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OpenID Connect & OAuth authentication using native javascript only, compatible with angular, react, vue, svelte, next, etc.

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@axa-fr/oidc-client the lightest and securest library to manage authentication with OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth2 protocol. It is compatible with all OIDC providers. @axa-fr/oidc-client is a pure javascript library. It works with any JavaScript framework or library.

We provide a wrapper @axa-fr/react-oidc for React (compatible next.js) and we expect soon to provide one for Vue, Angular and Svelte.

Sample React Oicd


@axa-fr/oidc-client is:

The service worker catch access_token and refresh_token that will never be accessible to the client.

Getting Started

npm install @axa-fr/oidc-client --save

# To install or update OidcServiceWorker.js file, you can run
node ./node_modules/@axa-fr/oidc-client/bin/copy-service-worker-files.mjs public

# If you have a "public" folder, the 2 files will be created :
# ./public/OidcServiceWorker.js <-- will be updated at each "npm install"
# ./public/OidcTrustedDomains.js <-- won't be updated if already exist

WARNING : If you use Service Worker mode, the OidcServiceWorker.js file should always be up to date with the version of the library. You may setup a postinstall script in your package.json file to update it at each npm install. For example :

  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "node ./node_modules/@axa-fr/oidc-client/bin/copy-service-worker-files.mjs public"

If you need a very secure mode where refresh_token and access_token will be hide behind a service worker that will proxify requests. The only file you should edit is "OidcTrustedDomains.js".

// OidcTrustedDomains.js

// Add bellow trusted domains, access tokens will automatically injected to be send to
// trusted domain can also be a path like,
// then all subroute like will be authorized to send access_token to.

// Domains used by OIDC server must be also declared here
const trustedDomains = {
  default: {
    oidcDomains: [''],
    accessTokenDomains: [''],

// Service worker will continue to give access token to the JavaScript client
// Ideal to hide refresh token from client JavaScript, but to retrieve access_token for some
// scenarios which require it. For example, to send it via websocket connection.
trustedDomains.config_show_access_token = {
  oidcDomains: [''],
  accessTokenDomains: [''],
  showAccessToken: false,
  // convertAllRequestsToCorsExceptNavigate: false, // default value is false
  // setAccessTokenToNavigateRequests: true, // default value is true

// DPoP (Demonstrating Proof of Possession) will be activated for the following domains
trustedDomains.config_with_dpop = {
  domains: [''],
  demonstratingProofOfPossession: true,
  demonstratingProofOfPossessionOnlyWhenDpopHeaderPresent: true, // default value is false, inject DPOP token only when DPOP header is present
  // Optional, more details bellow
  /*demonstratingProofOfPossessionConfiguration: {  
      importKeyAlgorithm: {
        name: 'ECDSA',
        namedCurve: 'P-256',
        hash: {name: 'ES256'}
      signAlgorithm: {name: 'ECDSA', hash: {name: 'SHA-256'}},
      generateKeyAlgorithm: {
        name: 'ECDSA',
        namedCurve: 'P-256'
      digestAlgorithm: { name: 'SHA-256' },
      jwtHeaderAlgorithm : 'ES256'

// Setting allowMultiTabLogin to true will enable storing login-specific parameters (state, nonce, code verifier)
// separately for each tab. This will prevent errors when logins are initiated from multiple tabs.
trustedDomains.config_multi_tab_login = {
  domains: [''],
  allowMultiTabLogin: true,

The code of the demo :

import { OidcClient } from '@axa-fr/oidc-client';

export const configuration = {
  client_id: 'interactive.public.short',
  redirect_uri: window.location.origin + '/#/authentication/callback',
  silent_redirect_uri: window.location.origin + '/#/authentication/silent-callback',
  scope: 'openid profile email api offline_access',
  authority: '',
  service_worker_relative_url: '/OidcServiceWorker.js', // just comment that line to disable service worker mode
  service_worker_only: false,
  demonstrating_proof_of_possession: false,

const href = window.location.href;
const oidcClient = OidcClient.getOrCreate()(configuration);

// Use the fetch bellow to inject access_token and DPOP tokens automatically
const oidcFetch = oidcClient.fetchWithTokens(fetch);

// You can inject you own fetch (default Fetch Interface) function and location object (respecting IOidcLocation interface)
// import {OidcLocation} from '@axa-fr/oidc-client'
// const oidcClient = OidcClient.getOrCreate(() => fetch, new OidcLocation())(configuration);


oidcClient.tryKeepExistingSessionAsync().then(() => {
  if (href.includes(configuration.redirect_uri)) {
    oidcClient.loginCallbackAsync().then(() => {
      window.location.href = '/';
    document.body.innerHTML = `<div>
            <h1>@axa-fr/oidc-client demo</h1>

  let tokens = oidcClient.tokens;

  if (tokens) {
    // @ts-ignore
    window.logout = () => oidcClient.logoutAsync();
    document.body.innerHTML = `<div>
            <h1>@axa-fr/oidc-client demo</h1>
            <button onclick="window.logout()">Logout</button>
            <pre>${JSON.stringify(tokens, null, '\t')}</pre>
  } else {
    // @ts-ignore
    window.login = () => oidcClient.loginAsync('/');
    document.body.innerHTML = `<div>
            <h1>@axa-fr/oidc-client demo</h1>
            <button onclick="window.login()">Login</button>


const configuration = {
    client_id: String.isRequired, // oidc client id
    redirect_uri: String.isRequired, // oidc redirect url
    silent_redirect_uri: String, // Optional activate silent-signin that use cookies between OIDC server and client javascript to restore sessions
    silent_login_uri: String, // Optional, route that triggers the signin
    silent_login_timeout: Number, // Optional, default is 12000 milliseconds
    scope: String.isRequired, // oidc scope (you need to set "offline_access")
    authority: String.isRequired,
    storage: Storage, // Default sessionStorage, you can set localStorage, but it is less secure against XSS attacks
    authority_configuration: {
      // Optional for providers that do not implement OIDC server auto-discovery via a .wellknown URL
      authorization_endpoint: String,
      token_endpoint: String,
      userinfo_endpoint: String,
      end_session_endpoint: String,
      revocation_endpoint: String,
      check_session_iframe: String,
      issuer: String,
    refresh_time_before_tokens_expiration_in_second: Number, // default is 120 seconds
    service_worker_relative_url: String,
    service_worker_keep_alive_path: String, // default is "/"
    service_worker_only: Boolean, // default false, if true, the user will not be able to login if the service worker is not available on its browser
    service_worker_activate: () => boolean, // you can take the control of the service worker default activation which use user agent string, if return false, the service worker mode will not be used
    service_worker_update_require_callback: (registration:any, stopKeepAlive:Function) => Promise<void>, // callback called when service worker need to be updated, you can take the control of the update process
    service_worker_register: (url: string) => Promise<ServiceWorkerRegistration>, // Optional, you can take the control of the service worker registration
    extras: StringMap | undefined, // ex: {'prompt': 'consent', 'access_type': 'offline'} list of key/value that is sent to the OIDC server (more info:
    token_request_extras: StringMap | undefined, // ex: {'prompt': 'consent', 'access_type': 'offline'} list of key/value that is sent to the OIDC server during token request (more info:
    authority_time_cache_wellknowurl_in_second: 60 * 60, // Time to cache in seconds of the openid well-known URL, default is 1 hour
    authority_timeout_wellknowurl_in_millisecond: 10000, // Timeout in milliseconds of the openid well-known URL, default is 10 seconds, then an error is thrown
    monitor_session: Boolean, // Add OpenID monitor session, default is false (more information, if you need to set it to true consider
    token_renew_mode: String, // Optional, update tokens based on the selected token(s) lifetime: "access_token_or_id_token_invalid" (default), "access_token_invalid", "id_token_invalid"
    token_automatic_renew_mode: TokenAutomaticRenewMode.AutomaticOnlyWhenFetchExecuted, // Optional, default is TokenAutomaticRenewMode.AutomaticBeforeTokensExpiration
    // TokenAutomaticRenewMode.AutomaticBeforeTokensExpiration: renew tokens automatically before they expire
    // TokenAutomaticRenewMode.AutomaticOnlyWhenFetchExecuted: renew tokens automatically only when fetch is executed
    // It requires you to use fetch given by oidcClient.fetchWithTokens(fetch) or to use oidcClient.getValidTokenAsync()
    logout_tokens_to_invalidate: Array<string>, // Optional tokens to invalidate during logout, default: ['access_token', 'refresh_token']
    location: ILOidcLocation, // Optional, default is window.location, you can inject your own location object respecting the ILOidcLocation interface
    demonstrating_proof_of_possession: Boolean, // Optional, default is false, if true, the the Demonstrating Proof of Possession will be activated //
    demonstrating_proof_of_possession_configuration: DemonstratingProofOfPossessionConfiguration // Optional, more details bellow

interface DemonstratingProofOfPossessionConfiguration {
  generateKeyAlgorithm:  RsaHashedKeyGenParams | EcKeyGenParams,
          digestAlgorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
          importKeyAlgorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier | RsaHashedImportParams | EcKeyImportParams | HmacImportParams | AesKeyAlgorithm,
          signAlgorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier | RsaPssParams | EcdsaParams,
          jwtHeaderAlgorithm: string

// default value of demonstrating_proof_of_possession_configuration
const defaultDemonstratingProofOfPossessionConfiguration: DemonstratingProofOfPossessionConfiguration ={
  importKeyAlgorithm: {
    name: 'ECDSA',
    namedCurve: 'P-256',
    hash: {name: 'ES256'}
  signAlgorithm: {name: 'ECDSA', hash: {name: 'SHA-256'}},
  generateKeyAlgorithm: {
    name: 'ECDSA',
    namedCurve: 'P-256'
  digestAlgorithm: { name: 'SHA-256' },
  jwtHeaderAlgorithm : 'ES256'


 * OidcClient is a class that acts as a wrapper around the `Oidc` object. It provides methods to handle event subscriptions, logins, logouts, token renewals, user information, etc.
export class OidcClient {
   * Creates an instance of OidcClient using a provided `Oidc` object.
   * @param oidc The instance of the underlying Oidc object to use.
  constructor(oidc: Oidc);

   * Subscribes a function to events emitted by the underlying Oidc object.
   * @param func The function to be called when an event is emitted.
   * @returns A string that identifies the subscription and can be used to unsubscribe later.
  subscribeEvents(func: EventSubscriber): string;

   * Removes a subscription to a specified event.
   * @param id The identifier of the subscription to remove, obtained during the initial subscription.
  removeEventSubscription(id: string): void;

   * Publishes an event with the specified name and associated data.
   * @param eventName The name of the event to publish.
   * @param data The data associated with the event.
  publishEvent(eventName: string, data: any): void;

   * Creates a new instance of OidcClient using a fetch retrieval function `getFetch`, with a given OIDC configuration and an optional name.
   * @param getFetch The function to retrieve the `Fetch` object.
   * @param configuration The OIDC configuration to use for creating the OidcClient instance.
   * @param name The optional name for the created OidcClient instance.
   * @returns A new instance of OidcClient with the specified configuration.
  static getOrCreate(getFetch: () => Fetch)(configuration: OidcConfiguration, name?: string): OidcClient;

   * Retrieves an existing OidcClient instance with the specified name, or creates a new instance if it does not exist.
   * @param name The name of the OidcClient instance to retrieve.
   * @returns The existing OidcClient instance or a new instance with the specified name.
  static get(name?: string): OidcClient;

   * The names of the events supported by the Oidc class.
  static eventNames: Oidc.eventNames;

   * Attempts to keep the existing user session by calling the function of the underlying Oidc object.
   * @returns A promise resolved with `true` if the user session was kept, otherwise `false`.
  tryKeepExistingSessionAsync(): Promise<boolean>;

   * Starts the OIDC login process with specified options.
   * @param callbackPath The callback path for authentication.
   * @param extras Additional parameters to send to the OIDC server during the login request.
   * @param isSilentSignin Indicates if the login is silent.
   * @param scope The OIDC scope for the login request.
   * @param silentLoginOnly Indicates if only silent login is allowed.
   * @returns A promise resolved with the login information, or rejected with an error.
  loginAsync(callbackPath?: string, extras?: StringMap, isSilentSignin?: boolean, scope?: string, silentLoginOnly?: boolean): Promise<unknown>;

   * Starts the OIDC logout process with specified options.
   * @param callbackPathOrUrl The callback path or URL to use after logout.
   * @param extras Additional parameters to send to the OIDC server during the logout request.
   * {"no_reload:oidc":"true"} to avoid the page reload after logout.
   * you can add extras like {"client_secret:revoke_refresh_token":"secret"} to revoke the refresh token with extra client secret. Any key ending with ":revoke_refresh_token" will be used to revoke the refresh token.
   * you can add extras like {"client_secret:revoke_access_token":"secret"} to revoke the access token with extra client secret. Any key ending with ":revoke_access_token" will be used to revoke the access token.
   * @returns A promise resolved when the logout is completed.
  logoutAsync(callbackPathOrUrl?: string | null | undefined, extras?: StringMap): Promise<void>;

   * Performs the silent login process and retrieves user information.
   * @returns A promise resolved when the silent login process is completed.
  silentLoginCallbackAsync(): Promise<void>;

   * Renews the user's OIDC tokens.
   * @param extras Additional parameters to send to the OIDC server during the token renewal request.
   * @returns A promise resolved when the token renewal is completed.
  renewTokensAsync(extras?: StringMap): Promise<void>;

   * Performs the callback process after a successful login and automatically renews tokens.
   * @returns A promise resolved with the callback information, or rejected with an error.
  loginCallbackAsync(): Promise<LoginCallback>;

   * Retrieves the current OIDC tokens for the user.
  get tokens(): Tokens;

   * Retrieves the current OIDC configuration used by the OidcClient instance.
  get configuration(): OidcConfiguration;

   * Retrieves the valid OIDC token for the user.
   * @param waitMs The maximum wait time in milliseconds to obtain a valid token.
   * @param numberWait The number of attempts to obtain a valid token.
   * @returns A promise resolved with the valid token, or rejected with an error.
  async getValidTokenAsync(waitMs = 200, numberWait = 50): Promise<ValidToken>;

   * Retrieves a new fetch function that inject bearer tokens (also DPOP tokens).
   * @param fetch The current fetch function to use
   * @param demonstrating_proof_of_possession Indicates whether the demonstration of proof of possession should be used.
   * @returns Fetch A new fectch function that inject bearer tokens (also DPOP tokens).
  fetchWithTokens(fetch: Fetch, demonstrating_proof_of_possession=false): Fetch;

   * Retrieves OIDC user information.
   * @param noCache Indicates whether user information should be retrieved bypassing the cache.
   * @param demonstrating_proof_of_possession Indicates whether the demonstration of proof of possession should be used.
   * @returns A promise resolved with the user information, or rejected with an error.
  async userInfoAsync<T extends OidcUserInfo = OidcUserInfo>(noCache = false, demonstrating_proof_of_possession=false): Promise<T>;

   * Generate Demonstration of proof of possession.
   * @param accessToken The access token to use.
   * @param url The url to use.
   * @param method The method to use.
   * @param extras Additional parameters to send to the OIDC server during the demonstration of proof of possession request.
   * @returns A promise resolved with the proof of possession.
  async generateDemonstrationOfProofOfPossessionAsync(accessToken:string, url:string, method:string, extras:StringMap= {}): Promise<string>;

Run The Demo

git clone
cd oidc-client

# oidc client demo
cd /examples/oidc-client-demo
pnpm install
pnpm start
# then navigate to http://localhost:5174

How It Works

This component is a pure vanilla JS OIDC client library agnostic to any framework. It is a real alternative to existing oidc-client libraries.

More information about OIDC

Hash route

@axa-fr/oidc-client work also with hash route.

export const configurationIdentityServerWithHash = {
  client_id: 'interactive.public.short',
  redirect_uri: window.location.origin + '#authentication-callback',
  silent_redirect_uri: window.location.origin + '#authentication-silent-callback',
  scope: 'openid profile email api offline_access',
  authority: '',
  refresh_time_before_tokens_expiration_in_second: 70,
  service_worker_relative_url: '/OidcServiceWorker.js',
  service_worker_only: false,



Package last updated on 07 Feb 2025

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