modes where it can facilitate chosen ciphertext attacks and/or
full plaintext recovery.
For more information, see the toplevel README.md.
Help and Discussion
Have questions? Want to suggest a feature or change?
Security Notice
Though this library is written by cryptographic professionals, it has not
undergone a thorough security audit, and cryptographic professionals are still
humans that make mistakes. Use this library at your own risk.
This library contains two implementations of the cryptographic primitives
which underlie its implementation: ones based on the Web Cryptography API,
(a.k.a. Web Crypto) and a set of pure JavaScript polyfills.
By default only the Web Crypto versions will be used, and an exception raised
if Web Crypto is not available. Users of this library may opt into using the
polyfills in environments where Web Crypto is unavailable, but see the security
notes below and understand the potential risks before doing so.
Web Crypto Security Notes
The Web Crypto API should provide access to high-quality implementations of
the underlying cryptographic primitive functions used by this library in
most modern browsers, implemented in optimized native code.
On Node.js, you will need a native WebCrypto provider such as
node-webcrypto-ossl to utilize native code implementations of the underlying
ciphers instead of the polyfills. However, please see the security warning
on this package before using it.
Polyfill Security Warning
The AES polyfill implementation (off by default, see above) uses table lookups
and is therefore not constant time. This means there's potential that
co-tenant or even remote attackers may be able to measure minute timing
variations and use them to recover AES keys.
If at all possible, use the Web Crypto implementation instead of the polyfills.
Via npm:
npm install miscreant
Via Yarn:
yarn install miscreant
Import Miscreant into your project with:
import * as miscreant from "miscreant";
Please see the Miscreant Wiki
for API documentation.
Code of Conduct
We abide by the Contributor Covenant and ask that you do as well.
For more information, please see CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/miscreant/miscreant
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The Miscreant Developers.
AES polyfill implementation derived from the Go standard library:
Copyright (c) 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for further details.