1.0.0-beta.0 - green-zebra (2017-04-09)
Please read the BREAKING CHANGES below!
The project and NPM package name changes:
Old name: angular2-google-maps New NPM pkg name: @agm/core
To have a consistent naming pattern, we also change the component/directive names:
| Old class name / old selector | New class name / new selector | |-------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| | SebmGoogleMap / sebm-google-map | AgmMap / agm-map | | SebmGoogleMapCircle / sebm-google-map-circle | AgmCircle / agm-circle | | SebmGoogleMapInfoWindow / sebm-google-map-info-window | AgmInfoWindow / agm-info-window | | SebmGoogleMapKmlLayer / sebm-google-map-kml-layer | AgmKmlLayer / agm-kml-layer | | SebmGoogleMapMarker / sebm-google-map-marker | AgmMarker / agm-marker | | SebmGoogleMapPolygon / sebm-map-polygon | AgmPolygon / agm-polygon | | SebmGoogleMapPolyline / sebm-google-map-polyline | AgmPolyline / agm-polyline | | SebmGoogleMapPolylinePoint / sebm-google-map-polyline-point | AgmPolylinePoint / agm-polyline-point |
You can simply migrate by search/replace these class/selector names.
The package structure also changes. The root directory now contains esm code (ES5 code with ES2015 modules).
A CommonJS compatible format and TS are not part of the package any more! This change aligns with structure of the @angular packages.
The styling of the maps is now more intuitive.
To style the map, please use the agm-map
element (or a custom class or
ID) directly.
The .sebm-google-map-container
css class is deprecated and will be
gone with the next version.
is now called
. .sebm-google-map-container-inner
depcrecated and will be gone with the next version.
<a name="0.17.0"></a>