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@algolia/client-abtesting - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 5.0.0-alpha.111 to 5.0.0-alpha.112




@@ -452,6 +452,3 @@ function createAuth(appId, apiKey, authMode = 'WithinHeaders') {

let responseTimeout = requestOptions.timeout;
if (responseTimeout === undefined) {
responseTimeout = isRead ? : timeouts.write;
let responseTimeout = isRead ? requestOptions.timeouts?.read || : requestOptions.timeouts?.write || timeouts.write;
const payload = {

@@ -462,3 +459,3 @@ data,

url: serializeUrl(host, request.path, queryParameters),
connectTimeout: getTimeout(timeoutsCount, timeouts.connect),
connectTimeout: getTimeout(timeoutsCount, requestOptions.timeouts?.connect || timeouts.connect),
responseTimeout: getTimeout(timeoutsCount, responseTimeout)

@@ -691,3 +688,3 @@ };

// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (, manual changes will be lost - read more on DO NOT EDIT.
const apiClientVersion = '5.0.0-alpha.111';
const apiClientVersion = '5.0.0-alpha.112';
const REGIONS = ['de', 'us'];

@@ -752,3 +749,3 @@ function getDefaultHosts(region) {

* Creates an A/B test.
* Creates a new A/B test.

@@ -883,3 +880,3 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* Delete an A/B test. To determine the `id` for an A/B test, use the [`listABTests` operation](#tag/abtest/operation/listABTests).
* Deletes an A/B test by its ID.

@@ -890,3 +887,3 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* @param deleteABTest - The deleteABTest object.
* @param - Unique A/B test ID.
* @param - Unique A/B test identifier.
* @param requestOptions - The requestOptions to send along with the query, they will be merged with the transporter requestOptions.

@@ -910,3 +907,3 @@ */

* Get specific details for an A/B test. To determine the `id` for an A/B test, use the [`listABTests` operation](#tag/abtest/operation/listABTests).
* Retrieves the details for an A/B test by its ID.

@@ -917,3 +914,3 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* @param getABTest - The getABTest object.
* @param - Unique A/B test ID.
* @param - Unique A/B test identifier.
* @param requestOptions - The requestOptions to send along with the query, they will be merged with the transporter requestOptions.

@@ -937,3 +934,3 @@ */

* List all A/B tests.
* Lists all A/B tests you configured for this application.

@@ -946,4 +943,4 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* @param listABTests.limit - Number of items to return.
* @param listABTests.indexPrefix - Only return A/B tests for indices starting with this prefix.
* @param listABTests.indexSuffix - Only return A/B tests for indices ending with this suffix.
* @param listABTests.indexPrefix - Index name prefix. Only A/B tests for indices starting with this string are included in the response.
* @param listABTests.indexSuffix - Index name suffix. Only A/B tests for indices ending with this string are included in the response.
* @param requestOptions - The requestOptions to send along with the query, they will be merged with the transporter requestOptions.

@@ -976,3 +973,3 @@ */

* If stopped, the test is over and can\'t be restarted. There is now only one index, receiving 100% of all search requests. The data gathered for stopped A/B tests is retained. To determine the `id` for an A/B test, use the [`listABTests` operation](#tag/abtest/operation/listABTests).
* Stops an A/B test by its ID. You can\'t restart stopped A/B tests.

@@ -983,3 +980,3 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* @param stopABTest - The stopABTest object.
* @param - Unique A/B test ID.
* @param - Unique A/B test identifier.
* @param requestOptions - The requestOptions to send along with the query, they will be merged with the transporter requestOptions.

@@ -986,0 +983,0 @@ */

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ import { createAuth, createTransporter, getAlgoliaAgent, DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_NODE, DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_NODE, DEFAULT_WRITE_TIMEOUT_NODE, createNullCache, createMemoryCache } from '@algolia/client-common';

// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (, manual changes will be lost - read more on DO NOT EDIT.
const apiClientVersion = '5.0.0-alpha.111';
const apiClientVersion = '5.0.0-alpha.112';
const REGIONS = ['de', 'us'];

@@ -66,3 +66,3 @@ function getDefaultHosts(region) {

* Creates an A/B test.
* Creates a new A/B test.

@@ -197,3 +197,3 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* Delete an A/B test. To determine the `id` for an A/B test, use the [`listABTests` operation](#tag/abtest/operation/listABTests).
* Deletes an A/B test by its ID.

@@ -204,3 +204,3 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* @param deleteABTest - The deleteABTest object.
* @param - Unique A/B test ID.
* @param - Unique A/B test identifier.
* @param requestOptions - The requestOptions to send along with the query, they will be merged with the transporter requestOptions.

@@ -224,3 +224,3 @@ */

* Get specific details for an A/B test. To determine the `id` for an A/B test, use the [`listABTests` operation](#tag/abtest/operation/listABTests).
* Retrieves the details for an A/B test by its ID.

@@ -231,3 +231,3 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* @param getABTest - The getABTest object.
* @param - Unique A/B test ID.
* @param - Unique A/B test identifier.
* @param requestOptions - The requestOptions to send along with the query, they will be merged with the transporter requestOptions.

@@ -251,3 +251,3 @@ */

* List all A/B tests.
* Lists all A/B tests you configured for this application.

@@ -260,4 +260,4 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* @param listABTests.limit - Number of items to return.
* @param listABTests.indexPrefix - Only return A/B tests for indices starting with this prefix.
* @param listABTests.indexSuffix - Only return A/B tests for indices ending with this suffix.
* @param listABTests.indexPrefix - Index name prefix. Only A/B tests for indices starting with this string are included in the response.
* @param listABTests.indexSuffix - Index name suffix. Only A/B tests for indices ending with this string are included in the response.
* @param requestOptions - The requestOptions to send along with the query, they will be merged with the transporter requestOptions.

@@ -290,3 +290,3 @@ */

* If stopped, the test is over and can\'t be restarted. There is now only one index, receiving 100% of all search requests. The data gathered for stopped A/B tests is retained. To determine the `id` for an A/B test, use the [`listABTests` operation](#tag/abtest/operation/listABTests).
* Stops an A/B test by its ID. You can\'t restart stopped A/B tests.

@@ -297,3 +297,3 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* @param stopABTest - The stopABTest object.
* @param - Unique A/B test ID.
* @param - Unique A/B test identifier.
* @param requestOptions - The requestOptions to send along with the query, they will be merged with the transporter requestOptions.

@@ -300,0 +300,0 @@ */

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

/*! client-abtesting.umd.js | 5.0.0-alpha.111 | © Algolia, inc. | */
!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?t(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],t):t((e="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:e||self)["@algolia/client-abtesting"]={})}(this,(function(e){"use strict";function t(e){let t;const r=`algolia-client-js-${e.key}`;function s(){return void 0===t&&(t=e.localStorage||window.localStorage),t}function a(){return JSON.parse(s().getItem(r)||"{}")}function o(e){s().setItem(r,JSON.stringify(e))}return{get:(t,r,s={miss:()=>Promise.resolve()})=>Promise.resolve().then((()=>(function(){const t=e.timeToLive?1e3*e.timeToLive:null,r=a(),s=Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(r).filter((([,e])=>void 0!==e.timestamp)));if(o(s),!t)return;o(Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(s).filter((([,e])=>{const r=(new Date).getTime();return!(e.timestamp+t<r)}))))}(),a()[JSON.stringify(t)]))).then((e=>Promise.all([e?e.value:r(),void 0!==e]))).then((([e,t])=>Promise.all([e,t||s.miss(e)]))).then((([e])=>e)),set:(e,t)=>Promise.resolve().then((()=>{const o=a();return o[JSON.stringify(e)]={timestamp:(new Date).getTime(),value:t},s().setItem(r,JSON.stringify(o)),t})),delete:e=>Promise.resolve().then((()=>{const t=a();delete t[JSON.stringify(e)],s().setItem(r,JSON.stringify(t))})),clear:()=>Promise.resolve().then((()=>{s().removeItem(r)}))}}function r(e){const t=[...e.caches],s=t.shift();return void 0===s?{get:(e,t,r={miss:()=>Promise.resolve()})=>t().then((e=>Promise.all([e,r.miss(e)]))).then((([e])=>e)),set:(e,t)=>Promise.resolve(t),delete:e=>Promise.resolve(),clear:()=>Promise.resolve()}:{get:(e,a,o={miss:()=>Promise.resolve()})=>s.get(e,a,o).catch((()=>r({caches:t}).get(e,a,o))),set:(e,a)=>s.set(e,a).catch((()=>r({caches:t}).set(e,a))),delete:e=>s.delete(e).catch((()=>r({caches:t}).delete(e))),clear:()=>s.clear().catch((()=>r({caches:t}).clear()))}}function s(e={serializable:!0}){let t={};return{get(r,s,a={miss:()=>Promise.resolve()}){const o=JSON.stringify(r);if(o in t)return Promise.resolve(e.serializable?JSON.parse(t[o]):t[o]);const n=s();return n.then((e=>a.miss(e))).then((()=>n))},set:(r,s)=>(t[JSON.stringify(r)]=e.serializable?JSON.stringify(s):s,Promise.resolve(s)),delete:e=>(delete t[JSON.stringify(e)],Promise.resolve()),clear:()=>(t={},Promise.resolve())}}const a=12e4;function o(e,t="up"){const;return{...e,status:t,lastUpdate:r,isUp:function(){return"up"===t||>a},isTimedOut:function(){return"timed out"===t&&<=a}}}function n(e){var t=function(e,t){if("object"!=typeof e||!e)return e;var r=e[Symbol.toPrimitive];if(void 0!==r){var,t||"default");if("object"!=typeof s)return s;throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")}return("string"===t?String:Number)(e)}(e,"string");return"symbol"==typeof t?t:t+""}function i(e,t,r){return(t=n(t))in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:r,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=r,e}class c extends Error{constructor(e,t){super(e),i(this,"name","AlgoliaError"),t&&(}}class u extends c{constructor(e,t,r){super(e,r),i(this,"stackTrace",void 0),this.stackTrace=t}}class l extends u{constructor(e){super("Unreachable hosts - your application id may be incorrect. If the error persists, please create a ticket at sharing steps we can use to reproduce the issue.",e,"RetryError")}}class d extends u{constructor(e,t,r,s="ApiError"){super(e,r,s),i(this,"status",void 0),this.status=t}}class m extends c{constructor(e,t){super(e,"DeserializationError"),i(this,"response",void 0),this.response=t}}class h extends d{constructor(e,t,r,s){super(e,t,s,"DetailedApiError"),i(this,"error",void 0),this.error=r}}function p(e,t,r){const s=function(e){const t=e=>"[object Object]"||"[object Array]";return Object.keys(e).map((r=>`${r}=${encodeURIComponent(t(e[r])?JSON.stringify(e[r]):e[r]).replaceAll("+","%20")}`)).join("&")}(r);let a=`${e.protocol}://${e.url}${e.port?`:${e.port}`:""}/${"/"===t.charAt(0)?t.substring(1):t}`;return s.length&&(a+=`?${s}`),a}function f(e){const t=e.request.headers["x-algolia-api-key"]?{"x-algolia-api-key":"*****"}:{};return{...e,request:{...e.request,headers:{...e.request.headers,...t}}}}function g({hosts:e,hostsCache:t,baseHeaders:r,baseQueryParameters:s,algoliaAgent:a,timeouts:n,requester:i,requestsCache:c,responsesCache:u}){async function g(c,u,g=!0){const y=[],P=function(e,t){if("GET"===e.method||void;const r=Array.isArray({,};return JSON.stringify(r)}(c,u),w=function(e,t,r){const s={Accept:"application/json",...e,...t,...r},a={};return Object.keys(s).forEach((e=>{const t=s[e];a[e.toLowerCase()]=t})),a}(r,c.headers,u.headers),v="GET"===c.method?{,}:{},T={...s,...c.queryParameters,...v};if(a.value&&(T["x-algolia-agent"]=a.value),u&&u.queryParameters)for(const e of Object.keys(u.queryParameters))u.queryParameters[e]&&"[object Object]"![e])?T[e]=u.queryParameters[e].toString():T[e]=u.queryParameters[e];let q=0;const b=async(e,r)=>{const s=e.pop();if(void 0===s)throw new l(function(e){return>f(e)))}(y));let a=u.timeout;void 0===a&&(a=g?;const v={data:P,headers:w,method:c.method,url:p(s,c.path,T),connectTimeout:r(q,n.connect),responseTimeout:r(q,a)},O=t=>{const r={request:v,response:t,host:s,triesLeft:e.length};return y.push(r),r},A=await i.send(v);if(function({isTimedOut:e,status:t}){return e||function({isTimedOut:e,status:t}){return!e&&!~~t}({isTimedOut:e,status:t})||2!=~~(t/100)&&4!=~~(t/100)}(A)){const a=O(A);return A.isTimedOut&&q++,console.log("Retryable failure",f(a)),await t.set(s,o(s,A.isTimedOut?"timed out":"down")),b(e,r)}if(function({status:e}){return 2==~~(e/100)}(A))return function(e){try{return JSON.parse(e.content)}catch(t){throw new m(t.message,e)}}(A);throw O(A),function({content:e,status:t},r){try{const s=JSON.parse(e);return"error"in s?new h(s.message,t,s.error,r):new d(s.message,t,r)}catch(e){}return new d(e,t,r)}(A,y)},O=e.filter((e=>"readWrite"===e.accept||(g?"read"===e.accept:"write"===e.accept))),A=await async function(e){const r=await Promise.all(>t.get(e,(()=>Promise.resolve(o(e))))))),s=r.filter((e=>e.isUp())),a=r.filter((e=>e.isTimedOut())),n=[...s,...a];return{hosts:n.length>0?n:e,getTimeout:(e,t)=>(0===a.length&&0===e?1:a.length+3+e)*t}}(O);return b([...A.hosts].reverse(),A.getTimeout)}return{hostsCache:t,requester:i,timeouts:n,algoliaAgent:a,baseHeaders:r,baseQueryParameters:s,hosts:e,request:function(e,t={}){const a=e.useReadTransporter||"GET"===e.method;if(!a)return g(e,t,a);const o=()=>g(e,t);if(!0!==(t.cacheable||e.cacheable))return o();const n={request:e,requestOptions:t,transporter:{queryParameters:s,headers:r}};return u.get(n,(()=>c.get(n,(()=>c.set(n,o()).then((e=>Promise.all([c.delete(n),e])),(e=>Promise.all([c.delete(n),Promise.reject(e)]))).then((([e,t])=>t))))),{miss:e=>u.set(n,e)})},requestsCache:c,responsesCache:u}}function y({algoliaAgents:e,client:t,version:r}){const s=function(e){const t={value:`Algolia for JavaScript (${e})`,add(e){const r=`; ${e.segment}${void 0!==e.version?` (${e.version})`:""}`;return-1===t.value.indexOf(r)&&(t.value=`${t.value}${r}`),t}};return t}(r).add({segment:t,version:r});return e.forEach((e=>s.add(e))),s}const P="5.0.0-alpha.111",w=["de","us"];e.abtestingClient=function(e,a,o,n){if(!e||"string"!=typeof e)throw new Error("`appId` is missing.");if(!a||"string"!=typeof a)throw new Error("`apiKey` is missing.");if(o&&("string"!=typeof o||!w.includes(o)))throw new Error(`\`region\` must be one of the following: ${w.join(", ")}`);return function({appId:e,apiKey:t,authMode:r,algoliaAgents:s,region:a,...o}){const n=function(e,t,r="WithinHeaders"){const s={"x-algolia-api-key":t,"x-algolia-application-id":e};return{headers:()=>"WithinHeaders"===r?s:{},queryParameters:()=>"WithinQueryParameters"===r?s:{}}}(e,t,r),i=g({hosts:(c=a,[{url:c?"analytics.{region}".replace("{region}",c):"",accept:"readWrite",protocol:"https"}]),...o,algoliaAgent:y({algoliaAgents:s,client:"Abtesting",version:P}),baseHeaders:{"content-type":"text/plain",...n.headers(),...o.baseHeaders},baseQueryParameters:{...n.queryParameters(),...o.baseQueryParameters}});var c;return{transporter:i,appId:e,clearCache:()=>Promise.all([i.requestsCache.clear(),i.responsesCache.clear()]).then((()=>{})),get _ua(){return i.algoliaAgent.value},addAlgoliaAgent(e,t){i.algoliaAgent.add({segment:e,version:t})},addABTests(e,t){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `addABTestsRequest` is required when calling `addABTests`.");if(! new Error("Parameter `` is required when calling `addABTests`.");if(!e.variants)throw new Error("Parameter `addABTestsRequest.variants` is required when calling `addABTests`.");if(!e.endAt)throw new Error("Parameter `addABTestsRequest.endAt` is required when calling `addABTests`.");const r={method:"POST",path:"/2/abtests",queryParameters:{},headers:{},data:e};return i.request(r,t)},customDelete({path:e,parameters:t},r){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `path` is required when calling `customDelete`.");const s={method:"DELETE",path:"/{path}".replace("{path}",e),queryParameters:t||{},headers:{}};return i.request(s,r)},customGet({path:e,parameters:t},r){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `path` is required when calling `customGet`.");const s={method:"GET",path:"/{path}".replace("{path}",e),queryParameters:t||{},headers:{}};return i.request(s,r)},customPost({path:e,parameters:t,body:r},s){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `path` is required when calling `customPost`.");const a={method:"POST",path:"/{path}".replace("{path}",e),queryParameters:t||{},headers:{},data:r||{}};return i.request(a,s)},customPut({path:e,parameters:t,body:r},s){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `path` is required when calling `customPut`.");const a={method:"PUT",path:"/{path}".replace("{path}",e),queryParameters:t||{},headers:{},data:r||{}};return i.request(a,s)},deleteABTest({id:e},t){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `id` is required when calling `deleteABTest`.");const r={method:"DELETE",path:"/2/abtests/{id}".replace("{id}",encodeURIComponent(e)),queryParameters:{},headers:{}};return i.request(r,t)},getABTest({id:e},t){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `id` is required when calling `getABTest`.");const r={method:"GET",path:"/2/abtests/{id}".replace("{id}",encodeURIComponent(e)),queryParameters:{},headers:{}};return i.request(r,t)},listABTests({offset:e,limit:t,indexPrefix:r,indexSuffix:s}={},a=void 0){const o={};void 0!==e&&(o.offset=e.toString()),void 0!==t&&(o.limit=t.toString()),void 0!==r&&(o.indexPrefix=r.toString()),void 0!==s&&(o.indexSuffix=s.toString());const n={method:"GET",path:"/2/abtests",queryParameters:o,headers:{}};return i.request(n,a)},stopABTest({id:e},t){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `id` is required when calling `stopABTest`.");const r={method:"POST",path:"/2/abtests/{id}/stop".replace("{id}",encodeURIComponent(e)),queryParameters:{},headers:{}};return i.request(r,t)}}}({appId:e,apiKey:a,region:o,timeouts:{connect:1e3,read:2e3,write:3e4},requester:{send:function(e){return new Promise((t=>{const r=new XMLHttpRequest;,e.url,!0),Object.keys(e.headers).forEach((t=>r.setRequestHeader(t,e.headers[t])));const s=(e,s)=>setTimeout((()=>{r.abort(),t({status:0,content:s,isTimedOut:!0})}),e),a=s(e.connectTimeout,"Connection timeout");let o;r.onreadystatechange=()=>{r.readyState>r.OPENED&&void 0===o&&(clearTimeout(a),o=s(e.responseTimeout,"Socket timeout"))},r.onerror=()=>{0===r.status&&(clearTimeout(a),clearTimeout(o),t({content:r.responseText||"Network request failed",status:r.status,isTimedOut:!1}))},r.onload=()=>{clearTimeout(a),clearTimeout(o),t({content:r.responseText,status:r.status,isTimedOut:!1})},r.send(}))}},algoliaAgents:[{segment:"Browser"}],authMode:"WithinQueryParameters",responsesCache:s(),requestsCache:s({serializable:!1}),hostsCache:r({caches:[t({key:`${P}-${e}`}),s()]}),...n})},e.apiClientVersion=P}));
/*! client-abtesting.umd.js | 5.0.0-alpha.112 | © Algolia, inc. | */
!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?t(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],t):t((e="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:e||self)["@algolia/client-abtesting"]={})}(this,(function(e){"use strict";function t(e){let t;const r=`algolia-client-js-${e.key}`;function s(){return void 0===t&&(t=e.localStorage||window.localStorage),t}function a(){return JSON.parse(s().getItem(r)||"{}")}function o(e){s().setItem(r,JSON.stringify(e))}return{get:(t,r,s={miss:()=>Promise.resolve()})=>Promise.resolve().then((()=>(function(){const t=e.timeToLive?1e3*e.timeToLive:null,r=a(),s=Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(r).filter((([,e])=>void 0!==e.timestamp)));if(o(s),!t)return;o(Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(s).filter((([,e])=>{const r=(new Date).getTime();return!(e.timestamp+t<r)}))))}(),a()[JSON.stringify(t)]))).then((e=>Promise.all([e?e.value:r(),void 0!==e]))).then((([e,t])=>Promise.all([e,t||s.miss(e)]))).then((([e])=>e)),set:(e,t)=>Promise.resolve().then((()=>{const o=a();return o[JSON.stringify(e)]={timestamp:(new Date).getTime(),value:t},s().setItem(r,JSON.stringify(o)),t})),delete:e=>Promise.resolve().then((()=>{const t=a();delete t[JSON.stringify(e)],s().setItem(r,JSON.stringify(t))})),clear:()=>Promise.resolve().then((()=>{s().removeItem(r)}))}}function r(e){const t=[...e.caches],s=t.shift();return void 0===s?{get:(e,t,r={miss:()=>Promise.resolve()})=>t().then((e=>Promise.all([e,r.miss(e)]))).then((([e])=>e)),set:(e,t)=>Promise.resolve(t),delete:e=>Promise.resolve(),clear:()=>Promise.resolve()}:{get:(e,a,o={miss:()=>Promise.resolve()})=>s.get(e,a,o).catch((()=>r({caches:t}).get(e,a,o))),set:(e,a)=>s.set(e,a).catch((()=>r({caches:t}).set(e,a))),delete:e=>s.delete(e).catch((()=>r({caches:t}).delete(e))),clear:()=>s.clear().catch((()=>r({caches:t}).clear()))}}function s(e={serializable:!0}){let t={};return{get(r,s,a={miss:()=>Promise.resolve()}){const o=JSON.stringify(r);if(o in t)return Promise.resolve(e.serializable?JSON.parse(t[o]):t[o]);const n=s();return n.then((e=>a.miss(e))).then((()=>n))},set:(r,s)=>(t[JSON.stringify(r)]=e.serializable?JSON.stringify(s):s,Promise.resolve(s)),delete:e=>(delete t[JSON.stringify(e)],Promise.resolve()),clear:()=>(t={},Promise.resolve())}}const a=12e4;function o(e,t="up"){const;return{...e,status:t,lastUpdate:r,isUp:function(){return"up"===t||>a},isTimedOut:function(){return"timed out"===t&&<=a}}}function n(e){var t=function(e,t){if("object"!=typeof e||!e)return e;var r=e[Symbol.toPrimitive];if(void 0!==r){var,t||"default");if("object"!=typeof s)return s;throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")}return("string"===t?String:Number)(e)}(e,"string");return"symbol"==typeof t?t:t+""}function i(e,t,r){return(t=n(t))in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:r,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=r,e}class c extends Error{constructor(e,t){super(e),i(this,"name","AlgoliaError"),t&&(}}class u extends c{constructor(e,t,r){super(e,r),i(this,"stackTrace",void 0),this.stackTrace=t}}class l extends u{constructor(e){super("Unreachable hosts - your application id may be incorrect. If the error persists, please create a ticket at sharing steps we can use to reproduce the issue.",e,"RetryError")}}class d extends u{constructor(e,t,r,s="ApiError"){super(e,r,s),i(this,"status",void 0),this.status=t}}class m extends c{constructor(e,t){super(e,"DeserializationError"),i(this,"response",void 0),this.response=t}}class h extends d{constructor(e,t,r,s){super(e,t,s,"DetailedApiError"),i(this,"error",void 0),this.error=r}}function p(e,t,r){const s=function(e){const t=e=>"[object Object]"||"[object Array]";return Object.keys(e).map((r=>`${r}=${encodeURIComponent(t(e[r])?JSON.stringify(e[r]):e[r]).replaceAll("+","%20")}`)).join("&")}(r);let a=`${e.protocol}://${e.url}${e.port?`:${e.port}`:""}/${"/"===t.charAt(0)?t.substring(1):t}`;return s.length&&(a+=`?${s}`),a}function f(e){const t=e.request.headers["x-algolia-api-key"]?{"x-algolia-api-key":"*****"}:{};return{...e,request:{...e.request,headers:{...e.request.headers,...t}}}}function g({hosts:e,hostsCache:t,baseHeaders:r,baseQueryParameters:s,algoliaAgent:a,timeouts:n,requester:i,requestsCache:c,responsesCache:u}){async function g(c,u,g=!0){const y=[],P=function(e,t){if("GET"===e.method||void;const r=Array.isArray({,};return JSON.stringify(r)}(c,u),w=function(e,t,r){const s={Accept:"application/json",...e,...t,...r},a={};return Object.keys(s).forEach((e=>{const t=s[e];a[e.toLowerCase()]=t})),a}(r,c.headers,u.headers),v="GET"===c.method?{,}:{},T={...s,...c.queryParameters,...v};if(a.value&&(T["x-algolia-agent"]=a.value),u&&u.queryParameters)for(const e of Object.keys(u.queryParameters))u.queryParameters[e]&&"[object Object]"![e])?T[e]=u.queryParameters[e].toString():T[e]=u.queryParameters[e];let q=0;const b=async(e,r)=>{const s=e.pop();if(void 0===s)throw new l(function(e){return>f(e)))}(y));let a=g?u.timeouts?.read||||n.write;const v={data:P,headers:w,method:c.method,url:p(s,c.path,T),connectTimeout:r(q,u.timeouts?.connect||n.connect),responseTimeout:r(q,a)},O=t=>{const r={request:v,response:t,host:s,triesLeft:e.length};return y.push(r),r},A=await i.send(v);if(function({isTimedOut:e,status:t}){return e||function({isTimedOut:e,status:t}){return!e&&!~~t}({isTimedOut:e,status:t})||2!=~~(t/100)&&4!=~~(t/100)}(A)){const a=O(A);return A.isTimedOut&&q++,console.log("Retryable failure",f(a)),await t.set(s,o(s,A.isTimedOut?"timed out":"down")),b(e,r)}if(function({status:e}){return 2==~~(e/100)}(A))return function(e){try{return JSON.parse(e.content)}catch(t){throw new m(t.message,e)}}(A);throw O(A),function({content:e,status:t},r){try{const s=JSON.parse(e);return"error"in s?new h(s.message,t,s.error,r):new d(s.message,t,r)}catch(e){}return new d(e,t,r)}(A,y)},O=e.filter((e=>"readWrite"===e.accept||(g?"read"===e.accept:"write"===e.accept))),A=await async function(e){const r=await Promise.all(>t.get(e,(()=>Promise.resolve(o(e))))))),s=r.filter((e=>e.isUp())),a=r.filter((e=>e.isTimedOut())),n=[...s,...a];return{hosts:n.length>0?n:e,getTimeout:(e,t)=>(0===a.length&&0===e?1:a.length+3+e)*t}}(O);return b([...A.hosts].reverse(),A.getTimeout)}return{hostsCache:t,requester:i,timeouts:n,algoliaAgent:a,baseHeaders:r,baseQueryParameters:s,hosts:e,request:function(e,t={}){const a=e.useReadTransporter||"GET"===e.method;if(!a)return g(e,t,a);const o=()=>g(e,t);if(!0!==(t.cacheable||e.cacheable))return o();const n={request:e,requestOptions:t,transporter:{queryParameters:s,headers:r}};return u.get(n,(()=>c.get(n,(()=>c.set(n,o()).then((e=>Promise.all([c.delete(n),e])),(e=>Promise.all([c.delete(n),Promise.reject(e)]))).then((([e,t])=>t))))),{miss:e=>u.set(n,e)})},requestsCache:c,responsesCache:u}}function y({algoliaAgents:e,client:t,version:r}){const s=function(e){const t={value:`Algolia for JavaScript (${e})`,add(e){const r=`; ${e.segment}${void 0!==e.version?` (${e.version})`:""}`;return-1===t.value.indexOf(r)&&(t.value=`${t.value}${r}`),t}};return t}(r).add({segment:t,version:r});return e.forEach((e=>s.add(e))),s}const P="5.0.0-alpha.112",w=["de","us"];e.abtestingClient=function(e,a,o,n){if(!e||"string"!=typeof e)throw new Error("`appId` is missing.");if(!a||"string"!=typeof a)throw new Error("`apiKey` is missing.");if(o&&("string"!=typeof o||!w.includes(o)))throw new Error(`\`region\` must be one of the following: ${w.join(", ")}`);return function({appId:e,apiKey:t,authMode:r,algoliaAgents:s,region:a,...o}){const n=function(e,t,r="WithinHeaders"){const s={"x-algolia-api-key":t,"x-algolia-application-id":e};return{headers:()=>"WithinHeaders"===r?s:{},queryParameters:()=>"WithinQueryParameters"===r?s:{}}}(e,t,r),i=g({hosts:(c=a,[{url:c?"analytics.{region}".replace("{region}",c):"",accept:"readWrite",protocol:"https"}]),...o,algoliaAgent:y({algoliaAgents:s,client:"Abtesting",version:P}),baseHeaders:{"content-type":"text/plain",...n.headers(),...o.baseHeaders},baseQueryParameters:{...n.queryParameters(),...o.baseQueryParameters}});var c;return{transporter:i,appId:e,clearCache:()=>Promise.all([i.requestsCache.clear(),i.responsesCache.clear()]).then((()=>{})),get _ua(){return i.algoliaAgent.value},addAlgoliaAgent(e,t){i.algoliaAgent.add({segment:e,version:t})},addABTests(e,t){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `addABTestsRequest` is required when calling `addABTests`.");if(! new Error("Parameter `` is required when calling `addABTests`.");if(!e.variants)throw new Error("Parameter `addABTestsRequest.variants` is required when calling `addABTests`.");if(!e.endAt)throw new Error("Parameter `addABTestsRequest.endAt` is required when calling `addABTests`.");const r={method:"POST",path:"/2/abtests",queryParameters:{},headers:{},data:e};return i.request(r,t)},customDelete({path:e,parameters:t},r){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `path` is required when calling `customDelete`.");const s={method:"DELETE",path:"/{path}".replace("{path}",e),queryParameters:t||{},headers:{}};return i.request(s,r)},customGet({path:e,parameters:t},r){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `path` is required when calling `customGet`.");const s={method:"GET",path:"/{path}".replace("{path}",e),queryParameters:t||{},headers:{}};return i.request(s,r)},customPost({path:e,parameters:t,body:r},s){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `path` is required when calling `customPost`.");const a={method:"POST",path:"/{path}".replace("{path}",e),queryParameters:t||{},headers:{},data:r||{}};return i.request(a,s)},customPut({path:e,parameters:t,body:r},s){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `path` is required when calling `customPut`.");const a={method:"PUT",path:"/{path}".replace("{path}",e),queryParameters:t||{},headers:{},data:r||{}};return i.request(a,s)},deleteABTest({id:e},t){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `id` is required when calling `deleteABTest`.");const r={method:"DELETE",path:"/2/abtests/{id}".replace("{id}",encodeURIComponent(e)),queryParameters:{},headers:{}};return i.request(r,t)},getABTest({id:e},t){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `id` is required when calling `getABTest`.");const r={method:"GET",path:"/2/abtests/{id}".replace("{id}",encodeURIComponent(e)),queryParameters:{},headers:{}};return i.request(r,t)},listABTests({offset:e,limit:t,indexPrefix:r,indexSuffix:s}={},a=void 0){const o={};void 0!==e&&(o.offset=e.toString()),void 0!==t&&(o.limit=t.toString()),void 0!==r&&(o.indexPrefix=r.toString()),void 0!==s&&(o.indexSuffix=s.toString());const n={method:"GET",path:"/2/abtests",queryParameters:o,headers:{}};return i.request(n,a)},stopABTest({id:e},t){if(!e)throw new Error("Parameter `id` is required when calling `stopABTest`.");const r={method:"POST",path:"/2/abtests/{id}/stop".replace("{id}",encodeURIComponent(e)),queryParameters:{},headers:{}};return i.request(r,t)}}}({appId:e,apiKey:a,region:o,timeouts:{connect:1e3,read:2e3,write:3e4},requester:{send:function(e){return new Promise((t=>{const r=new XMLHttpRequest;,e.url,!0),Object.keys(e.headers).forEach((t=>r.setRequestHeader(t,e.headers[t])));const s=(e,s)=>setTimeout((()=>{r.abort(),t({status:0,content:s,isTimedOut:!0})}),e),a=s(e.connectTimeout,"Connection timeout");let o;r.onreadystatechange=()=>{r.readyState>r.OPENED&&void 0===o&&(clearTimeout(a),o=s(e.responseTimeout,"Socket timeout"))},r.onerror=()=>{0===r.status&&(clearTimeout(a),clearTimeout(o),t({content:r.responseText||"Network request failed",status:r.status,isTimedOut:!1}))},r.onload=()=>{clearTimeout(a),clearTimeout(o),t({content:r.responseText,status:r.status,isTimedOut:!1})},r.send(}))}},algoliaAgents:[{segment:"Browser"}],authMode:"WithinQueryParameters",responsesCache:s(),requestsCache:s({serializable:!1}),hostsCache:r({caches:[t({key:`${P}-${e}`}),s()]}),...n})},e.apiClientVersion=P}));

@@ -0,37 +1,24 @@

import type { ABTestConfiguration } from './aBTestConfiguration';
import type { Status } from './status';
import type { Variant } from './variant';
export type ABTest = {
* Unique A/B test ID.
* Unique A/B test identifier.
abTestID: number;
* [A/B test significance]( based on click data. A value of 0.95 or over is considered to be _significant_.
clickSignificance: number | null;
* [A/B test significance]( based on conversion. A value of 0.95 or over is considered to be _significant_.
conversionSignificance: number | null;
* [A/B test significance]( based on add-to-cart data. A value of 0.95 or over is considered to be _significant_.
addToCartSignificance: number | null;
* [A/B test significance]( based on purchase data. A value of 0.95 or over is considered to be _significant_.
purchaseSignificance: number | null;
* [A/B test significance]( based on revenue data. A value of 0.95 or over is considered to be _significant_.
revenueSignificance: Record<string, number> | null;
* Update date timestamp in [ISO-8601]( format.
* Date and time when the A/B test was last updated, in RFC 3339 format.
updatedAt: string;
* Creation date timestamp in [ISO-8601]( format.
* Date and time when the A/B test was created, in RFC 3339 format.
createdAt: string;
* End date timestamp in [ISO-8601]( format.
* End date and time of the A/B test, in RFC 3339 format.

@@ -43,11 +30,9 @@ endAt: string;

name: string;
status: Status;
* A/B test status.
* A/B test variants. The first variant is your _control_ index, typically your production index. The second variant is an index with changed settings that you want to test against the control.
status: string;
* A/B test variants.
variants: Variant[];
configuration?: ABTestConfiguration;
export type ABTestResponse = {
* A/B test index.
* Index name of the A/B test variant (case-sensitive).
index: string;
* Unique A/B test ID.
* Unique A/B test identifier.

@@ -9,0 +9,0 @@ abTestID: number;

export type AbTestsVariant = {
* A/B test index.
* Index name of the A/B test variant (case-sensitive).
index: string;
* A/B test traffic percentage.
* Percentage of search requests each variant receives.
trafficPercentage: number;
* A/B test description.
* Description for this variant.

@@ -13,0 +13,0 @@ description?: string;

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ import type { AddABTestsVariant } from './addABTestsVariant';

* End date timestamp in [ISO-8601]( format.
* End date and time of the A/B test, in RFC 3339 format.

@@ -15,0 +15,0 @@ endAt: string;

@@ -66,3 +66,3 @@ /**

* Unique A/B test ID.
* Unique A/B test identifier.

@@ -76,3 +76,3 @@ id: number;

* Unique A/B test ID.
* Unique A/B test identifier.

@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ id: number;

* Only return A/B tests for indices starting with this prefix.
* Index name prefix. Only A/B tests for indices starting with this string are included in the response.
indexPrefix?: string;
* Only return A/B tests for indices ending with this suffix.
* Index name suffix. Only A/B tests for indices ending with this string are included in the response.

@@ -108,3 +108,3 @@ indexSuffix?: string;

* Unique A/B test ID.
* Unique A/B test identifier.

@@ -111,0 +111,0 @@ id: number;

* Applies search parameters from [a restricted set of options]( Only use this parameter if the two variants use the same index.
* Search parameters to add to the test variant. Only use this parameter if the two variants use the same index.

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ export type CustomSearchParams = {

export * from './aBTest';
export * from './aBTestConfiguration';
export * from './aBTestResponse';

@@ -9,2 +10,4 @@ export * from './abTestsVariant';

export * from './customSearchParams';
export * from './effect';
export * from './emptySearch';
export * from './errorBase';

@@ -15,4 +18,7 @@ export * from './filterEffects';

export * from './listABTestsResponse';
export * from './minimumDetectableEffect';
export * from './outliers';
export * from './status';
export * from './variant';
export * from './clientMethodProps';

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ import type { ABTest } from './aBTest';

* Number of A/B tests implemented.
* Number of A/B tests.

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ count: number;

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import type { Currency } from './currency';

* Variant\'s [add-to-cart rate](
* [Add-to-cart rate]( for this variant.
addToCartRate: number | null;
* Variant\'s [average click position](
* [Average click position]( for this variant.

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ averageClickPosition: number | null;

* Variant\'s [click-through rate](
* [Click-through rate]( for this variant.

@@ -31,3 +31,3 @@ clickThroughRate: number | null;

* Variant\'s [conversion rate](
* [Conversion rate]( for this variant.

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ conversionRate: number | null;

* A/B test description.
* Description for this variant.
description: string;
* The estimated number of searches that will need to be run to achieve the desired confidence level and statistical power. A `minimumDetectableEffect` must be set in the `configuration` object for this to be used.
* Estimated number of searches required to achieve the desired statistical significance. The A/B test configuration must include a `mininmumDetectableEffect` setting for this number to be included in the response.

@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ estimatedSampleSize?: number;

* A/B test index.
* Index name of the A/B test variant (case-sensitive).
index: string;
* Number of [searches without results]( for that variant.
* Number of [searches without results]( for this variant.

@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ noResultCount: number | null;

* Variant\'s [purchase rate](
* [Purchase rate]( for this variant.
purchaseRate: number | null;
* Number of searches carried out during the A/B test.
* Number of searches for this variant.

@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ searchCount: number | null;

* A/B test traffic percentage.
* Percentage of search requests each variant receives.
trafficPercentage: number;
* Number of users during the A/B test.
* Number of users that made searches to this variant.
userCount: number | null;
* Number of users that performed a tracked search during the A/B test.
* Number of users that made tracked searches to this variant.

@@ -87,0 +87,0 @@ trackedUserCount: number | null;

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ import type { CreateClientOptions, RequestOptions } from '@algolia/client-common';

import type { ListABTestsResponse } from '../model/listABTestsResponse';
export declare const apiClientVersion = "5.0.0-alpha.111";
export declare const apiClientVersion = "5.0.0-alpha.112";
export declare const REGIONS: readonly ["de", "us"];

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ export type Region = (typeof REGIONS)[number];

* Creates an A/B test.
* Creates a new A/B test.

@@ -84,3 +84,3 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* Delete an A/B test. To determine the `id` for an A/B test, use the [`listABTests` operation](#tag/abtest/operation/listABTests).
* Deletes an A/B test by its ID.

@@ -91,3 +91,3 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* @param deleteABTest - The deleteABTest object.
* @param - Unique A/B test ID.
* @param - Unique A/B test identifier.
* @param requestOptions - The requestOptions to send along with the query, they will be merged with the transporter requestOptions.

@@ -97,3 +97,3 @@ */

* Get specific details for an A/B test. To determine the `id` for an A/B test, use the [`listABTests` operation](#tag/abtest/operation/listABTests).
* Retrieves the details for an A/B test by its ID.

@@ -104,3 +104,3 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* @param getABTest - The getABTest object.
* @param - Unique A/B test ID.
* @param - Unique A/B test identifier.
* @param requestOptions - The requestOptions to send along with the query, they will be merged with the transporter requestOptions.

@@ -110,3 +110,3 @@ */

* List all A/B tests.
* Lists all A/B tests you configured for this application.

@@ -119,4 +119,4 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* @param listABTests.limit - Number of items to return.
* @param listABTests.indexPrefix - Only return A/B tests for indices starting with this prefix.
* @param listABTests.indexSuffix - Only return A/B tests for indices ending with this suffix.
* @param listABTests.indexPrefix - Index name prefix. Only A/B tests for indices starting with this string are included in the response.
* @param listABTests.indexSuffix - Index name suffix. Only A/B tests for indices ending with this string are included in the response.
* @param requestOptions - The requestOptions to send along with the query, they will be merged with the transporter requestOptions.

@@ -126,3 +126,3 @@ */

* If stopped, the test is over and can\'t be restarted. There is now only one index, receiving 100% of all search requests. The data gathered for stopped A/B tests is retained. To determine the `id` for an A/B test, use the [`listABTests` operation](#tag/abtest/operation/listABTests).
* Stops an A/B test by its ID. You can\'t restart stopped A/B tests.

@@ -133,3 +133,3 @@ * Required API Key ACLs:

* @param stopABTest - The stopABTest object.
* @param - Unique A/B test ID.
* @param - Unique A/B test identifier.
* @param requestOptions - The requestOptions to send along with the query, they will be merged with the transporter requestOptions.

@@ -136,0 +136,0 @@ */

// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (, manual changes will be lost - read more on DO NOT EDIT.
import type { ABTestConfiguration } from './aBTestConfiguration';
import type { Status } from './status';
import type { Variant } from './variant';

@@ -7,33 +9,18 @@

* Unique A/B test ID.
* Unique A/B test identifier.
abTestID: number;
* [A/B test significance]( based on click data. A value of 0.95 or over is considered to be _significant_.
clickSignificance: number | null;
* [A/B test significance]( based on conversion. A value of 0.95 or over is considered to be _significant_.
conversionSignificance: number | null;
* [A/B test significance]( based on add-to-cart data. A value of 0.95 or over is considered to be _significant_.
addToCartSignificance: number | null;
* [A/B test significance]( based on purchase data. A value of 0.95 or over is considered to be _significant_.
purchaseSignificance: number | null;
* [A/B test significance]( based on revenue data. A value of 0.95 or over is considered to be _significant_.
revenueSignificance: Record<string, number> | null;
* Update date timestamp in [ISO-8601]( format.
* Date and time when the A/B test was last updated, in RFC 3339 format.

@@ -43,3 +30,3 @@ updatedAt: string;

* Creation date timestamp in [ISO-8601]( format.
* Date and time when the A/B test was created, in RFC 3339 format.

@@ -49,3 +36,3 @@ createdAt: string;

* End date timestamp in [ISO-8601]( format.
* End date and time of the A/B test, in RFC 3339 format.

@@ -59,11 +46,10 @@ endAt: string;

* A/B test status.
status: string;
status: Status;
* A/B test variants.
* A/B test variants. The first variant is your _control_ index, typically your production index. The second variant is an index with changed settings that you want to test against the control.
variants: Variant[];
configuration?: ABTestConfiguration;

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ // Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (, manual changes will be lost - read more on DO NOT EDIT.

* A/B test index.
* Index name of the A/B test variant (case-sensitive).

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ index: string;

* Unique A/B test ID.
* Unique A/B test identifier.

@@ -14,0 +14,0 @@ abTestID: number;

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ // Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (, manual changes will be lost - read more on DO NOT EDIT.

* A/B test index.
* Index name of the A/B test variant (case-sensitive).

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ index: string;

* A/B test traffic percentage.
* Percentage of search requests each variant receives.

@@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ trafficPercentage: number;

* A/B test description.
* Description for this variant.
description?: string;

@@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ // Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (, manual changes will be lost - read more on DO NOT EDIT.

* End date timestamp in [ISO-8601]( format.
* End date and time of the A/B test, in RFC 3339 format.
endAt: string;

@@ -72,3 +72,3 @@ // Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (, manual changes will be lost - read more on DO NOT EDIT.

* Unique A/B test ID.
* Unique A/B test identifier.

@@ -83,3 +83,3 @@ id: number;

* Unique A/B test ID.
* Unique A/B test identifier.

@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ id: number;

* Only return A/B tests for indices starting with this prefix.
* Index name prefix. Only A/B tests for indices starting with this string are included in the response.
indexPrefix?: string;
* Only return A/B tests for indices ending with this suffix.
* Index name suffix. Only A/B tests for indices ending with this string are included in the response.

@@ -117,5 +117,5 @@ indexSuffix?: string;

* Unique A/B test ID.
* Unique A/B test identifier.
id: number;
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (, manual changes will be lost - read more on DO NOT EDIT.
* Applies search parameters from [a restricted set of options]( Only use this parameter if the two variants use the same index.
* Search parameters to add to the test variant. Only use this parameter if the two variants use the same index.

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ export type CustomSearchParams = {

// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (, manual changes will be lost - read more on DO NOT EDIT.
export * from './aBTest';
export * from './aBTestConfiguration';
export * from './aBTestResponse';

@@ -11,2 +12,4 @@ export * from './abTestsVariant';

export * from './customSearchParams';
export * from './effect';
export * from './emptySearch';
export * from './errorBase';

@@ -17,3 +20,6 @@ export * from './filterEffects';

export * from './listABTestsResponse';
export * from './minimumDetectableEffect';
export * from './outliers';
export * from './status';
export * from './variant';
export * from './clientMethodProps';

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ // Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (, manual changes will be lost - read more on DO NOT EDIT.

* Number of A/B tests implemented.
* Number of A/B tests.

@@ -15,0 +15,0 @@ count: number;

@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ // Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (, manual changes will be lost - read more on DO NOT EDIT.

* Variant\'s [add-to-cart rate](
* [Add-to-cart rate]( for this variant.

@@ -19,3 +19,3 @@ addToCartRate: number | null;

* Variant\'s [average click position](
* [Average click position]( for this variant.

@@ -30,3 +30,3 @@ averageClickPosition: number | null;

* Variant\'s [click-through rate](
* [Click-through rate]( for this variant.

@@ -41,3 +41,3 @@ clickThroughRate: number | null;

* Variant\'s [conversion rate](
* [Conversion rate]( for this variant.

@@ -52,3 +52,3 @@ conversionRate: number | null;

* A/B test description.
* Description for this variant.

@@ -58,3 +58,3 @@ description: string;

* The estimated number of searches that will need to be run to achieve the desired confidence level and statistical power. A `minimumDetectableEffect` must be set in the `configuration` object for this to be used.
* Estimated number of searches required to achieve the desired statistical significance. The A/B test configuration must include a `mininmumDetectableEffect` setting for this number to be included in the response.

@@ -66,3 +66,3 @@ estimatedSampleSize?: number;

* A/B test index.
* Index name of the A/B test variant (case-sensitive).

@@ -72,3 +72,3 @@ index: string;

* Number of [searches without results]( for that variant.
* Number of [searches without results]( for this variant.

@@ -83,3 +83,3 @@ noResultCount: number | null;

* Variant\'s [purchase rate](
* [Purchase rate]( for this variant.

@@ -89,3 +89,3 @@ purchaseRate: number | null;

* Number of searches carried out during the A/B test.
* Number of searches for this variant.

@@ -100,3 +100,3 @@ searchCount: number | null;

* A/B test traffic percentage.
* Percentage of search requests each variant receives.

@@ -106,3 +106,3 @@ trafficPercentage: number;

* Number of users during the A/B test.
* Number of users that made searches to this variant.

@@ -112,5 +112,5 @@ userCount: number | null;

* Number of users that performed a tracked search during the A/B test.
* Number of users that made tracked searches to this variant.
trackedUserCount: number | null;
"name": "@algolia/client-abtesting",
"version": "5.0.0-alpha.111",
"version": "5.0.0-alpha.112",
"description": "JavaScript client for client-abtesting",

@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ "repository": "algolia/algoliasearch-client-javascript",

"dependencies": {
"@algolia/client-common": "5.0.0-alpha.112",
"@algolia/requester-browser-xhr": "5.0.0-alpha.112",
"@algolia/requester-node-http": "5.0.0-alpha.112"
"@algolia/client-common": "5.0.0-alpha.113",
"@algolia/requester-browser-xhr": "5.0.0-alpha.113",
"@algolia/requester-node-http": "5.0.0-alpha.113"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "20.12.5",
"rollup": "4.14.0",
"typescript": "5.4.4"
"@types/node": "20.12.7",
"rollup": "4.14.2",
"typescript": "5.4.5"

@@ -52,0 +52,0 @@ "engines": {

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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