Types for @oauth-everything user profiles.
OAuth client for ATPROTO PDS. This package serves as common base for environment-specific implementations (NodeJS, Browser, React-Native).
OAuth helper and remote fetcher for Uppy's (https://uppy.io) extensible file upload widget with support for drag&drop, resumable uploads, previews, restrictions, file processing/encoding, remote providers like Dropbox and Google Drive, S3 and more :dog:
Helper types for @oauth-everything oauth 2.0 strategies.
Multi-Factor Authentication exchanges for OAuth2orize.
Naver authentication strategy for Passport
Cacheable token interceptor for oauth requests with axios
Passport strategy for authenticating with Azure AD using the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
Twitch (OAuth) authentication strategies for Passport. v5
HTTP Bearer set header authentication strategy for Passport
Nango's frontend library for OAuth handling.
SalesForce OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Token Flow Implementation
Discord OAuth 2.0 strategy for Passport.js
OpenID Connect & OAuth authentication using react
OAuth 1.0a authorization header for Twitter API
Ping OAuth 2.0 authentication strategy for Passport.
Google access token authentication strategy for Passport
An open source headless CMS solution to create and manage your own API. It provides a powerful dashboard and features to make your life easier. Databases supported: MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite
My React starter kit. Webpack, Babel, Sass, React 0.13 and more.
Library for interacting with OAuth 1.0, 1.0A, 2 and Echo. Provides simplified client access and allows for construction of more complex apis and OAuth providers.
Auth module for different authentication flows of commercetools platform API
Generates OAuth `Authorization` header.
Passport.js strategy that supports automatic OAuth2 refresh tokens and OAuth2 password workflow.
User profile plugin for Grant
A Naver Login Component for React
teams oauth
HTTP Bearer authentication strategy for Passport and Keycloak
TypeORM (legacy) adapter for next-auth.
Third-party login plugin for hapi
OAuth 2.0 provider for LoopBack
Magic SDK OAuth Extension for Expo React Native environments.
OAuth service provider toolkit for Node.js.
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Embed script for Torus
Tiny, full-featured client/server REST/stream library for the Twitter API
A set of elements that perform oauth authorization
The Microsoft Graph Login node handles the login part on your Microsoft Graph app. The node will output an access and bearer token, as well as store it in a flow value so that you can access it any time while the container is running. The access token is
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Generate and cache Google OAuth 2.0 tokens in .env files