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@1000ch/eslint-config - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.0 to 0.2.0



@@ -48,17 +48,228 @@ 'use strict';

// ++++++++++++++++++++
'accessor-pairs' : 'off', // Enforces getter/setter pairs in objects
'array-callback-return' : 'error', // Enforces return statements in callbacks of array’s methods
'block-scoped-var' : 'error', // Treat var as Block Scoped
'complexity' : 'off', // Limit Cyclomatic Complexity
'consistent-return' : 'error', // Require Consistent Returns
'curly' : 'error', // Require Following Curly Brace Conventions
'default-case' : 'error', // Require Default Case in Switch Statements
'dot-location' : ['error', 'property'], // Enforce newline before and after dot
'dot-notation' : 'error', // Require Dot Notation
'eqeqeq' : 'error', // Require === and !==
'guard-for-in' : 'off', // Require Guarding for-in
'no-alert' : 'off', // Disallow Use of Alert
'no-caller' : 'error', // Disallow Use of caller/callee
'no-case-declarations' : 'off', // Disallow lexical declarations in case/default clauses
'no-div-regex' : 'error', // Disallow Regexs That Look Like Division
'no-else-return' : 'off', // Disallow return before else
'no-empty-function' : 'error', // Disallow empty functions
'no-empty-pattern' : 'error', // Disallow empty destructuring patterns
'no-eq-null' : 'error', // Disallow Null Comparisons
'no-eval' : 'error', // Disallow eval()
'no-extend-native' : 'warn', // Disallow Extending of Native Objects
'no-extra-bind' : 'error', // Disallow unnecessary function binding
'no-extra-label' : 'error', // Disallow Unnecessary Labels
'no-fallthrough' : 'error', // Disallow Case Statement Fallthrough
'no-floating-decimal' : 'error', // Disallow Floating Decimals
'no-implicit-coercion' : 'error', // Disallow the type conversion with shorter notations
'no-implicit-globals' : 'off', // Disallow var and Named Functions in Global Scope
'no-implied-eval' : 'error', // Disallow Implied eval()
'no-invalid-this' : 'error', // Disallow this keywords outside of classes or class-like objects
'no-iterator' : 'error', // Disallow Iterator
'no-labels' : 'error', // Disallow Labeled Statements
'no-lone-blocks' : 'error', // Disallow Unnecessary Nested Blocks
'no-loop-func' : 'error', // Disallow Functions in Loops
'no-magic-numbers' : 'off', // Disallow Magic Numbers
'no-multi-spaces' : 'error', // Disallow multiple spaces
'no-multi-str' : 'error', // Disallow Multiline Strings
'no-native-reassign' : 'error', // Disallow Reassignment of Native Objects
'no-new' : 'off', // Disallow new For Side Effects
'no-new-func' : 'error', // Disallow Function Constructor
'no-new-wrappers' : 'error', // Disallow Primitive Wrapper Instances
'no-octal' : 'error', // Disallow Octal Literals
'no-octal-escape' : 'error', // Disallow Octal Escapes
'no-param-reassign' : 'off', // Disallow Reassignment of Function Parameters
'no-proto' : 'error', // Disallow Use of __proto__
'no-redeclare' : 'error', // Disallow Redeclaring Variables
'no-return-assign' : 'error', // Disallow Assignment in return Statement
'no-script-url' : 'error', // Disallow Script URLs
'no-self-assign' : 'error', // Disallow Self Assignment
'no-self-compare' : 'error', // Disallow Self Compare
'no-sequences' : 'error', // Disallow Use of the Comma Operator
'no-throw-literal' : 'error', // Restrict what can be thrown as an exception
'no-unmodified-loop-condition' : 'off', // Disallow unmodified conditions of loops
'no-unused-expressions' : 'error', // Disallow Unused Expressions
'no-unused-labels' : 'error', // Disallow Unused Labels
'no-useless-call' : 'error', // Disallow unnecessary .call() and .apply()
'no-useless-concat' : 'error', // Disallow unnecessary concatenation of strings
'no-useless-escape' : 'error', // Disallow unnecessary escape usage
'no-void' : 'off', // Disallow use of the void operator
'no-warning-comments' : 'off', // Disallow Warning Comments
'no-with' : 'error', // No with Statements
'radix' : 'error', // Require Radix Parameter
'vars-on-top' : 'off', // Require Variable Declarations to be at the top of their scope
'wrap-iife' : ['error', 'any'], // Require IIFEs to be Wrapped
'yoda' : 'off', // Require or disallow Yoda Conditions
// ++++++++++++++++++++
// Strict Mode
// ++++++++++++++++++++
'strict' : ['error', 'safe'], // Strict Mode Directives
// ++++++++++++++++++++
// Variables
// ++++++++++++++++++++
'init-declarations' : 'off', // Enforce/Disallow Variable Initializations
'no-catch-shadow' : 'off', // Disallow Shadowing of Variables Inside of catch
'no-delete-var' : 'error', // Disallow Variables Deletion
'no-label-vars' : 'error', // Disallow Labels That Are Variables Names
'no-restricted-globals' : 'off', // Disallow specific global variables
'no-shadow' : 'error', // Disallow Shadowing
'no-shadow-restricted-names' : 'error', // Disallow Shadowing of Restricted Names
'no-undef' : 'error', // Disallow Undeclared Variables
'no-undef-init' : 'off', // Disallow Initializing to undefined
'no-undefined' : 'off', // Disallow Use of undefined Variable
'no-unused-vars' : 'error', // Disallow Unused Variables
'no-use-before-define' : 'error', // Disallow Early Use
// ++++++++++++++++++++
// Node.js and CommonJS
// ++++++++++++++++++++
'callback-return' : 'error', // Enforce Return After Callback
'global-require' : 'off', // Enforce require() on the top-level module scope
'handle-callback-err' : 'off', // Enforce Callback Error Handling
'no-mixed-requires' : 'error', // Disallow Mixed Requires
'no-new-require' : 'error', // Disallow new require
'no-path-concat' : 'off', // Disallow string concatenation when using
'no-process-env' : 'off', // Disallow process.env
'no-process-exit' : 'off', // Disallow process.exit()
'no-restricted-modules' : 'off', // Disallow Node.js modules
'no-sync' : 'off', // Disallow Synchronous Methods
// ++++++++++++++++++++
// Stylistic Issues
// ++++++++++++++++++++
'array-bracket-spacing' : ['error', 'never'], // Enforce spacing inside array brackets
'block-spacing' : ['error', 'always'], // Disallow or enforce spaces inside of single line blocks
'brace-style' : ['error', '1tbs', {
allowSingleLine : true
}], // Enforce one true brace style
'camelcase' : ['error', {
properties : 'always'
}], // Require camel case names
'comma-spacing' : ['error', {
before : false,
after : true
}], // Enforce spacing before and after comma
'comma-style' : ['error', 'first'], // Enforce one true comma style
'computed-property-spacing' : ['error', 'never'], // Require or disallow padding inside computed properties
'consistent-this' : 'off', // Enforce consistent naming when capturing the current execution context
'eol-last' : 'off', // Enforce newline at the end of file, with no multiple empty lines
'func-names' : 'off', // Require function expressions to have a name
'func-style' : 'off', // Enforce use of function declarations or expressions
'id-blacklist' : 'off', // Disallow certain identifiers to prevent them being used
'id-length' : 'off', // Enforce minimum and maximum identifier lengths (variable names, property names etc.)
'id-match' : 'off', // Require identifiers to match the provided regular expression
'indent' : ['error', 2], // Specify tab or space width for your code
'jsx-quotes' : ['error', 'prefer-double'], // Specify whether double or single quotes should be used in JSX attributes
'key-spacing' : ['error', {
beforeColon : true,
afterColon : true,
align : 'colon'
}], // Enforce spacing between keys and values in object literal properties
'keyword-spacing' : 'error', // Enforce spacing before and after keywords
'linebreak-style' : ['error', 'unix'], // Enforce linebreak style
'lines-around-comment' : ['error', {
beforeBlockComment : true,
beforeLineComment : true
}], // Enforce empty lines around comments
'max-depth' : 'off', // Specify the maximum depth that blocks can be nested
'max-len' : ['error', 200, 4], // Specify the maximum length of a line in your program
'max-nested-callbacks' : 'off', // Specify the maximum depth callbacks can be nested
'max-params' : 'off', // Specify the number of parameters that can be used in the function declaration
'max-statements' : 'off', // Specify the maximum number of statement allowed in a function
'max-statements-per-line' : 'off', // Specify the maximum number of statements allowed per line
'new-cap' : 'error', // Require a capital letter for constructors
'new-parens' : 'error', // Disallow the omission of parentheses when invoking a constructor with no arguments
'newline-after-var' : 'off', // Require or disallow an empty newline after variable declarations
'newline-before-return' : 'off', // Require newline before return statement
'newline-per-chained-call' : 'off', // Enforce newline after each call when chaining the calls
'no-array-constructor' : 'error', // Disallow use of the Array constructor
'no-bitwise' : 'off', // Disallow use of bitwise operators
'no-continue' : 'off', // Disallow use of the continue statement
'no-inline-comments' : 'off', // Disallow comments inline after code
'no-lonely-if' : 'off', // Disallow if as the only statement in an else block
'no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs' : 'error', // Disallow mixed spaces and tabs for indentation
'no-multiple-empty-lines' : 'error', // Disallow multiple empty lines
'no-negated-condition' : 'off', // Disallow negated conditions
'no-nested-ternary' : 'error', // Disallow nested ternary expressions
'no-new-object' : 'error', // Disallow the use of the Object constructor
'no-plusplus' : 'off', // Disallow use of unary operators, ++ and --
'no-restricted-syntax' : 'off', // Disallow use of certain syntax in code
'no-spaced-func' : 'error', // Disallow space between function identifier and application
'no-ternary' : 'off', // Disallow the use of ternary operators
'no-trailing-spaces' : 'error', // Disallow trailing whitespace at the end of lines
'no-underscore-dangle' : 'off', // Disallow dangling underscores in identifiers
'no-unneeded-ternary' : 'off', // Disallow the use of ternary operators when a simpler alternative exists
'no-whitespace-before-property' : 'error', // Disallow whitespace before properties
'object-curly-spacing' : ['error', 'always'], // Require or disallow padding inside curly braces
'one-var' : ['error', {
var : 'never', // Exactly one var declaration per function
let : 'never', // Exactly one let declaration per block
const : 'never' // Exactly one declarator per const declaration per block
}], // Require or disallow one variable declaration per function
'one-var-declaration-per-line' : 'off', // Require or disallow an newline around variable declarations
'operator-assignment' : 'off', // Require assignment operator shorthand where possible or prohibit it entirely
'operator-linebreak' : ['error', 'after'], // Enforce operators to be placed before or after line breaks
'padded-blocks' : ['error', 'never'], // Enforce padding within blocks
'quote-props' : ['error', 'always'], // Require quotes around object literal property names
'quotes' : ['error', 'single', 'avoid-escape'], // Specify whether backticks, double or single quotes should be used
'require-jsdoc' : 'off', // Require JSDoc comment
'semi' : ['error', 'always'], // Require or disallow use of semicolons instead of ASI
'semi-spacing' : ['error', {
before : false,
after : true
}], // Enforce spacing before and after semicolons
'sort-imports' : 'off', // Enforce sorting import declarations within module
'sort-vars' : 'off', // Enforce sorting variables within the same declaration block
'space-before-blocks' : ['error', 'always'], // Require or disallow a space before blocks
'space-before-function-paren' : ['error', 'never'], // Require or disallow a space before function opening parenthesis
'space-in-parens' : ['error', 'never'], // Require or disallow spaces inside parentheses
'space-infix-ops' : 'error', // Require spaces around operators
'space-unary-ops' : 'error', // Require or disallow spaces before/after unary operators
'spaced-comment' : ['error', 'always'], // Require or disallow a space immediately following the // or /* in a comment
'wrap-regex' : 'off', // Require regex literals to be wrapped in parentheses
// ++++++++++++++++++++
// ECMAScript 6
// ++++++++++++++++++++
'arrow-body-style' : 'off', // Require braces in arrow function body
'arrow-parens' : 'off', // Require parens in arrow function arguments
'arrow-spacing' : ['error', {
before : true,
after : true
}], // Require space before/after arrow function’s arrow
'constructor-super' : 'off', // Verify calls of super() in constructors
'generator-star-spacing' : ['error', {
before : false,
after : true
}], // Enforce spacing around the * in generator functions
'no-class-assign' : 'error', // Disallow modifying variables of class declarations
'no-confusing-arrow' : 'off', // Disallow arrow functions where they could be confused with comparisons
'no-const-assign' : 'error', // Disallow modifying variables that are declared using const
'no-dupe-class-members' : 'error', // Disallow duplicate name in class members
'no-duplicate-imports' : 'error', // Disallow duplicate imports
'no-new-symbol' : 'error', // Disallow Symbol Constructor
'no-restricted-imports' : 'off', // Disallow specific imports
'no-this-before-super' : 'error', // Disallow use of this/super before calling super() in constructors
'no-useless-constructor' : 'error', // Disallow unnecessary constructor
'no-var' : 'off', // require let or const instead of var
'object-shorthand' : 'off', // Require Object Literal Shorthand Syntax
'prefer-arrow-callback' : 'off', // Suggest using arrow functions as callbacks
'prefer-const' : 'error', // Suggest using const
'prefer-reflect' : 'error', // Suggest using Reflect methods where applicable
'prefer-rest-params' : 'error', // Suggest using the rest parameters instead of arguments
'prefer-spreads' : 'error', // Suggest using the spread operator instead of .apply()
'prefer-template' : 'error', // Suggest using template literals instead of string concatenation
'require-yield' : 'error', // Disallow generator functions that do not have yield
'template-curly-spacing' : 'error', // Enforce Usage of Spacing in Template Strings
'yield-star-spacing' : ['error', {
before : false,
after : true
}] // Enforce spacing around the * in yield* expressions
// ++++++++++++++++++++

@@ -65,0 +276,0 @@ // Removed


"name": "@1000ch/eslint-config",
"version": "0.1.0",
"version": "0.2.0",
"description": "ESLint config",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

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