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4irelabs-blackchain-smart-contract - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.52 to 0.0.53



@@ -19,2 +19,3 @@ "use strict";

const bignumber_js_1 = __importDefault(require("bignumber.js"));
//import { feeAccount } from "../tests/constants";
function getGoldMintPublicKey(programId) {

@@ -31,2 +32,3 @@ return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {

return feePdaAccount;
//return [new PublicKey(feeAccount), 0];

@@ -33,0 +35,0 @@ }



@@ -6,2 +6,2 @@ "use strict";

exports.KEY = "DfUYMPUztLXR7fZTVYMr46xrMyyyBHw4LP4Koogzyho3";
exports.cluster = constants_1.Cluster.localnet;
exports.cluster = constants_1.Cluster.testnet;

@@ -111,3 +111,3 @@ "use strict";

//await bc.addRoom();
let tx = yield bc.hireCharacterWithoutSending("Dragon", types_1.ClassEnum.Templar);
let tx = yield bc.hireCharacterWithoutSending("Dragon", types_1.ClassEnum.Pyromancer);
expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");

@@ -147,3 +147,3 @@ yield bc.sendTransaction(tx[0]);

const characterBefore = (yield bc.getCharacter(player.characters[0]));
let tx = yield bc.blindRaid(types_1.DifficultyEnum.Easy, player.characters[0]);
let tx = yield bc.blindRaid(types_1.DifficultyEnum.Hard, player.characters[0]);
expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");

@@ -173,347 +173,245 @@ let sign = yield bc.sendTransaction(tx[0]);

// test("Use golds", async () => {
// let consumablesBefore = (await bc.getConsumables()) as [
// PublicKey,
// Consumables
// ];
// let gold = await bc.getGoldCount();
// expect(gold).not.toBeNull();
// gold = gold as BN;
// let tx = await bc.buyConsumableForGold(PotionEnum.RejuvenationHoneydew, 1);
// expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");
// await bc.sendTransaction(tx as Buffer);
// expect(gold.subn(100).toString()).toBe((await bc.getGoldCount()).toString());
// let consumablesAfter = (await bc.getConsumables()) as [
// PublicKey,
// Consumables
// ];
// expect(
// consumablesBefore[1].consumables[
// consumablesTypeMap.get(JSON.stringify(PotionEnum.RejuvenationHoneydew))
// ].amount.toString()
// ).toBe("0");
// expect(
// consumablesBefore[1].consumables[
// consumablesTypeMap.get(JSON.stringify(PotionEnum.RejuvenationHoneydew))
// ].amount
// .addn(1)
// .toString()
// ).toBe(
// consumablesAfter[1].consumables[
// consumablesTypeMap.get(JSON.stringify(PotionEnum.RejuvenationHoneydew))
// ].amount.toString()
// );
// let tx1 = await bc.deleteConsumable(PotionEnum.RejuvenationHoneydew, 1);
// await bc.sendTransaction(tx1 as Buffer);
// consumablesAfter = (await bc.getConsumables()) as [PublicKey, Consumables];
// expect(
// consumablesBefore[1].consumables[
// consumablesTypeMap.get(JSON.stringify(PotionEnum.RejuvenationHoneydew))
// ].amount.toString()
// ).toBe(
// consumablesAfter[1].consumables[
// consumablesTypeMap.get(JSON.stringify(PotionEnum.RejuvenationHoneydew))
// ].amount.toString()
// );
// });
// test("Set weapon with bonus", async () => {
// let weapons = (await bc.getWeaponsList()) as [PublicKey, Weapon][];
// let character = (
// (await bc.getCharactersList()) as [PublicKey, Character][]
// )[0];
// for (let w of weapons) {
// if (
// enumEq(w[1].rank, RankEnum.Rare) ||
// enumEq(w[1].rank, RankEnum.Epic) ||
// enumEq(w[1].rank, RankEnum.Legendary) ||
// enumEq(w[1].rank, RankEnum.Mythic)
// ) {
// let tx = await bc.unsetWeaponWithoutSending(
// character[0],
// character[1].rightHand
// );
// await bc.sendTransaction(await bc.instructionsToBuffer([tx]));
// let tx1 = await bc.setWeaponWithoutSending(character[0], w[0]);
// await bc.sendTransaction(await bc.instructionsToBuffer([tx1]));
// break;
// }
// }
// });
// test("Lock material", async () => {
// let materials = ((await bc.getMaterials()) as [PublicKey, Materials])[1];
// for (let m of materials.materials) {
// if (m.amount.gtn(1)) {
// let tx = await bc.lockMaterial(0.001, 2, m.typ);
// expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");
// await bc.sendTransaction(tx[0] as Buffer);
// let lot = await bc.getMaterialLot(tx[1]);
// expect(lot).not.toBeNull();
// lot = lot as MaterialLot;
// expect(lot.amount.toNumber()).toBe(2);
// expect(enumEq(lot.typ, m.typ)).toBe(true);
// expect(lot.price.toNumber()).toBe(0.001 * 10 ** 9);
// expect(lot.isInitialized).toBe(true);
// let tx1 = await bc.changeMaterialLot(tx[1], 0.01, 1);
// expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");
// await bc.sendTransaction(tx1 as Buffer);
// lot = await bc.getMaterialLot(tx[1]);
// expect(lot).not.toBeNull();
// lot = lot as MaterialLot;
// expect(lot.amount.toNumber()).toBe(1);
// expect(enumEq(lot.typ, m.typ)).toBe(true);
// expect(lot.price.toNumber()).toBe(0.01 * 10 ** 9);
// expect(lot.isInitialized).toBe(true);
// let keypair = new Keypair();
// let wallet = new NodeWallet(keypair);
// let connection = new web3.Connection(cluster, "finalized");
// let sign = await connection.requestAirdrop(
// keypair.publicKey,
// 1 * web3.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL
// );
// await connection.confirmTransaction(sign);
// let bcBuyer = new BC(cluster, KEY, true, wallet);
// await bcBuyer.createPlayerAccount();
// let startSol = await connection.getBalance(
// keypair.publicKey,
// "finalized"
// );
// let buyTx = await bcBuyer.buyMaterial(tx[1], 1);
// await bcBuyer.sendTransaction(buyTx as Buffer);
// let buyMaterial = await bcBuyer.getMaterials();
// expect(buyMaterial).not.toBeNull();
// buyMaterial = buyMaterial as [PublicKey, Materials];
// expect(
// buyMaterial[1].materials[
// materialTypeMap.get(JSON.stringify(lot.typ))
// ].amount.toString()
// ).toBe("1");
// expect(startSol - 0.01 * 10 ** 9 - 5000).toBe(
// await connection.getBalance(keypair.publicKey, "finalized")
// );
// tx1 = await bcBuyer.deleteMaterial(m.typ, 1);
// await bcBuyer.sendTransaction(tx1 as Buffer);
// buyMaterial = await bcBuyer.getMaterials();
// expect(buyMaterial).not.toBeNull();
// buyMaterial = buyMaterial as [PublicKey, Materials];
// expect(
// buyMaterial[1].materials[
// materialTypeMap.get(JSON.stringify(lot.typ))
// ].amount.toString()
// ).toBe("0");
// let sellMaterial = await bc.getMaterials();
// expect(sellMaterial).not.toBeNull();
// sellMaterial = sellMaterial as [PublicKey, Materials];
// expect(
// sellMaterial[1].materials[
// materialTypeMap.get(JSON.stringify(m.typ))
// ].amount.toString()
// ).toBe(m.amount.subn(1).toString());
// break;
// }
// }
// });
// test("Use potions", async () => {
// let consumables = (
// (await bc.getConsumables()) as [PublicKey, Consumables]
// )[1];
// for (let m of consumables.consumables) {
// if (
// (enumEq(m.typ, PotionEnum.PotionOfClearMind) ||
// enumEq(m.typ, PotionEnum.PotionOfHeavyArms) ||
// enumEq(m.typ, PotionEnum.PotionOfSneakyCat) ||
// enumEq(m.typ, PotionEnum.PotionOfTheHappyFool) ||
// enumEq(m.typ, PotionEnum.PotionOfElephant)) &&
// m.amount.gtn(0)
// ) {
// let characterBefore = (
// (await bc.getCharactersList()) as [PublicKey, Character][]
// )[0];
// let tx = await bc.usePotion(characterBefore[0], m.typ);
// expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");
// await bc.sendTransaction(tx as Buffer);
// let characterAfter = (
// (await bc.getCharactersList()) as [PublicKey, Character][]
// )[0];
// expect(enumEq(characterAfter[1].potions[0]?.effect, m.typ)).toBe(true);
// let consumables = (
// (await bc.getConsumables()) as [PublicKey, Consumables]
// )[1];
// expect(
// consumables.consumables[
// consumablesTypeMap.get(JSON.stringify(m.typ))
// ].amount.toString()
// ).toBe(m.amount.subn(1).toString());
// break;
// }
// }
// });
// test("Increase stats", async () => {
// const player = (await bc.getPlayerAccount()) as PlayerAccount;
// const characterBefore = (await bc.getCharacter(
// player.characters[0]
// )) as Character;
// let points = characterBefore.skillPoints;
// let tx = await bc.upgradeStatsCharacter(player.characters[0], {
// str: points,
// });
// await bc.sendTransaction(tx as Buffer);
// const characterAfter = (await bc.getCharacter(
// player.characters[0]
// )) as Character;
// if (characterBefore.injuryLevel !== 0) {
// expect(characterBefore.startsStat[0] + points).toBe(
// characterAfter.startsStat[0]
// );
// } else expect(characterBefore.str + points).toBe(characterAfter.str);
// });
// test("Scouting & raid", async () => {
// // for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// const player = (await bc.getPlayerAccount()) as PlayerAccount;
// const characterBefore = (await bc.getCharacter(
// player.characters[0]
// )) as Character;
// let tx1 = await bc.scoutDungeonWithoutSending(
// DifficultyEnum.Hard,
// player.characters[0]
// );
// expect(typeof tx1).not.toBe("number");
// await bc.sendTransaction(tx1[0] as Buffer);
// let initDungeon = await bc.getDungeon(tx1[1]);
// expect(initDungeon).not.toBeNull();
// initDungeon = initDungeon as Dungeon;
// let consumables = (
// (await bc.getConsumables()) as [PublicKey, Consumables]
// )[1];
// let potion: Potion[] = [];
// let p = new BN();
// for (let m of consumables.consumables) {
// if (
// m.amount.gtn(0) &&
// (enumEq(m.typ, PotionEnum.LesserHealingPotion) ||
// enumEq(m.typ, PotionEnum.CommonHealingPotion) ||
// enumEq(m.typ, PotionEnum.FinestHealingPotion) ||
// enumEq(m.typ, PotionEnum.GreatHealingPotion) ||
// enumEq(m.typ, PotionEnum.MinorHealingPotion) ||
// enumEq(m.typ, PotionEnum.SeekersStone) ||
// enumEq(m.typ, PotionEnum.PhilosophianStoneReplica))
// ) {
// potion.push(m.typ);
// p = m.amount;
// }
// }
// let tx = await[1], player.characters[0], potion);
// expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");
// let sign = await bc.sendTransaction(tx as Buffer);
// expect(typeof sign).toBe("string");
// sign = sign as string;
// let battleLog = await bc.getBattleLog(sign);
// expect(typeof battleLog).not.toBe("number");
// battleLog = battleLog as BattleLog;
// console.log(battleLog);
// if (battleLog.complete != 100) {
// let dungeon = await bc.getDungeon(tx1[1]);
// expect(dungeon).not.toBeNull();
// dungeon = dungeon as Dungeon;
// expect(battleLog.receivedExp.toString()).toBe(
// initDungeon.exp.sub(dungeon.exp).toString()
// );
// } else {
// expect(battleLog.receivedExp.toString()).toBe(
// initDungeon.exp.subn(0).toString()
// );
// }
// const characterAfter = (await bc.getCharacter(
// player.characters[0]
// )) as Character;
// expect(battleLog.receivedExp.toString()).toBe(
// characterAfter.experience.sub(characterBefore.experience).toString()
// );
// if (potion[0] !== undefined && battleLog.consumables.length == 0) {
// let con = await bc.getConsumables();
// expect(con).not.toBeNull();
// console.log(potion);
// con = con as [PublicKey, Consumables];
// for (let pot of potion) {
// expect(
// con[1].consumables[
// consumablesTypeMap.get(JSON.stringify(pot))
// ].amount.toString()
// ).toBe(p.subn(1).toString());
// }
// }
// //}
// });
// test("Lock consumable", async () => {
// let consumables = (
// (await bc.getConsumables()) as [PublicKey, Consumables]
// )[1];
// for (let m of consumables.consumables) {
// if (m.amount.gtn(0)) {
// let tx = await bc.lockConsumable(100, 1, m.typ);
// expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");
// await bc.sendTransaction(tx[0] as Buffer);
// let lot = await bc.getConsumableLot(tx[1]);
// expect(lot).not.toBeNull();
// lot = lot as ConsumableLot;
// expect(lot.amount.toNumber()).toBe(1);
// expect(enumEq(lot.typ, m.typ)).toBe(true);
// expect(lot.price.toNumber()).toBe(100 * 10 ** 9);
// expect(lot.isInitialized).toBe(true);
// let tx1 = await bc.unlockConsumable(tx[1]);
// expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");
// await bc.sendTransaction(tx1 as Buffer);
// lot = await bc.getConsumableLot(tx[1]);
// expect(lot).toBeNull();
// break;
// }
// }
// });
// test("Lock weapon", async () => {
// let weapons = (await bc.getWeaponsList()) as [PublicKey, Weapon][];
// for (let w of weapons) {
// if (enumEq(w[1].status, StatusEnum.Free)) {
// let tx = await bc.lockWeapon(w[0], 0.4);
// await bc.sendTransaction(tx as Buffer);
// let weapon = await bc.getWeapon(w[0]);
// expect(weapon).not.toBeNull();
// weapon = weapon as Weapon;
// expect(weapon.price.toNumber()).toBe(0.4 * 10 ** 9);
// tx = await bc.changeWeaponLot(w[0], 0.5);
// await bc.sendTransaction(tx as Buffer);
// weapon = await bc.getWeapon(w[0]);
// expect(weapon).not.toBeNull();
// weapon = weapon as Weapon;
// expect(weapon.price.toNumber()).toBe(0.5 * 10 ** 9);
// let keypair = new Keypair();
// let wallet = new NodeWallet(keypair);
// let connection = new web3.Connection(cluster, "finalized");
// let sign = await connection.requestAirdrop(
// keypair.publicKey,
// 1 * web3.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL
// );
// await connection.confirmTransaction(sign);
// let bcBuyer = new BC(cluster, KEY, true, wallet);
// await bcBuyer.createPlayerAccount();
// let startSol = await connection.getBalance(
// keypair.publicKey,
// "finalized"
// );
// let buyTx = await bcBuyer.buyWeapon(w[0]);
// await bcBuyer.sendTransaction(buyTx as Buffer);
// let buyWeapons = await bcBuyer.getWeaponsList();
// expect(buyWeapons).not.toBeNull();
// buyWeapons = buyWeapons as [PublicKey, Weapon][];
// expect(buyWeapons[0][0].toString()).toBe(w[0].toString());
// expect(startSol - 0.5 * 10 ** 9 - 5000).toBe(
// await connection.getBalance(keypair.publicKey, "finalized")
// );
// let soldWeapon = (await bcBuyer.getWeapon(w[0])) as Weapon;
// expect(soldWeapon.price.toString()).toBe("0");
// expect(enumEq(soldWeapon.status, StatusEnum.Free)).toBe(true);
// expect(soldWeapon.playerAccount.toString()).toBe(
// (await bc.getPlayerAccountPublicKey(keypair.publicKey)).toString()
// );
// break;
// }
// }
// });
test("Use golds", () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let consumablesBefore = (yield bc.getConsumables());
let gold = yield bc.getGoldCount();
gold = gold;
let tx = yield bc.buyConsumableForGold(types_1.PotionEnum.RejuvenationHoneydew, 1);
expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");
yield bc.sendTransaction(tx);
expect(gold.subn(100).toString()).toBe((yield bc.getGoldCount()).toString());
let consumablesAfter = (yield bc.getConsumables());
let tx1 = yield bc.deleteConsumable(types_1.PotionEnum.RejuvenationHoneydew, 1);
yield bc.sendTransaction(tx1);
consumablesAfter = (yield bc.getConsumables());
test("Set weapon with bonus", () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let weapons = (yield bc.getWeaponsList());
let character = (yield bc.getCharactersList())[0];
for (let w of weapons) {
if ((0, types_1.enumEq)(w[1].rank, types_1.RankEnum.Rare) ||
(0, types_1.enumEq)(w[1].rank, types_1.RankEnum.Epic) ||
(0, types_1.enumEq)(w[1].rank, types_1.RankEnum.Legendary) ||
(0, types_1.enumEq)(w[1].rank, types_1.RankEnum.Mythic)) {
let tx = yield bc.unsetWeaponWithoutSending(character[0], character[1].rightHand);
yield bc.sendTransaction(yield bc.instructionsToBuffer([tx]));
let tx1 = yield bc.setWeaponWithoutSending(character[0], w[0]);
yield bc.sendTransaction(yield bc.instructionsToBuffer([tx1]));
test("Lock material", () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let materials = (yield bc.getMaterials())[1];
for (let m of materials.materials) {
if (m.amount.gtn(1)) {
let tx = yield bc.lockMaterial(0.001, 2, m.typ);
expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");
yield bc.sendTransaction(tx[0]);
let lot = yield bc.getMaterialLot(tx[1]);
lot = lot;
expect((0, types_1.enumEq)(lot.typ, m.typ)).toBe(true);
expect(lot.price.toNumber()).toBe(0.001 * Math.pow(10, 9));
let tx1 = yield bc.changeMaterialLot(tx[1], 0.01, 1);
expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");
yield bc.sendTransaction(tx1);
lot = yield bc.getMaterialLot(tx[1]);
lot = lot;
expect((0, types_1.enumEq)(lot.typ, m.typ)).toBe(true);
expect(lot.price.toNumber()).toBe(0.01 * Math.pow(10, 9));
let keypair = new web3_js_1.Keypair();
let wallet = new nodewallet_1.default(keypair);
let connection = new anchor_1.web3.Connection(constants_2.cluster, "finalized");
let sign = yield connection.requestAirdrop(keypair.publicKey, 1 * anchor_1.web3.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL);
yield connection.confirmTransaction(sign);
let bcBuyer = new src_1.BC(constants_2.cluster, constants_2.KEY, true, wallet);
yield bcBuyer.createPlayerAccount();
let startSol = yield connection.getBalance(keypair.publicKey, "finalized");
let buyTx = yield bcBuyer.buyMaterial(tx[1], 1);
yield bcBuyer.sendTransaction(buyTx);
let buyMaterial = yield bcBuyer.getMaterials();
buyMaterial = buyMaterial;
expect(startSol - 0.01 * Math.pow(10, 9) - 5000).toBe(yield connection.getBalance(keypair.publicKey, "finalized"));
tx1 = yield bcBuyer.deleteMaterial(m.typ, 1);
yield bcBuyer.sendTransaction(tx1);
buyMaterial = yield bcBuyer.getMaterials();
buyMaterial = buyMaterial;
let sellMaterial = yield bc.getMaterials();
sellMaterial = sellMaterial;
test("Use potions", () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
var _a;
let consumables = (yield bc.getConsumables())[1];
for (let m of consumables.consumables) {
if (((0, types_1.enumEq)(m.typ, types_1.PotionEnum.PotionOfClearMind) ||
(0, types_1.enumEq)(m.typ, types_1.PotionEnum.PotionOfHeavyArms) ||
(0, types_1.enumEq)(m.typ, types_1.PotionEnum.PotionOfSneakyCat) ||
(0, types_1.enumEq)(m.typ, types_1.PotionEnum.PotionOfTheHappyFool) ||
(0, types_1.enumEq)(m.typ, types_1.PotionEnum.PotionOfElephant)) &&
m.amount.gtn(0)) {
let characterBefore = (yield bc.getCharactersList())[0];
let tx = yield bc.usePotion(characterBefore[0], m.typ);
expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");
yield bc.sendTransaction(tx);
let characterAfter = (yield bc.getCharactersList())[0];
expect((0, types_1.enumEq)((_a = characterAfter[1].potions[0]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.effect, m.typ)).toBe(true);
let consumables = (yield bc.getConsumables())[1];
test("Increase stats", () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const player = (yield bc.getPlayerAccount());
const characterBefore = (yield bc.getCharacter(player.characters[0]));
let points = characterBefore.skillPoints;
let tx = yield bc.upgradeStatsCharacter(player.characters[0], {
str: points,
yield bc.sendTransaction(tx);
const characterAfter = (yield bc.getCharacter(player.characters[0]));
if (characterBefore.injuryLevel !== 0) {
expect(characterBefore.startsStat[0] + points).toBe(characterAfter.startsStat[0]);
expect(characterBefore.str + points).toBe(characterAfter.str);
test("Scouting & raid", () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
// for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
const player = (yield bc.getPlayerAccount());
const characterBefore = (yield bc.getCharacter(player.characters[0]));
let tx1 = yield bc.scoutDungeonWithoutSending(types_1.DifficultyEnum.Hard, player.characters[0]);
expect(typeof tx1).not.toBe("number");
yield bc.sendTransaction(tx1[0]);
let initDungeon = yield bc.getDungeon(tx1[1]);
initDungeon = initDungeon;
let consumables = (yield bc.getConsumables())[1];
let potion = [];
let p = new anchor_1.BN();
for (let m of consumables.consumables) {
if (m.amount.gtn(0) &&
((0, types_1.enumEq)(m.typ, types_1.PotionEnum.LesserHealingPotion) ||
(0, types_1.enumEq)(m.typ, types_1.PotionEnum.CommonHealingPotion) ||
(0, types_1.enumEq)(m.typ, types_1.PotionEnum.FinestHealingPotion) ||
(0, types_1.enumEq)(m.typ, types_1.PotionEnum.GreatHealingPotion) ||
(0, types_1.enumEq)(m.typ, types_1.PotionEnum.MinorHealingPotion) ||
(0, types_1.enumEq)(m.typ, types_1.PotionEnum.SeekersStone) ||
(0, types_1.enumEq)(m.typ, types_1.PotionEnum.PhilosophianStoneReplica))) {
p = m.amount;
let tx = yield[1], player.characters[0], potion);
expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");
let sign = yield bc.sendTransaction(tx);
expect(typeof sign).toBe("string");
sign = sign;
let battleLog = yield bc.getBattleLog(sign);
expect(typeof battleLog).not.toBe("number");
battleLog = battleLog;
if (battleLog.complete != 100) {
let dungeon = yield bc.getDungeon(tx1[1]);
dungeon = dungeon;
else {
const characterAfter = (yield bc.getCharacter(player.characters[0]));
if (potion[0] !== undefined && battleLog.consumables.length == 0) {
let con = yield bc.getConsumables();
con = con;
for (let pot of potion) {
test("Lock consumable", () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let consumables = (yield bc.getConsumables())[1];
for (let m of consumables.consumables) {
if (m.amount.gtn(0)) {
let tx = yield bc.lockConsumable(100, 1, m.typ);
expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");
yield bc.sendTransaction(tx[0]);
let lot = yield bc.getConsumableLot(tx[1]);
lot = lot;
expect((0, types_1.enumEq)(lot.typ, m.typ)).toBe(true);
expect(lot.price.toNumber()).toBe(100 * Math.pow(10, 9));
let tx1 = yield bc.unlockConsumable(tx[1]);
expect(typeof tx).not.toBe("number");
yield bc.sendTransaction(tx1);
lot = yield bc.getConsumableLot(tx[1]);
test("Lock weapon", () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let weapons = (yield bc.getWeaponsList());
for (let w of weapons) {
if ((0, types_1.enumEq)(w[1].status, types_1.StatusEnum.Free)) {
let tx = yield bc.lockWeapon(w[0], 0.4);
yield bc.sendTransaction(tx);
let weapon = yield bc.getWeapon(w[0]);
weapon = weapon;
expect(weapon.price.toNumber()).toBe(0.4 * Math.pow(10, 9));
tx = yield bc.changeWeaponLot(w[0], 0.5);
yield bc.sendTransaction(tx);
weapon = yield bc.getWeapon(w[0]);
weapon = weapon;
expect(weapon.price.toNumber()).toBe(0.5 * Math.pow(10, 9));
let keypair = new web3_js_1.Keypair();
let wallet = new nodewallet_1.default(keypair);
let connection = new anchor_1.web3.Connection(constants_2.cluster, "finalized");
let sign = yield connection.requestAirdrop(keypair.publicKey, 1 * anchor_1.web3.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL);
yield connection.confirmTransaction(sign);
let bcBuyer = new src_1.BC(constants_2.cluster, constants_2.KEY, true, wallet);
yield bcBuyer.createPlayerAccount();
let startSol = yield connection.getBalance(keypair.publicKey, "finalized");
let buyTx = yield bcBuyer.buyWeapon(w[0]);
yield bcBuyer.sendTransaction(buyTx);
let buyWeapons = yield bcBuyer.getWeaponsList();
buyWeapons = buyWeapons;
expect(startSol - 0.5 * Math.pow(10, 9) - 5000).toBe(yield connection.getBalance(keypair.publicKey, "finalized"));
let soldWeapon = (yield bcBuyer.getWeapon(w[0]));
expect((0, types_1.enumEq)(soldWeapon.status, types_1.StatusEnum.Free)).toBe(true);
expect(soldWeapon.playerAccount.toString()).toBe((yield bc.getPlayerAccountPublicKey(keypair.publicKey)).toString());
"name": "4irelabs-blackchain-smart-contract",
"version": "0.0.52",
"version": "0.0.53",
"description": "Integration with Solana API",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "author": "",

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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