Embed script for solana blockchain
TypeScript definitions for oauth-signature
OAuth 2.0 public client authentication strategy for Passport.
OAuth 2.0 clients for popular providers
Generates the value for the Authorization header when using OAuth 1
OAuth integration for Lucia
Tiny superagent plugin to easily sign requests with node-oauth.
Enables easier interfacing with GCS OAuth API for use in Cloudflare Workers
Complete, compliant and well tested module for implementing an OAuth2 Server/Provider with express in node.js
Generic OAuth2 and OpenID Connect provider for Node.js. Currently only supports features needed for Atproto.
Magic SDK OAuth Extension for Web environments.
Authentication handler for TSOA using OAuth2 JWT tokens
WordPress.com implicit OAuth2 client-side authorization module
Library for interacting with OAuth 1.0, 1.0A, 2 and Echo. Provides simplified client access and allows for construction of more complex apis and OAuth providers. Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or later.
A user-friendly API for GIS SDK, using the new [**Google Identity Services SDK**](https://developers.google.com/identity/gsi/web) 🚀
Gigya OAuth 2.0 authentication strategy for Passport.
An Okta OAuth 2.0 Strategy for Passport with native TypeScript support
OpenID Connect & OAuth authentication service worker
OpenID Connect & OAuth authentication using native javascript only, compatible with angular, react, vue, svelte, next, etc.
Heroku CLI plugin to manage OAuth clients.
OAuth client for ATPROTO PDS. This package serves as common base for environment-specific implementations (NodeJS, Browser, React-Native).
Acquire API access tokens via OAuth 2.0 within CLI tools
Authentication built for Nuxt 3! Easily add authentication via OAuth providers, credentials or Email Magic URLs!
A configurable library that handles the storage/caching/encryption complexities of implementing oAuth flows
An exstensible OAuth 2.0, standard compliant client library for Node.js and the Web.
Multi-Factor Authentication exchanges for OAuth2orize.
OAuth 2.0 authentication strategy for Passport.
Well-typed React Component for Facebook Login
GitHub (OAuth 2.0) authentication strategy for Passport.
Github OAuth authentication provider for Medusa
EventBrite (OAuth2) authentication strategies for Passport.
Google OAuth authentication provider for Medusa
HTTP Bearer set header authentication strategy for Passport
Cacheable token interceptor for oauth requests with axios
Social login for Hono JS, integrate authentication with facebook, github, google and linkedin to your projects.
OAuth helper and remote fetcher for Uppy's (https://uppy.io) extensible file upload widget with support for drag&drop, resumable uploads, previews, restrictions, file processing/encoding, remote providers like Dropbox and Google Drive, S3 and more :dog:
auth apis for cloudbase